Steal the sky

Chapter 1017 Destroy the distraction

Chapter thousand thousand-seven Destroying Divided God (First Update)

Zhang Tengyun stood in the hall, his eyes released a fanatical and fierce light, and his face was extremely twisted. The white lotus was suspended above his head. The fairy light as clear as water could wash all the dust around him, but it could not wash away the anger in his heart.

Everything should follow the plan of the Taoist ancestors. Zhang Tengyun should reign over Pangu and become the emperor of the world, and then achieve the throne of the emperor of heaven with the help of infinite merits, and then with the support of the Taoist ancestors, he will never die and be high. This is the plan of Taoism for many years. There should be no deviation at all. Why have the foreign demons already hit the outside of Wanling City now?

"But what if you call here? How can a group of demons stand me? Feeling the endless power in the white lotus, Zhang Tengyun laughed loudly. If Wanling City does not fall, Zhang Tengyun will not die, and this spiritual luck will never dissipate. Just waiting for the arrival of Taoist reinforcements, Zhang Tengyun is bound to control trillions of soldiers and horses to sweep the world.

"You can't take the throne of the human emperor; you can't escape the beauty in the East China Sea!" Zhang Tengyun laughed proudly and laughed wildly with his hands dancing.

Don't beg's eyebrows, who were already close to Zhang Tengyun, immediately made up his mind. It's your business for you to peep at the throne of the emperor, but peep at Princess Le, this is what you can't tolerate without begging. Instead of leaving a dangerous poisonous snake to stare at you all the time, it's better to kill him as soon as possible.

With a sneer, don't beg to close your eyes. The endless enlightenment of heaven was released from the soul, and his body quickly disintegrated. Driven by the law of heaven, it turned into a thin fairy light and integrated into the light emitted by the white lotus. The first wisp of innate thieves and the fairy light turned into one, like the soft tentacles protruding out by the snail, and finely probe to the core of the white lotus.

A terrible loud noise came from the sky. The heavenly star king sitting in the spiritual dynasty fought with those powerful demon god leaders. Their every blow had the power of destroying heaven and earth. Wanling City trembled violently. The terrible murderous intention made the Ling Dynasty soldiers in Wanling City, or those fierce and tyrannical demons, all living beings were His body is weak, and he can't wait to find a hole in the ground to hide in it.

The battle in all parts of Wanling City suddenly ended, and only thousands of capable people in the sky fought into a group.

Zhang Tengyun laughed loudly. He proudly injected all his mana into the white lotus, urging the shiny lotus to release a white fairy light covering the area of millions of miles. The foreign demons howled in the white light, and their bodies kept emitting black smoke, gradually melting like snowballs in the sun. The painful demons wanted to escape from Wanling City, but the terrible pressure from the sky made them unable to move. They could only crawl on the ground in despair and roared for the arrival of death.

Thousands of big stars in the void emit dazzling strong light, and all kinds of light flash rapidly. The stars sitting in the Wanling City have mobilized their own star power and formed a small array of stars in the sky. Thousands of demon god leaders each used their magical magic, incarnating giants and killing them together.

Don't beg to ignore the fights of the outside world. He carefully integrated into the fairy light of the too pure white lotus, and an inch close to the body of the too clear white lotus.

Hongmeng's treasure, the top treasure of pregnancy in Hongmeng, has unimaginable power. Among the chaotic demons in the past, if anyone can master a Hongmeng treasure, he is qualified to run rampantly. In the Pangu world, if the existence of a broken Taoist realm or even a bright realm has a Hongmeng treasure, he can even ignore the threat of the existence of the Taoist realm.

Too clear white lotus, the most defensive treasure, don't beg to faintly realize that its original law is 'purification'. Purify all heterogeneous energy, including all attack energy, all energy will be completely purified by it, so its defense is extremely powerful, because any attack will be purified by the fairy light it releases before touching its owner.

Unfortunately, Zhang Tengyun's cultivation is not enough to turn the Taiqing white lotus into the treasure of his life. If he can completely refine it, his body will integrate with the Taiqing white lotus. At that time, his body will turn into a pure fairy light full of purification power. No attack can hurt him, and any attack will be completely wiped out after entering his body.

Now Zhang Tengyun can only barely mobilize 20% to 30% of the power of Taiqing Bailian. He even only relies on a set of specific spells and tricks to mobilize the power of Taiqing Bailian. He did not reach the realm of mind with Taiqing Bailian, so don't beg to easily avoid Zhang Tengyun and approach

It looks like a white lotus, which is just the appearance of the too clear white lotus. When you really get close to it, don't beg to find that it is a round white light the size of a fist, and there is no defensive prohibition on its surface. Don't beg to easily pass through the white light on the surface to the core of the white lotus.

A little flashing aura flashes in the vast white void. This aura is the original core of the Taiqing White Lotus, and you can control the Taiqing White Lotus by controlling it. But at this moment, there is an old man in a Taoist robe with no breath all in his body. The old man has a pair of long red eyebrows, and he is a red-browed Taoist priest, one of the nine ancestors of Taoism.

When begging to enter the core of the white lotus, the red-browed Taoist did not react at all. He just changed the printing formula with the action of Zhang Tengyun from the outside world, and injected a fairy light into the original core of the Taiqing white lotus, and controlled the Taiqing white lotus to release the infinite fairy light to shine on the void.

Looking at the red-browed Taoist who is stunned and like a dead thing, don't beg for a secret nod. This is the distracting of the Chimei Taoist, but it seems that in order to facilitate Zhang Tengyun's control, the distracting of the Chimei Taoist has been imposed on some prohibitions and seems to have lost some spirituality. After all, Zhang Tengyun is the emperor's choice selected by Daomen. It is too much to give him the protection of Hongmeng's treasure. If he still leaves a complete distraction to escort Zhang Tengyun in this Hongmeng's treasure, it will be a little unpleasant to spread out.

It's best to do so. A distraction of the red-browed Taoist has the unpredictable power of ghosts and gods. It's best for him to be so rigid.

With a slight smile, don't beg for a shaking of your body, and suddenly turn into a golden body of Buddha with thousands of feet high on four sides and eighteen arms. He recited the truth of Buddhism, wrapped around the light blue glazed Buddha flame, and waved the all-colored demon King Kong pestle in his hands, smashing the distraction of the red-browed Taoist like a storm.

With a loud noise, the split of the red-browed Taoist was smashed. Don't beg. The eighteen demon diamond pestles composed of infinite thoughts in his hand were smashed, and his golden body was also shaken back by hundreds of steps. The red-browed Taoist was distracted and dimmed for most of the time, and obviously suffered great damage. But a palpitating breath was emanating from the distractance, and he was slowly opening his eyes.

When the red-browed Taoist opens his eyes, the suffocating pressure makes it unable to move all over. With just a wisp of distraction, the power he has is almost equivalent to all the mana of Don't begging today. Don't beg, it is now a half-step practice, but there is still no half-step practice, and his mana cultivation can't be compared with these immortals who have survived in no number of disasters.

The nine Taoist ancestors are also the top in the power of the Taoist realm. Their mana cultivation is more than a hundred times stronger than that of the Queen Wata. What's more, don't beg for this person who has just been reborn and has not been seriously practicing less than a trophe? Even if the heavenly perception and divine consciousness have reached the level of Taoism, he is too different in the level of mana.

Don't beg and feel that you are a small boat in the storm, which is twisted by the whirlpool. The huge golden body was stiff in mid-air and could not move at all. The red-browed Taoist on the opposite side could crush his golden body with just one idea.

"Sure enough, even if it goes smoothly in the future, it is not these immortal opponents in mana!" Don't beg took a deep breath and suddenly shouted harshly, "Chimei Daozu, are you going to disobey the agreement with all the saints?"

The sun and moon light appeared in his eyes, and the red-browed Taoist who was about to open all his eyes was stunned, and the huge pressure around him suddenly dissipated. Don't beg. As soon as he opened his eyes, he exerted the magic power of the 'Great Light is not bad in the Great Light is Not Bad Mituo's Book, and pulled back all the divine power of his eighteen Blood Sea Demon Gods in the outside world, integrated into his own divine consciousness, and turned into a seven rainbows of light. He even integrated all the thoughts and merits accumulated in his body into this seven rainbow light, which is the strongest blow he can make now.

Just now, he was ecized by a heavy blow from Begging, and now he has been attacked by Don't begging with all his strength and even the divine power of eighteen dopses. The split of the red-browed Taoist was hit by the rainbow light, and immediately turned into a Taoist stream of light and scattered.

The red-browed Taoist sneered in the void and said, "Mida, Mitha, you are a junior, and Lao Dao doesn't care about you. If you plant a cause now, you will have an effect in the future. When the soul was scattered in the past, don't blame the old way for being too cruel.

Don't beg's expression didn't move at all, and he didn't answer. He just flew up and swallowed the core origin of the white lotus into his stomach. A little Yuanling really burned and quickly wrapped the core origin of the white lotus. Don't beg to use the means of refining the heavens to bombard countless Taoist secrets into the origin of this point, and quickly refine them.

is not only refining, but also some fine-tuning and transformation. Don't beg. In the future, you will not be able to let the white lotus appear in front of people openly, and it is also a necessary means to make a certain transformation so that it can't be distinguished.

Zhang Tengyun, who roared crazily, was suddenly stunned for a moment, and the white lotus above his head suddenly restrained all the light.

Not only that, all the petals of the huge white lotus are still shrinking inward. In just a few breaths, a good Hongmeng treasure turned into a white lotus seed the size of a thumb. A Sanskrit sang sounded, and the lotus seed turned into a white light and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Tengyun stayed for a long time, and the shouts that had been stagnant for a long time suddenly came back. Zhang Tengyun was like being hit by thunder, and he shouted crazily in disbelief.

A big foot with a radius of a hundred miles suddenly stepped down and trampled the whole Wanling Palace to pieces. RO