Steal the sky

Chapter 1060 Split the Great Wu

Chapter 1060 Split the Great Wu

The vast immortals and Buddhist practitioners followed closely. The Great Yi venerable, wearing a moon-white half-armed monk's robe and ** with two light golden arms, strode to the indisputable city of Dawu Beijiang. Bajie held a faucet for the convenience of shoveling, and followed the Venerable Dayi arrogantly.

The Great Yi Venerable looks no different from the ordinary old monk of the Wild Temple. He does not show the Buddha's light or show all kinds of auspiciousness, but just walks to the indisputable city step by step. But the eight precepts are different. Under the meticulous ** of the Great Yi Venerable, he has successfully proved the Bodhisattva's position. At the peak of the strength of Jida Bodhisattva, he has a light golden cloud on his head. There are thirty-six golden pagodas standing on the clouds, and there is a light The floating, releasing a circle of Buddha's light shines in all directions.

Sitting around the pagoda, there are many sacred Buddhists in the Bajie monk Buddha's country. Among them, there are 80,000 strange human figures. They all practice the divine power of the Buddha's scriptures. Although they all have strange beast heads and bird heads, these big men are wearing a full set of armors one by one, and there is The light of Buddha shines. Although it is an alien cultivation, under the light of the Buddha, these 80,000 monsters are all solemn. What's the difference between them and the Buddha in the temple?

Many great Wu soldiers in Wucheng nervously opened the bow and crossbow to lock the figure of the Great Yi Zun and the Bajie monk. However, the Venerable Yi waved forward casually and said indifferently, "Where the poor monk stands, there should be no disaster of swords and soldiers."

With the shouting of the Great Yi, the knives, guns, swords and halberds and other weapons in the hands of the Great Wu soldiers were shrouded in a faint golden light at the same time. These soldiers only felt their hands light, and the sharp weapon of killing and arson in their hands turned into brilliant flowers at the same time. Looking at the drops of water on the petals, it was obvious that the flowers had just been picked from the branches.

With a bang, Lang Qingfeng, the general of Wu, who guarded the indisputable city, rushed down from the head of the city with an angrily, waiting for a paw to dig out the heart of the Great Venerable. However, the Great Venerable pointed casually, and the heavy armor on Lang Qingfeng's body suddenly turned into a flower armor woven with fine wild flowers, which had no defense at all.

Several extremely thin silks made of lotus root silk wrapped around the body of the wolf green wind. These silks deeply fell into the joints of the wolf green wind, tightly imprisoning the demonic power in his body. Lang Qingfeng roared and scolded, but he couldn't move. He fell to the ground like a stone.

The strong wall of the city collapsed and turned into a gentle hillside full of flowers. The Great Venerable B walked up the hillside with the Bajie monk without squinting. In a short time, he walked out of the indisputable city and continued to move down to a military town. After the Great Venerable, countless immortals and Buddhas lined up silently. They advanced one after another according to their cultivation, including many golden immortals.

The Great B greatly recruited some scattered cultivation and small and medium-sized immortals and Buddhist cultivations who were forced to escape by foreign demons in the Dalong Mountains. These people's individual strength was limited, but when they gathered together, they became a very strong force. They may still lack some high-end strength, but only in terms of the number of people, those great masters of Daomen for thirty-three days, their individual sects pulled out may not have the number of people here.

So many immortals and Buddhist cultivation teams stretched for thousands of miles. They followed the Great Yi Venerable step by step to break through the military town of Dawu and went straight to the capital of Dawu.

The clumsy master, who was hesitating between the rich conditions put forward by Taoism and Buddhism, couldn't help but be furious when he heard this. He left Liu Bang and Xiangchan monks in the capital of Dawu, and angrily brought a large number of immortals who returned to Dawu to the north.

The two sides met on a plain tens of thousands of miles away from the capital of the Great Wu. The Great Yi Venerable and the disciples behind him were lined up on the plain. The two went forward alone and met on a hill in the middle of the plain.

Countless gods in the void sweep here, and the inseparable power of the Pangu world is paying attention to the movement here.

It is obvious that the change of the throne of the human emperor is related to the ownership of the Pangu world. The human race is the protagonist of the Pangu world. This is a matter stipulated by the law of heaven. Even Buddha and Taoist ancestors cannot disobey this iron law. And with the change of the throne of the emperor, those immortal Buddhas with strong cultivation can only secretly help behind their backs, and they will not be able to fight for the throne openly.

The spiritual dynasty supported by Taoism was completely destroyed by the army of demons, and the quiet dynasty supported by Buddhism was wiped out by Taoism by relatively dirty means. Now that Buddhism and Taoism have lost the candidates cultivated by reincarnation, they can only focus on Da Wu.

Although the power of Dawu is slightly smaller than that of the Jing Dynasty and the Ling Dynasty, he is also a big country with more people, especially Wu Tianming's spirit. Taoism's mind is to let Wu Tianming give up the throne and give up the spirit of the emperor in his body to Liu Bang by means recognized by Tiandao.

Liu Bang has also played countless people in the world of the world of the world, among whom also has the experience of being an emperor. If he manages it properly, as long as the door is carefully guarded, he still has the opportunity to win and lose with Dayu.

And Buddhism also had such an idea. Although their carefully ** unsullied emperor was killed, and there was no ready-made choice for a new emperor, as long as Da Wu fell into the hands of the Buddha Sect, they could completely cultivate a few disciples loyal to Buddhism in Dawu, and let Wu Tianming give up the throne to those sects. The disciple of the room is.

This is the abacus of Buddhism.

The ownership of the human emperor is the most important link in this Buddhist and Taoist plan. Whoever can control the final power of the gods, whoever can control the throne of the human emperor, can completely grasp the rules of the three worlds of 'heaven, earth and man' in the Pangu world, and gather the power of heaven in the whole Pangu world to

The Wah Huangshi is paying attention to the movement here. She doesn't want Dawu to fall into the hands of Buddhism and Taoism, and she doesn't want Dayu's status to be challenged.

The power of the Holy League is also paying attention to this. They only hope to maintain the current situation and do not want the Pangu world to fall under the control of a certain force. In that case, it will undoubtedly be a great threat to the power of these idle clouds and wild cranes.

Seven Buddhas and nine paths are naturally paying attention to the every move here with many disciples under the door. They have arranged a great plan for so long, but they have been messed up because of their own selfishness. At this moment, Dawu is their last hope for success in the near future. Naturally, they all want to control Dawu in their hands, otherwise why do they offer such a sky-high price for the superiors?

Many gods carefully peeped around the Great B and the clumsy superiors, and the two of them actually touched all the powerful thoughts of the Pangu world at this moment.

A monk stood a hundred feet apart, and their eyes flashed. Only they themselves could understand what their eyes represented.

After a long time of opposition, the clumsy man said in a low voice, " Monk, Da Wu is a poor Taoist place. You have crossed the border."

The Venerable Dayi smiled slightly, and he put his hands together and said in a low voice, "The words of Taoist friends are ridiculous. This Pangu continent is transformed by the body of the saints of Pangu, and every mountain and every water is the legacy of the saints of Pangu. Da Wu just stole here and dared to ask Taoist friends, the mountains and water in Dawu carved the name of Taoist friends?

The two of them looked at each other for a long time, and the clumsy man suddenly sneered: "Where did you hear the news?"

After a moment of silence, the Great Venerable waved to the countless immortals behind the clumsy upper body: "Come out!"

Dozens of swords shot out like a practice, and quickly swept behind the Great Yi Venerable. The clumsy man's face changed. He waved his backhand, and a large cloud in the sky turned into a cloud curtain and covered the sky, and he patted down the fleeing sword light. The Venerable Dayi laughed loudly. Eighteen Buddha beads in his hand flew up one after another, and eighteen consecutive groups of strong golden lights roared and hit the cloud curtain, turning the huge cloud curtain into countless colorful streamers and drifting around.

Those flying sword lights, taking the opportunity of the Great Yi Venerable to rescue, have fallen into the queue of immortals and Buddhas behind the Great Yi Venerable. A blue-clothed immortal who looked like a hundred years old shouted proudly to this side: "Master Yi Buddha, my disciple falsely defected to Dawu according to the Buddha's decree, and was put under the door by the clumsy demon way, and successfully explored their secrets!"

Shou Shu was so angry that his face turned blue. He shouted harshly, "Spicable villain, treat him with sincerity, and so on..."

The venerable of Dayi laughed loudly, and a golden lotus gushed out of his feet, holding him back. He shouted sharply, "The clumsy master, don't talk nonsense, you and I will do our own tricks on this matter of Wu. Wu Diyu, Buddha, have you figured out the things I sent someone to discuss with you?

Wu Diyu, the imperial uncle of Dawu, came out of the team behind the Venerable Dayi, and he was in the dozens of swords just now.

Wu Diyu, who was dressed in heavy armor, saluted the Great Buddha and shouted, "As long as the Buddha promises that the little king will live forever and enjoy glory and wealth, the little king will definitely listen to the instructions of the Great Buddha. Sixty-sixty of the people in the Wu Dynasty are under the control of Xiao Wang. As long as the Buddha gives an order, half of the Wu is in the palm of the Buddha's hand!"

The clumsy man's face changed miserably, and he waved his sleeves and hit Wu Diqi in the head.

The Great B has long been in front of Wu Diyu, waved his palms and firmly caught the sleeves of the clumsy master. Only a thunderous sound, the golden cyan two-color lotus flower flashed all over the sky, the Great B Venerable and the clumsy upper body shook violently like thunder, and the two vomited blood at the same time and retreated. Where they stood just now, there were two black holes in the air that were the same as their body contours, which had not dissipated for a long time. The blow just now seems to be understated, but in fact it has annihilated the void around them.

After hearing a loud laugh, the monk Xiangchan galloped in with dozens of Buddhist sects with the incense wind and auspicious clouds.

"Brother Yi, you have made great contributions to Buddhism!"

The people who followed the Xiangchan monk were Liu Bang and his party with blue eyes. RO