Steal the sky

Chapter 1028 Transformation of Elbow Armpit

The purple glow is extremely fast, and it almost hits the body of Begging. The dense thunder sounded, and at that moment, within the range of Don't beg for a week, at least 100,000 thunderstorms broke out, which was equivalent to breaking the peak of the Taoist realm with all the power. All the power is used in the powerful forbidden production to break out on the surface of the body, and there is no trace of power leakage.

With such a heavy blow, even the body of the ordinary Taoist realm will be hit hard, which is nothing more than not really threatening their life and death.

But don't beg for today's body. The last article of the refining method has been Mahayana, and his body is a hundred times stronger than his previous life.

The thunderstorm of 100,000 peaks was terrible, but it only smashed one of his robes and burned several of his hairs to ashes.

When the purple gas dissipated and the thunder disappeared, the naked body appeared in front of everyone with a faint purple smoke. The streamlined muscles are beating gently, and the whole body emits a warm light like a pearl. It is a very comfortable color, but it gives people the illusion that it is extremely hard and indestructible. At the first sight of the body, everyone suddenly had an instinctive understanding. This is a perverted body that is a million times stronger than the Vajra body of Buddhism.

Being bombarded 100,000 times by lightning, don't beg for a bad mood. Before he practiced the Tian Dafa, this thunder light could really blow up his body, and then there was a list of gods controlled by Daozu to monitor the whole Pangu mainland, and his soul had no place to run. Is it possible that he will be sucked into the list of gods and wait for the canonization of the heavenly court? That's really a bastard.

Looking at Ji Dai, who was covered in cold sweat with cold sweat with cold eyes, don't beggar, giggling, and laughed strangely: "Are you surprised? Didn't you blow me up? You were ordered by the emperor to kill me. Why did you use the spiritual charm of Taoism? Is it difficult to become an emperor or a disciple of Taoism?

Ji Dai closed his eyes, and he, clicked and smashed a big tooth in his mouth.

Don't beg the group rushed up, grabbed Ji Dai's chin, and squeezed half of Ji Dai's gumbed smashed with a force of his fingers. He clasped his claw on half of Ji Dai's face and grabbed half of his cheek, cheek bone and a sticky green venom in his mouth. A blood hole the size of a fist appeared on Ji Dai's face, and Ji Dai howled with pain." But the venom in his big tooth, which he had just bitten, failed to flow into his abdomen, and he saved his life.

The piece of bone and flesh caught by Begging was thrown far away by him. The green venom corroded the flesh and blood, but in the blink of an eye, it turned into a ball of green pus and fell off.

It was not until this time that Yan Dan and others exclaimed. They suddenly realized that Ji Dai's behavior represented who Huang Hao Zunhuang ordered not to be killed? If it hadn't been for the physical pervert who blocked the blow that was enough to severely damage the Taoist realm, I was afraid that the real one would be killed on the spot. And then? What will they do with the hundreds of millions of soldiers who were releasing boundless murderous spirit? They will be like an enraged wolves swarming up and kill the king and minister of Dayu who will be present.

Even if Yan Dan is the reincarnation of the six holy emperors, even if they are all half-step now, it is useless. This is the East China Sea, and below is the East China Sea City. Once the city defense ban of the East China Sea City is opened, countless tough East China Sea soldiers flocked up like crazy. Even if it is half a step, it will be chopped into meat sauce. It is nothing more than that they can kill a few more East China Sea soldiers before they die.

Cold sweat also flowed down from his back. Yan Dan opened his mouth and was about to shout and scold the accompanying official.

But there is not much time left for Yandan. He just opened his mouth, and a roar was still in his throat. A roar came from behind him: "The order of the Lord of the State of Yan Huang to kill the evil Yandan.

. How dare you pretend to be the name of the emperor?

This loud roar stunned Buqi. It was really like a thunderbolt on the cover of Buqi Tianling, which shocked him for a long time. When did he order people to kill Yan Dan and others? Isn't it that Yan Dan and others are accepting the territory of the Yanhuang Kingdom according to the decree of the King of War? It's just a matter of how many people and how many assets to receive. Don't beg for the departure of those Donghai soldiers who are loyal to him.

But a general standing behind Yan Dan's posture should be that he should be a member of the Jingke clan. His body turned into a thick fist, like a long rainbow, shooting out, and aimed at the back of Yan Dan's head. If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent. This is Jing Ke's skill of sacrificing his life to assassinate. Looking at the man's posture and momentum, he has mastered the skill of assassination.

Yan Dan snorted coldly, "He has a strong shysterious yellow gas all over his body, which condensed behind him into a treasure wheel with a diameter of a hundred feet. With a loud bang, he pressed his backhand on the light that came from [excited]. The palm of his hand just spit out slightly, and he could hear it. It clicked loudly and shattered. The dagger of the man stationed was at least a top golden fairy weapon. Except for his skull, his bones were shaken to pieces by Yan Dan.

With a wor, the man fell heavily on Yan Dan's chariot, but he twisted his body like crazy." He opened his mouth and bit Yan Dan's ankle fiercely. There was a strange bright green on his teeth, and it was obvious that he had quenched poison on his teeth in some strange way. This is completely fighting for his life. He risked his life to die." He only asked to hurt Yan Dan, even if it only hurt him a trace of oily skin.

Yan Dan snorted coldly. He raised his heavy foot and stepped on the man's head. A loud noise came, and the man's head was almost crushed by Yan Dan. Yan Dan scolded harshly, "Jing Wuming, what are you talking about? Whose order did you take to kill me? Here, Yan Dan just picked up Jing Wuming. On the five-seat car next to him, Yingzheng and other five people were assassinated at the same time, and they were all one of the best among the closest confidant guards behind them. Jing Wuming roared, and many people took action at the same time. Their hands were extremely fierce and decisive. The moves were all directed at the key points of Yingzheng and others, and they used the most powerful golden fairy weapons, which were quenched with all kinds of strange evil poisons. If they were hit, even the cultivation of the Holy Emperor, they might not be able

But after all, they were strong in cultivation, and when Ji Dai assassinated Don't beg, they raised their vigilance. Although the people around the elbows suddenly killed themselves, they still reacted and counterattacked in time. Without exception, they all practiced the forging skills of the human race to a level equivalent to the peak of the Taoist realm. They gently slapped out the power to destroy the starry sky. These people never dreamed that their strength was so strong that they were easily injured and knocked down.

The assassination here is not over yet. Yan Dan just stepped on Jing Wuming's head, and there was a miserable howl among the Yu ministers who accompanied them.

There are some civil servants and some generals. Most of the civil servants practice the priest's method, but there are also a large number of civil servants who focus on studying various strategies for governing the country. They are pure administrative ministers and are not good at any martial arts or magic. These people are indispensable to Dayu, but they are also extremely vulnerable.

This time, in order to receive the territory of the long-runn Yanhuang Kingdom, the six holy emperors brought hundreds of thousands of pure literary ministers. The huge East China Sea covers tens of thousands of counties, countless people, countless products and countless stocks. If you want to receive this huge wealth, how can you not have enough civil servants?

The sudden guards around these Wenchen pulled out their weapons and attacked them fiercely. These heavily armored guards shouted in unison, "Kill you by the order of the Lord of the State of Yan and Huang." The bright butcher knife in their hands waded quickly, and suddenly the head rolled and blood fell like a heavy rain. These literary ministers with the power of binding chickens did not even have time to howl, and more than half of them were

Pangu Continent is full of aura, and the human race growing here is more than ten times stronger than that of the outer starry sky. Therefore, these literary ministers have the power to bind chickens, but that's all. In the face of the guard generals whose cultivation is generally above the one-yuan Pangutian, these literary ministers are as fragile as tofu. Dozens of people' heads rolled with one knife. Before Yan Dan and others could react, more than 80% of the literary ministers were killed.

There are also hundreds of thousands of Yu soldiers accompanying the guards. At this moment, 30% of them raised their bloody long knives and shouted that they were ordered not to beg to kill the fake holy emperors of the human race. At their colleagues around them, they were hacked and killed indiscriminately.

The team brought by Yan Dan and others was in chaos. Don't beg for a daze. Then he smiled and shouted harshly, "The formation of the East China Sea belongs. Don't let those who move in chaos are regarded as a wisp of enemy to kill and destroy the nine clans!",

Unlike Dayu, all the soldiers in the East China Sea are loyal irons who have been brainwashed for years, and their souls are also unconsciously made by Beg, so the Eastern Navy is an iron plate without impurities. Ji Dai was ready to move in the Eastern Navy when he asked not to be beg, but under the order, all these soldiers in the East China Sea stabilized their positions. They were stationed in all directions to block the ground and sky, and no one was allowed to break in any way.

Long guns, iron wells, bows and crossbows and other battlefield weapons are densely erected like a hemp pole forest, and the area around the East China Sea City is blocked.

Don't beg to hold your hands on your chest and look at the chaos brought by the six people of Yan Dan. He smiled and didn't say anything to help, but just shook his head in a soft voice. I don't know whether the master behind it is Taoism or Buddhism. This hand is too big to provoke discord.

He laughed a few times in a low voice. Don't beg and stamped on the struggling Ji Dai fiercely. He sneered and said, "Stay honest. If you dare to move, you will chop it with a knife." Ji Dai said, "Oh, howled a few times, and a big mouthful of blood kept flowing out of his cheeks.

Yan Dan's team was in chaos, and the guards fought in a group. No one knew who was loyal and who was disconceive.

Suddenly, I heard a Buddha's call. Hundreds of generals who were waving knives and killing suddenly jumped up and down to about three feet. Their whole body was golden, and their bodies were covered with precious pearls, showing the golden body of Buddhism.

Yan Dan's face turned white with anger. He looked at Don't beg and said in a low voice, "Don't beg, this is the fault of the Buddhist villain!"

Before the words fell, hundreds of generals led with a green and white gas. In the air, the head-sized lotus hu circled. Their palms sprayed thunder and spit out fire, and all kinds of Taoist methods were also mixed.

Yan Dan closed his mouth. He was so angry that his body was shivering. Who on earth was making trouble?