Steal the sky

Chapter 917 Old, Weak, Sick and Disabled

In the morning fog, a group of cars galloped out of the Great Wu Palace. In the 300 forbidden army, dozens of well-dressed old eunuchs surrounded by a Kowloon chariot with a guard of honor. Don't beg the three people and Wu Tianming in a car together, and the brigade rushed to the south of the city campus.

Don't beg and gamble with Wu Diyu. A hundred thousand troops will let the Great Wu Dynasty unify the whole river valley in March.

In addition to the 72 old eunuchs around him, Wu Tianming's men did not even have a soldier or a horse. Naturally, these 100,000 soldiers were transferred by Wu Diqi for him. Early in the morning, Liu Qingchen, who was in charge of all the military affairs of the Great Wu Dynasty, went to the palace to ask for a meeting. He informed Buqi and others that 100,000 soldiers had been prepared, and all the materials needed to refine armor and weapons had been prepared for the 100,000 soldiers.

This efficiency can't be said to be unpleasant. 100,000 troops and all the military supplies needed were allocated overnight. For a country like Wu, which has a total force of less than one million troops, it can be regarded as a heavy army. It is obvious that Wu Diqi made great efforts last night to do things well in such a short time.

There is a schoolyard in the east, west and south of the Great Wudu City. The two school grounds in the east and west are the venues for the imperial forbidden army and the capital guard's daily exercise. The campus in Zhengnan is the place where the army vowed to sacrifice to the sky. Among the three campuses, the campus in Zhengnan is the largest.

The car drove to the front of Yuanmen of the South Campus, and Wu Diqi had already waited outside Yuanmen with a large number of generals.

Seeing the three people driving together with Wu Tianming, Wu Diyu's slightly complacent face suddenly became gloomy. When the car stopped in front of Yuanmen, Wu Di crossed his hand and said coldly, "Your Majesty, three immortals, 100,000 troops are ready. Please go in and receive them. It's just that in the front, within three months from today, if the three immortals can't let Da Wu occupy the whole river valley, hey..." He glanced at Wu Diqi with cold eyes and said lightly, "All the flying swords and elixirs in the three poor Taoist brothers are yours, and as long as the regent is still alive One day, the three poor Taoist brothers will never step into the territory of Wu!" Wu Diqi laughed happily. He waved his fist to Beggai and smiled, "It's so good!" He laughed a few times. Wu Diqi proudly squeezed his eyes, squinted his eyes and said, "Actually, the three immortals and I have sent I swear that this matter is appropriate. I'm just afraid that the three immortals are too proud to forget this, so I kindly remind them.

Don't beg for skin and don't smile. He arched his hand to Wu Diqi and cursed a few fools in his heart. Not to mention whether it is possible for them to lose this game, even if they lose, Princess Bule directly cursed Wu Diqi to death. Isn't it easy for them to go back to Wu?

He looked at Wu Diyu with a little pity. Why didn't anyone mention Wu Diyu? After thinking about it, Don't beg to suddenly wake up, or the Manchu Dynasty of Wu didn't know that there was something called the air curse to kill people. Immortals have a means called flying swords thousands of miles away to take people's heads, right? No wonder Wu Diyu and those courtiers can only blame the heavenly court and Buddhism for deliberately causing this situation. Obviously, it is a group of earthen buns who have never seen the world. It is a little ashamed to calculate such a group of people not to beg.

Wu Diqi, who was blushing, rode a green-squad horned horse, drove side by side with Wu Tianming's car, and walked into the campus with his chest up.

There are a thousand small phalanxes standing neatly in the school field, each of which is ten people horizontally and vertically, which happens to be 100,000 troops. The thick fog enveloped the campus. These people could not see their faces clearly under the thick fog. From time to time, some people in the phalanx coughed a few violently, which was so harsh on the quiet campus.

Wu Tianming's face suddenly turned gloomy. Although he didn't know anything about soldiers, Wu Tianming also knew that if he was an elite soldier, how could someone cough in the queue? Especially when the emperor personally inspects the army, who dares to cough in the queue? I really can't control who dares to make a sound at this time. This is the crime of beheading.

Wu Diqi faked a smile. He seemed to think that the cough did not exist. He smiled and said to Don't beg, "Three immortals, the 100,000 troops are here. Don't forget the March appointment! Ha ha, ha ha, ha ha!" He looked up to the sky and laughed wildly for a while. Wu Diqi didn't even bother to say hello to Wu Tianming. He turned around and took the brigade of generals to sing military songs all the way and strode away, leaving a few officers responsible for handing over the huā roster and all the materials

With a soft snort, don't wave your sleeves. A strong wind rolled up on the flat ground, and the thick fog that enveloped 100,000 troops suddenly dispersed, revealing a refreshing piece of flat ground. The 100,000 soldiers standing soldiers were also exposed to everyone. Wu Tianming suddenly jumped up in anger and clenched his fists and smashed .

"Wu Diqi, mislead the traitors of the country!" Wu Tianming didn't care how many Wu Diqi's ears and eyes were here, and he was so angry that he cursed.

The thick fog dissipated, and there were a lot of 100,000 soldiers in the phalanx, but what kind of soldiers are they?

Standing in the three hundred square arrays in the front, they are all big men with dull and numb faces with missing arms and legs. There is a stagnant death entanglement on their bodies. Obviously, they are indeed long-standing soldiers in the battlefield. To be precise, they used to be long-term soldiers in the battlefield.

These big men are thin, and most of their bodies are mutilated. Some have broken hands, some have broken one leg, and some serious ones have broken hands and feet, just like a meat stake on the ground. Some people lost an eyeball, some people lost their ears, and some people had half of their cheek bones cut off, or their mottled bodies were all scars burned by the fire.

These big men stood there with a deep and dead spirit without saying a word, staring blankly at the front.

Don't beg and shake your head. The high cultivation of these big men has condensed out of Yuanying, and the low cultivation is just the realm of Jindan. As early as yesterday, when the divine consciousness covered the whole territory of the Great Wu Dynasty, Begging found that there were two armies in the Great Wu Dynasty, one of which was the main force with the cultivation of human skills and the scale of about a million people. There is also an army of monks with a scale of about 300,000 people who practice Taoist formulas.

The big men of the three hundred small phalanx in front of him obviously came from the army of monks, and they were defeated in the army of monks.

After these big men, there are three hundred phalanxes of young people. They practiced human skills, but at most they can only be regarded as just starting to practice. Although their muscles and bones are much stronger than ordinary people, there is no trace of Pangu purple gas in the body. Many people's faces look childish, at most twelve or thirteen years old; some people look around ignorantly, as if they find it interesting to line up here in the early morning. At this age, such cultivation, such heart, if they are sent to the battlefield, they are not even qualified to be cannon fodder.

After roughly calculating the combat effectiveness of these three hundred phalanxes, Don't beg and shake your head helplessly. A Yuanying monk with a complete range of flying swords and enough nourishing elixirs can easily kill all these 30,000 people. How can these dolls be better than ordinary people? There is no combat effectiveness at all.

The last 400 phalanxes are not bad. In fact, they are all soldiers who have practiced the human skills and become successful soldiers. Among these 40,000 soldiers, the strongest cultivation is the cultivation of Taishi Pangu Heavenly Realm Five-Star Heavenly Realm, and the weakest is also the strength of one-star Heavenly Realm.

But at the age of 40,000 soldiers, at first glance, Don't begging thought that Wu Di had dug up the ancestral grave of Wu's family and dug out the ancestors of all dynasties and pestle them here. None of the 40,000 soldiers could straighten their backs. They groaned and gasped loudly one by one. Obviously, they were all a group of old people who were only one step away from death.

The life expectancy of the human race is limited. The soldiers who practice human skills can live for a hundred years more than ordinary people at most. After a hundred years, they will still age and exhaust their energy. Even if these old people in front of them still have Pangu purple gas in the [body], they still have the cultivation of the Taishi Pangu Five-Star Heaven, but they can't give full play to this strength at all.

The years have devoured their last energy. It's good that many of them can stand here. It's really a dream to expect them to fight with their knives!

With a grin, Don't beg, turn your head and look at Guiguzi and say with a wry smile, "Brother, I used to think I was despicable enough."

Gui Guzi smiled. He squinted at the leader and said, "If you let the poor let go, these people may not have the power to fight."

Mo Zhai sneered and said, "There are all kinds of combat equipment refined by the poor, why do they have to fight with people closely?"

After listening to the words of the three people, Wu Tianming, who was so angry that his face turned around and saluted to Don't beg, "Master, this Wu Diqi is simply unreasonable. He, he, he ignores the major events of the imperial dynasty, he..."

Wu Tianming was so angry that the thick phlegm blocked his throat. He coughed for a long time and couldn't speak. Wu Tianming, who once snuggled up with Ma Zhangtai, had just ascended to the throne. All kinds of pressures had made it difficult for him to breathe. When he met Wu Diyu's almost shameless means, Wu Tianming couldn't stand it.

It's not that Wu Diqi has mastered the military and political power of the Great Wu Dynasty. Once something happens to Wu Diqi, Dawu immediately has the worry of falling apart. Wu Tianming really wants to ask not to beg not to destroy Wu Diqi.

Don't beg. He just sneered repeatedly. He flew up and suspended above the 100,000 soldiers. He looked down at them condescendingly and said in a low voice, "Wait, are you willing to make contributions for Da Wu? Would you like to make a contribution? If there are any people, just say that the poor road naturally has anti-sky means to complete it. If you don't want to work for Dawu, I'll give you time to leave!"

Many of the 100,000 soldiers showed fear and despair, and their bodies trembled into a ball. Obviously, they were afraid to the extreme. But none of them dared to leave the team, and everyone looked intently at the sneering officers standing on the edge of the school field.

Don't beg for a smile. He led the leader and said, "Well, it's very good. Just think that you are all willing to die for Da Wu!"

With a strange smile, Don't beg took out a handful of elixir and pinched it into pieces. He sprinkled the aura of the elixir down, and a large purple and gold breath enveloped 100,000 troops. Don't beg and laugh wildly, "You have made a wise choice, and the glory and wealth are waiting for you!" In the purple-gold light, tens of thousands of roars rose to the sky.