Steal the sky

Chapter 1031 Big B Means

A blue-skinned figure emerged from the air. This is an ancient Buddha.

Unlike today's Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who practice with the power of believers, the belief in the cultivation of the ancient Buddha comes from itself. They have the status of honor in Buddhism but do not have much real power. They are tributaries outside the main vein of today's Buddhism. They are ascetic monks and they are victims. They use the most cruel means to refine their spirit and flesh in order to achieve the highest state of harmony with heaven and earth.

The seven ancestors of Buddhism practiced the ancient Buddha's skills, but now they do not refuse the blessing of mindfulness.

The golden body of Buddhism is unparalleled, which is comparable to the power of Taoist forging and various skills of the human race. However, 90% of the golden body of Buddhism comes from the thought power of believers, losing countless believers in the Buddha's hand, and no matter how powerful the Buddha's power is, it will lose its huge power.

Only the power of the ancient Buddha really belongs to them. Every spirit, every muscle, and all the strength of defeating dragons and tigers belong to their own. And because they use ascetic means to torture their spiritual flesh, they have a great degree of patience with pain, and even some ancient Buddhas do not feel pain. Their spiritual flesh are extremely compatible but separated from each other, and the pain of the body will not have any impact on their spirits; likewise, if their spirits are weighed Creation will not affect their bodies.

Ancient Buddhas, they are the most powerful existence of Buddhism, and they are real killing tools.

Light blue skin, deep ocean-like cyan eyes shining with metallic light, with a burning and violent breath all over his body. The ancient Buddha, who is ten feet tall, stood in front of the gate of the Dalong Monastery and whispered, "Who dares to make such a great wish? Who dares to fight against my Buddhism? Who dares to protect these Taoist demons?

The huge mountains are quiet, and no creature dares to make a sound. Even the earthworms in the ground and the insects in the grass froze in horror for fear that their actions would startle the ancient Buddha. The breath on his body sealed the mountain range, and his breath ruled everything, like a natural disaster." His breath brought a feeling of extinction to all living beings.

Only the voice of the Great B has broken the dead silence.

A generous and powerful voice full of warmth and light sounded: "This brother, Da Yi is polite this time. My Buddha is merciful, opens the door of convenience, enters my door, and Servs me as a teacher, then I will shelter him. What's wrong? The ancient Buddha said indifferently, "It's natural for you to protect other creatures. It's a big mistake to protect Taoist demons."

The venerable of Dayi laughed: "The vow has been issued. Brother, do you want Dayi to swallow the vow back?"

The ancient Buddha said indifferently, "Then swallow the vows back. The demons of Taoism must be destroyed. "If you dare to protect them, you are against Buddhism." A very fine spiritual light shot out from the ground of the front yard of the Dalong Zen Courtyard. In the spiritual light, a mass of white lotus huā flew up. The Great Yi venerable stood on the white lotus huā and floated to the ancient Buddha with a smile. He is two feet tall and strong. The Great B Venerable gives people the feeling that it is a mountain, a sea, full of a vibrant but unfathomable sense of power. Compared with the burning and ominous atmosphere of the ancient Buddha, the Great B Venerable is an e long man who makes people willing to approach, and this ancient Buddha is a fire that burns everything to avoid it.

Standing only ten feet away from the ancient Buddha with a smile, the Great Buddha smiled and said, "My Buddhism is compassionate.",

The ancient Buddha grinned coldly: "That's to fool the believers. Buddhism respects power.

As long as the strength is extremely strong, there is nothing impossible in the world. Now my Buddhism is flourishing. When the Taoist Miao descendants are exterminated on the Pangu mainland, if you dare to use your arms as a car, you will definitely not be reincarnated.

The Great Buddha kicked the lower abdomen of the ancient Buddha with one foot. The ancient Buddha, who was spitting, did not expect that the Great Yi, who was smiling and angry, would take action with a smiling face. This foot kicked firmly on his lower abdomen. "Boom, the loud sound was like the roar of a copper bell. The originally ragged clothes on the ancient Buddha's body were smashed to pieces. A large footprint nearly two feet long was deeply imprinted on his lower abdomen, and the footprints were embedded in his body and feet were two inches deep, as clear as

The ancient Buddha staggered back dozens of steps. All the power of the foot of the Great B was firmly eaten by him. A wisp of golden blood slowly flowed down from the corners of his mouth, and with a burning look, he suddenly became as violent as a volcanic eruption.

A faint low roar came from the chest of the ancient Buddha, and a groundbreaking roar spewed out of his mouth.

The huge roar turned into a tiger-like spirit and dragged towards the Venerable of the Great B. The white shock wave visible to the naked eye swept across the surrounding mountains, and dozens of mountains turned into ashes in this roar. In addition to the green mountain where the Dalong Zen Temple is located, the land of thousands of miles has been razed to the ground." The roar of the ancient Buddha was so powerful.

And the power of this roar has condensed into a fierce tiger, and the white shock wave that escapes around is just a small bit of power in his roar. The immortals and Buddhas who witnessed all this with their own eyes were moved. Is this the power of the ancient Buddha?

I didn't use the body, "I didn't use the magic power of Buddhism, it's just an ordinary roar" but it has more lethal power than any fairy and Dharma.

The Great Venerable smiled indifferently. He stretched out his right hand and grabbed the tiger-like head vigorously. A ball of white lotus bloomed in his palm, and the low Sanskrit singing rose, and the tiger rushed into the round white lotus a few feet, and then disappeared. Such a magnificent blow is such a low-key silence,

The strange feeling made the people who witnessed all this so uncomfortable that they were about to vomit blood.

Such a terrible blow, how can the Great B Venerable should retreat a few feet after a shock and then spit golden blood in his mouth? How can he annihilate the tiger so lightly? It's like it's not a shocking blow from the ancient Buddha that can destroy tens of thousands of miles of mountains, but just a trivial cool breeze.

Countless exclamations sounded from all parts of this mountain range. Ten of the Taoist immortals who have no way to enter the earth have decided to let the whole fairy gate be sheltered under the Dalong Zen Temple. Isn't it crazy to have such a strong backer who doesn't rely on and has to find a way out by himself?

In today's troubled times, it is reasonable to survive. Who cares about the conflict between Buddhism and Taoism?

"Brother, you are in love with your appearance." The Venerable Dayi looked at the pale ancient Buddha and smiled faintly.

The ancient Buddha looked at the venerable of the Great Yi coldly and suddenly asked, "Which Buddhism do you practice?"

The Great Yi venerable pondered for a long time, and he sighed softly, "The poor monk cultivated" is just an article of the Prajna King Kong Heart Sutra. If it is shallow, please give me some advice."

The ancient Buddha's face was shocked. He shouted harshly, "Nonsense, the Prajna King Kong Heart Sutra is the most superficial scripture used to practice the Buddha who is new to the Buddha to deter the heart demons. How can your Buddha's Dharma be cultivated with the Prajna King Kong Heart Sutra?",

The Great Venerable still saluted the ancient Buddha with a smile. He whispered, "Brother, I'm looking at you again. What does the shallowness of the scriptures have to do with the poor monk's cultivation of Buddhism? Buddhism is an infinite classic, and there are three thousand avenues that can become a Buddha. But the poor monk dared to ask, "Do the seven Buddhas rely on these three thousand avenues to become Buddhas?" Before the Buddha opened up the vein of Buddhism, could there be such things as the Prajna Diamond Heart Sutra? The Great B squinted, with a standard smile on his face as a divine stick should have. It was so light and unpredictable: "Before the infinite disaster, the poor monk was just a cattle shepherd boy. He inadvertently listened to a Yunshui monk recite the Prajna King Kong Heart Sutra, so as to open up the spiritual wisdom." He realized

From then on, the poor monk used the Prajna Vajra Heart Sutra to understand by himself, and in the silence, he realized the supreme and wonderful principle of Buddhism. Without reincarnation, he proved the Taoist fruit of today.

sighed, "The Great Venerable looked up at the sky and laughed in a low voice: "The cultivation of the poor monk is really to understand the Prajna Vajra Heart Sutra. The senior brother said that the scripture was too shallow, and his knowledge was too shallow. The magic of Buddhism, a word of pregnancy turns into infinite mystery, which scripture can be described as shallow?

The ancient Buddha was made silent by the words of the Great Yi Venerable. He looked at the Great Yi in a daze and suddenly asked, "What kind of cultivation are you now? Ming Dao? What's wrong? Poor monk Mingdao three grades of cultivation, you can hurt the poor monk, this cultivation...

The Great Yi Venerable once again showed the smile of the divine stick. He smiled and taught him a lesson, "Brother is in the same way again. Why do you want to forcibly divide that realm? One hu, one leaf, one world, one sand, one dust, one Buddha, the palm of the world, the mystery is in the heart, the Buddha's sect is vast, and the Dharma is boundless. How can the realm of enlightenment and breaking the Tao be divided into small points, how can you tell the mystery of my Buddhism? Raising his right hand, the Great B venerable whispered, "The poor monk slapped his brother with such a mana."

The golden light flow of the palm of the hand" The Great Venerable is probably equivalent to the palm of the eighteen-grade golden immortals.

The ancient Buddha looked at the Great Buddha disapprovingly and nodded with a sneer. The body of the ancient Buddha is the most strong, but the palm of the eighteen golden immortals is not even enough to tickle him.

The Venerable Dayi smiled gently and slowly pressed his palm on the left shoulder of the ancient Buddha. With a click, a click, the palm of the eighteen golden immortals penetrated into the shoulder of the ancient Buddha, turning into a subtle shock force to directly attack the origin of the ancient Buddha. His shoulder was broken like a knife, and a heavy arm fell off Falling to the ground, there was a dull roar of gold and iron.

The ancient Buddha was stunned, and he looked at the Great Yi as if he were a ghost.

The Great Venerable Venerable raised his eyes to look at the sky, put his hands together and sighed in a low voice: "Brother, the magic power is only a little bit, and the magic is the foundation. The law of the poor monk's brother is really like a cook holding a knife and watching dishes. It can be broken with a simple blow. What does it have to do with that realm and mana?

The ancient Buddha saluted the Great B, then picked up his own arm and ran away with a little embarrassment.

The Great Yi Venerable shook his sleeves and shouted loudly, "Today, the Dalong Zen Courtyard has opened a wide mountain gate to protect all sentient beings. Those who are devout can enter my door!",

In a word, countless escapes gushed out from all over the huge mountains. Whether it was Taoism and Buddhism, many monks rushed to the Dalong Monastery with red eyes at the fastest speed. Such a tough backer, if you don't hurry up, it's really a stupid pig.