Steal the sky

Chapter 990 Embarrassing Taoist

Chapter 99 Embarrassing Taoist (Second Update)

Above thirty-three days, the highest day.

On the boundless purple air, a simple and heavy Taoist palace is firmly carried by four holy beasts. Dongqinglong, Nanzuque, Xibaihu, Beixuanwu, the four sacred beasts are all thousands of miles long. Their backs emit infinite light and turn into a thick light wheel, and the Taoist palace stands on the four-color light wheel.

Thirty-six entrances before and after the Taoist palace, each entry from left to right has a nine-fold palace. From the first entrance in front of the hall, the higher the hall in the middle of the back. The last entrance of the hall in the middle of the Taoist palace is not so much a palace as a high tower. Thirty-six There are many gates in the southeast and northwest of the hall, and there are huge golden armored generals standing in front of the door.

There is no sound in the huge Taoist palace. There are groups of Taoist immortals sitting in each palace. They either silently move Xuangong, or recite scriptures, or alchemy. Everyone has their own things to do, but no one dares to make any noise.

This is the Daoyuan Palace. As the name implies, it is the origin of the Taoist gate in the Pangu world. Like the Great Spirit Slur Mountain, the people who can practice in this Yuan Palace are all the most important figures in the core of Taoism. Not to mention anything else, even the six heavens of heaven and earth are only the last-ranked role in the Daoyuan Palace. You can imagine how many amazing characters are hidden in the Taoist Palace.

The whole body is blue-gray, and the Daoyuan Palace is like a volcano, which contains infinite heat, and may burst out the terrible power that makes the whole Pangu world shake at any time. The key to opening this volcano is the ancestor of Jiudao. Everything in Daoyuan Palace is under their control. It can even be said that before today, the general trend of the whole Pangu world is under the control of the ancestor of Jiudao.

The eighteen saints are all idle people, and it's easy to break through each one. The King ofwa is just a lonely family. Of course, it is a meritorious body that is extremely difficult to provoke, but after all, since the creation of the human race, she has been staying in the Washuo Palace all the year round. Even if the heaven and the earth are robberies can't stain the Was Palace at all. She seems to be

As for the seven ancestors of Buddhism, they are a little restless and want to replace the Taoist sect at any time, but the power of the seven of them is limited, and when everyone's cultivation is comparable, the ancestors of the Taoist sect steadily overwhelm them. Therefore, whether it is the heavy disasters of heaven and earth or countless intrigues, the seven Buddhas of Buddhism all appeared as the ally of the Taoist ancestors in Tian'an.

Since the great sage of Pangu created the world and the nine ancestors of Taoism, the general trend of the Pangu world has been small by their plans and their plans are driven by them.

The chaotic demon god fell like rain, which was just something they calculated.

And this time they calculated the whole human race. Once they succeed, the Pangu world will become the palm of their hand. Even if they are given a little benefit to the seven ancestors of Buddhism, it will not damage the general trend. At that time, the fortune of the whole human race will be taken by the Taoist gate, the power of the whole world will be used by the Taoist gate, and the nine ancestors may be extraordinary and holy.

Hedaojing, what is Hedaojing at that time?

The Daoyuan Palace finally entered the courtyard, on the top floor of the highest hall, a golden light enveloped the whole hall, and in the golden light was a rapidly shaking purple list. A large number of figures loomed in the list text, and countless distorted words are rapidly sagging on the list from time to time. These words seem to be people's names, and some stars are faintly marked behind them.

Nine Taoist ancestors sat around the list, their faces were solemn, and more than 90% of their divine consciousness was immersed in the list.

This list is the most clever weapon of the nine Taoist ancestors of the Taoist sect to calculate human beings this time, the list of gods. Originally, all the external conditions were in their calculations without any arsenic leakage, but the biggest arsenic leak happened to the nine ancestors of the Taoist sect.

When the list of gods inhaled the soul of the first soul, that is, the prince of heaven, Bo Wangjun, who was begging not beheaded to kill the flag, the mutation occurred. The souls who were sucked into the list of gods almost instinctively wanted to control and occupy the list of gods, and the list of gods kept absorbing many souls from the Pangu mainland, making the competition inside reach a crushing degree of madness.

Now hundreds of thousands of souls have been stored in the list of gods. Only a few of these people have the destiny to be named Xingjun, but others are also extremely important candidates - they will be awarded the mountain gods and water gods of the mountains and rivers of the Pangu mainland, and the city emperors and land of the cities. This set of clerical system, but the heavenly court has practiced in the world of the world of the world for countless years, and has long been proved to be a mature, reliable, rigorous and powerful clerical system with strong control. Once these souls are sealed as gods of all sizes, the whole Pangu world will completely fall into the hands of Taoism.

So every soul is carefully selected. Each soul is extremely important. How can we allow them to devouring each other in the list of gods? The nine Taoist ancestors are preparing the souls used to seal the gods, and they are not the original gods and demons in the magic treasure of the magic immortals, or the original poison cup can not let these souls swallow each other.

Not to mention letting them occupy the list of gods! If this spreads out, it's just a joke. Nine Taoist ancestors can't afford to lose this person.

So when Bowangjun's soul abnormally began to sacrifice the list of gods, a Taoist ancestor immediately stopped him with great power. But the good times did not last long, and more and more souls entered the list of gods. While devouring each other, they racked their brains to occupy the list of gods, which made the Taoist ancestors crazy.

Seriously speaking, the Taoist ancestors were also a little uneasy about the list of gods in their hearts.

The matter of sealing the gods has also been practiced countless times in the world of the world, and the effect of each time is very good. Don't beg for the earth in the world of the world of the world. At the turn of the Shang and Zhou sties, they also practiced a war of the gods. That time, even the long-browed Taoist ancestors personally divided the Yuanshen to command, and perfectly and successfully completed the great plan of the gods. That was also the last time that Taoism and Buddhism joined hands to practice the battle of gods in the world of the world of the world.

However, in the world of the world of the world of gods, the list of gods used is a small power substitute for temporary refining. After all, how big is an earth? How much is the land of the Shang Dynasty? The so-called Xingjun who has been sealed is only more than 300 people. How can he need a too strong list of gods?

But this time it is in the Pangu world. In the huge Pangu continent, there must be a powerful treasure that can control profits and monitor the whole Pangu world to refine the list of gods. Therefore, the nine Taoist ancestors joined hands to refine the Hongmeng treasure Zhou Tianshan River Yuejing sacrifice used by the heavenly court to monitor the Pangu mainland into the list of gods, which is also the most ultimate version of the countless lists of gods!

The arsenic leak is here.

Perhaps as expected, the nine Taoist ancestors have been busy understanding the heavenly machine to enhance their cultivation for years, and have been busy planning this and that for years. They have been busy with endless affairs for years. Therefore, in addition to their powerful strength, the level of their refinery is really not very good.

Especially this time they are joining hands to refine a Hongmeng treasure, to refine a Hongmeng treasure into the ultimate version of the list of gods, with all kinds of incredible functions. This is an extremely large project. If any step is wrong, there will be unpredictable changes.

However, the nine Taoist ancestors did not have enough strength to make up the number of people, and the level of their refinery was not very good. They joined hands with nine people to refine the refiner together. As a result, they successfully refined it into the list of gods, but there are many arsenic omissions in this list of gods. After all, the nine people have joined hands, and they have been together for countless years, but after all, it is not a person's mind, and it is impossible to keep the mind perfect and round when refining.

When refining the device, if there are few mistakes in the mind, they will fail. What's more, they are the most precious treasure of Hongmeng?

In addition to the souls that are sucked in, they always want to devour each other, always want to sacrifice to control the whole list of gods, and the power of the list of gods is always greatly reduced, and it is even impossible to normally monitor the death and injury of the whole Pangu mainland.

It was because the power of the list of gods was greatly reduced that the soul was seriously injured by the anti-shock for the first time, and then the soul was not hurt. Among them, there is the reason that you should not beg to use the Xuanyuan magic sword array to isolate the breath, but it also has something to do with the great reduction of the effectiveness of the list of gods.

It is used to monitor the list of gods in Pangu mainland to absorb souls to prepare for the gods, but it has lost most of its ability. How can the nine Taoist ancestors feel embarrassed?

Not to mention the importance of Fengshen's plan to their overall calculation, they can't be ashamed of this matter alone. The nine Taoist ancestors could only inject their huge and unparalleled souls into the list of gods, which shocked the countless souls in them and did not allow them to devour and fight indiscriminately. The second is to stimulate the power of the list of gods, so that it can exert the strongest power to monitor the whole Pangu continent.

However, the list of gods is jointly refined by the nine of them. If you want to control it, you must inject nine people into the list of gods with their souls at the same time. This is simply making up a trap for himself and putting himself in it. However, in order to control the great plan of Pangu's world, and for the sake of an old face, the nine Taoist ancestors could only drop their teeth and swallow blood, and 90% of the power of the soul was integrated into the list of gods to host this mutant Hongmeng treasure.

The fierce and indecible King Wat put the foreign demon gods into the Pangu world. Countless demon gods rushed in for 33 days, and even the Nantianmen was blown away. How powerful the nine Taoist ancestors were? They immediately found the change of the heavenly court, and waited to make the decision for the disciples and grandchildren.

However, 90% of the souls were integrated into the list of gods. In a hurry, he could not act rashly. Changmei meditated for a long time. He suddenly reached out and grabbed it. The bronze copper he used to confront Yanjun's big horn last time gushed out with a faint light and gently fell into his hands.

"Chicheng, take the divine whip and kill all the evil beasts!" The long-browed Taoist sneered, "They invaded the world of Pangu, but they sent it to their own door. If you choose the strong one, you will kill more, and you will also accumulate some merits."

A Taoist with white hair and white beard was born with kind eyebrows and good eyes, and his body was clear and entangled slowly got up.

He is the Chicheng Taoist who sits down one of the three first disciples of the long-browed Taoist. He has reached the level of Taoism, and he is also warm-hearted and has excellent popularity and reputation in Taoism.

After taking the divine whip with both hands, the Akagi Taoist gave a salute to the long-browed Taoist priest, and incarnated a spiritual light to escape to the Yuan Palace.

Standing outside the sky of Daluo, the Taoist of Chicheng tried his best to sacrifice the divine whip and hit it with a whip, and they heard a loud noise. The bitter cry of the six heavenly emperors resounded through the world, and a vast spiritual light fell from the sky, smashing more than 70% of all the immortal laws for thirty-

Thirty-three days of shaking, the long-browed Taoist's angry roar suddenly came out in Daluo's day.