Steal the sky

Chapter 907 Tracing

I won't go to chat tonight. The classmates I haven't seen for several years get together, Gaga!

Well, it's not easy for my classmates in elementary school to be connected now.

It's been a few years since Erfeng! .................., the information sent back attracted the attention of the high-level officials of the East China Sea. The such behavior of the heavenly court and Buddhism has an extremely far-reaching impact.

The heavenly court and Buddhism do not lack the power of mastering the magic power of time. In theory, they can also speed up the flow of time like Don't begging to cultivate a large number of new immortals and Buddhist cultivation. But there are two conditions that limit the heavenly court and Buddhism, so that they can't let go.

First, the power of the heavenly court and Buddhism is to accelerate the time flow rate with their own magic power. They can only speed up the local time speed by thousands of times at the fastest. They can't accelerate the time to tens of thousands of times with the help of external objects like Don't begging. It may take hundreds of thousands of years for immortals and Buddha to break through the realm of Yipin, and it doesn't make much sense to accelerate thousands of times.

In particular, immortals and Buddhas are the most selfish. Even if you don't beg to use the Xuanyin Star Tower to accelerate the time, you will consume a huge amount of blood and qi. If it's wrong, don't beg for a way to devour foreign objects to quickly replenish his own consumption, and he can't Every drop of the blood of the immortals and the Buddha is a drop of their hard work that they spent tens of thousands of years or even several Yuanhui to accumulate. Every drop of blood contains infinite power and is the source of their life. How can they sacrifice themselves to cultivate their juniors?

Second, even if Taiyi and Buddha intend to cultivate the younger generation, they do not hesitate to spend the time of essence and blood to accelerate, and there is not so much aura in the outer realm for them to consume. As said above, a golden fairy needs the supplies of a star domain to ensure his cultivation consumption, and it is impossible for the outer realm to provide enough aura to train soldiers in large quantities like Don't begging.

But now the situation has suddenly changed, and the outer realm has invaded the Pangu mainland. Dayu has only dealt with these invading immortals and human countries. A few Taiyi and Buddha quietly sneaked into the Pangu continent, occupying several giant spiritual veins and letting go. However, they can also cultivate a large number of low-level immortals and Buddhist Among them, there may be three or five talented people who can quickly grow into usable first-class figures of golden fairies and Bodhisattvas in a short period of time.

There are rich products in Pangu mainland, and there are countless rare elixirs. Even if those Taiyi and Buddhas lose a little essence and blood, they can be replenished by elixirs. Naturally, they are happy to expand the number of disciples and expand their own power.

The heavenly court and Buddhism are proud, and the pressure of not begging will be great.

For a long time, the reason why Dayu has been able to fight against the heavenly court and Buddhism is not only the Wa Yan family's back support, but more importantly, the human race's skills are extremely fast, and a group of powerful generals and priests can be trained in 30 to 50 years. Although both generals and priests have their own shortcomings. However, as long as the two cooperate with each other, they are strong enough to compete with the heavenly court and Buddhism.

In particular, the number of people of Dayu is huge. Once needed, hundreds of millions of soldiers and priests can be quickly gathered. The huge number determines that the heavenly court and Buddhism do not dare to provoke Dayu easily.

But once the heavenly court and Buddhism also begin to train a large number of subordinates like Dayu, the consequences will be too serious. When Dayu cannot maintain the absolute advantage of quantity in military strength, Dayu is bound to be absolutely passive in strategy. When it comes to conspiracy and tricky, the senior management of Dayu is far inferior to the heavenly court and Buddhism.

Once Dayu is completely suppressed by the heavenly court and Buddhism, the good days of not begging will come to an end. Now, the prince of the Emperor of Heaven has been begged to cut down the sacrificial flag. Once the heavenly court slows down and tries its best to deal with the great Yu, the first thing to bear the brunt is not to beg.

The huge foundation of the East China Sea involves so many relatives and friends. If the East China Sea is destroyed by the heavenly court, you don't have to beg and you don't have to be a person. The secret military situation was quickly sent to Liangzhu. Don't beg and a group of high-ranking officials in the East China Sea were secretly dispatched to inquire about the news in person. In particular, the Pangu Mountain and River Shejitu in the East China Sea are monitored day and night. As long as it is found that there is abnormal consumption of heaven and earth aura, it will be immediately reported." The East China Sea army will make every effort to clean up the abnormality of the aura.

Don't beg and Princess Bule went out together. The two traveled to Suzhou in the eastern provinces of eastern Xinjiang for two months. According to the power of the heavenly court and Buddhism, the disciples they trained should have been practicing for more than a thousand years. If they have enough qualifications, they should have successfully turned into immortals and arhats now.

But the states in eastern Xinjiang are very calm. "Except for some immortals in China, they are still fighting hard to fight for heaven and earth. The countries of the human race are also fighting against each other in full swing, and there is no other movement.

Ao Bu Zun and the Holy Spirit also went out separately, but they did not find anything wrong with the news they sent back.

Gui Guzi took a group of followers to follow several huge spiritual veins under the East China Sea for a long time, and tens of thousands of large and small spiritual caves along the way were carefully surveyed. As a result, nothing was found. Those powers of the heavenly court and Buddhism do not know where to hide, and no clues have been revealed.

But this matter is really urgent. Buqi and others did not dare to relax and continued to send a large number of people to look around. Even the Criminal Hall of Dayu has sent countless smart and eye-catching spies. All kinds of strange human races under the rule of Dayu have been dispatched one after another. In the four directions of the southeast and northwest of Liangzhu, people have screened the land inch by inch. They only want to find the Taiyi who are responsible for this matter of the heavenly court and

After searching for a long time, he found nothing. On this day, Don't beg and Princess Bule came to a mountain-wrapped plain.

This is originally a whole plain, but more than a dozen outer realms landed here. After re-integrated with the Pangu Continent, there is a large area of mountains towering into the clouds. There are dozens of sheep intestine paths between the mountains leading to the outside, and about half of the land the size of Zhongzhou has become more than forty. The battlefield of fighting and fighting in the human country. However, in a small year, these human countries that came to Pangu Continent actually built countless large and small cities here, and each city arranged a forbidden air array like Dayu's city defense. In more than 40 countries, each country has as little as 300,000 to 500,000, and as many as 1.8 million soldiers. They are in a mess here. There are no allies, no positions, no right and wrong, but desperate random killing.

Don't beg and Princess Bule stood at the head of the cloud, covering their bodies with a small forbidden method. Their magical powers are amazing. In their opinion, a huge plain is no different from a small chessboard. Thousands of large and small cities built in more than 40 countries are chess pieces on the chessboard, surrounded by countless These chess pieces have set off a boundless bloody storm, but they don't even know that they are fighting for everything.

At least 20 emperors fought in person. At the end of the war, they all pretended to be the new emperor of the human race. They all believed that they were the doomed holy emperor of the human race. They were destined to unify the human race, overthrow the tyrannical and corrupt Dayu, and lead the human race into a new world

Both of them were funny to hear. They all claimed to be the emperor, and they all believed that they were reincarnated as the holy emperor. They didn't know what obsessive drugs they had been poured by the heavenly court and Buddhism, which made the demented people all dream of ascending to the sky.

It happened that two countries were engaged in a decisive battle on this day, and the army of one country had attacked outside the capital of the other country. Millions of troops were besieged, and tens of thousands of troops were still stationed in the city. The two sides attacked and defended, killing blood everywhere. The soldiers and horses of the country that attacked the city obviously had an absolute advantage, and the defenders on the wall were killed from time to time.

A gray whirlpool enveloped the head of the city, and the soul of the killed guard was sucked in by the gray whirlpool as soon as it flew into the sky.

Don't beg and Princess Bile were curious to observe the war scene between the two countries, and almost ignored the extremely obscure gray whirlpool. This is also because the strength of the people who control this whirlpool is too low, but the cultivation of the realm of the yuan god, don't beg the two to practice in the Xuanyin Star Tower and stay in the broken realm for tens of thousands of years. The breath below Taiyi is difficult to attract their attention, which almost ignores the existence of this gray

It's like an ant can't pose a threat to the dragon. Over time, the dragon's perception will become dull and numb, and the tiny ant will no longer touch his attention.

Liang Lu talked to each other and raised their eyebrows in surprise.

Don't beg and muttered in a low voice, "Oh my hell, we weren't like this before."

Princess Yule squeezed her lips and nodded quietly. In the past, Don't beggar and Princess Po Le's perception was so sensitive that the outside world could not hide it from them. Now a little monk in the realm of yuanshen is making trouble under their eyes, and they almost let this man go!

Both of them had a cold sweat in their hearts. If this is not a little monk in the realm of Yuanshen, but a power to compress their breath to the level of Yuanshen, aren't they at risk of being assassinated? The creepy Princess Begging and Princess Bule immediately spread her consciousness and raised her perceptual sensitivity to the highest.

With this care, Princess Beggar and Bule immediately found that there were still hundreds of such gray whirlpools in the clouds. Three yuan Shenjing monks and more than 30 Yuanying monks controlled these gray whirlpools and were collecting the souls and blood of the soldiers who died on the battlefield.

Just now, don't beg to see that a general who died in battle is actually a rare fate of seven kills. The soul is innate with an amazing evil spirit. He glanced curiously at the soul that flew up after his death in the battle. He really won't find such a mystery in the high-altitude clouds.

Think about it, three Yuanshenjing monks, more than thirty Yuanyingjing monks, compared with the existence of this broken Taoist realm, what are they? Shaking his head, don't beg for God to wrap these monks in it, and then he was stunned.

These monks clearly wear jade tokens on their belts. Looking at the emblem on them, they are all immortals of the heavenly court.

Don't beg for a spirit. There is a door, and it seems that you have found the master.