Steal the sky

Chapter 1032 Controduction

The Great Venerable of the Dalong Mountain Dalong Zen Temple, this name spread rapidly like a rumor.

Dalong Mountain is the original nameless mountain. Because of the existence of the Dalong Monastery, this mountain finally has its own name. And the prestige of the Great Venerable made countless immortals and Buddhas from all directions to vote one after another.

The immortals who were forced by the army of demons had no way to enter the earth were to find an umbrella. They needed the great power of the Great B Venerable to shield them from the wind and rain. The Buddhist practitioners heard that the Great B Venerable cut off the arm of the ancient Buddha with the weakest force of the golden fairy. They had never He rushed to the door and just asked to get a word or two from the venerable Dayi, which is a great creation.

In just a few days, hundreds of immortals have been under the gate of the Dalong Monastery. In addition, there are more than 300 Buddhist sects, and tens of thousands of scattered cultivations have been devoted to the Dalong Monastery.

With the Zen temple as the center, hundreds of large and small peaks nearby are full of houses, and all the caves are full of people. Everyone devoutly burns three incense sticks and worships the Great Buddha as the master.

On the seventh day after the Great Yi venerable drove away the ancient Buddha, the sky suddenly fell slowly, and a long roar rose to the sky like a dragon. Master Bajie shook his bald head proudly and suspended in mid-air and shouted, "Blessed are you, Taoist friends and brothers. The master opened the altar today to teach supreme and wonderful principles, whether it is Buddha, Tao, demon or demon, just ask questions.

This roar came, and suddenly all the monks in the Dalong Mountains were horrified regardless of their cultivation. All people who cultivate immortals, no matter what school they are, attach great importance to the essence of their own codes. Even if Taoist ancestors and Buddhas, they are still divided into first disciples, true disciples and foreign disciples, not everyone can get their inheritance.

If you don't experience the training of tens of millions of disasters, and don't build countless achievements for the teachers, no one can really think of getting the inheritance of the sect. There is a saying that both Buddha and Taoism do not spread to six ears! The true transmission method is taught in private one-on-one, and no one wants to say more words. The true legend of the manure is so rare. With the means and ability of the seven Buddhas and nine paths, not to mention the Taiyi Golden Immortals, how much can the Daluo Golden Immortals who break the Taoist realm can ** out?

But the Great Yi venerable actually opened the altar to preach, and it was taught by all Buddhist demons, which was too big.

Immediately, countless escape lights rose to the sky one after another, and many monks under the Dalong Monastery stood in the air and on the peaks according to the level of their cultivation, quietly waiting for the appearance of the Great Venerable.

Countless immortals, Buddhas and demons have stood in their own positions. A meaningful and elegant fragrance of sandalwood spreads everywhere, and a round of Buddha light floated from the Dalong Monastery, spreading to the whole Dalong Mountains in the blink of an eye, covering the large Dalong Mountains. Where the fragrance of Buddha's light and sandalwood passes,

Whether it is immortals, Buddhas, demons and monsters, they only feel that the six knowledge is clear and the soul is restrained,

Originally, some old wounds and dark wounds calmed up in an instant, and some people even improved their cultivation on the spot.

Countless immortals and Buddhas were shaken, and they worshipped and saluted the Dalong Monastery one after another, shouting respectfully, "Zen masters are very capable, and it's hard to repay their kindness!"

Dai Yi sat cross-legged on a ball of nasal lotus and rose to the void, and he suspended three miles above the Dalong Zen Temple." He nodded with a smile and said, "What is great power? What is kindness? You are all in the same place.

Oh, and take your mind. Today, listen to the poor monk tell you slowly!"

With a finger, the aura of heaven and earth in the void is rolling and rolling like the Yangtze River converging towards the side of the Dalong Mountains. After the infinite aura entered the Dalong Mountains, it condensed into a golden lotus huā the size of a fist under the control of the Great B Venerable. This small and delicate lotus huā fell from the sky. Once it fell on those immortals and Buddhist practitioners, it immediately turned into a rolling hot stream and integrated into them.

Each lotus huā condenses the mana of the one-yuan meeting, which is the only means for Buddha to open the Dafa meeting in the Great Spirit Slu Mountain. Condensation formation strengthens the cultivation of disciples. Only the Buddha can use this method in Buddhism, but it is not necessarily used once when the Buddha is opened for a hundred times.

A golden lotus enhances the mana of the one-yuan association. Among the poor monks present, many of them have not yet cultivated a full-yuan association. The mana contained in this golden lotus huā is really a tyrannical thing for them, and they can't absorb and digest it at all. There are only a hundred golden fairies in the hundreds of immortals in the Dalong Mountains. The mana of the one-yuanhui in the golden lotus is too precious to them. A golden lotus is the mana of the one-yuanhui. There are a few more golden lotus integrated into the [body], and they may be able to improve the first and

There was a well-informed immortal and Buddha Xiu who praised the appearance of the Great B in a low voice. Anyone who heard their words immediately spread the words around, and in the blink of an eye, the power of the Great B spread among many monks in the Dalong Mountains. Everyone was amazed in their hearts that there was a power that was close to that of the Buddha, which was really their luck.

The Great Venerable's fingers are empty, and countless golden lotus slowly fall. He also saw that few of the countless monks present could really bear the huge mana power in the golden lotus. In the end, these golden lotus fell straight to the golden immortals of less than a hundred people. These golden immortals knelt on the ground and bowed to the Great Yi's Venerable to thank him for their kindness, as if they had

This is also true." The Venerable of Dayi has revealed such a magic power. If any of them doesn't stick to him quickly, he is really not as good as a fool.

With a light cough, the Great Venerable began to teach the wonderful principles of heaven and earth. Starting from the opening up of the Pangu world, he talked about the mysteries of the Pangu world one by one. His teaching is almost unrespeakable, and he can say wherever he thinks. Occasionally, a few words can touch the feelings of a fairy or Buddha's cultivation, making them sit cross-legged on the ground and fall into the deepest state of meditation.

This is half a month. In the inner sea of the Dalong Mountains, Yanheqing, all kinds of birds and beasts stay in the nest and quietly listen to the words of the Great B Venerable. From time to time, birds and beasts roared happily. Their spirits flashed all over their bodies. Unexpectedly, they were broken by the mission of the Great B Venerable, and they had the opportunity to take off the skin and cultivate into essence.

Among the monks all over the sky and mountains, there are people shining all over their bodies from time to time. They also have some insights after hearing the sermon of the great self-respecting, and their realm has been improved. The Dalong Mountains were shrouded in the Buddha light of the Great B, and the spirit of the heavenly disaster could not take shape. After these immortals and Buddhas broke through the realm, there was no heavenly disaster, which made countless monks sigh with emotion.

Unconsciously, the seven-way foreign demon army has reached the periphery of the Dalong Mountains, but as soon as these demon armies approached the Dalong Mountains, they were stiff on the ground like cramps and could not move, and they were forced to lie on the ground and listen to the words of the Great B. The seven armies fell to the ground together, and countless demons surrounded the whole Dalong Mountains to death, and the number was more than trillions.

This scene is extremely spectacular. It not only scared the foreign demons, but also scared the literary ministers and generals of the Jing Dynasty.

The Immaculate Emperor immediately ordered a thorough investigation of this matter. Soon, the Jing Dynasty learned that there was a great hidden virtue of Buddhism living in seclusion in the Dalong Mountains. A few days ago, a national master of Jing Dynasty went to the Dalong Mountains and returned. It's just that the national teacher's arm was cut off by the Venerable Dayi, which made him very faceless. When he returned to Chengxin City, he immediately closed his practice and did not talk about it to outsiders.

The seven-way demon god army is going to the East China Sea to cooperate with the Jing Dynasty army to attack the Yanhuang Kingdom. They just came to the Dalong Mountains and imprisoned all the monks here on the way. The Jing Dynasty has made an overall strategic plan. Before destroying Dayu, we must first annihilate the two "small forces" that are in the way, Yan Huang and Da Wu, and then fight a life-and-death battle with Dayu.

But the seven-way demon army is lying down near the Dalong Mountains and can't move. What is this?

The Immaculate Emperor, who learned the details of this matter, immediately ordered that the seven national masters of the Jing Dynasty led many disciples into the Dalong Mountains and went straight to the Dalong Monastery.

Three of the seven national teachers are ancient Buddhas, and the other four are Buddhas who practice other Buddhist skills. In particular, one of them has a white face like a virgin, and his body is as fat as a lotus root. The dark fragrance flutters all over his body. One of the disciples accompanying him is a rock poison.

This Buddha is the infinite joy Buddha, the contemporary suzerain of the Buddha's joy.

Seven national masters rushed straight to the front of the Dalong Zen Courtyard. The Venerable of Dayi happened to say that the nose and heart are born, the wisdom is born, and the wisdom can know the truth of heaven and earth. He just finished his words,

The infinite joy Buddha laughed from afar: "Brother's statement is wrong. If you calm down, you can know the truth of heaven and earth. Isn't it possible to become a Buddha as long as you sit on a rotten buttocks and sit through the futon?"

clapped his palm hard, making a very charming, crackling, crisp sound. As soon as the sound came out, the monks all over the mountain were red-faced and sitting unsteadily. The infinite joy of the Buddha said harshly, "If you want to become a Buddha, you should start from "moving and writing skills." Heartbeat, motion, body movement, unity of spirit and flesh, enjoy boundless joy, so that a wisp of spirit can plant a golden lotus in the fire, and see my Buddha on the day when the lotus blooms. This is the real unique method.

The infinite joy Buddha laughed at those red-faced monks and said, "Today, the poor monks opened the door of convenience here. I am happy that you will come to our door and share the supreme happiness. In the future, there will be a day of becoming a Buddha."

The Venerable Dayi suddenly laughed, and his roar was like a dragon in a deep valley, which shocked those monks who were fascinated by the joy of Zen. Before the infinite joy Buddha could use any more tricks, the Great B venerable suddenly burst out and flew to the infinite joy Buddha's side, punching his head to pieces.

With a miserable howl, the infinite joy Buddha's original life relic was about to fly up, and the Great Venerable opened his mouth and swallowed his original life relic. Not allowing several other ancient Buddhas and Buddhas to come to their senses, the Great B roared at them, and he didn't know where he pulled out a bright ring knife. Six bald heads were washed up by the blood pillar.

Kill the six Buddhas with one knife, and the Great Yi Venerable's left hand Jackie Chan's claws took out all their original relics, and then swallowed them clean in one bite.

After a complacent burp, the Great Yi venerable smiled at the stunned band of people and said, "Well, this huā monk also makes sense. On the three thousand roads of Buddhism, you don't have to sit in a rotten futon, kill and eat and eat relics. It is also the only way to become a Buddha!"

kicked the rock poison out with one foot, and the venerable Yi shouted harshly, "Get out! Who dares to offend my Dalong Mountains again? Buddha, I will kill you with a knife and let you all die!"

The Buddha's light covering the Dalong Mountains suddenly spread outward, and the seven-way army of demons was reduced to ashes