Steal the sky

Chapter 1018 Daozu's anger

Thirty-three days, to Gao Da Luotian.

In the Daoyuan Palace, the red-browed Taoist suddenly snorted, his body trembled slightly, and a ray of purple blood was left from the corner of his left eye. There are many Taoist sects in the Daoyuan Palace. What can affect the body of the Chimei Taoist and actually hurt his noble and incomparable magic body?

The other eight Taoist ancestors looked over worriedly. The red-browed Taoist snorted coldly and said lightly, "It doesn't matter, the too clear white lotus has been taken away." With a wave of his hand, a fairy light flashed out in the air, showing the process of being killed by the red-browed Taoist First of all, the golden body of Buddhism, which is up to thousands of feet high on four sides, was almost a sneak attack. Then, the red-browed Taoist opened his eyes, and the profound mana suppressed the golden body of the Buddha's golden body. Finally, the red-browed Taoist was forbidden by the golden body and words, did not continue to The red-browed Taoist was distracted and shattered.

"Mida?" The long-browed Taoist shouted in surprise.

"Mida!" The white-browed Taoist, who is also one of the nine Taoist ancestors, sneered and said, "This son is hidden. It is not surprising if he has such a cultivation. For so many years, he was the first to force the descendants of the Buddha for hundreds of generations to almost defect from Buddhism. "Such an act" can also be firmly in the position of Buddha, and this son's means and cultivation can be imagined.

The red-browed Taoist said lightly, "In this way, Mitha's soul has at least reached the realm of Taoism, but the mana accumulation is slightly worse. But as long as you get along the way, it's easy to accumulate mana. In addition, he got too clear white lotus. If he really fits in the future, he will also be a strong enemy.

With a sneer, the red-browed Taoist made a judgment to Mito: "It's just that he dares to hurt my distraction. How can he still have the opportunity to be in line with Taoism?"

Several Taoist ancestors bowed their heads at the same time, and they said with one voice, "The Buddha is raging, and we are going to teach them some lessons."

Everyone looked at each other, and the long-browed Taoist shook his head slightly. I have concluded a contract with Wa Huangshi and others, which is not easy to do in person. But many things do not need to be done in person. Since Buddhism has done such a thing, it is to completely tear its face. What else is there to say?

They are exchanging their opinions with their eyes. The auspicious light flashes on the list of gods, and a name and a figure flashes away. Many Taoist gates in the Daoyuan Palace exclaimed in horror. That was Zhang Tengyun's figure. In just a few words, Zhang Tengyun was actually killed? On the list of gods, there was also the scene when he was killed. A big foot from the sky smashed the whole Wanling Palace. "Zhang Tengyun, who was at the peak of Taiyi's cultivation, didn't even have the kung to dodge." He was trampled to death by the big foot like a cockroach.

The corners of the red-browed Taoist's eyes jumped. He was the mysterious unknown Taoist in Zhang Tengyun's magical history of the Ling Dynasty, that is to say, Zhang Tengyun was his named disciple. Although Zhang Tengyun was selected by the nine ancestors of Taoism to carry out the great plan of sealing gods, he was a named disciple of the red-browed Taoist. He was trampled to death with a footboard. It doesn't matter if he died." This foot can firmly step on the face of the red-browed Taoist.

With a sneer, the red-browed Taoist casually hit the list of gods. He wanted to lead Zhang Tengyun's soul into the list of gods, and then he must be in the time of the gods. Even for a short time, he would make Zhang Tengyun emperor. This is against the Taoist's previous plan, but for the sake of his own face, Chimei Taoist can't control so much.

However, the black and white aura flashed on the list of gods, and Zhang Tengyun's soul howled, and suddenly turned into ten spiritual lights and disappeared into reincarnation.

This is the case again. Such a strange scene has happened several times in the past few years. At least 70% of the intended object of the spiritual dynasty was cut off from all their cultivation after death and then forcibly entered the six reincarnations.

In the past, those little fish and shrimps were just that. The souls of the fallen generals in the Ling Dynasty are not important. 30% of the souls entered the list of gods. "It does not have much impact on the big plan of the Taoist gate. Anyway, their ultimate goal is to become gods. Who is not sealed? As long as there are enough souls to be rewarded, is there any difference between the soul of the general of the Ling Dynasty and the soul of ordinary soldiers?

But Zhang Tengyun is different. He is the emperor of the Ling Dynasty. If his soul is beaten into reincarnation, where is the face of the nine Taoist ancestors?

With an angry scold, all the soul power of the nine Taoist ancestors was bombarded into the list of gods. "The light in the virtual world is so bright, and the infinite light is released from the Taoist Yuan Palace. "It shines for thirty-three days in an instant." The strong light forced those demon gods who were fighting in thirty-three A clear voice of the Wasian family came from the void: "Do the nine Taoist friends have to violate their own vows?"

The nine Taoist ancestors were furious. They gritted their teeth and withdrew the bright light released from the list of gods, but the huge divine consciousness spread all over the Pangu world and locked Zhang Tengyun's soul. They promised not to deal with anyone, but they used the power of the list of gods to save the souls of their own people. This is not against the rules, right?

As expected, Wa Huangshi did not say anything. The nine Taoist ancestors gritted their teeth and pulled Zhang Tengyun's three souls and seven souls out of the six reincarnations.

The light masterpiece of the list of gods, Zhang Tengyun's soul was finally sucked into the list of gods. With the power of the list of gods and all the magical powers of the nine Taoist ancestors, he did not dare to use the life and death book and soul pen again at this time. He simply had no Taoist ancestors to do it. Anyway, all the power in Zhang Tengyun's fairy soul was scattered by him, and even the spirit of the emperor of the spiritual dynasty was broken. He is now an ordinary mortal soul. Is there any good position in the future?

Don't beg, don't care about Zhang Tengyun's soul." He happily took Taiqing Bailian back to the East China Sea. If you get a good baby, you have to refine the baby quickly. Not only do you refine it, but you also need to change its face quickly. Don't let the owner find its true face. Don't beg for familiarity with this method. The old man Yuanling is a first-class concist of refinery. There are also countless means to change the stolen magic weapons and hide their breath. The two are in one. This is too clear that the lotus is not begging.

A loud noise" Zhang Tengyun's soul returned to the throne in the list of gods. As soon as he entered the list of gods, he roared hoarsely: "No, I won't die, master, Taoist ancestor, how can a disciple be killed? The disciple is the human emperor, and the disciple is the holy emperor of the human race. "The disciple is..."

The faces of the nine Taoist ancestors became extremely ugly, and the white-browed Taoist shouted sharply, "Shut up!"

The more noisy Zhang Tengyun was, the more annoyed the Taoist ancestors were. He is the emperor of man, the saint of the human race set by the Taoist sect, the future emperor of heaven, and then has the opportunity of Taoism. These are all the plans that the nine Taoist ancestors have planned for countless years, and it is an internal goal. Now Zhang Tengyun has been trampled to death and has slapped the faces of the Taoist ancestors fiercely." He is still shouting here. Didn't he deliberately hit the faces of the Taoist ancestors?

He casually sealed Zhang Tengyun in the depths of the list of gods." To prevent him from shouting randomly, the red-browed Taoist gritted his teeth and took out a red seal with countless fire dragon patterns wrapped around his fists in all directions. He handed the seal to the first disciple beside him, Baiyang Zhenren." He shouted harshly, "Baiyang, take this fire dragon seal to kill all the demons outside. The three of your brothers led a group of peers to the Ling Dynasty in person, chose the Ling Dynasty clan to ascend the throne as the emperor, and continue to make a god."

Baiyang, who was born with clear eyebrows and eyes, bowed like a virgin. As a result, the fire dragon seal strode out of the Daoyuan Palace with a gloomy face and turned into a golden light and rushed out of the sky. The fire dragon seal is one of the magic weapons sacrificed by the red-browed Taoist. It is not only the supreme treasure of Hongmeng, but also the most terrible killing weapon in the supreme treasure of Hongmeng. It is a special killing magic weapon. Compared with the pure defensive Taiqing white lotus, the lethality of the fire dragon seal is at least

The red-browed Taoist just lent his own magic weapon to his disciples, which is not his personal action. Naturally, he did not violate the many great promises of the Taoist realm.

Seeing Bai Yang Zhenren rushing out of Da Luotian, the red-browed Taoist jumped with a pair of long red eyebrows. He sneered in a low voice, "It's okay for the Wasi Emperor to attract foreign demons to break the situation. She is alone with a woman, and it is understandable to use this means. But when the seven "hey" when we can't see that among the demons in the array, the strongest group of people practice Buddhism in it?" The nine Taoist ancestors looked at each other for a while. The white-browed Taoist said lightly, "Brother said...

The red-browed Taoist pondered for a moment before slowly bowing his head and saying, "That's exactly what I said.

After a long silence, several Taoist ancestors said indifferently, "Kill these demons first, not that step for the time being. If we really do that, there will be much fewer opportunities for our nine brothers, and we will take advantage of outsiders for no reason." The red-browed Taoist's eyes flashed." He said lightly, "Since it's such a statement," let's have a look. It's just that if Buddhism continues to reneging on the covenant, then... The seven of them have enjoyed countless benefits over the years through our hands, and they have to spit it out.

After a long silence, he said with long eyebrows, "That's true. Let's see what they have to do. Let's start with serious means first.

The cold eyes of the nine Taoist ancestors swept over the many Taoist power serving in the hall one by one. The disciples of these Taoist ancestors respectfully bowed their bodies and stood respectfully, and did not dared to raise their heads to contact the terrible eyes of Daozu. Everyone knows that since there are people inserted by the Empress Dowa in the Taoist sect, who says that there is no power of the reincarnation of Buddhism? If you make a little mistake and make the Taoist ancestors misunderstand, it will be the disaster of overturn.

It's just that everyone is curious. What does the nine Taoist ancestors mean by such brainless words? What else can't they do?

Don't mention the chaotic thoughts of the people in the Yuan Palace, Baiyang Zhenren walked out of Daluotian with the fire dragon seal in his hand, and countless demon gods immediately rushed up like flies smelling the smell of blood.

Bai Yangzhen sneered. He casually wiped the fire dragon seal, and heard the dragon roar rising to the sky, and the infinite firelight enveloped the whole 33 days. In the firelight, countless translucent dragon shadows flew rapidly, and the high-pitous dragon chanting shook the bones and flesh of countless demon gods.

All the demon gods who invaded for thirty-three days disappeared, and the Taoist immortals who were fighting with the demon gods in the thirty-three days cheered one after another.

A terrible murderous intention came, and several demon leaders targeted Baiyang Zhenren.