Steal the sky

The problem of Chapter 828!

Turn around and pout again...

He doesn't blame Shi Xiaoming for having such an idea, but he never wants to see such a thing happen.

Still silent, Qingxue made an amazing move and took out bamboo strips from behind the door: "I'm sorry, Qingxue is wrong again... You... hit me!"

The body in his arms was trembling, stroking Qingxue's hair. Mo Ming's heart was sour: "Silly girl, don't worry, no one can take you away. We will always be together." When I said this, I kept looking at Shi Xiaoming.

Mo Ming's face was already like a cold ice, and his heart couldn't help sinking. Shi Xiaoming's attitude strengthened his understanding. Qingxue was known by the world that there was no doubt that she would be imprisoned in the laboratory and carried out all kinds of experiments. His body was full of catheters, instruments, and even sliced for research

Shi Xiaoming's words were stuffed, and his eyes behind the glasses frame were already staring like walnuts, like an alien. Mo Ming was worried that his eyes would be broken.

"Say it!"

"Mo Ming, do you remember me?"

He already knew the news of Mo Ming's amnesia and a fool. When we meet again today, I can't help sighing.

Mo Ming smiled and felt that there was no need to care about this problem.

A shadow came out of the room shyly, with a red tide on his face and half covering his face.

"Have you ever thought about it? Once the matter of light snow is discovered and the peaceful life is destroyed, what will happen to her? Will it be locked up as a white mouse or even dissected alive? What would she think? She is a living person, an innocent person with life, and--"

This is the first time that Qingxue has been so unrestrained in front of outsiders.

That night, Mo Ming and Shi Xiaoming talked while drinking until late at night. From the first day of Qingxue's arrival, including all his experiences, Shi Xiaoming was surprised. Qingxue had been hiding in the room. Occasionally, he came out to cook for the two people, add wine, and made Shi Xiaoming sigh with emotion. "Final Mo Ming, you're right. I sincerely wish you and Qingxue happiness. Qingxue... is indeed much better than Xiaoyun!"

A bear hug: "Good boy, where did you die? You... You're finally back!"

It seems that there are many things to say, and there are many things to explain, which are the same for Mo Ming and Shi Xiaoming.

"I'll tell you the specific situation later. Don't be surprised. Now let's sit down and say it slowly. Don't scream!" Mo Ming pressed his old classmate on the sofa and shouted to the room, "Light snow, come out!"

Silence, it's really hard to answer. Early love is very harmful. Not to mention the decline in grades, the sequelae until today, Mo Ming meditated about how to say to Qingxue. He doesn't want Qingxue to be sad.

"My father-in-law, Qingxue has always wanted to ask you..." The woman hesitated, stopped talking, worried and afraid, but this question did not make Qingxue's heart sleep all night.

Shi Xiaoming was stunned: "How long have you been here? Did you hear what we said?

"If you know that this girl is gentle and kind, has saved your life several times, her blood is flowing in your body, and she still accompanies you like an angel, takes care of you, cares about you, and is willing to do everything for you, will you still think so?"


Shi Xiaoming sighed for a long time.

Mo Ming nodded. He already had an idea and was ready to make some money first, and this opportunity has come, that is, the billiards tournament.

It turned out that after receiving Mo Ming's package, he followed the archaeological team to the excavation site of the ancient tomb of the Tang Dynasty found in the deep mountains. It took more than half a year. After coming back, he studied the things sent by Mo Ming. He was shocked by the conclusion and came immediately.

"Little... Who is Xiao Yun?" The woman blushed brightly, and finally struggled to squeeze out the question. She bowed her head, as if she had made a major mistake, and her heart was sad: "Do he still think of her?" I was so nervous that I couldn't help crying again.

The brilliant prospect made Shi Xiaoming talk endlessly and incoherently excited. He used a lot of comparisons, just like a poet.

A concept that has nothing to do with scientific research comes up: "Are you... in love with her? Are you... in love?" The shape of Shi Xiaoming's animated cat is very funny with this line.

Continue to be silent.

His behavior is not like a legendary fool at all. He was almost out of breath by Mo Ming's hug. Shi Xiaoming pushed his glasses: " gentle, the hell is going on?"

Shi Xiaoming finally noticed Mo Ming's abnormality and said sadly, "What, are you... not interested?" Mo Ming's performance was very strange. Shi Xiaoming always knew that his IQ was relatively low, but today Mo Ming was silent and Zhizhu was holding, which confused Shi Xiaoming.

Mo Ming hesitated even more. Qingxue's face was ugly. She had always been a sentimental little girl. What should I tell her?


"My father-in-law!" The woman rushed to the man's arms, and tears instantly wet her clothes.

Black glasses, chubby round face, the whole shape is like an animated cat, which is Shi Xiaoming, an old classmate who has disappeared for a long time and overdeveloped his brain.

Moming paused for a long time: "She is also my sister!"

Mo Ming shook his head and said slowly, "Xiaoming, do you think she is an object, an object that can be studied? But have you ever thought about it? She is also a person with flesh and blood, a person who can dance, a simple girl, and... in this world... alone.

The father-in-law's face is very bad. Is he angry? Qingxue was so nervous that her face turned pale. Jealousy is not a good character, which will greatly reduce the impression in the father-in-law's heart.


Mo Ming was very serious, but did not answer directly: "It turned out that I have been confused about the origin of Qingxue, and I even felt that she was mentally abnormal and annoyed..."

Mo Ming grabbed her, stopped the classic action, and pulled her into his arms: "Silly girl... What a fool!"

"Old classmate, but if I were you, I'd better find a place that no one knows, go away with Qingxue, and hide quietly."

A shadow leaned against the door, and the wine and vegetables in his hand fell to the ground with a bang. His clear eyes seemed to look into the hearts of the two men.

"But, Mo Ming, have you ever thought about it? Qingxue is a great discovery. We let miracles slip away like this. It's a crime!" Shi Xiaoming is still unwilling.

The classical posture made the young man who loved cultural relics a little stunned, as if he saw a shocking treasure in the ancient tomb. Qingxue walked out for a long time, and Shi Xiaoming still stared at the direction she went out: "Is that her? Is that the girl you mentioned in your letter? Tut-ttt... It's really extraordinary! Miracle, miracle!"

Open the door angrily, and only half of the disguised silly smile disappeared.

This is Mo Ming's best childhood partner. He can say anything about him. At this time, the appearance of this person can be said to be a long drought, and the psychological burden has been in his heart for a long time. Mo Ming feels that he is about to get sick.

The woman nodded and smiled at Shi Xiaoming and bowed her head!

The light snow was like an amnesty. He glanced at Mo Ming shyly and left quickly in broken steps.

Mo Ming suddenly stopped and looked behind Shi Xiaoming.

The normal etiquette of the world was embarrassed. Qingxue just smiled politely and bowed her head and was ashamed.

Mo Ming was speechless and hated the sky. At the critical moment, the arrow from the string was pulled back abruptly.

Shi Xiaoming was stunned. He knew that Mo Ming had a younger sister when he was a child. Later, he died. Mo Ming in primary school has been depressed. Today's light snow is undoubtedly the resurrection of that lovely girl.

Shi Xiaoming was so excited that he almost ran away.

"Light snow, go out to buy some vegetables and buy two bottles of good wine. Xiaoming and I will have a drink." It seems that the old classmates didn't know the shyness of Qingxue, and he didn't know that there was an extinct "don't look at it" in the little brain. Mo Ming quickly relieved the siege.

"What's the matter, light snow?"

"No, we must not let this happen!"

"Mo Ming, you have a priceless treasure, a valuable treasure. I suggest that you should use a safe to install her to avoid being stolen by others, hehe."

"Light snow..."

(Welcome to join the book group 65964208, thank you for the reward of Bai S520, shame, thank you for recommending and collecting)

"Shh... Don't let Qingxue hear it!" Mo Ming raised his glass awkwardly and blocked Shi Xiaoming's big mouth with wine.

Shi Xiaoming: "This..."

Looking at Shi Xiaoming's departure, Mo Ming turned around. Qing Xue followed him all the time. He bowed his head and grieved, and his lips pouted high.

There was sadness in Mo Ming's words. He felt more and more that a hidden crisis was coming step by step. The state of not causing it was coming to an end, and life would rise again.

He paused for a long time with a happy smile on his face: "...It doesn't matter now. Who is she? How did you come to this world? Why? I don't want to know at all. I just want to be around and make her happy. I don't want her to be disturbed and hurt..."

Shi Xiaoming continued excitedly: "The textiles you sent have a history of thousands of years after testing and carbon fourteen determination, and the substances contained in the hair are surprising. The mysterious substances contained in them cannot be found on the earth. She has almost perfect genes. It can be said that Qingxue is a perfect woman, which is not only In terms of her appearance.

Gently put the light snow on the ground, and the woman's loose hair covered her expression. She was extremely shy and ran into the inner room with her head down.

When Shi Xiaoming left, he told Mo Ming, "According to my professional vision, although the dagger is an antique, it is by no means an ordinary forging process. It is like the product of laser technology. Is there such an advanced process in ancient times?"

It's like a ray of sunlight flashing from the glasses. Shi Xiaoming was a little dazzled. He approached incredibly and raised his glasses to observe carefully. He remembered that it was very impolite and quickly stretched out his hand: "Hello, I'm Shi Xiaoming, Mo Ming's old classmate!"

There is already a madness on the turned face: "Mo Ming, do you know? What kind of person is she? Do you know what kind of wealth you have? She is a miracle of life and medicine. She is a huge treasure, a living textbook, a living history, a mummy that can walk and think... With her, we can work together to study, make unprecedented breakthroughs, win him ten or eight Nobel Prizes, and achieve unprecedented success..."