Steal the sky

Chapter 818 The Shape of the cattle

Raymond was trying his best to hunt down the White Mountain King, but he was accidentally banned by the vicious prohibition of the two Tongtian high priests beside the White Mountain King. But Don't Beg has reached a critical juncture with Guiyou, and Guiyou has been desperate.

In the world transformed by the stele of heaven and earth, don't beg the Buddha to sit cross-in. The huge palms form a lotus seal to firmly suppress the ghost, and no matter how he conflicts in the palm of his hand, he can't rush out. Today, the great light cultivated by the Buddha, the Buddha, is not bad. How powerful is the Bodhisang Sutra. Don't beg for the reincarnation of reincarnation. The lotus hu seal has formed a specific and subtle six-way reincarnation. The six black-and-white light rotated once, and the ghost spirit was recorded Within the [body].

Guiyou's cultivation is at least a hundred times stronger than that of not begging, but the Buddha's magic power just restrains Guiyou and weakens him a hundred times out of thin air. Don't beg. There are eighteen bloody demon gods to help. The extremely filthy sea of ghost blood is attached to the ghost. This is the most filthy and dirtiest thing in the world that even the ghost can't get rid of. The ghost's ghost body is polluted by the sea of blood, and the cultivation can only be used for less

What makes Guiyou more desperate is that the eighteen blood demon gods have stepped into the realm of Taiyi, and what is lacking is only a little mana cultivation. But now the ghost is sent to the door and plundered by the blood demon god attached to his body, and his cultivation is sucked away like the tide, and the cultivation of the blood demon god has advanced by leaps and bounds, which is faintly the same as not begging.

This is equivalent to 19 Taiyi teaming up to beat him alone! And it is the right path of Buddhism and the road of the sea of blood, which suppresses the ghost to cry without tears. If you really want to die, don't beg in the palm of your hand.

Don't beg to sit in the void, and a large area of golden lotus ejected out of his mouth from time to time. The truths of Buddhism he recited turned into golden characters and circling in the air, releasing infinite light in the void into a golden torrent. Don't beg for the six black and white lights in the palm of your hand. Every time you rotate, Guiyou will reincarnate once in the miniature six reincarnations. The joys, angers, sorrows, wealth and despicableness and all kinds of chaos of the world keep bombarded into his soul, making his spiritual intelligence gradually gray, Several times, the ghost roared and struggled to wave his long-handled sickle to split the palm of the begler, but Princess Bile stood on the thumb of the beggar to monitor the ghost. Whenever Guiyou tried his best to wave a blow, the golden body of the disaster god above Princess Bule's head immediately released a gray magic power to shine around the ghost. Guiyou suddenly fell ill and almost cut off her head several times.

Gradually, the palm seal of Don't beg has changed from the lotus hu seal to the reincarnation seal. Once the reincarnation seal is achieved, the six reincarnation of the don't begging palm will really take shape. At that time, let him have supreme power, and he will also be thrown into the reincar

Even if there is supreme mana but the intelligence is destroyed, Guiyou can only let it beg not to rub the circle and flatten it, and there is no resistance at all.

The ghost looked up to the sky in despair. He set off a huge ghost spirit and wanted to use all kinds of vicious forbidden laws of the ghosts and demons to attack. Don't beg, but the golden Buddha's light shines on the sky. Don't beg for eighteen white life relic suspended above the ghost's head. As soon as The magic power of Buddhism is the nemesis of all evil spirits and ghosts. This is innate restraint ghosts, which is really unthinkable.

When the last trace of wisdom was about to be worn out, Guiyou let out a shocking hisss. He cracked the spirit of the sky, and a black ghost elixir wrapped in a large area of green dry liquid rushed to the sky. This was the ghost's original elixir. He wanted to fight with Don't A ferocious and ugly ghost face flashed in the ghost elixir, and the ghost elixir suddenly swelled to Li Xu Fangyuan, and the ghost spirit collected by the ghost ghost was about to explode.

Don't beg your eyes to spit out a large piece of Buddha flame golden lotus, turned into dozens of golden chains and locked firmly on this ghost elixir. The ghost elixir that was about to explode suddenly stagnated. Don't beg for the palms to close. Eighteen bloody magic shadows on Guiyou's body rushed into Guiyou's body, and directly began to devour the most deadly original ghost spirit in the ghost.

Princess Bule smiled gently, and she flew up lightly. The golden bodies of the three ancient gods behind her swelled to a thousand feet high, sprinkling a large amount of dazzling divine light rain. Her hands quickly changed the secrets of the ancient divine text, imprisonment,,, [town] pressure,,, purification,,, transcendence, and so on the divine text fell like raindrops, constantly imprinted on the dark ghost elixir. Gui Dan's ferocious face twisted and struggled crazily, but in the face of the divine text sent out by Princess Bule with all her strength, the expression of the grimace gradually became soft and docile, and the ferocious face gradually turned into a man's face that looked quite handsome.

Don't beg to point at the ghost elixir. He shouted in a low voice, "I've sent you to that reincarnation in my life, and I'll be a new person in the next life!"

A Buddhist Zen force bombarded into the ghost elixir, and the face suddenly released a large area of umbrella light and then disappeared without a trace. Don't beg for a long smile and swallow the original Xuandan, which gathered 90% of the power of the ghost. Vientiane Guiyuan Dafa ran at full speed and the infinite chaotic aura flew up and gradually melted this ghost elixir with great power.

The ghost who was pressed in the palm of [Town] shouted in despair and shock: "How can it be? You are the body of the human race, but you can practice Buddhist Zen, and you can also devour the ghost spirit of my life! What kind of monster are you? You, you..." Don't snorted coldly, with one stroke of his hands, the six bloody swords roared up, and the bloody swords chopped on the ghost's neck bone, cutting off his huge head with three sharp horns. Grab the ghost's body and don't beg and swallow it into your stomach. Eighteen bloody magic shadows rushed into the ghost's head with a smile and swallowed his soul cleanly.

I had a hiccup with a little bit of support. Don't beg. Don't beg. I stroked my stomach a little uncomfortable and said with a wry smile, "I'm full... Well, I'm so full. This is the peak cultivation of Bapin Taiyi. Unfortunately, it's a pity. Why is he a ghost? It just met us!" Princess Bu Le smiled proudly and kissed him gently while coming to Don't beg for a huge face. Don't beg for the supreme magical skills of Buddhism. Princess Pule is proficient in all the ancient methods of driving ghosts. The couple work together to do ghosts. As ghosts, they are ghosts and natural tragedies. If it were Raymond, the Buddha's magic power of Don't begging would have no deterrent to him. With Lei Dou's cultivation, it is absolutely impossible for Don't begging to defeat him.

For a few breaths, Guiyou's head has been sucked clean, leaving a ghost's soul brand with weakness floating in the empty skull. Don't beg grabbed the imprint of his soul with one hand, turned his body into a human shape again, and strode out of the world composed of the Wanxiang Monument of heaven and earth with the small waist of Princess Bu Le in his arms. Two bloody demons carried the huge head with a diameter of 100 feet, and then came out without begging.

Ao Bu Zun and others are still waiting in that palace. Don't beg for a pinch. Eight days have passed since the outside world, and Lei Fu will be expelled from the world by the law of Heaven in only two days. And in order to refine the ghost, he has actually stayed in the Tiandi Vientiane Monument for more than a day for more than 40 years, but in the perception of him and Princess Bule, time is just a short moment!

Don't beg. He even feels that he has only breathed a few times. Guiyou has been suppressed by him. It has been more than 40 years.

Seeing Princess Begging and Bu Le stepping out of the void, Ao Buji's party hurriedly greeted them. Don't beg looked up at the hundreds of square meters of plasma thunder cloud suspended above everyone's heads, and the leader smiled and said, "Lei Fu is really awesome. Thanks to me for giving him so many benefits and promising him so much!" Clams, 9 clams!" The clam with a big catfish's head strode up, tilted his head and spit and asked Bu beggai, "What do you want me to do?" Don't beg grabbed the ghost's soul brand and threw it to the clam. He smiled and said, "Eate him or do anything about him With a sharp roar, he roared hoarsely, "If you dare to kill me, the demons...


Before the ghost's threatening words were finished, the clam neatly grabbed the ghost's soul brand and threw it into his mouth. "Kak, click, chewed twice and swallowed it. A large piece of sticky black flame suddenly surged around the clam, and the rolling waves spewed out from her feet and quickly spread around. Seeing that the clam was about to raise the flood, the Holy Spirit hurriedly grabbed the void and firmly imprisoned the water waves raised by the clam within a hundred miles.

Ghost You is the demon god who invaded this world from the outside world, and he was already the focus of attention from the heavenly way. He has been worshipped by the king of Baishan for generations, and he does not know how many blood sacrifices are sacrifices given to him first every year. He has devoured the flesh and blood souls of countless mortals, so his killing is tens of millions of times heavier than clams. Don't beg to take time for the cultivation of Guiyou. Of course, it has a lot of merits, but the soul imprint of * devouring ghosts has completely eliminated Guiyou, and this merit is unparalleled.

In contrast, the merits of the ten immortals are not as many as the merits obtained by the ten immortals today.

The vast purple clouds swept from all directions, the mysterious yellow gas turned into a downpour of rain roaring down, and the virtues of heaven turned into a visible spiritual flood of the naked eye, 20% of them were integrated into the body of the don't begging and the body of the eighteen blood demon gods, and one of them belonged to Princess Beile .

The body of the clam wolf suddenly swelled to a hundred feet high. She spewed out the black, sticky and smelly fire of karma all over her body. The virtues of heaven and the mysterious yellow spirit continued to integrate into the body of the dragonfly. The karmic fire she spewed gradually faded. After about a The golden light of merit slowly emerged behind her mind.

The ground was full of fragrance, and the body of the giant wolf cracked countless huge blood mouths. The black blood spewed out like a spring water, and the large pieces of fish gradually fell off her body. The flesh and blood that fell to the ground turned into fishy and smelly filthy plasma, and a very faint fragrance of amingale gradually rippled slowly from the depths of the clam's body.

The power of merit keeps falling, the body of the clam is gradually covered by the strong golden light, and a small figure gradually condenses into form in the golden light.

At the same time, the huge pressure of a vast soup gradually gushed out of the golden light. With the help of merit, the clam actually stepped into the threshold smoothly.

In the high air, the terrible thunderstorm gradually converged to this side. The thunderstorm of the clam is coming!