Steal the sky

Chapter 991 I want to be a man

Chicheng Taoist smashed 70% of the 33-day immortal forbidden system with one whip, and the thirty-third day was suddenly dead. Not to mention the stunned six heavenly emperors and countless star kings, heavenly officials, spiritual officials, immortals, heavenly kings, heavenly generals, heavenly generals, heavenly kings and other high-level officials, not to mention the long-browed Taoist Taoist who are extremely disordered with iron-faced eyes, that those demon gods in the outside world are also

Originally, it was so difficult to attack in the past thirty-three days. Originally, a southern gate blocked the demon god of the foreign land for a long time, not to mention that the higher level of the forbidden fairy method in the sky is one layer. All kinds of scattered fairy light, soul-killing fairy light, extinct magnetic light and other evil things are When the demon god encounters these powerful immortal prohibitions, he will be peeled off several layers of skin.

Just an emperor Huang Zengtian, although the immortals were killed with blood flowing into rivers, the quiet immortal law prohibition also killed the foreign demons that were almost three times the number of immortals who died in battle. The home game has an absolute advantage, not to mention that this home game is called 33 days.

However, the Chicheng Taoist's whip was beaten down, and the divine whip was the same as that of the list of gods. It was also the nine Taoist ancestors who joined hands and refined it with a Hongmeng treasure. This divine whip can be different from the battle of the god drilled at the turn of the Shang and Zhou sties on the earth. The legendary Jiang Ziya used to fight the god whip. This serious god whip was refined after the hard work of the nine Taoist ancestors, and the lethality is extremely strong. "No matter the sacred immortals, demons, mortals, It's crushed.

The strange treasure refined by the ancestors of the nine avenues, coupled with the cultivation of the Chicheng Taoist at the peak of breaking the Taoist road, the ban of the thirty-three days is arranged by the great emperors of all dynasties, and among the thousands of heavenly emperors, there are only a handful of those who can break the Tao Therefore, this whip was almost smashed by the Taoist of Chicheng in 33 days.

The immortals looked yellow and looked at the countless foreign demons below.

The foreign demons were drooling at the countless immortals in 33 days.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise, thousands of people were forced by the prohibition of immortals, and had to compress their bodies to the size of ordinary people. The foreign demons laughed wildly and swelled their bodies to thousands of miles high. They quickly rushed over the Taihuang Huang Zengtian and led countless foreign demons to charge to the higher sky All the heavenly court staff who dared to intercept along the way were smashed on the spot by the blow of these demons. Whether they were immortals, golden immortals or Taiyi powers, they were tofu-like in front of the leaders of these foreign demon gods.

There are absolutely no more than a hundred Taiyi masters placed on the surface of the court today. In the face of thousands of foreign demon god leaders who often break through the Taoist realm and the Mingdao realm, the heavenly court has lost the immortal prohibition for 33 days. "There is almost no power of war.

In just one cup of tea time, the 26th floor was broken through in 33 days. From Taihuang Huang Zengtian to Yuantong Yuandongtian, the 26-fold sky where the original clear light was wrapped around the auspicious clouds and the auspicious atmosphere was quickly occupied by the black-pressed foreign demon god. It was like a pool of clear water constantly in There are more and more demons inside and outside the 3,600 states of Yu Dayu, and the harsh roar shocked people's eardrums.

"Akagi!" The roar of the long-browed Taoist trembled for thirty-three days.

The Taoist of Chicheng smiled lightly. He held the divine whip in his hands and bowed deeply in the direction of the Daoyuan Palace: "Master, if you say that the disciple's whip is crooked, do you believe it?"

At this time, the always steady and kind Chicheng Taoist was in the mood to say wistful words, and his voice was full of indescribable vitality and enthusiasm. This strange thing made all those who heard the words of the Chicheng Taoist people moved their hearts, and a chill rushed straight from the soles of their feet. Not to mention the characters like the Six Heavenly Emperors, the ancestors of the Nine Roads are all in a stiff body, as if something that frightened them is happening.

A large area of fairy light was sprinkled from the Daluo sky, quickly repairing the immortal forbidden for thirty-day. The ancestor of Jiudao finally took action in person, but more than 90% of their souls have been involved in the list of gods. "Now the power of all kinds of immortal laws in the remote sky is really limited. It can only stop the attack of the foreign demons below the Taiyi Realm. Those highly cultivated demon god leaders can still find it difficult to get in and out of the All the immortals seen in the desperate killing vision greedily devoured everything about them.

But after all, the list of gods is close at hand. The flesh and blood of the killed immortals were swallowed up, and their fairy souls were still sucked into the list of gods.

But such a result is not what the ancestors of Jiudao want to see. They are going to absorb the souls of the heroes of the human race who died on the Pangu mainland or the spirits of the mountain monsters to seal them as Xingjun. Now they have absorbed the fairy souls of countless immortals who have become heavenly courtiers. What's the matter?

Originally, immortals had the hope of continuous progress, but when a county was awarded the title of Xingjun, the body was imprisoned by the star power of the star, and it will be difficult to make progress in the future. How cruel is this for an immortal? How could they be happy to be named Xingjun?

What the list of gods absorbs is only a true spirit in their fairy souls, and the power of the fairy soul has dispersed more than 90%. Even if it is possessed, it will take many years to practice again. I don't know how many years it will take to rebuild the magic power of Taoism. And where can I find so many well-qualified bodies for them? If they are reincarnated, God knows what they will become after they are reincarnated?

Don't forget that Buddhism is ready to move now." Jingchao is still entangled in Pangu mainland and Lingchao. I don't know how many immortals of the dark heavenly court have been reincarnated in the six reincarnations. I'm afraid that more than 90% of them have to enter the animal way.

After calculating all kinds of possibilities, the ancestors of Jiudao were stunned to find that the whip of the Chicheng Taoist had really given them an almost insoluble problem today. Twenty-six heavens almost collapsed, and so many immortals and immortals were lost. They are all Taoist Jinghua who have spent countless thoughts and countless time to gather since the emperor ascended the throne. This whip basically brought the heavenly court back to the miserable situation at the end of the last heavy disaster of heaven and earth. "The loss is too heavy.

Taoist fairy light kept sprinkling, quickly repairing the 33-day immortal forbidden system.

A spiritual light fell on the Chicheng Taoist. The Chicheng Taoist did not resist at all and let Ling Qiang suck him back to the Daoyuan Palace. In front of the nine Taoist ancestors, the Chicheng Taoist respectfully returned the divine whip to the long-browed Taoist, and respectfully saluted the long-browed Taoist: "Taoist ancestor, today's fruit is the cause of the past. Gu Chen has many rebellious things today. I hope the Taoist ancestors will forgive me."

The long-browed Taoist took a deep breath and called himself the Taoist ancestor instead of his master. What kind of madness did the Chicheng Taoist man do? He looked at the Chicheng Taoist with shivering all over his body. This is his hard cultivation and shelter since countless disasters. It made him avoid countless heavy disasters in heaven and earth and step by step to one of today's three first disciples. It's too forgetful" but who can be really ruthless?

Looking at the Chicheng Taoist, the long-browed Taoist only felt a sharp pain in his heart, as if someone had tore a bloody opening on it.

With a dry smile, the long-browed Taoist gritted his teeth and said, "Chicheng... You... Gu Chen? Hey, Gu Chen, do you call yourself Gu Chen?"

Looking up at the sky, the long-browed Taoist finally found the impression of the name from the long-standing memory that he had abandoned.

The Taoist of Chicheng straightened up and nodded slowly. With a smile of relaxation, the Akagi Taoist sighed, "Yes, does Daozu still remember Gu Chen, the fisherman on the bank of the Chushui River? Daozu said that Gu Chen had immortality, and regardless of Gu Chen's wishes, he forcibly accepted Gu Chen as an apprentice.

The face of the long-browed Taoist turned pale." He looked at the Chicheng Taoist with shiver: "Fishman Gu Chen... You are already a fairy. Why do you still remember what happened at that time? Fishman Gu Chen, hey hey, for so many years, how did the teacher treat you? You, you, fisherman Gu Chen, OK, OK, OK!"

Chicheng Taoist looked at the long-browed Taoist and sighed, "The immortal is free and immortal, but Gu Chen does not want to be an immortal, but only wants to be a human.

With a gentle sigh, the Chicheng Taoist said intoxicated: "Master, you are immersed in the boundless heavenly way day and night, forgetting your feelings, sitting and meditating in the Daoyuan Palace or in the fairy mountain outside that day long" is just to improve Taoism, improve the magic power, and improve the soul. Such a bitter pursuit is endless, no father, no mother, no wife, no son, and regard all sentient beings as ants.

" Chicheng Taoist raised his head and looked at Tianhuāban. He whispered, "And I, I still remember my wife, my son, my dog, and my boat on the Chushui River. When I woke up in the morning, I fished a fat fish, drew a pot of water, "dip a pot of fish soup", and the morning fog dissipated, and I looked at the morning glow everywhere. There were wives and children playing, and there were yellow dogs roaring. "How happy is it?"

The ancestor of Jiudao was gloomy, looking at the Taoist of Chicheng like a ghost. The words of the Akagi Taoist completely subverted some of them and aroused some of the deepest fears in their hearts.

Looking around, he glanced at the ancestors of the Nine Roads, and then looked at the dozens of first disciples of the ancestors of the Nine Roads in the Daoyuan Palace, more than 200 true disciples, and nearly a thousand of his own disciples who heard the news. The Taoist of Chicheng smiled and said, "We regard all sentient beings as ants Kung Fu, maybe the emperors on the Pangu mainland have changed for three or five generations. We are high above, and we have become fans of thousands of cities with one hit. There are countless people in our family, not to mention anything else, the second brother, there are nearly a hundred ancestors under your sect, and there are countless disciples and grandchildren, right?" A black-bearded Taoist nodded silently, and he looked at the Chicheng Taoist's face, which was also very strange.

Chicheng Taoist bowed his head and said, "I'm gone." There are countless disciples and grandchildren, and even we all have disciples who break the Taoism." Taiyi Jinxian is an apprentice, and Jin Xian is the gray grandson. With an order, it shook for nine days, and the outer world and even the Pangu continent were shocked by the thunderous fire.

With a wry smile, the Akagi Taoist shook his head and said, "High above" all sentient beings are ants. But not to mention the nine Taoist ancestors, do you still remember the pain and sorrows when you were ants? Hundreds of huā in spring, green grass in summer, golden wind in autumn, white snow in winter, all kinds of flavors, do you remember? Do you still remember your parents when you were a person, but still remember your relatives when you were a person, and still remember your old friends when you were a person?" The long-browed Taoist interrupted the Chicheng Taoist priest, "What on earth do you want to do?" The Chicheng Taoist looked at the Changmei Taoist and sighed, "I don'

After a long silence, the long-distance Taoist gritted his teeth and asked word by word, "How many people like you" do I have?"

The Taoist of Chicheng smiled and whispered, "Well, I have to ask the Virgin of Nuwa!"

In the Daoyuan Palace, there was a dead silence, and the ancestors of the Ninth Avenue turned into dead ashes.