Steal the sky

Chapter 859 Official Launch

In the refining tripod, Don't beg and Princess Pangle's body are combined, and they are rushing through the realm of Taoism under the full force of Don't begging.

If you don't beg yourself, he will easily break through. But to drive Princess Kangle to break through together, it requires a hundred times more effort not to beg. Fortunately, Princess Le practiced the ancient Shinto. Unlike immortals and Buddhas, there is no bottleneck in cultivation. As long as she has enough qualifications and sufficient strength, she can break through. If she is a female fairy, don't beg to help her break through to the realm of breaking the Tao. Even if she doesn't beg to give up her whole body

Princess Le sat on the body of Begging. Both of their bodies were atomized into hazy purple gas. The purple gas flowed back and forth between their bodies, and a fiery purple-gold divine power turned into a huge whirlpool in the purple gas and devoured the aura around them. The aura of the whole cave was almost completely sucked away by the two people, and the others could no longer absorb any of the aura. The pyramid continues to attract a huge amount of aura from Liangzhu, but it is difficult to support the consumption of the two people.

Ao Bujiun and others hurriedly piled up the huge amount of mined fairy stones on the edge of the refining tripod, but no matter how many of the best fairy stones you pile up, they will be sucked clean with a flick of your fingers. Dongle and others have run out of the spiritual cave and personally rushed to the Lingshan Rivers under the East China Sea to mine fairy stone veins for the practice of Begging and Princess Pangle. With the cultivation of Dongle and others, all the fairy stones of all the spiritual veins within hundreds of thousands of miles between their hands are in their hands. Even if there are more than a dozen Taiyi who work hard to collect fairy stones, they still feel that they can't make ends meet.

Fortunately, there is also a spiritual realm in the body. When the aura of the outside world can no longer meet the needs of the two of them, Don't beg begins to extract the original aura of the spiritual vein in the realm of the yuan spirit. The rolling spirit kept rushing into the begging body. After his careful transformation, it gradually integrated into the body of Princess Le. Princess Le does not practice physical practice, but under the nourishment of Yuanling Qingqi, her body has become more and more flexible and powerful.

With a deep roar, don't beg for purple gas all over his body suddenly turned into ninety-nine Ganoderma lucidum-shaped clouds hovering around him. A slightly dark purple golden light came out of his head and turned into a sun-like wheel behind his head.

Princess Le's body trembled, and the three chaotic spiritual treasures of the lotus, the fundamental tower and the heart seal appeared at the same time. On the top of her head, there was also a slightly dark purple golden god light rising, and the golden bodies of the nine ancient gods loomed in the golden god light, emitting a suffocating

Don't beg to slowly open his eyes. He clenched his fists slowly. The time flow speed controlled by the Xuanyin Star Tower has quietly increased to 20,000 times. His eyes were full of purple and looked at the sky. The chaotic god's eyes had evolved into a Hongmeng magic eye. He glanced at it. Unless there was an obstacle of casting a spell that was comparable to his cultivation, nothing in heaven and earth could escape his sight.

"Very good, some of my old entips, they are still alive! Besides, it's very nourishing!" The purple gas in your eyes flashes away, don't beg to restrain all the breath. He has broken through to the realm of Daluo Liupin at the same time as Princess Pangle, that is, the lowest level of breaking the Taoist realm. At this level, even if the great disaster of heaven comes, it is not without the power to fight back. The so-called breaking the way is the possibility of destroying the way of heaven and getting rid of the shackles of the way of heaven.

Princess Po Le also opened her eyes. She bent down and kissed Begging's forehead. She frowned and sighed, "But now, unless we can practice in Xiongyuan, it's a long way to break through the next level."

To break through the ninth grade of Taiyi, the mana required is a daunting and terrible number. Don't beg is also refining two-thirds of the mana of Purdue's six ways, so that he and Princess Kuanle can safely break through to the peak of Taiyi Yipin. From Taiyi to the realm of Daluo, even if the two did not have a bottleneck in Taoism, the mana savings alone troubled them for a long time.

Don't beg for the origin of the spiritual vein of the Yuanling Youjing at all costs, and finally paid the price of almost destroying the Yuanling Youjing, so that you can barely get enough aura to convert it into mana to break through with Princess Pule. Nowadays, the spiritual vein of the Yuanling secluded realm has no origin. If you want to restore it to its original state, you can plunder the external spiritual vein to supplement it. Otherwise, you will rely on it to slowly recover by itself, and it will take at least a long time with thousands of disasters.

He picked up Princess Le and brought a piece of clean water to wash the body for the two. Don't beg and Princess Le changed into a brand-new suit. Don't beg to wear Dayu's royal robe, and Princess Pangle wears the high priest's robe. Don't beg, while wearing clothes, shoes, socks and crowns, he smiled and said, "We have been lucky to break through to the Taoist realm in such a short time. It's not convenient to do it now. When the time comes to the real chaos in the world, we want to break through, and the speed can't be slow down."

Just a glance at Zhou Tian, Bu Qi found that the cave of several old acquaintances in those years was over the Pangu Continent. The cultivation of these people is not as radical as don't begging, but they are accumulated by relying on their own water mill. There were countless disasters long before Pangu opened up the world. These old and immortals already existed. After countless years of hard work, they have only cultivated to the realm of breaking the Tao. There is still a distance from the Tao. Don't beg and Princess Pangle's cultivation so fast that they really shouldn't expect anything more.

Of course, don't beg to steal the scriptures, and have the innate wisp of thieves. If he dares to act recklessly, it is also possible for him to break through to the peak of breaking the road in just a few hundred years. But the white mouse's lesson is still there. How dare you be so smart? Although the group of people who killed the white mouse in those years have fallen a lot, there are still some people who still exist. Don't beg to swear that as long as he hunts Taiyi and Daluo steals their cultivation like a white mouse, he will be hunted and killed by all over the world in less than a year.

It's not easy to go even with Xiongyuan. It's okay to take the aura in the underground of the East China Sea. It can be excused that the East China Sea has trained too many troops. But run to Xiongyuan to practice with all his strength. Once the existence of the Taoist realm is fully absorbed, it is enough to cause the change of the whole Xiongyuan's aura. Don't beg, you don't want to be chased and killed by Dayu's future. If you are chased by Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor or Yan Emperor Shennong, you can't fight back, and you can't scold. That's more aggrieved and more aggrieved.

Although he was a chaotic demon in his last life, don't be reincarnated in this life. He really regards himself as a descendant of the human race. After all, the old man Yuanling in his last life was really tasteless, and as a person in this life, don't beg for too much involvement and concern, so he can't be careless.

Gently patted Princess Kangle's buttocks, and sighed, "Don't worry, don't worry. I just saw that the immortals of the heavenly court in the outer world were arranging some interesting things. It's going to be chaotic. As long as it starts to be chaotic, we have a chance to do

With a sneer, don't squint your eyes and sneer, "You and I have no bottleneck. It's just a matter of mana cultivation. At that time, the Taiyi of the heavenly court, the Buddha of Buddhism, the great ghost king of the ghost world, the demon emperor of the demon world, and the demon emperor of the demon world, we will capture as much as we love to live, and turn all their cultivation into our own, hum!"

In those years, the white mouse could reach the peak of breaking the road in just a few hundred years. Don't beg that it's not as good as him!

Especially in those years, the white mouse was just alone and acted unscrupulously to offend too many people, but there were so many people around him in his life, so many relatives and friends, and the means of not begging were more shrewd and treacherous. He would never repeat the mistakes of the white mouse.

With a proud sneer, don't beg for eighteen figures to rush out of your head. His blood demon god split has been refined by the refining tripod, and the messy impurities in his body have been emptied. The eighteen splits of the outsiders look like Taoist immortals. All of them are wrapped around the immortals and rising in the clear air, and each split has the cultivation of Taiyi.

It's a pity that the time for don't begging to practice is still too short. Although these splits are strong, they lack handy magic weapons. Not to mention Hongmeng Zhibao and Chaos Lingbao, they don't even get any Taiyi fairy weapons, which greatly reduces the strength of these splits. As long as you make up for this shortcoming, don't beg, you will have the confidence to deal with those who are immortals slowly.

"No matter what they want to do, if they don't give me some benefits, how can they do it?" Don't beg for a sneer. Lian Tianding turned into a faint light and flew into his eyebrows, turning into a very faint round tripod on his forehead.

The pyramid in the middle of the spiritual cave constantly spit out a huge amount of aura. In the past two years, the aura that has been pumped clean by Princess Buqi and Po Le has quickly recovered, and the soldiers, immortals and priests in the East China Sea have resumed normal training again.

Lu Chengfeng and other officials from the East China Sea hurried up and gave the official documents accumulated these days to Don't beg.

Princess Han Le took all the official documents and quickly read them. Don't beg with her hands behind her back and looked at the soldiers in the East China Sea who were receiving hell-like training in the vast spiritual cave with a smile. What a pleasing scene. So many heroes of the Warring States Period are training these soldiers in the East China Sea, such as Bai Qi, Wang Jian, Meng Tian, Li Xin, Wei Liaozi, Li Mu, Lian Po, Zhao Kuo, Le Yi and so on...

It's really pleasing to the eyes!

Those famous generals trained these soldiers, while Gui Guzi, Xun Kuang, Mo Zhai, Su Qin, Zhang Zhi, Li Si and Xu Fu were teaching all kinds of deceitful tricks to the priests of the Sitian Hall in the East China Sea. Don't beg's ears trembled, and what Guiguzi and others taught was suddenly clear. After listening to three or five sentences, I only felt my heart beating wildly.

Poor, whether it is Dayu, the heavenly court or Buddhism, they pay attention to the formation of fighting with people in a dignified way, and follow the complete battle rules of victory for the strong. But Guiguzi and others have taught these priests something. Don't help lamenting for the people who are against the army in the East China Sea in the future. They will die miserably and aggrieved, right?

Don't beg to suddenly realize that it is absolutely wise to forcibly bring people from six countries together. At this moment, Princess Le exclaimed, and he hurriedly turned around and looked at the official document in Princess Le's hand.

"Three hundred foreign realms closest to Pangu Continent are flying rapidly to Pangu Continent!"
