Steal the sky

Chapter 1027 Abrupt Assassination

Don't beg to leave the sky.

As soon as he walked out of the sky, two ugly and ferocious demons rushed to Beg and opened their mouths to swallow him. Don't beg impatiently give each of them a slap in the face. He didn't use any magic power. He simply relied on his physical strength to beat the two demon gods who had reached the broken realm, and the two souls shouted in panic and shouted and flew up to the sky.

A thunder roared down in the void, and the souls of the two demon gods were smashed. Don't beg to pinch his fingers and grinned at a large group of demons in the distance, who were so scared that they didn't dare to move, and then flew to Pangu mainland with a gloomy face.

What the Wasie said shocked Don't beg, but in addition to the shock, Don't beg is also a little annoyed. The Empress Dowa did not tell her everything she knew about Begging, which was an obvious thing: First, Emperor Wasie did not tell Begging what opportunity Pangu had in the end in the ancient holy palace. Why did the seven Buddhas and nine paths gather a group of people to rush to the ancient holy palace again and again, and by the way, the previous life Didn't you explain to Begging what state Pangu is in today, and he is still alive? So where is his soul? How did Pangu, who was smashed to pieces at the beginning of the world, save his life?

It's okay for the first two points to hide something. At worst, don't beg yourself to rush to the ancient holy palace to find the [answer] case. Anyway, in his memory, he still vaguely remembers how to get to the ancient holy palace. It took hundreds of years, and don't beg to find the ancient palace. But the third question is very terrible. How are the warlords going to deal with the destruction of the world that once destroyed tens of trillions of times the holy world than in Pangu?

Looking at her unhurried appearance, she seems to be very sure that she can cope with this crisis. Don't beg. Don't think how strong the fighting power of the Empress of the Wasa family, who is sanctified with merit. Regardless of the immortality in the Pangu world, the actual combat effectiveness of the Wahuang family is probably comparable to that of the old man Yuanling in the previous life.

It's nothing more than that in the Pangu world, she integrates the Yuanling into the heavenly way. If the Pangu world is not destroyed, her Yuanling will not be destroyed.

But Qianshou is one of the culprits of destroying the holy world. Can the Pangu world withstand his toss?

Don't beg, you can run away with your family's confidants. He hasn't been in line yet, but for the power of Yuanling's entrusted to the heavenly way in the world of Pangu, "It's the most appropriate thing that the monk can't run away from the temple. Where do they go? Where can they go? Don't beg to find an empty corner in the chaos to hide for a lifetime. How can they escape?

"Pretend to be a ghost, cut!" Don't beg to look at the sky, and all the way, he turned into a long rainbow and returned to the Pangu mainland.

[Body] The spirit of the inner emperor has been handed over to the Wah emperor, which is extremely effective. As soon as the spirit of the emperor leaves the body, the taste of the whole East China Sea has changed. The streets and alleys are full of panicked people. They can't say why they are panicked, but all the people have something in their hearts. It's so heavy that it's not uncomfortable. They go out of the house and whisper on the street, but they can't find anything useful.

The morale of the East China Sea army is slowly drifting. Don't beg to float over the East China Sea, and you can feel that the elite East Navy is changing from a powerful lion to a kitten and puppy. The soldiers also inquired about each other anxiously like those ordinary people. They seemed to feel that something bad was about to happen, but they couldn't tell what it was.

Even the growth of crops in the farmland of the East China Sea has more than doubled. I'm afraid that the crops that originally produced thousands of catties per mu can only have a harvest of more than 1,000 catties this year. Although it can still feed all the population of the East China Sea, it is a disaster year in the fertile Yes.

The influence of the emperor's spirit on the East China Sea is so great that you can't help shaking your head in surprise.

Long sighed, "Don't beg was about to escape into the East China Sea City, and the six spiritual lights of the West roared. Yan Dan, Yingzheng and others drove a full pair of honor guard and flocked down to the East China Sea surrounded by a large group of Yu ministers. Don't beg, you can't help shaking your head and smiling bitterly. The Empress Wah really won't suffer at all. He has just come back, and this group of people rushed over. "Are you still afraid that you can't move the East China Sea?

What if the people of the East China Sea are handed over to Dayu? Don't beg [body] There are hundreds of millions of people in the self-contained small world, and more the Tiangui clan and a Longbo people have become the climate. As long as there is enough aura supply, whether it is training soldiers or selecting doormen, you don't have to worry about the lack of reserve manpower. What if the East China Sea is handed over to them?

It's just that I can't help sighing when I think about my efforts for the East China Sea over the years.

His sigh was heard by Yan Dan and others. Yan Dan said in a long voice from afar, "Don't beg. This matter has wronged you. It's just... For the sake of human luck, you have no choice but to blame us."

Don't beg and waved his hand feebly, and he didn't pay attention to Yan Dan and others. God's consciousness enveloped the whole territory controlled by the East China Sea. Don't beg's voice spread throughout the East China Sea: "Since today, the Yanhuang Kingdom has gone bankrupt and cleared the accounts, and all If you have any trouble, ask Dayu's officials to deal with it. I don't care what's going on!",

The military and civilian officials of the State of Yanhuang really heard it. This is the voice of no begging. Those people of Li can't say anything to each other. It seems that the State of Yan and Huang has just been established a few years ago. Why has it changed back to Dayu today? But it's okay. Anyway, they have been the people of Dayu for generations, and there is nothing wrong with changing back.

But those soldiers and officials in the Yanhuang Kingdom were dumbfounded, and then the crazy roar of those soldiers sounded everywhere, and the impulsive generals came to the East China Sea City, and one of them put on the posture of killing people one by one.

Don't beg, but use brainwashing to ** all the officials and soldiers in the East China Sea. These people are all loyal to the don't beg. Before any real full-scale conflict broke out with the State of Yanhuang, it was suddenly merged into Dayu. It is strange that these officials and generals can be convinced. They agreed that they were coerced by outsiders, so they rushed to Donghai City one after another. One was to protect the savior, and the other was to kill foreign enemies.

All the cities in the Yanhuang Kingdom were connected to the Donghai City by the moving array, and the spiritual light on the dozens of the moving arrays flashed rapidly. A large group of civil and military ministers and countless elite generals from the East China Sea swarmed out, surrounding the huge East China Sea city. The surging aura rushed to the chariots of the six holy emperors in the sky unabashedly, like a real murderous atmosphere that washed the clouds in the void. The chariots of Yan Dan and other six people trembled violently. Fortunately, they were deeply cultivated and reluctantly cast spells to stabilize the chariot.

The six holy emperors have accumulated infinite power after countless reincarnations. They are now the peak of the Taoist realm, and a step forward is the power of the Taoist realm. They are nothing more than that they are not in line with the agreement between the Wa emperor and the seven Buddhas and nine paths. After all, once they are united, they can no longer take action, and they have lost six masters for no reason. But like don't be begging, their strength is at the level of "half-step".

These are the six holy emperors. Their chariot was almost fallen from the air by the evil spirit emitted by the soldiers of the East China Sea soldiers. You can imagine how strong the evil spirit is in the chest of the soldiers in the East China Sea soldiers, and you can imagine how many East China Sea soldiers are gathered around the East China Sea City.

Those ordinary soldiers are fine. They are like a dark ocean surrounding the whole Donghai City, but all the generals in the army are suspended in the air. Only the generals above the Jinxian level of Donghai County form thick dark clouds, covering a glimmer of sunlight around the Donghai City. It can't be seen through.

Many ministers accompanying Dayu looked hoveringly at the generals of the East China Sea suspended in the void. With such a large number of generals with cultivation of more than one yuan in the ancient heaven, the bear army of Dayu did not have such a huge military force.

The proportion of Dayu's conscription has always been very low. In many places, there are hundreds of thousands of people conscripts. There are often only more than 100 soldiers stationed in a large county with a radius of one million miles. But don't beg in the East China Sea. His behavior in the East China Sea can be described by the word "poor soldiers redeem their weapons". He is afraid that there are not enough soldiers in the East China Sea, and the East China Sea will suffer losses in military strength, so he recruits wantonly, and he does not hesitate to spend the spiritual liquid refining elixir

In some cities in the East China Sea, don't beg and even achieve the level of a hundred strong men to send an army. Judging only from the proportion of conscription, the relative density of soldiers in the East China Sea is hundreds or even thousands of times that of times that of Dayu.

The base of the big grass in the East China Sea is large, so there are many generals in the army. The boundless generals in the sky are the embodiment of the huge army in the East China Sea.

Looking at the almost perverted East China Sea Legion, the Yu ministers accompanying the six emperors were speechless one by one. When the six countries were attached to Dayu, six-sevenths of the legions in the East China Sea were taken away. After only a few years, how can the scale of the Eastern Navy not decrease but increase? Don't beg for this guy to be addicted to explosive soldiers?

After a long silence, Don't beg coughed faintly and said, "Listen to me. If you are willing to come with me, you will live a long life. If you don't want to come with me, just stay in the East China Sea and submit to Dayu!"

Those ordinary people didn't say anything. They have no opinions. Whether they follow them, don't beg or follow Dayu, don't they all live an ordinary life?

But after those East China Sea soldiers and civil and military ministers heard the words of no begging, they shouted like a landslide and tsunami: "I will follow your majesty to the death, I will follow your majesty to the death!" The loud shouts shook the huge waves in the East China Sea, and countless dragons took advantage of the situation to make waves in the East China Sea.

Yan Dan and the other five holy emperors exchanged a win-eye. The Eastern Navy's heart was so good that this army could only be taken away. This is not a big deal. All they want is the hundreds of millions of people in the East China Sea and the huge power of faith they bring.

When Yandan was talking to Buqi, Wang Jidai of Qingqiu, who had been standing next to Yandan's chariot, suddenly flew to Buqi.

Rushing to a distance of less than a hundred feet, Ji Dai shouted sharply, "King of the East China Sea, I am ordered by the emperor to kill you and other rebels!"

Don't beg for a moment, Ji Dai's palm shook, and a purple gas hit Don't beg's mouth with the sound of continuous thunder.