Steal the sky

Chapter 830 Take the initiative

Chapter 830 Take the initiative to ask for it (fourth update)

Don't beg and other Yu ministers turned their heads curiously and looked at the main door of the hall. The Ziwei spirit of the heavenly court responded to the great prince of the great emperor. According to the setting of the great powers who established the heavenly court in those years, he is really a person above ten thousand people between heaven and earth, and he is a

His identity is so noble and special that he came directly to Liangzhu from thirty-three days, and the minister of Dayu could only obediently enter the hall to pass on his arrival to the emperor.

Emperor Hao was silent for a while, and the stars in his eyes flashed for a long time. Then he slowly raised his hand and said in a low voice, "Xuan!"

Don't beg for a blink of an eye. Emperor Hao was talking about the word 'Xuan', which is to put himself in the position of the lord and regard the great prince of heaven as a minister, so he announced him to enter the temple to see him. The word 'Xuan' well reflects the current mentality of Emperor Haozun - if the great prince of heaven dares to make trouble, Emperor Haozun will never mind giving him a painful lesson.

Don't even feel the abnormal fluctuation of the power of the stars and the aura of the veins in the hall. There seemed to be a super nuclear bomb brewing in Haozun Emperor's body, and a terrible smell that made people's scalp tingle faintly came from Haozun Emperor. Ji Ao, who had just been kowtowed to Xie En, had stood up and returned to Begging. He lowered his voice and muttered in a low voice, "Prince Tianting came to the door. There is absolutely nothing good!"

Don't beg for a deep nod. How can there be a good thing when the eldest prince of heaven comes to the door?

After a while, the footsteps sounded, and several ministers of Dayu led a handsome young man in a purple dragon robe into the hall. The young man wore a purple gold double dragon crown, wore a purple brocade dragon robe, stepped on the purple clouds in the sky boots, and had a purple jade belt tied around his waist. There was a group of Ganoderma lucidum-shaped purple clouds circling and flying behind him. In the purple clouds, there were two handles shaped like a curved moon. The

The purple gas comes from the east, which is indescribable. The young man's big and bright eyes are also filled with a deep and mysterious purple light. The brilliance flashes between his eyes, and the invisible noble spirit comes to his face. It is extremely difficult for an uncertain person to straighten his waist in front of his breath.

But don't beg just to laugh, what an extraordinary variety of purple eggplant. Purple gas is of course an extremely noble color. Even the immortal power of Taiyi Jinxian will be transformed into a strong purple spirit to the peak, but you don't have to make your whole body full of deep purple in order to reflect your dignity and extraordinary, do you?

"What a kind of eggplant melon!" Don't beg and laugh a few times. Princess Le and Ji Ao beside them heard Don't beg like this. The more they looked at it, the more they felt that the great prince of the heavenly court, Bo Wangjun, was no different from a purple eggplant, and they couldn't help smiling. Ji Ao could restrain a little and just squeezed her mouth and smiled, while Princess Pule laughed directly, and her eyes narrowed like a crescent moon.

Which of the great Yu in the hall, whether it is the great Yu king or the great prince of the heavenly court, which one is not a person with profound and smart cultivation? Don't beg's evaluation of Bo Wangjun was invited clearly by everyone, and the laughter of Princess Le was particularly abrupt in the quiet hall.

The king and minister of Dayu smiled with understanding. Bo Wangjun, who was originally reserved and arrogant, looked blue and purple, more and more like a big eggplant. He angrily stared at Bu Begging and glanced at Princess Le by the way. It's just that don't begging. He saw that Don't begging was just an ordinary minister, but he didn't react. Only when he saw Princess Le, his eyes suddenly lit up, and his pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a needle.

Don't frown. He snorted coldly and stared at Bo Wangjun unabashedly.

Bo Wangjun did not hide his greed for Princess Po Le. He glanced at Princess Po Le like a substantial look. He looked contemptuously at Don't beg, and turned his head carelessly at Emperor Hao Zun: "Xiao Wang has seen the emperor!" Bo Wangjun did not salute Emperor Haozun, but nodded faintly.

Emperor Hao Zun raised his hand with a smile: "Come on, 'give' a seat!"

The word "give" was bitten by Haozunhuang to make the syllable particularly clear. Several well-prepared ministers hurriedly moved out a heavy black stone chair and gently placed it under the high platform where Haozun's throne was located. These ministers deliberately put the chair very close to the high platform. If Bo Wangjun sits on this chair, if he wants to talk to Emperor Haozun, he must raise his neck nearly 90 degrees.

Looking at the big chair that was deliberately placed in that awkward position, Bo Wangjun smiled indifferently and waved his hand lightly. A golden chair made of various rare materials and covered with beautiful cushions appeared beside him. Sitting slowly on the throne carved with ninety-nine flying dragons, Bo Wangjun smiled faintly and said, "Thank you for your seat!"

Emperor Hao Zun smiled. He took a look at the empty black stone chair and said faintly, "Dayu Qing's bitterness is not as good as the heavenly court to enjoy. I don't know what the prince is doing this time... Well, just tell the truth. Liangzhu has killed a lot of people recently, and he really doesn't have the heart to talk too much with the prince!"

As today's emperor, it is extremely serious to say that Bo Wangjun's wrong word may cause huge contradictions.

It seemed that he didn't expect that Emperor Haozun would not give himself face like this. Bowangjun frowned and looked at Emperor Haozun several times, so he said gently, "Xiao Wang came here for the sake of Liangzhu these days. I don't know why Dayu made such a big mess in Liangzhu this time. Our heavenly court attaches great importance to this matter. The human race is...

Before Bo Wangjun finished his long speech, Emperor Hao Zun had tapped the handrail of the throne, and a dull loud noise blocked all Bo Wangjun's unfinished words in his throat. Emperor Haozun looked at Bo Wangjun coldly and sneered, "What's the matter of Liangzhu in your heavenly court?"

Bo Wangjun said in a low voice, "The human race is the foundation of my immortals!"

Emperor Haozun said coldly, "There are no immortals in Liangzhu!"

Bo Wangjun smiled and said, "Your Majesty can really laugh. The heavenly court also learned recently that several unfortunate fallen immortals were reincarnated in Liangzhu."

Emperor Haozun's eyes were even colder. He said indifferently, "Since they unfortunately fell into reincarnation, they are re-humanized. What does the heavenly court still think about them?"

Bowangjun took a deep breath, stood up and said in a low voice, "One day, for my heavenly courtiers, even if they fall and are reincarnated, my heavenly court naturally has the responsibility to lead them back to the heavenly court and help them practice and re-enter the immortals!"

Don't give Emperor Haozun a chance to speak, Bo Wangjun said quickly, "Your Majesty, please have mercy on me and hand over the great immortals who have reincarnated in my heavenly court with Xiao Wang!"

In the dead silence in the hall, Emperor Hao raised his head and squinted at the ceiling of the hall. After a long time, he sighed quietly: "You... Do you want to die? Bowangjun, if I kill you today, will the heavenly court start a full-scale war with me for you?

Bo Wangjun opened his mouth wide, and he was stiff in place for a long time and could not speak.

The king of Yangshan sneered and said, "Which one of the heavenly emperors in the heavenly court or the five imperial emperors is not a group of wives and concubines, and which one does not have a hundred and eighty princes? There are still more than a hundred people to kill one. I'm afraid that the Great Heavenly Emperor is not so incompetent for a war with a son who is not tight.

The king of Yangshan said a word, and the whole hall of literature and martial arts laughed in unison. What's more, some of the Yu generals, who have been trained so that their brains have been turned into muscles, held the weapon with a strange smile, and waited for Bo Wangjun to be killed on the spot with a knife. Anyway, Emperor Haozun said so. Even if he killed Bo Wangjun, what happened?

It's okay that Bowangjun didn't come. Since he came and said such a thing, it can definitely prove that the rebellious families of Liangzhu have something to do with the heavenly court. Although the confession held by Dayu can show that everything is related to the heavenly court, Bo Wangjun came here in person, which is to send the proof directly to Dayu.

Hundreds of thousands of people laughed together, and half of them were full of vitality, as if hundreds of thousands of thunderbolts broke out at the same time, shaking the ancient hall. Bo Wangjun's face changed for a while. He suddenly sighed a long sigh and bowed to Emperor Haozun and said, "Xiao Wang knows his sins, and please forgive me. Since those fallen immortals have been reincarnated as human beings, they are the people of your majesty. Their life and death are naturally manipulated between your majesty's thoughts. I really have no way to put my way!"

Emperor Haozun looked at Bo Wangjun coldly. He shouted in a low voice, "It's good to know... Those reincarnated immortals and Bodhisattvas all deserve to die, so they are dead, and there is no chance to be reincarnated. Go back and tell your father that no matter what they want to do, Dayu will take it!"

Holding his fists tightly, Emperor Haozun gritted his teeth and said, "No matter what you want to do, step over our corpses!"

A tragic murderous spirit gushed out from the body of Emperor Haozun. The ministers in the hall, including Princess Beqi and Princess Pangle, changed their color, and everyone shouted loudly. For a moment, the murderous spirit was like a mountain, and the murderous intention of hundreds of thousands of people burst into Bowangjun, making his face turn red. There was a strange cracking sound in his body, and his internal organs were seriously injured by this tragic murderous atmosphere.

Hundreds of thousands of people and ministers of Dayu are gathered with murderous intentions. Even people like Buddha Mito dare not resist head-on, not to mention Bowangjun?

Bo Wangjun looked at Hao Zunhuang in amazment. He took a deep breath, slowly exhaled a long breath, and said lightly, "In that case, Xiao Wang understands... There is one more thing this time. Xiao Wang wants to meet our special envoy of the heavenly court, Liu Bang, the king of Han. This is my personal matter in heaven. I don't know if it's convenient for your majesty!"

Emperor Haozun stared at Bo Wangjun for a long time. He slowly raised his right hand and said lightly, "Liu Bang is your courtier of heaven. It's natural for Bowangjun to see him. Go, go, after seeing you, please ask Bo Wangjun to leave Youxiongyuan as soon as possible. You heavenly people are not welcome here!"

After this scene, Emperor Haozun ordered the killing of so many rich families who betrayed Dayu. Dayu had torn his face with the heavenly court and Buddhism, and there was no point in saying anything about the beautiful scene, so Emperor Haozun was not polite to Bo Wangjun at all.

Bowang gave a deep salute to Emperor Haozun and strode out of the hall that made him extremely uneasy.

Emperor Haozun looked at Bo Wangjun's back and said in a low voice, "I want to know what he said to Liu Bang! Who can do it?"

Don't beg to meditate for a moment, take Princess Le's hand and strode out. RO