Steal the sky

Chapter 919 Five Immortals

Chapter 919 Five Immortals (Second Update)

The army of 100,000 people who had completely changed their appearance surrounded Wu Tianming's chariots into a square array. The sound of the mountain and tsunami shook the huge capital trembling, which made Wu Diyu's group flee the southern campus in panic. He and they must find a way to deal with this matter, otherwise Wu Diyu's power, status, glory and wealth will not return, and these party members around him are bound to be cleaned up by Wu Tianming's hot hands.

The officers who stayed on the campus looked at Wu Tianming, who stood on the chariot and accepted the cheers of the army, and their attitude became extremely respectful and obedient. The comprehensive strength of the 100,000 troops transformed by the amazing magic power of Don't beg has been about twice as strong as that of the current Great Wu army. Wu Tianming already has the force to change the dynasty. As long as he gets some support from the literary ministers, he can successfully grasp the real imperial power.

Several officers lowered their eyebrows and asked Wu Tianming to see if they could check the military supplies prepared by Wu Diqi for these 100,000 troops.

Wu Tianming, who was jubilant, sat on the carriage proudly. Don't beg the three people to take a car with him and go to the warehouse on the east side of the campus surrounded by 3,000 of the strongest soldiers. The rest of the army stood neatly on the campus and worked hard to run their own skills. Don't beg. The handful of elixirs that have just been crushed has not completely dissipated, and the purple-gold aura is still hovering in the air. They can absorb a little more aura, which can improve a lot of strength. This opportunity is extremely rare. Naturally, we should seize the time.

To the east of the South Campus is a large number of bungalows with several feet of masonry structure. Usually, these bungalows are idle. Only when the army goes on an expedition will the general from the arsenal will be transferred here for storage. At this time, dozens of soldiers were stationed outside the warehouse. Seeing Wu Tianming's car coming, the soldiers were extremely respectful and even knelt down on their knees with a little fear.

This is the treatment that Wu Tianming has never enjoyed. In the days when he took over the throne, even the most ordinary soldier in the forbidden army would not kneel down to him. After receiving the great worship of these soldiers, Wu Tianming blushed with excitement. The dignity of his emperor was accumulating little by little through these little things, as if the jade had been split open to the outer rock, and he was transforming into a real emperor.

The heavy iron door of the warehouse slowly opened, revealing the mountains of materials inside. But when they saw these equipments, Don't Beg, Guiguzi and Mo Zhai rolled their eyes at the same time, as expected. Wu Tianming's face turned red with anger. He shook his fist to the sky and scolded sharply, "Old thief, I, I should kill him!"

There are more than 100,000 sets of armor and weapons in the warehouse, as well as a large number of crossbows and arrows. But those armors can be described as insects gnawing rats and biting rags, and some armors are full of holes the size of fists. The edges of the halberd are rusty, and the handles of some swords have fallen off and cannot be used to fight at all. The crossbow is generally intact, but the bow strings are all loose and broken, and a few crossbows that can be used normally can not be found at all. As for those arrows, it is clear that they are all recovered on the battlefield. The arrows are flattened, and the arrow feathers are also peeled off. Even if you shoot rabbits, you may not be able to hit the target.

There are also a large number of reserve materials in the other warehouses. Wu Diyu is very considerate for fear that there will be a big consumption when the army goes out, so he has prepared enough reserve materials for the 100,000 army to fight for the army - enough iron ore to build a full set of equipment for 300,000 people!

Yes, it's iron ore. If these iron ores are extracted from refined iron and forged into ordnance, it is enough to arm 300,000 people. But now they are still stored in the warehouse in the form of iron ore, and the gray-brown stones that seem to be piled up like mountains have a sense of existence.

Other messy things include soldiers' war clothes, war boots and so on. No matter how you look at them, they are all pulled down from the dead. Among them, there are some common people's clothes mixed in it, and there are even a few fancy pink girl's long skirts in a very conspicuous place. Wear these things to the battlefield, not to mention war, it is a good thing not to die without being ridiculed by the enemy.

The most important military grain is honestly stored a lot. The corn nest head is obviously stuffed with seven or eight warehouses, which seems to be enough for 100,000 troops to eat for three months. When the doors of these warehouses were opened, the fragrance of boiled corn came to my face, which was very appetizing.

It's just that I don't know which chef ordered the steamed nests of these corn noodles. It is obvious that a large number of complete corn kernels can be seen in the nests of different sizes, not fresh tender corn, but dried old corn. Don't beg people who suspect that they have a bad stomach have nibbled a few such nests, and those old corn kernels will be pulled out completely, which can't be digested at all.

Wu Tianming's eyes turned green with anger. He smashed another pillar of the chariot with another punch. The roof of the chariot was smashed down and was punched out by him. Wu Tianming shouted sharply, "Wu Diyu, you, you, good, very good!"

Don't beg for shaking his head disapprovingly. He said lightly, "Your Majesty, there is no need to be angry. War clothes, boots and food and fodder supplies are all easy to say. As long as your majesty spends a lot of money, how can't you buy these things? Give your majesty a month, and the clothing, food and fodder of the 100,000 army can always be completed.

Mo Zhai nod his head and said, "As for ordnance weapons, there are so many iron ore. Within half a month, the weapons of 100,000 troops will be ready."

Wu Tianming's eyes lit up. He looked at Don't beg and said, "Master, do you want to prepare for a month?"

Gui Guzi said faintly, "It doesn't matter. Your Majesty just has to do the clothes and food for the soldiers. Why does it take March to sweep the river valley? A few days is enough. In this month, the poor should practice these 100,000 soldiers and let them practice the 'Five elements of the Immortals'. When they are proficient in acting, this river valley is the territory of Dawu.

Wu Tianming unconditionally believed the words of the three people. He immediately got up and left. Surrounded by 72 old eunuchs and 3,000 selected guards, he returned to the palace and tried his best to deal with soldiers' clothes, food and fodder. Although the military and political power was grasped by Wu Diyu, and the affairs of the harem were also controlled by the empress dowager, Wu Tianming still had a little private money when he was a prince.

Now in order to gamble, Wu Tianming took out his private money to prepare the clothes and food and fodder of the soldiers. Some courtiers have heard about what happened on the South Campus from various channels. In just a few days, dozens of officials of all sizes secretly attached to Wu Tianming. With the help of these officials, the preparation of soldiers' clothing and food and fodder has become very smooth.

After waiting for half a month, there was even a secret oath of allegiance to Wu Tianming. Unconsciously, Wu Tianming had more than 50% of the number of literary ministers in the court, but the generals followed Wu Di, and he did not gain much in the army. However, with 72 old eunuchs close to him and a hundred thousand troops to follow, Wu Tianming did not pay much importance to these generals, and he even made the decision to thoroughly clean the generals' system after the event.

On the south campus, a bronze tripod is wrapped in red flames, and countless iron ore are constantly flowing into the tripod. Soon, pieces of iron ingots shining with all kinds of light flew out of the tripod. This big tripod is a refining tripod refined by Tianding. It is almost the quality of Taiyi immortals, and it is really useless to purify iron blocks.

While purifying these iron ores, they are also added with some materials such as the essence of the five elements. The seemingly ordinary iron ingot can actually be regarded as a genius treasure, and even if it is used to forge gold fairy weapons, it is qualified.

Mo Zhai was still the same as in the hall that day. A flame in his palm spewed high, and iron ingots flew into his palm, and a weapon and a set of armor flew out from the other side of the flame. All weapons and armors look ordinary and inconspicuous at all, but the quality is absolutely amazing.

70,000 soldiers who practice human skills have all-length heavy armor and two-handed chopping knives, with a long bow and 30 long arrows. The lethality of long attack and close combat is not small. With the quality of the ordnance of other countries in this valley, their weapons can't break the armor of the 70,000 soldiers, and their armor can't stop the cutting knives in the hands of the 70,000 soldiers. In the face of these 70,000 tiger divisions, the soldiers of other countries in the valley are completely slaughtered.

30,000 monks are each person's standard flying sword, which is divided into five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, each with 6,000 handles.

These monks are divided into five teams. In addition to distributing flying swords with five elements, they also have a special magic weapon.

The monks wearing metal flying swords all have a three-foot flying knife, and thousands of knives kill people in the air when the flying knife is sacrificed.

The monks wearing wooden flying swords all have a green leather gourd. As soon as the gourd opened, the wind swept the thunder.

The monks wearing the earthly flying sword all have an apricot flag, and when the flag is waved, countless hills hit people on the head.

The monks wearing water flying swords all have a small dark bowl, and the mouth of the bowl is full of black waves.

The monks wearing fire flying swords all have a red windmill, which are full of red fires.

During the period when Wu Tianming was busy collecting clothes, food and grass, Gui Guzi was divided into 30,000 monks of gold, wood, water, fire and earth to practice the formation in the south school yard. Everyone should move according to their own orientation, and the five elements of the advance and retreat should cooperate with each other, and no one should make a mistake. Although they have not yet issued the magic weapon, they have been able to pull the five elements of aura between their advance and retreat, and there is a five-color halo on the school field, which is really scary.

This large array is the so-called 'five elements immortal array' of Guiguzi. One is ordinary in what he said, but it is a horrible array that can easily turn Jinxian into pus and blood. Such a formation is really unstoppable in this river valley where Dawu is located.

In the midst of everyone's busyness and calculation, a month passed quickly.

On this day, Wu Diyu couldn't help but bring a large group of generals to the south campus. As soon as he entered the door, he shouted, "Three immortals, if you don't have the intention to contribute to my great Wu, why don't you leave as soon as possible? A month has passed, and there are countless wastes of food, fodder and military resources. Are the three immortals making fun of my Da Wu?

Seeing Don't beg, Wu Diqi has set an extremely 'excellent' condition. If the three people of Don't beg leave Dawu now and admit that they have lost the bet, Lord Wu Diqi will not ask for a large number of flying sword weapons and elixirs on them, as long as they never come back.

Even Wu Diqi can open the treasury of Wu, allowing the three of them to take away the treasures they like.

Everything, just don't beg them to leave. RO