Steal the sky

Chapter 817 Thunder Bag Magic

The sky is full of thunder, and there is nothing but thunder. The air is filled with electric charges that make people's skin tingle, and the other auras of the world disappear cleanly. Large arcs form tens of thousands of feet of electric screens in the air, silently twisting and floating in the air like ghosts. Countless such electric screens are densely full of sight. This is a desperate thundering hell.

Leihu is suspended in this void of tens of thousands of miles. This is his territory, which is the Leihu world he built with his huge thunder magic. There is no other aura here except for the power of Leihu, and this environment is also the [truth] real face of the origin of the Leihu family.

The body flashed quickly, bright and dark, and Lei Fei bitterly resisted the rejection of the laws of heaven in the world." But this did not prevent him from waving two huge electric currents in his hands, like two long whips, beating the White Mountain King and his party hundreds of miles ahead. For Lei Li, the current can be driven at will like its own [limb] body. The long whip condensed by two currents has been compressed into a solid body. The current cracks and the air makes a dull and loud noise, shaking the generals of the nine-star peak of the ancient heaven around the White Mountain King and the priest's eardrums of The earlobe kept dripping down.

The fingertips of the two great priests around the White Mountain King provoked. "There were more than 30 thin and light bone charms flying out, blowing into large pieces of black light to protect these generals and priests who were not strong enough. The king of the white mountain shouted, and a large piece of dark ** oozed out of his [body], forming a set of black armor as smooth as an insect shell on the surface of his body. The shape of the armor was extremely strange. There were extremely long oval armor blocks everywhere, and many sharp thorns were densely formed near the joints.

With this heavy armor, the White Mountain King looks like a human-walking ox. There are even two extremely long tentacles growing on his head. He held a heavy one-edged axe in one hand." He jumped more than ten miles high in the air, and the two axes tore the air and waved the two huge lightnings overhead.

The world of Lei Ji rejects all other auras of heaven and earth, and only the power of Lei Ji exists. However, for Hongmeng Pangu Tianjing, a master who practices human forging skills like the White Mountain King, his demand for external aura is almost zero. Relying on his strong physical strength, he can fight against any strong enemy, including these two lightning bolts overhead.

The short axe and the heavy impact of lightning, the strong light enveloped the whole world, and the huge roar blew the priests and generals behind the King of White Mountain backwards. The White Mountain King's body spewed countless electric lights with thumbs as thick as dozens of miles. The horrible thunder bombarded his armor and burned his armor. The armor turned into ashes layer by layer, but more black liquid juice gushed out of the White Mountain King [body] and constantly condensed into a new armor tissue.

The king of Baishan roared up to the sky, and a dazzling electric light spewed out of his mouth. Lei's thunder has blown into his body and rushed into his internal organs. However, the White Mountain King is one of the most powerful dozen deliberative princes of Dayu, and his cultivation is also extremely terrible. His internal organs have long been refined as bright and tough as purple crystal, and the thunder is stirring in his internal organs. He only slightly shook his internal organs and was spit out of his body.

"Thunder!" The King of Baishan stared at Lei Yu and roared, "I've heard of your name! He is said to be the most domineering of the many demons in the foreign countries, and he is the vanguard general of your thunder demon family! Hahaha, over the years, in order to seize the blood sacrifices of the Pangu mainland, you have contacted many rich families in Dayu! But they can't satisfy your appetite. What did Tan Lang impress you with?" Lei Li took back two electric whips, and he lightly compared a finger: "The little guy has just begun to sacrifice the flesh and blood of the fairy, which makes me very happy, so he promised me as long as he gives me enough sacrifices." I will be their family. The worship of the ancestral god. Originally, I thought it would take him at least thousands of years to collect the sacrifices he needed. "Who knew that he actually sacrificed the flesh, blood and soul of all the creatures of the whole planet?"

With a strange smile, Lei Yu shook his head and said, "Thousands of billions of creatures" are not only human beings, but also a large number of demon practitioners and human monks, as well as countless insects, fish, birds and beasts, too many "uncountable creatures! With so many rich families in Dayu, you "occasionally secretly sacrifice blood once", that is, slaughtering hundreds of thousands of living creatures for sacrifices. How can it be compared with his handwriting?

The scalp of the King of White Mountain and the many priests behind him were numb, and he felt that his hair stood up all over. Don't beg all the creatures of a planet to sacrifice? No wonder he can summon a fierce god like Lei Fu to come with his body! The White Mountain King can attract the true body of Guiyou, which is also what he exchanged for the life of the loyal subordinates of the Pangu Heaven with more than 20,000 yuan. Guiyou has enjoyed the worship of the White Mountain King for generations, and the deep friendship with the White Mountain King is so difficult to come in person.

But don't beg? He just called softly, and Lei Jin came to this world!

"All the creatures of a foreign planet!" The White Mountain King's eyes were red. He rushed to Lei Fu angrily." The two short axes aimed at Lei Fu's forehead and split down: "This bastard, he dares to disobey the emperor's prohibition * him."

The White Mountain King wanted to accuse him of begging with the most harsh words, but his accusation was very weak. He has done a lot of things such as sacrifice of flesh and blood. If he disobeyed the emperor's ban, he did a lot of things more shady than not begging. Because he can't blame Don't beg to occupy the moral commanding heights. "The King of White Mountain became more and more angry." He tried his best to hit Lei Yu.

The two short axes suddenly exploded when they were dozens of feet away from Lei Ji's head. Lei Ji's hand had a strange and quiet trident. The twisted halberd was composed of black Lei Ji, and the thunder light condensed into a crystal-like material. It can be faintly visible that an extremely long spine of about hundreds of unknown creatures In the handle, each spine bone is covered with countless runes, shining with dazzling light.

The short axe in the hand of the White Mountain King is obviously far less than this long halberd. Lei Fei lightly stabbed a halberd and swung on the short axe of the White Mountain King. The two short axes were immediately blown to pieces. The White Mountain King snorted, "A large piece of fine thunderbolt exploded on his fingers," and the skin of one of his fingers was burned to a small piece." A little blood oozed from under the skin and kept dripping.

Lei Wei smiled. As soon as he smiled and wrapped his whole body, the thunder clouds rolled violently, and a large amount of thunder kept spewing out of the dark clouds. He roared at the White Mountain King with a smile, "Do you really want to work hard? The little guy just wants me to pester you, hey hey, "You don't have to work so hard, do you?"

The white mountain king's eyes turned." He was about to speak when the thunder spring suddenly roared, and a halberd stabbed the heart of the white mountain king. He shouted harshly, "But for the flesh, blood and soul of the three Taiyi golden fairies, I also have to work hard!"

The halberd cracked like an electric light, and the terrible thunder tens of feet away from the king's chest of Baishan was excited in front of the king's chest of Baishan. A large amount of plasma ejected out, and the armor on the king of Baishan's chest was suddenly burned into a huge hole. The White Mountain King cursed angrily, and he actually turned around and left. He gave up his desperate thoughts with Lei Wei.

With the cultivation of the King of Baishan, if he wants to escape three or five thunderbolts, he can't keep him. After all, when he reaches the realm of Taiyi, "unless it is more than ten times the number of people", even if he has an overwhelming strength advantage, it is difficult to really hit a Taiyi. The White Mountain King turned around and ran away regardless of his face. The halberd wiped his body, picked up half of his armor into pieces, and exploded into countless firelight in the plasma. But the halberd just tore a small gap behind the White Mountain King and turned his skin into coke.

Lei Ji shouted angrily, "Damn" you actually escaped!" With a flash of his body, Lei Ji appeared straight in front of the King of White Mountain." Another halberd stabbed him. The White Mountain King still didn't fight with Lei Ji. He just sneered and continued to run away. This is the world composed of Lei Li's thunder magic. Lei Li has the power of dominance in this small world. He can appear anywhere with his will and attack the enemy by any means.

But the White Mountain King is like an oiled loach. No matter how Lei Fu stabbed him, he just fled with all his mind. Several times Lei Zhi almost tied him into a meat skewer, but every time he failed to stab him to death.

In just a breath, Lei Li and the King of Baishan have fought with hundreds of faces. The King of Baishan has fled with one heart. The two of them rolled up a large virtual shadow in the sky. It looks extremely lively but it doesn't have much effect.

Following the White Mountain King and being trapped by Lei Wei into this world, the two great priests took advantage of the opportunity of the White Mountain King and Lei Wei to arrange nine altars made of white bones with the help of more than a dozen war generals and priests. These altars use people's spine bones and leg bones to form a base, and people's heads to form the main body of the altar. On each altar, there are lanterns made of skulls of three babies floating. It is full of phosphorus fire extracted from years of rotted corpses. The green light of evil spewed out of the seven orifices of Green.

After the successful arrangement of the nine altars, the generals and priests who helped the two high priests of Tongtian take off their clothes one after another. The three of them stood in groups in front of the altar. They took out the black fire stop, the sacrificial knife forged from the rock, and systematically wiped a knife on their forehead, as if they didn't notice any pain and striped off their skin completely. Then they were neatly rowed like a cow, broke their stomachs, took out their own internal organs one by one, and put them neatly on the altar.

The evil spirit goes straight to the sky. Although all the aura of heaven and earth is forbidden by thunder, this kind of evil spell does not need to mobilize the aura of heaven and earth.

The two high priests cut their left wrists, and the pale green juice kept flowing from the blood vessels. They recited the mantra in a low voice. "Ty-seven complete human skins suddenly made a sharp roar." They stood up, turned into evil spirits such as miserable green ghosts, and flew to the thunder.

Lei Fu, who was chasing and killing the White Mountain King, was firmly attached to his body by these people's skin.