Steal the sky

Chapter 1061 Zen Ceremony

Chapter 1061 Zen Ceremony

Dawu officially split, and Wu Tianming and Wu Diyu's uncle and nephew became the emperor of Dawu and Xinwu respectively.

As expected, Wu Diyu officially declared his accession to the throne as the queen in the 'Xinding City' of the New Wudu City, and a large amount of imperial spirit was quickly bred in his body. Originally, Wu Diqi was more powerful than Wu Tianming in the Great Wu Dynasty. It was wrong not to beg, Gui Guzi and Mo Zhai to help each other. Wu Tianming had long been turned into a puppet by Wu Diqi, so in fact, Wu Diqi was the real master of Wu.

In the Great Wu Dynasty, 90% of the generals came from the door of Wu Diyu, and more than half of the Wenchen were or are the gatekeepers and guests of Wu Diyu. With such great power, after Wu Diqi ascended the throne in Xinding City, all the people on half of the territory of Wu under his control were obedient, and the breeding of imperial spirit was logical. And in the view of Don't Begging, the total amount of imperial qi in Wu Diqi's body quickly exceeded that of Wu Tianming.

Daomen supported Dawu, and Buddhism supported Xinwu. In the two days when the two countries of the same lineage held the accession ceremony in Wu Di, they fought fiercely. After killing and injuring hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, they had no choice but to return to the camp.

The cultivation of the Great Yi and the clumsy upper man is the same. The number of immortals and Buddhas under their door is the same, and the cultivation is also the same, so it is evenly matched. Therefore, when Xinwu and Dawu fought, both of them looked closely at their disciples and did not let them easily join the battle group. The war between the two countries is a very orthodox ground war, and there are no immortals and monsters in it.

At the instruction of Don't Beg, two months after the establishment of Xinwu, there was amazing news from Dawu:

Wu Tianming, the emperor of the Great Wu, was sorry to the sky, the Li people, and the back of the back soil. As the emperor of the Great Wu, he did nothing. He could not let the people live and work in peace and contentment. On the contrary, he caused the war between the Great Wu and the new Wu, so that both sides Wu Tianming issued an edict to the world, and then ceded the throne of the Great Wu Dynasty to Liu Bang, the 'the proud son of heaven', according to the rules of the primitive tribal alliance period of the human race and the ancient emperor's Zen concession system.

As soon as this crime was issued, he was immediately drooling. Wu Diqi jumped out and accused Wu Tianming of being a sinner of the 'Wu family' with righteous indignation. He actually gave up the foundation of the Wu family to outsiders? Wu Diqi told all the officers, soldiers and civilians of Xinwu and Dawu that even if he and Wu Tianming had a political dispute, Xinwu and Dawu were a family after all, and this is the story of brothers. Wu Tianming ceded Dawu Keye to outsiders, which was tantamount to betraying his ancestors!

Wu Diyu asked the people of the world - a person like Wu Tianming who can even sell the foundation of his ancestors, is he still qualified to be the emperor of Wu? Xinwu opened his warm and generous chest, and welcomed the ministers of Wu Wenwu and the people who were dissatisfied with Wu Tianming and the people of Li to join us!

Wu Diyu even questioned Liu Bang - now it is no longer the period of the primitive tribal alliance of the human race. The Great Wu Foundation has been passed down from generation to generation, and it is the property painstakingly opened up by the ancestors of the Great Wu. Even if Wu Tianming has no way and can't carry forward the great Wu and make him prosperous, what about the great Wu Dynasty?

Whether in terms of reason or law, Wu Diyu should be the most appropriate person in Wu. Wu Tianming doesn't want to be the emperor. Let Wu Diyu come! After all, he is the most orthodox blood of the old Wu family! He became the emperor of the Great Wu Dynasty. Isn't the Great Wu and the New Wu a family again? There will be no more disputes and no more wars!

And what about Liu Bang? The food looks so ugly. They say that they will give you the throne, and you are not politely ready to accept it? Where is such a reason? Who are you, Liu Bang? What is the 'the proud son of heaven'? Why have the people of Dawu never heard of the name of your 'the proud son of heaven'? Why do you accept Wu Tianming's throne?

Even, the Great Yi replaced Wu Diqi and spread Wu Diqi's doubts all over the Pangu Continent with great magic, so that all the Li people on the Pangu Continent heard Wu Diqi's doubts - ' Emperor Wu Tianming did a good job, why did he suddenly want to pass the emperor to you an unknown outsider? Question mark Could it be that you, Liu Bang, kidnapped Wu Tianming, the emperor of the Great Wu Dynasty, and forced him to pass the throne to you?

Wu Diyu scolded lively here, and Liu Bang immediately jumped out and had a war of words with Wu Diyu. Anyway, Liu Bang was surrounded by a group of eloquent literary ministers such as Zhang Liang and Xiao He. They made a flowery article to show everyone in the world that Liu Bang was chosen by heaven. He took over the throne of Dawu in accordance with the principles of heaven and the will of the people. After he took over the throne, he will definitely be able to seek benefits All the people live and work in peace and contentment.

Liu Bang's royal literati also eagerly pointed out that Liu Bang is the best choice for the emperor. As long as Liu Bang becomes the emperor, all races in the world will be blessed. As long as Liu Bang becomes the emperor, the life expectancy of all mortals in the world can be doubled, all old people can be as strong as young people, all young people can be as strong as mountains, all women can be as beautiful as flowers, and all children can be as smart as immortals.

In a word, as long as Liu Bang becomes the emperor, the benefits of the human race will be great. There are countless small benefits such as golden guns! As long as Liu Bang becomes the emperor, the human race will fall into a happy land. That is everyone's longevity, human nature, full food, warm clothes, what you want to eat, drink and what you want to drink, and what you want to wear, that is the legendary world of Bliss!

So for the arrival of the world of bliss, don't resist the Haozun Emperor of Dayu. Hurry up and learn from Wu Tianming to give up the throne of Dayu to Liu Bang. Isn't it that the dark clouds are scattered all over the sky?

Liu Bang's solemn mention in the document showing the world - as long as Hao Zun Emperor gives up the throne to Liu Bang, after Liu Bang's success, he must make Hao Zun Emperor the supreme emperor of heaven, so that he can always enjoy immortal blessings.

Of course, Liu Bang also pointed out solemnly that the 'demon', who is like Wu Diqi, who does not know the way of heaven and does not obey the people's hearts, and insists on acting against the sky for the sake of glory and wealth, he and his friends around him will definitely be punished by God. Liu Bang even announced the future of the Great B Venerable in the official document - he will be broken, and he will be beaten into the world to reincarnate tens of billions of times without being superborn. He will either be a beast or an osman. In a word, he will never have a good end.

In the disturbing war of words, the auspicious day has come before Wu Tianming ceded the throne to Liu Bang.

Dayu was indifferent to this. In the view of Emperor Haozun, the ceremony of 'Zen Rang' has its unique sacred status, which is something that only the ancient emperors of the human race are qualified to do. How sacred and noble is it to choose the great virtue of the world, give up the position of the emperor, and govern the world with great virtue for the people?

What is your Liu Bang compared with the ancient emperor? Which green onion do you have, Wu Tianming? How dare you hold a Zen ceremony?

The conservative and traditional senior officials of Dayu regard the Zen concession to Dawu as a joke, which is completely inconsistent with all kinds of etiquette systems! Moreover, in the view of the huge Yu, what is the small Wu? Moreover, such a small Dawu has also been divided into two countries. You won't care if you play with Dayu in your own nest. If you want to participate in the situation of Fengshen's plan and Dayu, then I'm sorry. Dayu will use his thunderous power to completely wipe you out.

Such huge things as Jingchao and Lingchao have been destroyed. What is your big Wu?

Xin Wu and Da Wu quarreled fiercely, but Da Yu fell into a strange silence. In this twenical atmosphere, Wu Tianming's Zen ceremony appeared outside the new capital city 'Chang'an City' selected and personally named by Liu Bang.

With the idea that there is a convenient advantage in a lively place, don't beg to secretly carry Ao Buzun and Qixia, and ride Jiuwei to the outside of 'Chang'an City', which is located in almost the northernmost part of the Great Wu territory. The group found a mountain to hide, and the people's breath and footsteps were hidden by the forbidden array. The group looked at the direction outside Chang'an City, and Ao Buzun suddenly smiled strangely: "Wow, what a big scene!"

It's really a big scene!

Outside the south gate of Chang'an City, an altar of three miles long and ten miles wide was built with five-colored soil. This altar was completely cast by folk servants, and no immortal magic was used. In two months, he built such an altar with manpower. God knows how much manpower and material resources Liu Bang has invested in this matter.

There are all kinds of flag flags on the top and bottom of the altar and the nearby ground, and countless flag flags are outlined with gold and silver threads. These flags are rippling with faint star power fluctuations, and the quality is above and below the best golden weapons. The array of countless best golden fairy-level flag flags, if there is a strange treasure to suppress the position, coupled with the powerful fairy to host the array, it can almost kill Taiyi Jinxian.

On the altar stands carefully selected 3,600 long men with Ding armor. The so-called long man is a human hero who is more than one foot and two feet tall, but has no blood of the Longbo people. These elders held the flag in their hands and stood still on the altar with great spirit. It was really thanks to Liu Bang for attracting these big men.

The clumsy man and the immortals of his trap are stationed in the north of the altar.

Gui Guzi took a group of scattered immortals under the door to stay in the east of the altar.

Mo Zhai stationed in the west of the altar with a group of disciples and the scattered immortals of the collector.

In the south of the altar, there are countless Wu generals stationed there, among which there are all kinds of mountain monsters and other strange creatures. These people are disciples of the gatekeepers who don't beg to steal the sky. They changed their faces and used all kinds of excuses to go to Dawu, and now they are all in a high position

In addition to these immortals, there are tens of millions of people watching the ceremony.

Liu Bang loves to show off. These tens of millions of Li people are all his subordinate Xingjun who carry them from everywhere with their magical power, and let them watch the fun on the surrounding hillsides overnight. Tens of millions of people gathered together, and the people behind could not see what was going on in front of them. But what Liu Bang wants is this show. As for whether those ordinary people can see anything, what does it have to do with him?

A Taoist in a complex star-patterned gossip robe stood in the middle of the altar, carefully observing the shift of the sky and the sun.

When the sun shifted to a unique angle in the void, the man shouted, "The auspicious time is about to come. Please go to the altar."

Before the man's voice fell, the laughter of the clumsy man had already resounded throughout the audience.

"Slow down!"

The pig wants to cry!

The rd that crashes all the time, the notebook keyboard is only two-thirds the size of a pig's fingertip, and the Internet speed is extremely slow!

The pig's head misses the huge desktop of the pig's head, the pig's head misses the huge 'pop' keyboard, and the pig's head misses the 20m wired optical cable!

Oh my God... Using a notebook to code words is a kind of pain, which is more painful than egg pain! RO