Steal the sky

Chapter 934 Yuanling Zhenyan

The essence of the source of fire brings nine ordinary fire, real fire, sky fire, divine fire, and wild fire pouring into the body of no begging. Those ordinary flames that were not powerful were abandoned by him and melted into the purple gas of Hongmeng at will by him. Those powerful divine flames, barren fires, and those heavenly fires with unique magical powers were carefully collected by him, and only a small pinch of them were left in the Tianding.

In the previous life, it took countless years for the old man Yuanling to collect all kinds of fires, and it took three worlds to train these fires into one and refined them into a powerful and mysterious Yuanling Zhenyan. But today, as long as you collect enough fire, why does it take so much effort?

The total amount of fire collected in the previous life is extremely large, and it belongs to the kind of existence that can destroy a void by carelessness. It is extremely difficult to collect dozens of kinds of fire, especially to integrate a large number of fires. But in this life, don't beg to have this anti-sky method of stealing. He just needs a little fire to melt it into one, so that he can achieve the real fire of Yuanling, and then evolve with Hongmeng purple gas to completely transform a large amount of Hongmeng purple gas into the new Yuanling Zhenyan, which is a great success.

Just like kneading dozens of planets into one, or melting dozens of sand into one, how big is the difficulty gap? Not to mention that with the experience of the previous life, all kinds of fire can be easily controlled, and the efficiency alone is tens of millions of times higher than that of the previous life.

Especially when you didn't beg to refine the Yuanling Zhenyan in the previous life, you didn't help the Tianding. In this life, he has taken back the refining tripod he got in his previous life.

The small fire, like the tip of a needle, swayed in the refining tripod. There are all kinds of flames, either cold, or hot, or not cold or hot, or hot or cold. In the source tree of fire, there are 36,000 kinds of heavenly fire, 36,000 kinds of divine fire, 36,000 kinds of wild fire, a The most powerful kind of fire is now all gathered in the refining tripod.

Be careful to open the method of refining the sky. Don't beg while absorbing the endless source of Shenmu Jingyuan, while putting most of your mind into the refining tripod.

The Eighteen Holy Plates sat together, and they made their own vows to conclude a holy alliance to fight against Taoist and Buddha. In terms of the number of people, they have one more person. In terms of cultivation, there are also several of them who are slightly higher than Taoist and Buddha, but as they themselves say, these people who are used to living freely are a plate of scattered sand. Compared with the Buddhist and Taoist sects and Taoist sects that have created a wide range of disciples, they

They sat next to the source of fire, taking stock of the advantages of Buddhism and Taoism, and taking stock of the weaknesses of the Holy League.

Buddha and Taoist ancestors established their own noses soon after the creation of the world. Over the years, these two small groups have struggled hard in the Pangu world, and experienced countless disasters of heaven and earth. The former chaotic demons fell one after another. Except for Yanjun's big horn, the 18 lucky ones, all the other chaotic demons dissipated.

Only Nafeng's seven old Taoist and old monks supported each other and came to this day step by step.

Yanjun Dajiao clearly remembers that in the first 18 disasters of heaven and earth in the Pangu world, there was only one Buddha and Taoist ancestor. However, whether the other Buddhas and Taoist ancestors fall into reincarnation, or are suppressed by others, or encounter other serious disasters, these two Taoist ancestors have always tried their best to save others and protect others to step back into the path of cultivation. After repeated disasters, they have always supported each other and formed an extremely deep relationship and an incomparable tacit understanding.

The repeated disasters failed to destroy these two small groups, but let them work together one by one. When the 360th heavy disaster of heaven and earth in the Pangu world came, which was also the most terrible disaster in history, 90% of the disciples of Buddhism and Taoism scattered their souls, and the remaining one point fell into reincarnation, but all the seven Buddhas and nine Taoisms all stepped into the Taoist realm at the critical juncture of the heavy disaster, Base.

The eighteen saints clearly remember that when the last Taoist ancestor and the last Buddha were together, Zhou Tian was full of the desperate roar before the fall of the chaotic demon god Mo, the eternal and boundless life stopped abruptly in the sun, and the heaven and the earth were full of strange signs of the blood, rain, the collapse of the sky and the earth The omen filled the world.

Only the two auspicious clouds are entangled in the Great Spirit Vulture Mountain and the sky, and the two Taoist ancestors and Buddhas are sitting on the platform of Lianhu, who are in harmony. At that time, the other six Buddhas and eight Taoists were heavily damaged in order to protect the last Taoist brothers, which was a heavy blow that could not be recovered in time with their cultivation in the Taoist realm.

Seeing that the heavy disaster of heaven and earth was about to wipe out a monk at the edge of the Tao, the sound of the Buddha's horn and the Taoist song that rushed to the sky sounded continuously, and the last batch of disciples who remained in the Buddha's door and Taoism, the Ming Taoist realm and even broke the Taoist realm, laughed Hundreds of disciples in the Taoist realm self-exploded their souls, and dozens of disciples in the Taoist realm self-exploded their souls. Even the boys who sprinkled water and swept the floor under their doors bravely stopped before the heavy disaster and completely exploded their last trace of spirit.

It was the time when the sky rained and washed the Great Spirit Slu Mountain and the sky. In the flesh and blood splash of countless disciples, the last monk successfully stepped into the realm of Hedao.

The eighteen saints, who were also struggling in the disaster, saw with their own eyes the seven Buddhas and nine paths kneeling to the ground in the bloody rain and worshipping their lost disciples. Seventeen monks in the Taoist realm knelt down in the rain of blood and cried bitterly, and kowtowed to the disciples of those disciples who fell devoutly, again and again and again, until the complete end of the heavy disaster. Yao Ling accidentally mentioned the scene they saw that day, and the eighteen saints closed their mouths at the same time.

The holy alliance that has just been concluded is no different from a plate of loose sand. And what about Buddhism and Taoism? Countless disasters have trained them into a frightening and stable whole. Over the years, Yanjun Dajiao has always been easily suppressed by Buddhism and Taoism, because they are united as one, and they always go their own way.

After a suffocating silence for seven days and seven nights, Ruan Shen said in a low voice, "If we have to find a way, we must destroy their good intentions to completely master the Pangu mainland, otherwise we will have no way out. Do you want us to return to the chaotic world?" Wu Linggong played with the dark seal. He said quietly, "The news from my doorman is that one day the court is ready to seal a new god: the second Buddha is ready to set up a new reincarnation Buddha. If these two things succeed, we will completely fall into a disadvantage.

The one hundred and eight thousand fires in the Tianding have quietly melted into a fist-sized fire ball as warm and soft as a jewel, and wonderful changes are breeding in this fire. Don't beg 90% of your mind is immersed in the fire, and only the last God's consciousness pays attention to the movement of the outside world.

According to the information heard by Wu Linggong's disciples, the heavenly court is ready to be a new god.

When there are 84,000 star kings in the court today, these 84,000 star king's original stars are the fusion of the laws of heaven contained in the hundreds of ancient stars and the aura of the Pangu world when Pangu opened the world.

But in addition to these 84,000 ancient stars, when the Pangu world was opened up, there were still 12,5,565 ancient stars involved. Over the years, the nine Taoist ancestors exhausted the power of nine cows and two tigers, and finally broke through the star core of the 6,000 ancient stars without affecting the general trend of the starry sky in the Pangu world, releasing 996,000 road laws.

This time, the outer realm returned to the Pangu continent. The huge amount of aura accumulated by these outer realms over the past countless years has remained in its original position to create new stars.

These new stars are integrated with a road rule. In a long time, the heavenly court can have 996,000 stars to seal the star king.

If the heavenly court is successful, the heavenly court will have 1.08 million star kings who adhere to the power of the ancient stars, and no one can shake the control of the heavenly court over the Pangu world.

Among the Buddhas, seven Buddhas have secretly ** 108 proud disciples over the years. It is said that they are all reincarnated and re-cultivated Buddhas who have fallen in previous disasters. Their foundation is stronger than today's Buddha's Buddha. These 108 Buddhas will be canonized as reincarnation Buddhas, enter the six reincarnations of the underworld, and thoroughly master the law of reincarnation with the help of the Buddha array.

If these two plans are a small success, the heavenly court will be humble, the Buddha will control the earth, and the heaven and earth will be integrated. This ancient world will be completely under the control of Buddhism and Taoism. One hundred and eighty thousand stars and six reincarnations form a large array, which can almost simulate the evolution of heaven in most of the Pangu world. Although the existence of a Taoist realm like Yanjun Dajiao cannot be erased, Buddhism can use this large array [town] to suppress the eighteen saints, so that they can struggle in reincarnation forever, and can The supreme magic.

The Eighteen Saints fell into silence again.

Don't beg, you are scared by the news. Does the heavenly court want to be awarded the title of one hundred and eighty thousand stars? Does Buddhism need to completely control the six reincarnations?

What a joke? If it is really controlled by them, the great power of heaven and earth, of course, the eighteen saints will be tragic. Don't beg for the future. If the combination of the Tao is successful, it is impossible to say that the seven Buddhas and nine paths will rush to the door to smash the body of the beggar, and the indelible true

"You must destroy their abacus, and you must not let them succeed!"

Under the palpitations of Don't Beg, the fire in the refining tripod suddenly condensed inward, and one hundred and 8,000 kinds of fire followed the will of Don't beg perfectly integrated.

With the help of the endless fire power of the source wood of fire, don't beg to quietly re-examine the true spirit of the Yuanling, and the power is greater than that of the previous life, and the magic power has changed more.

It's done. Don't beg for joy and almost scream.

At this moment, Yan Jun stared impatiently at the Qing Emperor and the three of them.

"Why haven't these three idiots recovered from their injuries? Where am I here?" Don't beg for a sinking heart, carefully restrain your breath, put away all the magic skills, and cautiously follow an explosive magma flood to escape in the distance. He followed the torrent and was washed out of the distance in the blink of an eye.