Steal the sky

Chapter 933 The prototype of the Holy League

Chapter 933 The prototype of the Holy League (first update)

Another mouthful of purple-red phlegm spit on the ground, and another large piece of magma vaporized and evaporated. Yanjun's big horn put away his original magic weapon, gritted his teeth and looked at the direction where the long wind disappeared and muttered, "Every time they are like this, they are entangled and pestering when they are strong. As soon as the wind falls, they turn around and run away. Why is it like this every time?"

Yao Ling is busy wearing her ridiculously long skirt. She carefully smoothed every wrinkle on the hem of the skirt, and the soft mana fluctuation gently shook the skirt like running water. Countless flower embroidery on the skirt, which is a hundred miles long, seems to be alive, swaying with the swinging skirt, as if there is a floral fragrance.

Hearing Yanjun's big horn's complaint, Yao Ling rolled his eyes and snorted coldly, "For so many years, have you been used to it? They formed two gangs and colluded into traitors. They did that ruly thing every day. They didn't do it once or twice. What else did you say?

Yanjun's big horn snorted coldly. He looked at the source of fire that had been hit out of a big pit with a gloomy face, and his face was twitching with heartache. He clenched his fists and muttered in a low voice, and his eyes flashed fiercely, as if he was calculating when he was going to hit the door of the other party and break a few valuable things in the room.

The Sphinx flew up with his wings fluttering with a little embarrassment. He shook his head helplessly to Yanjun and said, "Master, disciples are useless."

Yanjun waved his hand and said dryly, "It has nothing to do with you. Next time you find a chance to kill a few calf noses."

The Sphinx nodded very sincerely and said very seriously, "I will go to Pangu mainland tomorrow. When I meet someone in a Taoist robe, I will secretly kill him and kill him for 8,000 before coming back."

Yao Ling was afraid that the world would not be chaotic. She cheered for the Sphinx and said, "Remember to commit suicide with high cultivation, at least the cultivation of Jinxian. Isn't it a disgrace to your master to kill those immortals and monks?"

Light and shadow flashed in the void, an old man in a black robe, a strong man in his upper body, and a beautiful woman riding behind a hundred-footed beetle came out at the same time. The strong man said angrily, "The long-browed old man's distraction is really powerful. He couldn't kill him after beating him for a long time. I broke one of his arms and let him escape."

The old man in black robe flew and landed on the branch of the source of fire. He squatted on the branch like a big bird and sighed. He took out a dark seal and said sadly, "He smashed 108 seals in a row and smashed the distracted head I dealt with, but he ran away. Next time I have to think of a way. If he can't die, he has to suppress and ban him.

Everyone looked at the beautiful woman riding behind the beetle. The beautiful woman in a miserable green robe with a few evil spirits in her eyebrows said, "What do you think I'm doing?" The distraction I dealt with was repeatedly stabbed by my own magic power, and the poison was hidden in his body. When he returned to his body and burst out, it would take half a month to exorcise the poison.

After listening to the woman's words, Yanjun Dajiao and others laughed one after another, especially Yao Ling, who almost fell into the sea of magma. The seven masters in the Taoist realm present have also maintained the primitive style of the chaotic demon god. They dare to act, dare to love and hate, have clear kindness and resentment, and can't tolerate any sand in their eyes. They don't pay attention to any majesty. When they want to laugh, just laugh out loud.

The subtle wind roar came from afar, and a breeze blew eleven subtle lights and shadows. The twisted light and shadows came to the crowd, and a low voice sounded: "Why are you laughing so happily? Is it possible to kill the old man with long eyebrows? That's really one less scourge!"

The god sighed deeply. He shook his head and said, "How can it be killed? Just now, Wu Linggong said it well. We have to find a way to suppress a few of them, or break the magic body of several of them and force them to reincarnation, otherwise it will be bad for us!"

At the beginning of the wind, seven people and eleven twisted lights and shadows formed a circle of thousands of feet in diameter. At the beginning of Yanjun's big horn, 18 golden solutions spewed out of the magma sea, turning into 18 golden thrones with different shapes under the crowd. Including those lights and shadows sat down one after another, and the group of people sat on the throne and stared at a point in the middle of the circle in a daze.

Seven Buddhas, nine Taoism and eighteen saints in the Pangu world, and eighteen of the thirty-five most powerful saints gathered here. Although eleven people came here only as a distraction, this is the first time for the 18 people to have such a serious gathering. Unlike the seven Buddhas and nine paths, who founded the sect to expand their power, these eighteen still maintain the original style of the chaotic demon god. Except for a few who have a better friendship, they occasionally run to the door. Others hide in their nests all the years and practice hard. They have their own fun, and they will never show up in the ordinary times.

Since they have been together, there has been nothing they can do about the disaster of heaven and earth. Several of them have experienced dozens of disasters of heaven and earth and have not appeared. There are legends about them circulating on Sunday, but they are the same as legends. Some people know their names, but few people can see their real bodies.

Don't beg to hide in the ground so scared that you dare not come out. If it's the power of one or two Taoist realms, it's enough. There are a whole eighteen here, and half of the whole Pangu world's Taoist realms gathered here. If they find out of today's cultivation, you can't

Especially this time, Don't beg is still stealing the essence of the source of fire. If this matter is found by Yanjun's big horn, I'm afraid that if you don't beg to escape into reincarnation, you will not be at peace. With Yanjun's big horn's temper, you will definitely chase the reincar

Carefully integrate all the breath into the source of fire, and the huge essence of the divine wood keeps pouring in. Don't beg around your body, and he simmered it with the method of refining the sky as the true spirit. At the same time, he carefully extracted the divine power and divine power of the three Qingdi, and constantly enhanced his mana cultivation.

Don't beg this time, don't dare to take away all the new divine power and divine elements in the bodies of the Qing Emperor and the three of them. You should know that there are eighteen Taoist realms here. Any of them only needs to be a little curious to sweep the Qing Emperor. If they find that the Qing Emperor is working hard to heal It's a pig who knows that something is wrong. Don't beg and you will be taken out.

So don't beg to slow down the absorption of divine power and divine power, and reserve half of the divine power and divine power to the Qing Emperor. The three people's faces gradually became better, and their rapid breathing gradually became long. But don't beg to slow down the theft of the three of them, and his attention turned to the wood, water and gold aura drawn by the wood of the source of fire. Anyway, there are always too many Reiki. Don't beg to take 50% of the Reiki extracted from the source of fire.

With the wonder of stealing the inner escape magic door, this little action of not begging has not been discovered by the power of the eighteen Taoist realms. Or no one believes that someone will dare to play tricks in front of the existence of the eighteen Taoist realms, and even those Buddhas and Taoist ancestors dare not play such tricks. All Yanjun and Dajiao sat there carelessly in a daze, and no one wanted to carefully check the surrounding environment.

This is the nest of Yanjun's big horn. Unless it is violently attacked by outsiders, it is absolutely safe. Is it necessary to be so careful?

Only the Sphinx squatted on the source of fire, occasionally staring around for a while, but also ignoring the situation directly below his body.

This silence lasted for three days and three nights. Finally, Yanjun couldn't help it. He asked dryly, "Speak, what are you doing?"

The silence was broken, and a light and shadow said in a low voice, "For a while, the news we have spread everywhere is very bad. There is no doubt that Taoism and Buddhism are going to work together to suppress the human race. This time, they even blocked the gate of the Wase Palace, and obviously did not want to give the Wasi Emperor a chance to intervene. They are going to completely control the human race.

Yan Shenyin said, "If the human race is really as completely mastered by them as the mortals in the world and the foreign language starry sky, if the Pangu continent falls under their control. Then, with the power secretly accumulated by Taoism and Buddhism over the years, let me calculate that without a measure, the strength of their sect will be increased by a hundred times. Among the disciples of Taoist ancestors and Buddhas, there are many people who break the Taoist realm now, in case...

The god clicked his mouth and didn't finish his words.

Yao Ling sat on the throne with her legs crossed. She sighed with a sad face, "In case a few of their disciples and grandchildren agree, we will be miserable. Originally, we can't work together as much as them. We can barely compete with them with one more person. If they have a few disciples and grandchildren, it's strange that we are not chased by them every day!"

Cangmu said in a low voice, "It doesn't need much. As long as there are three disciples of Taoism and Buddhism who break through the Taoist realm, with our previous state of scattered sand, it is likely that some of us will be banned and suppressed. As long as we lose the first person, there will be the second, the third and the fourth..."

Yanjun said angrily, "What are you waiting for? Waiting for them to suppress us? Fuck you, turn them over first!"

The breath of killing echoed in this small circle. The terrible murderous intention made the Sphinx beat uneasily a few times, and subconsciously flew to the higher branch to settle down.

A light and shadow said in a low voice: "We must form an alliance to protect ourselves. Looking back on so many years, how many people from the same origin as us have fallen? How many of them died by those calculations? We must join hands and form a complete force with them to recruit disciples to protect ourselves!"

The god nod and said, "Unconsciously, among their disciples today, there are more than a thousand people in the Mingdao realm on the open surface. If these thousands of Mingdao realms lay a large array with the help of the power of Zhou Tianxingchen and Liudao reincarnation they have mastered, they will have the strength to fight against one If they really master the Pangu continent, hey hey!"

The beautiful woman riding on the hundred-foot beetle said loudly, "The eighteen saints joined hands to conclude the holy alliance to fight against the Buddha and Taoism. What do you think?"

Yanjun Dajiao was the first to jump up. He waved his fist and said angrily, "Do it like this. At worst, there will be another disaster of heaven and earth. They will send the outer realm back to the Pangu mainland, and we will tear up the Pangu continent again! Hey, we will destroy whatever they want!"

Everyone else looked at Yanjun's big horn, with the same meaning in their eyes - 'idiot'!

The Sphinx's face drooped his head, and his long wings hugged his body and dared not show his head. Why did he spread such a teacher? RO