Steal the sky

Chapter 918 Against the Sky

Under the purple and golden aura, don't drink a 'deed' with your hands. Countless trees, flowers and plants in the vast mountains around the river valley spewed out the green fog that was faintly visible to the naked eye, turning into a strong wind and going straight to the south schoolyard. The strong green gas gathered into a dark green storm whirlpool over the south campus, but it did not spray a large amount of green spiritual liquid down without making a sound.

The wonder caused the exclamation of hundreds of officials and people in the capital. There was a dense sound of armor impact in the distance. Wu Diqi, who had just left, ran back with a large number of generals out of breath. A group of armored generals strode into the south campus, and then looked at the 100,000 troops wrapped in purple-gold aura and green spiritual liquid as if they were ghosts.

In full view of the public, the 30,000 disabled monks with missing arms and legs in front of them were shivering all over. The bones and flesh of their broken limbs squirmed, and new limbs were rapidly emerging. In the sound of bone growth, their amputated limbs are all reborn in just a dozen breaths, and the body runs flexibly without any suffocation.

A huge aura poured into the bodies of these monks and washed over and over again in their meridians. Their meridians hurt as if they were burning, but under the nourished by the green spiritual liquid, their meridians had a cold and bone-pelled pleasure in the hot pain. Their Yuanying and Jindan uncontrollably absorb the aura of the outside world. Under the control of a huge irresistible horror consciousness, their Jindan and Yuanying are undergoing wonderful changes.

A purple-gold lotus platform gushed out under the feet of Don't beg. He sat cross-legged on the lotus platform, word by word is enough to tell the secret of the road he understood to the mystery of heaven. One word opens the sky, one word cracks the ground, one word is psychic, and one word is born. Each word turned into a golden lotus the size of a fist and flew out, breaking into a little golden light and integrating into the bodies of these monks.

Thirty thousand monks listened intently to the mystery of heaven told by Buqi. They only felt that the dark scenes in front of them suddenly shattered, and a brand-new world suddenly appeared in front of him. They seemed to take off the shackles of the body, and their bodies were light without any weight. The boundless heavenly way turned into a rolling torrent to wash away their souls. They were like fish in the torrent of heaven. They were so clear and happy. That wonderful feeling was really indescribable.

Everyone's Taoism is advancing by leaps and bounds. Don't beg to spend your own sperm and blood to improve their Taoism and cultivation with the art of ether. There was a loud rumbling sound from the underground of the Great Wu capital, and more than a dozen giant spiritual veins were forcibly moved by the huge divine consciousness and converged under the capital. I heard a dragon singing and eighteen dragon shadows rushing up from the ground, rushing high into the sky with endless aura, and gathering into a glow over the capital. The faint fragrance echoed in the capital. After the old and young patients in the city smelled the fragrance, they only felt that their muscles and bones were strong, and all the old diseases disappeared.

Suddenly, don't beg and shouted: "Won't you wake up, when will you wait?"

The 30,000 monks who had just broken limbs and broken their arms opened their eyes at the same time and roared in unison. A white gas on the top of their heads rushed dozens of feet high, and the three clusters of lotus flowers on the white gas bloomed. At the same time, they stepped into the realm of immortals. Although it is only the most basic cultivation of the thirty-six immortals, the 30,000 immortals have achieved at the same time. This incredible scene has caused countless cry of panic in the school.

Wu Diyan sat on the ground, and many generals behind him were also scared to retreat. From time to time, someone exclaimed, "People? Xianye? God? Saint Ye? Such a great ability of creation! Oh, my God!"

The robbery cloud the size of 30,000 futons in the void quickly appeared, and the robbery cloud was connected into one, turning into a huge cloud group that exuded the smell of terrible thunder. Thirty thousand immortals have achieved at the same time, and the thunder disaster of these 30,000 immortals has been integrated, which is comparable to the thunder disaster of the high-level golden immortals.

The terrible thunderous smell scared Wu Diyu and others to flee out of the school field in a hurry. They instinctively sensed that the thunderstorm would pose a fatal threat to themselves.

Wu Tianming, who had seen not begging for a long time, stood on the chariot and stroked his palm and shouted, "The master's magic power is boundless, and it's wonderful!"

Don't beg for a long smile. He waved casually, and the clouds smashed in the air, and the huge thunderbolt pressure disappeared without a trace. Don't beg at the 30,000 freshly baked immortals and shouted harshly, "You will retreat quickly and listen to your majesty's will later!"

30,000 monks who were fascinated by the shocking means of not begging fell to the ground neatly and kowtowed like garlic and shouted, "We have seen the immortal master. Please have mercy from the immortal master to take our followers, so that we can always listen to the teachings of the immortal master!"

Don't beg to meditate for a moment and look at Wu Tianming. Wu Tianming was so excited that he trembled all over. He hurriedly nodded, nodded and nodded desperately, almost with a shadow on his head.

Thirty thousand immortals, this force is enough to compare with 70% of the total force of Wu. With this force, Wu Tianming still has to see whose face in the Dawu Dynasty Hall? Anyway, I have worshipped the door of Don't begging. What's the harm of 30,000 more brothers?

A gentle shout of 'goodness', don't beg to point to the 30,000 immortals and scold in a fierce voice: "There are not many rules under the Taoist king's door. As long as you respect the teacher and are loyal to the sect, even if you poke a hole in the master's door, you will be angry for

Third thousand immortals answered the promise in unison. They desperately kowtowed more than a dozen times to beggar, shouted 'master', and then obediently obeyed the order of beggar and got up and formed a large phalanx behind Wu Tianming's chariot. With Wu Tianming's scolding, they released their flying sword hanging in the air at the same time. The light of the sword lit up the whole southern campus like rain. The bright sword light pierced Wu Diyu and others who were looking this way with severe pain in their eyes.

These monks were part of the army of the Great Wu monks, but they were forced to retire with serious injuries. They all have a flying sword of low quality, and the sword light released is just a little short. But they can't stand it. Now their cultivation has soared and their mana has soared, and 30,000 swords have run through the void. The momentum is really terrible.

Pick up these 30,000 monks, don't beg to look at the young children of the second 300 small squares. Shaking his head, don't beg for a sneer and said, "It's cheap for you. Daojun still has some elixirs that were configured in those years. Let's wait today!" With a loud shout, don't beg fiercely and shout, "How long will you wait for the skills you learned if you don't run fast?"

These scouts witnessed the amazing scene just now, and they have long regarded Begging as the underworld of immortals. Hearing the loud shouts, they hurriedly sat on the ground and worked hard to run the human skills they had learned. Some of these scouts practice the nine-turn immortal body, and some practice the true body of heaven and earth. At this moment, 30,000 people carry their skills at the same time, and their bodies are surrounded by purple gas.

Don't beg to take out a small jade bottle, pour the jade bottle, and a red spiritual liquid with a strong smell of blood flew out, injecting the bodies of these children from the heavenly lid. This spiritual liquid is collected from the essence and blood of the dragon people in the East China Sea, which is refined with a large number of elixirs. It has a strong auxiliary effect on the cultivation of human skills, and can stimulate the cultivation speed of human warriors by more than ten times.

Sprinkled this bottle of spiritual liquid, don't beg and quietly accelerated the time of the Xuanyin Star Tower on the 30,000 Boy Scouts. With the acceleration of several times of time now, coupled with the ten times the improvement speed of the spiritual liquid, only in a very short time, the bones of these scouts began to grow, and soon they grew into big men like wolves and tigers.

As soon as the magic power was collected, these 'big men' jumped up at the same time, roaring up to the sky one by one, venting the endless energy and violent power in their bodies. With the deliberate practice of not begging, the weakest cultivation among them has also had the cultivation of Taishi Pangu Tianjing Sanxingjing, and several of the best-qualified cultivations are even close to one yuan Pangu Tian.

He snorted coldly to stop these big men from shouting. He looked down on these excited scouts. Don't beg for evil and said, "Poority can make you wait, and it can also destroy you!"

Although these children are knowledgeable, they are not stupid. As soon as they said this sentence, they saw with their own eyes the incredible scene of the achievement of the 30,000 immortals in front of them. They knelt to the ground together, kowtowed and shouted, "Disciples, see the master!"

These 30,000 new tigers kowtowed nine times, and half of the south campus was shocked by them with infinite brute force.

Don't beg for a wave. 30,000 cheap apprentices obediently formed a square array on the left side of Wu Tianming's car. Wu Tianming danced with joy and looked proudly at a group of people with pale faces.

Only the old man who is about to end his last 40,000 years of life is left. Don't beg to fly over their heads, like a high god shouting in a low voice: "I will give you and other loyalty, and I will live a poor life for thousands of years!" Poor Tao, you can be included as disciples in an exceptional way!"

Forty thousand veterans were stunned. At the same time, they looked up at Don't beg. An old man who was so old that he would break up at any time said harshly, "Is what the immortal said true? Extend your life for thousands of years, this is the best elixir!"

The best elixir can prolong your life for thousands of years? Don't beg for scolding an ignorant country bumpkin in your heart. With one finger, a red elixir submerged into the old man's body. The old man's body stiffened, and the huge angry force suddenly spewed out of his body. His white hair turned black, and his mouth was reborn with white teeth. The dry old skin suddenly broke off, and the dry muscles swelled again. It was just a few breaths, and a man who seemed to be only more than 30 years old. The big man appeared in front of everyone.

The scene was silent. After a full cup of tea, 40,000 veterans knelt down on the ground at the same time, kowtowed like garlic and said, "Please have mercy from the immortal master, and we will be devoutly obedient!"

Don't beg to laugh loudly. He sprinkled the longevity elixir refined with the wood juice of the innate god in the Yuanling Youjing. The 40,000 old veterans quickly recovered their youth, and their strength also suddenly soared to a large part under the intentional use of Don't beg, and many individuals successfully broke through the cultivation of the ancient .

The army of 100,000 people changed their faces in the blink of an eye. Wu Diqi, who witnessed all this, shook his body and sat on the ground again in embarrassment.

100,000 old, weak, sick and disabled, turned into a first-class army in the blink of an eye. This impact is too strong.

Only Wu Tianming's proud laughter spread out in the school yard, and there was no other sound.