Steal the sky

Chapter 860 Unstoppable

In the outer starry sky of Pangu Continent, a small piece of space suddenly twisted, and Don't Beg and Princess Po Le quietly appeared in the void. The unmovable lotus is spinning under the feet of the two people, and the gray and unmovable lotus is divided into nine layers, and there are 360 huā petals to form a thick lotus platform. A trace of chaos wrapped the two people and isolated any possible exploration means from the outside world.

Looking at the Pangu Continent from this place, the indescribably large Pangu Continent is just a small light spot the size of a needle tip. In the distance, a huge land block, known as Fayan hua Luo Tian, is dragging a very long flame tail, hitting the star debris along the way and flying to the Pangu Continent.

This Fayan hualuo tian jing is a fragment of the Pangu Continent, which is divided into the top-quality realm in the outer realm. It is three million miles thick, and the area is equivalent to the size of four middle states. Originally, there was an 18-grade golden fairy-level emperor, 36 immortal officials and thousands of scattered immortal officials stationed on

Like other heavenly realms under the control of the heavenly court, there is a fairy city in the sky for immortals and scattered trade gatherings. At the same time, a guard sent by Dayu is stationed to lead 100,000 troops. Except for the heavenly king, immortal officials and immortal officials sent by the heavenly court, and except for the 100,000 troops stationed here by Dayu, there is no one else in the sky.

Even the goblins have accumulated a huge amount of aura in Luotian, and the concentration of aura in the sky can even be compared with some rare aura places on the Pangu continent. But at this moment, there is only a thin aura floating around in the sky, and the aura accumulated over countless years has turned into a huge sun in the void.

This sun has replaced the original position of Fayan hua Luotian. The original stars that rotated around Fayan Luotian are now orbiting the sun, so the position of the Zhoutian stars has not changed at all, and it has not caused any possible catastrophic turmoil.

The Marquis of the Great Yu in the sky was also cut off his head by the Sanxian's sword three months ago because of a conflict with a passing Sanxian. A general of the Tangyu, a member of the six-star realm of Pangu Heaven, was actually killed by the passing Sanxian. "This excuse is clumsy enough," but this is how it happened. The Marquis of the People's Guard of Dayu was killed, and then the soldiers under his command and some passing Sanxian and Sanxiu had a series of conflicts. The death of 100,000 troops, the escape and the disappearance of the disappearance of 100,000 troops, and the army of Dayu, which was originally deterrent to one side, collapsed.

After Dayu's army was disintegrated, the Tianting Tianjun, who was sitting in Fa Yanhua Luotian, immediately opened the few remaining Fa Yanhua Luotian, opened up tens of thousands of caves and blessed land above, and recruited all the small immortal sects near Fa Yanhua Luo Tian into Fa Yanhua Luo Tian, and asked them to choose Pricked down the dojo.

For countless years, only the heavenly king and immortal officials sent by the heavenly court can live for a long time. Now they are flying immortals all over the sky, and there are scattered cultivation everywhere. There are 30 golden immortals stationed in the Dharma Yanhua Luotian. There are thousands of immortals, and there are hundreds of scattered cultivation below the realm of

In addition to these scattered immortals who have entered the Fayanyanhua Luotian, there are also those secular countries controlled by the Cultivation Sect leading countless mortals and ordinary people to settle in. The smallest sect of the Cultivation of Immortals in the Outer Realm can control a planet with a thin aura. There are more or less mortal countries on each planet, and there are billions of people under their rule.

Now those mortal countries controlled by the immortal sect have also moved into Fa Yanhua Luotian. Half of the Li people on hundreds of planets, large and small, have been relocated in. The area of nearly four Zhongzhou in Luotian is more than enough to feed so many people.

With so many immortals and so many mortals, "Fafayan hua Luo Tian was driven away from its original position by the immortals" and flew to Pangu Continent at a speed close to the speed of Jinxian Dunguang. Moreover, Luo Tian is still accelerating along the way, constantly improving its speed to the Pangu Continent. At this rate, after half a year at most, Fa Yanhua Luotian will collide with Pangu Continent.

"How can they let Fa Yanhua Luo Tian collide with Pangu Continent?" Princess Le frowned, her small and straight nose twitched slightly, and sneered with both hands: "Do they want to put Fa Yanhua Luo Tian and Pangu Continent together again? These outer realms are originally part of the Pangu Continent. The homologous fragments will certainly soon be absorbed by the Pangu Continent and integrated. These fairies and mortals..."

Don't beg and sneered, "These immortals and mortals can naturally camp on the Pangu mainland!" Don't beg and sneered, "Even if Dayu can kill these immortals", but for these mortals, Dayu can never do it. These mortals have lived in the outer world for generations. "They... They are not the people of Dayu. "They are the people of the heavenly court!" Princess Huanle narrowed her eyes and said, "It's okay to send a large number of immortals and mortals back to the Pangu mainland with this means. If there are chess pieces trained by the heavenly court among those mortals, they will also practice the skills of the human race If we set up troops and fight, we can unify the mortal kingdoms sent to the Pangu mainland into one or several powerful human imperial dynasty!" Don't beg and sigh: " Cooperate with the natural and man-made disasters in all parts of Pangu mainland a while ago" and cooperate with those rumors. These new human imperial dynasties are the so-called The imperial dynasty" The emperor of the Dayu people is the faint king who should be defeated. Hey, maybe the throne can strengthen its own power again." Princess Pule looked curiously at Don't beg." She asked with a smile, "The heavenly court can destroy the great Yu with the hand of the human race at most. How can they strengthen their power?" Don't With a sound, he gritted his teeth and said, "Have you forgotten the list of gods of Shang Zhoushi?"

Princess Huanle's face suddenly changed. "She bit her fingernails and thought slowly for a while." Finally, she nodded slowly and said, "It's really a good calculation. Those generals and priests who died in the battle of Dayu were sent to the list of gods. They are the pawns of the heavenly court and must be controlled by the heavenly court. In this way, the stronger the heavenly court is, the weaker the battle of Dayu, and finally the heavenly court replaces Dayu and becomes the lord of the Pangu Continent!"

Don't beg bitterly and say, "From then on, mortals are at the mercy of immortals at will, and Pangu Continent is the post-huā garden of immortals." Any elixir and spiritual stone can be searched as much as you like. With the mainland immortals who can continue to grow and expand the area like Pangu, even if there is a heavy disaster in the future, the time will be greatly delayed. There will be no such thing that once there is a disaster, Taiyi can fall like rain.

Princess Pang Le was silent. Don't beg also looking at Fa Yanhua Luotian, who quickly crossed by his side, didn't say anything for a long time.

Tianting and Buddhism have found a good way to control the human race and the Pangu continent once and for all. In order to achieve this step today, how much effort did they put into it and how much preparation did they make in advance? I'm afraid that the battle of King Shang Zhou on the earth is just a rehearsal of today's Pangu Continent! I don't know how many times such exercises have been carried out in the world of red dust.

Everything is to finally control the human race and Pangu Continent!

It's just that I don't know who put forward the plan this time? Are they the immortals, or the great emperor of heaven or the Buddha of Buddhism? Don't beg for the understanding of those old immortals. They only want to be safe and won't interfere in this kind of thing.

But if they hadn't done it, how could the heavenly court and Buddhism have risked to provoke the Wa emperor to do such a thing? Even the door of the Tuo Huangshi family has been blocked by people. The mystery in it is worth studying!

And Don't beg suddenly realized that Dayu had given too many handles to the heavenly court and Buddhism in the chaos of the Wanxian League. Dayu killed too many immortals and scattered practitioners, and even killed the Lord of the Immortals, who was an important minister of the heavenly court. Then Duobao freely infiltrated into Liangzhu and was also killed by Dayu. Taiyi of the heavenly court and the Buddha of Buddhism were killed by Da Yu. This excuse is enough to make those old people who don't want to be ashamed to negotiate with the Wa Emperor. Perhaps the result of the negotiation is that Wa Huangshi can no longer speak for Dayu this time!

"In this way, I killed three Taiyi in the heavenly court and three Buddhas in Buddhism, and instead gave them better and more loans!" Don't beg to pat the forehead heavily. There is still a crown prince hanging outside the south gate of Donghai City. These excuses are enough, enough!

Princess Le also figured out the Xuanxu in it. She sighed a little distressedly, "Is that the big prince thrown out and died?"

Don't squint and sneered. He shook his head and said, "Look at Jiazheng's attitude towards his queen. For those high-ranking emperors, what's the death of wives and sons? If it's necessary, I'm afraid the Heavenly Emperor doesn't care how many children he has died!"

Princess Le was silent. She looked up at the sky and muttered in a low voice, "Don't provoke us in the East China Sea." Otherwise... Humph!"

A golden light suddenly flashed in front of Fa Yanhua Luotian, who had flown thousands of miles quickly, and a group of golden armored soldiers appeared in front of Fa Yanhua Luotian. A Dayu general with a cultivation of one yuan Pangu Tian's nine-star peak rode on a one-horned unicorn. He held a mace and pointed to Fa Yanhua Luo Tian and shouted harshly, "This is my Dayu's airspace to retreat quickly, otherwise...

The huge Fa Yanhua Luo Tian silently ran over. The general of Da Yu roared and rode to avoid the impact of the huge continental block, but the soldiers behind him howled, which was smashed by Fa Yanhua Luo Tian. Fayan hua Luotian is one of the fragments of the Pangu Continent, and the Pangu Continent is the body of the Pangu Great Sage who practice the human skills. The Yu soldiers can destroy the stars of the void, but they can't destroy the Pangu Continent.

So a full 30,000 Yu soldiers were knocked to pieces by Fa Yanhua Luo Tian, and Fa Yanhua Luo Tian did not stop at all to continue to fly to Pangu Continent.

The general of the great Yu roared with anger. "He waved the mace and broke into Fa Yanhua Luo Tian.

I heard a Buddha's call in the void. Seven Buddhist Bodhisattvas injured the general at the same time, and waved a large amount of Buddha's light with both hands to fix the shape of the collar. There was a flying sword almost at the same time in dozens of caves in the sky and the blessed land, turning into a shocking rainbow Seven Buddhist Bodhisattvas, at least 30 Taoist golden fairies, took action at the same time. If they didn't give him a chance to fight back, they would split him into meat sauce.

Don't beg and sighed. He looked at the fast-flying Fa Yanhua Luo Tian and shook his head gently.

"Zi Xuan, let's go back and get ready for war!"

"Ha ha, are you on the list of gods? It's a very interesting thing!"