Steal the sky

Chapter 916 Dead Wood in Spring

Chapter 916 Dead Wood Meets Spring (Fourth Update)

At night, Dawu Inner Palace, Wu Tianming banquet in the back garden, please do not beg for three people.

The lights were dim in the huge back garden, and dozens of old eunuchs, who were more than 60 years old, were waiting beside them, except for anyone else. Originally, Wu Tianming also had a group of little eunuchs to serve him, but as soon as he entered the harem, Wu Tianming drove all those little eunuchs aside. Those who stayed with him were old people who were old and walking around.

Don't beg to look at these old eunuchs curiously. Wu Tianming just introduced the origin of these old eunuchs. They all followed Wu Tianming when they were three or five years old and have been serving Wu Tianming's confidant for decades.

Wu Tianming also has more than a dozen brothers. Among all his brothers, he likes to urirate on dogs and horses. Wu Tianming, who loves to recite poems to describe Danqing, has the lowest cultivation and is the worst reputation. His mother's origin is also the most humble. There is no maternal power to rely on, so no one thought that It is also because of this that few people around him put their eyes and ears. These eunuchs who have served him since childhood are also the only group he can trust and rely on in Dawu today.

Nowadays, the outer court of the Great Wu Dynasty is the control of Wu Diyu, and the inner palace is the queen of the former emperor. The current empress dowager is in control of the internal affairs. No one of the internal ministers and foreign ministers is Wu Tianming's confidant. Except for these old eunuchs, Wu Tianming could not make a political order in the court. In the inner palace, he would even be hindered by ordering a maid to sleep in the inner palace. In a word, he was very aggrieved as an emperor.

It's like he's feasting guests in the back garden now. The chief eunuch in charge of the logistics management of the palace has lit more than 30 candles here, which can illuminate the gazebo where everyone is located and a small forest nearby. The rest is dark. Wu Tianming was very suffocated. As soon as he sat down, he toasted to the three people and drank nine cups in one go.

Just in the court, don't beg to make an appointment with Wu Diyu to gamble. If you can't let the Great Wu Dynasty unify the river valley and completely flatten several other countries within three months, then don't beg the three must leave all the flying sword weapons and elixirs to get out of the Great Wu, and never get

If they really help the Great Wu unify this river valley in three months, then Wu Diqi will unload their armor and return to the field, and all the power will be handed over to Wu Tianming. Don't beg the three of them can officially become the national teachers of the Great Wu, and they will assist Wu Tianming to deal with the government of the

After drinking several glasses of wine in a row, Wu Tianming looked at Don't beg with a little worry. He opened his mouth to stop talking, and finally sighed deeply.

Don't beg and ask in surprise, "Why did Your Majesty sigh?"

Wu Tianming pondered for a moment. After thinking about it for a long time, he said carefully word by word, "The three masters are omnipotent, but the bet with the regent is really... Nowadays, the three national teachers are the only strong support around Tianming. If there are few deviations that have been missed for three or five days, what should we do?

Gui Guzi sneered. He turned his head and suddenly stared at a big tree in the dark. He heard a miserable howl. A figure on the big tree a hundred feet away was blown away by hundreds of feet, and he fell into a lake and there was no sound. Mo Zhai patted the ground lightly, with a loud bang, the whole huge back garden shook, and a few vague howls came from the ground, and then there was no movement.

Wu Tianming's face became ugly. He smiled bitterly, raised his glass and said with a dry smile, "This, this..." He raised his glass with shame and drank it all. He lowered his head and didn't say anything for a long time.

Don't beg, shake your head and say, "It's a little thing, just kill these little people. Your Majesty, be relieved. The poor Taoist brothers are very confident in sweeping the valley within three months. Your Majesty should first think about how to collect the government after March. Do you dare to ask your majesty if you have enough central manpower? When the regent hands over the power, your majesty needs a large number of people to take over the government!"

Wu Tianming opened his mouth, his face turned red, white and red, and he couldn't say anything. Where does he have the available manpower to take over the government? He has only been on the throne for half a month, and the inner court of the foreign court has been controlled. How can he have the opportunity to recruit people?

Even Wu Tianming has no marriage partner, that is, he doesn't even have a wife to rely on. His mother is just an ordinary maid of honor, but she has two uncles, both of whom are butchers who sell meat with knives. Can you expect the two butchers to help him deal with the affairs of the court?

Seeing Wu Tianming like this, I couldn't help laughing. He pointed to the eunuchs standing around the gazebo and asked softly, "Dare to ask your majesty, are they worthy of your trust?"

Wu Tianming's stiff face became very soft. He glanced at these old eunuchs standing aside respectfully and said softly, "If it hadn't been for them, I would have been unable to walk in this palace, and no one could speak."

Don't beg and nodded. He stood up slowly, walked to Wu Tianming, took out a nine-turn elixir from his sleeve and put it on the table. Then he reached into his sleeve, took out a nine-turn fire elixir and put it on. Wu Tianming was stunned by the elixir that he kept taking out. He stared at the more and more elixir accumulated on the table, and his breathing suddenly became short.

There are a total of 72 old eunuchs standing around the pavilion. When Don't beg took out the first nine-turn elixir, these old eunuchs held their breath and opened their eyes wide. They have been with Wu Tianming all day long. They have long seen the scene of Wu Tianming serving a nine-turn big elixir in public and immediately turning into a golden fairy. Don't beg, you have taken out this elixir again. Doesn't it mean that some of them also have the opportunity to reach the sky in one step?

The old eunuchs suddenly became short of breath. They stared at the elixir on the table, which could make them reborn, and their eyes could almost spit out fire. How many elixirs do you have? Which of them are lucky to have this opportunity? If there were only three or five elixirs, who would be the ultimate lucky one?

One after another, the nine-turn elixirs were neatly placed on the table, nine horizontally and eight vertically, a total of 72 elixirs. The old eunuchs around the pavilion happened to be one for each person! Wu Tianming looked at Don't beggard shiveringly, and his eyes became extremely bright. Seventy-two elixirs, seventy-two old eunuchs who were loyal to him, seventy-two golden immortal masters, and three unfathomable begging, Wu Tianming suddenly had infinite confidence.

Wu Tianming, who was trembling all over, stood up and bowed deeply to Don't beg: "National teacher, if you don't abandon Tianming's stupidity, please ask the national teacher to accept Tianming as your teacher. In this great Wu world, Tianming is willing to share it with the national master!"

Don't beg and laugh satisfactorily. He is not pretentious. He simply said, "It's good, kowtow!" From then on, you are a disciple of the poor way. Whoever dares to bully you, the poor way will naturally vent his anger on you.

Wu Tianming was ecstatic. He kowtowed and kowtowed seventeen or eight times to Don't beg, saying that he was the master.

Don't beg to sit back in place. He waved his hand generously and smiled, "Okay, distribute these elixirs and protect them for your teachers. Just take them at ease, and there will be no mistakes!" With a proud smile, don't beg to point to Wu Tianming and said with a smile, "In the hall just now, you take this elixir to ascend to immortality. Originally, the heaven felt that there would be a thunderstorm, but you just dispel the disaster cloud for the teacher. You don't know!"

Wu Tianming suddenly realized, 'Oh', and he knelt on the ground and kowtowed a few more. Then he stood up and distributed the elixir to the old eunuchs beside him happily. Those old eunuchs were very discerning and good at things. After bowing to take the elixir distributed by Wu Tianming, they came to the three people to kowtow and shouted 'ancestors'. When they didn't beg to nod, they knelt on the ground respectfully and took the elixir.

There is a law of no begging, and the process of absorbing the medicine of these old eunuchs is very smooth. He even spared his own blood to help these old eunuchs push the palace blood and help them absorb the medicine safely. The disaster cloud that was supposed to come was also dispersed by his huge divine consciousness. The golden fairy robbery is just a joke for today's Don't beg.

All the ears and eyes in the back garden were killed by Gui Guzi and Mo Zhai. Don't beg to cover the whole back garden with divine consciousness. No one can peep at what's going on here. Therefore, the Great Wu Dynasty was full of the whole dynasty, and no one knew that Wu Tianming had enough power to shake the government of the Great Wu Dynasty in one fell swoop.

I have been busy for several hours to help these old eunuchs who have no foundation to cultivate at all to stabilize their realm. Don't beg to carefully tell them to carefully adapt to their own strength these days. Don't get angry at will. Now they can't control their own magic power at all, and they may collapse the whole imperial court. Empty.

In the past few days, don't beg them to adjust their breath first, and then gradually practice don't beg to teach them the cultivation code. Start with the most basic Taoism and gradually get used to their huge mana. Now they don't have any foundation, and they can't even let go of a thunder in the palm of their hands. It will take at least a few months for them to really come in handy.

The ecstatic old eunuchs solemnly lined up in a row to thank the three beggars. Don't beg to deliberately let them keep their original old appearance, and then gave them a spiritual charm to hide their breath, and then they stood up.

In this way, these old eunuchs suddenly changed their faces. They looked at Wu Tianming in panic, grabbed themselves with their hands, and then knelt down one after another and shouted 'death penalty'. These old eunuchs, who have been cleansed since childhood, are frightened to find that the parts of their bodies, which have been separated for decades, have grown back, and because of the abundant blood, they are now standing tall.

Wu Tianming looked at these frightened old eunuchs and hurriedly asked about the clues. He couldn't help smiling and comforted the old people generously. Jin Xian's cultivation has been achieved, and the physical disability will naturally be repaired. Have you ever heard that Jin Xian is an eunuch?

Gui Guzi smiled and said, "This so-called dead wood in spring is auspicious good thing."

Wu Tianming laughed loudly, raised his glass and advised him to drink attentively, and gave an extra reward to these old eunuchs to sit down and drink together. For a while, he laughed all over the garden, and everyone was drunk.

In the morning of the second day, Zaifu, who was in charge of military affairs of Dawu, entered the palace and asked the three national divisions to receive the 100,000 soldiers assigned for them. RO