Steal the sky

Chapter 906 The terrible military situation

The invisible and intangible but clearly perceptible evil power swept across the whole hall. Even if you don't beg and Princess Kuanle's cultivation is still stimulated by the evil power to fight cold war. It is a kind of force full of death and evil that is very different from all kinds of auras in the Pangu world. In the memory of the old man in the previous life, this evil power only exists in some recognized places of death in the Hongmeng world.

How many evil creatures can have this power? Don't beg finally understand why the taboo clan is hunted down by the human race. They are no longer even human. They are completely aliens, not tolerated by the rules of heaven in this world.

The little fire mirror on the bracelet, the old man who looks like a ram's head, smiled strangely: "Yo? Didn't I kill you?"

Don't beg to death and gritt your teeth and stare at the fire mirror. Nandou Emperor, don't beg to remember this name. He knew that the potential forces of the heavenly court were not what he could provoke now. He really had the impulse to rush to skin and cramp the Nandou Emperor in 33 days. These emperors of heaven are too cruel. After this lesson, Don't beg finally understand one thing. Don't believe anyone's words in the heavenly court. You can't believe a word.

Princess Bule slowly raised her right hand and gently stroked the fire mirror with two fingers.

A trace of black air gushed out of her fingertips, outlining a slender and exquisite rotten grass road in the air. With flicking fingers, the dark carrion grass burned and turned into a black smoke and sprayed on the fire mirror.

The old man's face became extremely cautious. He muttered in a low voice. Several slender twisted wool flew up on his forehead, the wool burned into ashes, and a wisp of smoke swayed in front of his forehead. A black smoke came out of thin air and touched the blue smoke. Princess Po Le snorted, and a small blood stain suddenly cracked in the middle of her eyebrows. The old man of the ram's head shouted, and his whole body was hit backwards by an invisible force." After a rolling and crawling busy, the old man of the ram's head Half of his face was exposed.

"Very good, I have written you down!" The old man with a grind smile said, "Don't close your eyes when you sleep in the future, hey hey, you will die! Little woman, I remember you, very good magic, very interesting, I remember you!"

After a few laughs, the fire mirror turned into a small flame and rushed high into the sky. "It disappeared in the blink of an eye. The Jiulong-wrapped storage bracelet melted slowly like ice, the internal storage space disintegrated, and even a spiritual stone was not left for Begging.

Looking at the metal juice melted from the storage bracelet falling to the ground bit by bit, Don't beg suddenly laughed: "Okay, what a Nandou Emperor. I've written down what happened today. Let's wait and see." His eyes flashed, and he didn't beg to pull his head for a while." His figure suddenly blurred, as if at that moment, his body had undergone an essential change and had been integrated into this void.

In the blink of an eye, Chu Qi has used great mental strength and spirit to calculate a lot of things with various divination techniques.

The sky has been daggered by people, just like a stream that was originally clear to the bottom was suddenly trampled on by thousands of bison, and countless mud and sand were mixed in the water. The stream was full of countless unpredictable factors, and it could no longer be cleared to grasp the operation of the sky. However, Don't beg for the magic of Hongmeng Ziqi to suppress a small piece of chaotic sky machine [town] and get some interesting information from it.

"Turn around the East China Sea" is happy to prepare for war. After a slight pause, Don't beggar's teeth and said, "It's turned into zero and runs around. It can't make them feel better!"

The sudden curse of the taboo clan made Beqi and Princess Bile lose a scapegoat puppet respectively. It can be seen that the ram-headed old man is an extremely powerful elder in the taboo clan. Judging from his breath, this man has lost no human flavor at all and has completely transformed himself into an alien.

Don't beg for more resentment against the heavenly court out of thin air, and at the same time, there is also one more fear. Judging from the hand of the Southern Fighting Emperor, the heavenly court acts without means and shameless. "If you are not careful, you may really be calculated by the heavenly court. This is not a good thing.

As for the taboo family, "Hao Zunhuang to hurt this brain, don't beg as long as you save the life of the important people around you." The rest depends on what Hao Zunhuang does. Of course, if the taboo family dares to show up in front of Don't Beg, don't beg and don't mind chopping them to feed the dog.

The seven legions of the East China Sea finally returned to the East China Sea City after sweeping more than 10,000 large states in eastern Xinjiang.

All the state herdsmen and county guards of Dongjiang Dazhou, which have been cleared by the Eastern Navy, have been replaced by people with unquestionable loyalty. Of course, more than half of them are loyal to Dayu. The loyalty of half of them, that is, about 40% of the state and county officials, is dedicated to begging. Many more officials simply replaced these positions by Ji Daitao, the son of the clan of the Six Kingdoms and the family, and strictly controlled these states and counties.

Under the order of not begging, more than 10,000 large states must be equipped with more than 200,000 defenders, the county city must be equipped with more than 30,000 defenders, and the subordinate villages and towns must also be widely guarded. Don't beg those state herdsmen to explain that even if a cultivated native mouse passes through their land, it will report whether the mouse is male or female.

The major departments of the East China Sea are operating nervously. The Sijun Hall trains new recruits for the Eastern Xinjiang states, the Sitian Hall distributes priests to the Eastern Xinjiang states, and the Si Xing Hall has placed countless ears and eyes beside those prefectures and counties. At the same time, the Si Xing Hall is also laying an intelligence network in the Eastern Xinjiang Many people have also been absorbed into the Sixing Hall.

Don't beg deeply aware of the importance of the intelligence system. The Si Xing Hall has Yan Bu Gui in charge. Don't beg also taught Yan Bu Gui with some means of the notorious intelligence organizations he knows. With the efforts of Don't beg and Yan Bu Gui, the Si Xing Hall in the East China Sea is gradually undergoing transformation, becoming more and more professional, more efficient, and at the same time, more cruel and colder Cool and ruthless.

All the departments of the East China Sea are as busy as windmills. With the help of the people of the six countries, the East China Sea has gradually integrated the forces of the prefectures of the eastern Xinjiang and the surrounding states of the different seas, and managed this site as firmly as an iron barrel. Under the catalysis of a group of different types such as beggars and the monarchs and ministers of the six countries, the huge territory of the great Yu, the infinite population resources and the infinite material resources have changed from quantity to the qualitative change, which has bred a terrible actual combat power in the short term.

While integrating the states of eastern Xinjiang, the four directions of the southeastern and northwest of the Pangu mainland are constantly falling from the outer world, reintegrating with the Pangu mainland. More and more foreign immortals and human countries have landed on the Pangu continent, which has led to countless disputes.

Those immortal sects in the foreign region have been bleeding for a spiritual vein or a cave, and a large number of monks and immortals fall every day. This situation has won the unanimous praise of all the civil and military ministers in the Dayu Dynasty.

After the human kingdoms that came to the Pangu continent were initially settled, they immediately began to conquer from all directions. Countless countries fought and swallowed up each other. Those fake priests ran all over the sky, and millions of soldiers on the ground rushed to kill everywhere, so that the sky and the earth cracked and blood flowed into rivers. Judging from the intelligence from the borders of the prefectures of Eastern Xinjiang, tens of millions of soldiers died every day on the land of Dongjiang, which is in charge of Dayu.

Some slightly weaker countries were destroyed as soon as they arrived at Pangu Continent, and all their people were annexed. Those great powers whose strength has been improved have raised the banner of the new emperor of the human race. They happily led the army to the east and west, plundered the population and annexed the territory crazily, and the whole fight was smoky.

Don't beg for this kind of behavior in these countries. There is a very vivid description.

These human countries from the outer world are the initial insects, the Pangu continent is the basin, and the heavenly court and Buddhism are the behind-the-scenes. They allowed these countries to fight and annex each other, and eventually they could get a powerful, aggressive human country and use it to deal with Dayu.

Perhaps the Xinshan King and the Lishan King who betrayed Dayu are just a caterpillar, and their end will not be wonderful.

Under the order of no begging, the elites of the East China Sea formed a team of thirty or fifty people one after another to go deep into the East to make trouble. In those human countries that are fighting so hotly, there are often cases where the generals are assassinated, the prince's head is cut off, and the emperor's inexplicable disappearance. The joining of the Eastern Navy forces has made the countries of the Eastern Xinjiang even more chaotic. Sometimes a good country collapses and disbands into dozens of small forces. The messy situation can simply make people crazy.

Don't beg to be the behind-the-scenes hand and toss around the countries of eastern Xinjiang to death. Just when Begging was having fun, he sent Begging a piece of information that made him in a bad mood through the intelligence channels of the East China Sea.

The heavenly court and Buddhism have begun a secret military expansion plan in Pangu Continent. A large number of highly qualified cultivation geniuses have been sent to some top-secret places in Pangu Continent. The power of the heavenly court and Buddhism, which is proficient in time, accelerates the speed of time flow, and strive to make these cultivation geniuses become the new force Quantity.

In only the information obtained by the concubine, the lineage of Huanxi Zen Buddhism, which is now mixed with the Buddha, has selected eight million well-qualified boys and girls from the tens of thousands of foreign realms controlled by Huanxi Zen Buddhism. They were protected by 18 Buddhas of Huanxi Zen Buddhism and practiced in a top secret place in Pan

Ninety-ninety-nine of these eight million boys and girls are the identity of the furnace tripod. The skills of Huanxi Zen are the fastest, and the speed of cultivation in Buddhism is one of the best. As long as these eight million boys and girls can emerge tens of thousands of arhats and thousands of bodhisattvas in a short time, then the happy Zen sect can use the world of the world to plunder the power of virtues and promote the birth of hundreds of Buddhas in a short period of time.

This is just the handwriting of the Buddha's Huanxi Zen Sect. The well gate has a higher status than the Huanxi Zen sect, and there are dozens of sects that are stronger than the Huanxi Zen sect. From this, we can estimate how much power the Buddha Sect has invested.

Just Buddhism, there is also the heavenly court, the ghost world, the demon world, and the demon world...