Steal the sky

Chapter 1111 Da Yu Runes away

Like a wolf and a tiger, the Great Wu army went straight into the hinterland of Xiongyuan like broken bamboo. Since the Heilin Pass, the Dawu army broke through the three dangerous passes of Baihuling, Qinglong Pass and Zhuque Peak. Along the way, it broke through hundreds of large and small army towns, and finally passed through the

The Great Wu army immediately divided its troops, divided from the original army into thousands of troops, and went in all directions. Along the way, they crossed the city and broke through the village. Wherever they passed, they dared to resist were slaughtered. Especially those immortals and Buddhist practitioners who accompany the army, have they ever seen this kind of gravel, which are all fine gold and jade, and the dead grass are the deadly place of ten thousand years of ginseng? They led their troops around like madness, and the places they passed were really to the point where there was no grass.

However, the division of Wu's troops also made his own losses suddenly soar many times. There are thousands of troops, and there are only ten troops that can be able to break through the road. Once other troops encounter the secret hall sent by Dayu, it is really dead and injured. Fortunately, the secret hall sent by Dayu only kills immortals and Buddha cultivation, and never touches the generals and soldiers of the human race at all. Therefore, although the army has been seriously reduced, they can continue to march towards Liangzhu.

After entering Xiongyuan, an average of hundreds of thousands of immortals and Buddhas fall every day. In front of the constantly awakening offerings in the Secret Hall of Dayu, the golden immortals and Bodhisattvas below the Ming Dynasty are simply vulnerable, not to mention those immortals and arhats and monks who have not yet ascended the A secret hall offering can wash away all the Buddhist and Taoist disciples in an army like killing chickens. All day long, you can see countless shiny spirits flying high into the sky with long tails and being absorbed by the list of gods.

In the Liangzhu Palace, Emperor Haozun sat on the hall, and countless Yu Wenwu stood on both sides, quietly looking at a light curtain suspended in the middle of the hall.

In the brilliance, it can be seen that the twelve high priests of Tongtian who have just woken up from the secret hall are killing. The twelve dark Tongtian pagodas, which emit dazzling black light like a sun, are suspended in the air. Countless ghosts and gods loom in the black light. Where these ferocious and ugly ghost The soldiers fainted to the ground one after another, and the Buddhist disciples who flew to the sky and fought desperately were incarnated with pus and blood.

This Great Wu army has been integrated into 36 Taoist sects from the outer realm, forty-two Buddhist sects of immortals, and Buddha cultivation. The total number is no more than one million. The leaders and elders of all factions are all golden immortals, and there are nearly 10,000 golden immortals in total. However, although these twelve secret halls are dedicated to Yangshou for less than half a year, their cultivation is really at the level of breaking the realm.

Ten thousand golden immortals want to resist the attack of twelve high priests, which is like 10,000 mortals who want to fight with the peak golden immortals. The twelve high priests stood on the Tongtian Pagoda, but looked down with a gloomy smile. The ghosts and evil gods they recruited attacked all over the sky and surrounded the whole camp of the army. No matter how the immortals and Buddha cultivation were, they could not clash.

In just one hour, the disciples of the thirty-six sects of Taoism and forty-two sects of Buddhism were killed and injured. From the golden immortal with the highest cultivation to the ordinary disciple who had just formed a golden elixir, everyone was turned into pus and blood. Millions of Yuanlings soared up one after another and went straight to the sky with a sharp howl.

Emperor Haozun suddenly laughed: "But I'm cruel." The sniper king standing next to Haozun Emperor shook his head and sighed, "It's really cruel. Anyway, these immortals, those Bodhisattvas and Arhats, although they are only the disciples of their outer door, after all, they are their descendants. They are so cruel.

Ji Ao, who stood in front of the ministers in the hall, sneered and said, "I just don't know if the number of people in their list of gods has been gathered. The three worlds of gods all day, and the number of priests is very large. There are mountain gods in the mountains, water has water gods, villages have land, and cities in the city. Not to mention how many mountains and rivers there are in this ancient continent, I, Dayu alone have a hundred counties and 10,000 large cities in Shangzhou, 100,000 large and small towns, and small villages are more than millions?

Emperor Haozun pinched his finger to calculate how many big states there are in Dayu now, and there are 300 territories under the rule of each big state. In this way, if you just want to complete the god figure in the territory of Dayu, the number of gods needed is today's number.

All the Yu Wenwu ministers in the hall laughed strangely, and they were about to convulse. They also roughly calculated this number. They just want to put a city for all the cities of Dayu. "All villages and towns send a land. Not to mention these cities, the yin soldiers and servants under the land and other small priesthoods, this number will make the seven Buddhas and nine paths crazy, right?

Originally, in the calculation of the seven Buddhas and nine paths, Dayu had a complete bureaucratic body. Together with the war, all the civil and military ministers of Dayu were given the priesthood. The state herdsman is the capital of a state. The county guard is the capital of a county. The city owner, town head and village head happen to be the city and land of various places. The large and small officials under their command are the yin soldiers and servants under their command.

What a wonderful thing this is?

But outside the Wa Palace, the Wa Emperor suddenly awakened the chaotic demon god who should have lost his soul. He was actually reincarnated as a poor cicada, one of the twenty-four emperors of the founding of Dayu, and also took back the * soul bow and seriously injured the purple-browed Taoist ancestor. The seven Buddhas and nine paths can only swear not to send the human race to the list of gods, and not to make the human race a god.

Such a huge number of priesthoods should be completely filled with disciples of Buddhism and Taoism. Even if they have used their means to kill the four elites of the ghost world, the demon world, the demon world and the spiritual world, there are still most of the gaps. This gap can only be filled by his own family. Naturally, Dayu was happy to be the executioner and killed fiercely.

In fact, you can think of it with your buttocks. Dawu invaded Dayu. In the face of this war to destroy the country, when Dayu's essence power is well preserved, Dawu should attack together and go straight to Liangzhu to kill the high-level officials of Dayu. However, as soon as Dawu entered Xiongyuan, he immediately divided his troops, and it was divided into more than a thousand troops without any echo and cover for each other. This is convenient for Dayu to let go and kill!

"It's really cruel!" The important ministers of Jing Wenwu in the hall laughed in unison and accused the fierceness of the seven Buddhas and nine paths.

The seven Buddhas and nine paths have been declaring that once they enter the list of gods and are canonized as the priesthood of heaven, if the way of heaven is not destroyed, the gods will not be strangers. This is the positive result of immortality and immortality. However, the Wah Emperor has long passed on the edict to explain to the senior officials of Dayu that the mysterious heavenly path is not chaotic, then the divine throne will last forever: if the heavenly path is chaotic, the divine throne will be the first to be hit.

If heaven and earth come again, these canonized priesthoods are shields to block knives. They can block it, but only hurt their vitality and take risks. But if they can't stop it, the heavenly way is disordered, and they will immediately become fans, and they won't even have the chance to reincarnate and repair it.

The brilliance in the light curtain continued to change, and the two armies of Dawu were slaughtered by Dayu. Except for the human soldiers of Wu, there was no damage at all. The Taoist and Buddhist monks in the army were killed cleanly, and all their portable magic weapons were also looted by those worshipers. These flying swords and so on have been re-smelted back into the furnace, which is also a good material for refining Dayu's ordnance. Dayu will never waste any war resources.

Especially at the moment when the war of gods is coming to an end, any resources should be carefully collected.

Looking at the glittering brilliance in the light curtain, Hao Zunhuang suddenly sighed deeply: "Is everything arranged?"

The king of Yangshan also sighed heavily. He put his hands in his sleeves and sighed in a low voice, "I'm always sorry to my ancestors... However, everything is ready. All the classics and magic weapons in the secret hall, including the buildings in the secret hall, and even the bricks and tiles have been relocated.

Several other deliberative princes also came forward one after another and described the affairs they were responsible for one by one. The whole Xiongyuan, as long as the things that can be moved, including the huā grass trees in the royal garden, have all been relocated and removed. Those historic buildings in Liangzhu City have also been packed and sent to the sky. Now the only intact building in the whole Liangzhu is the hall where everyone is located.

Emperor Haozun didn't say anything for a long time. After a long silence, he smiled bitterly and said, "I will obey the orders of the Holy Mother and all the Holy Emperors... Search carefully again, take away everything that can be taken away, and take away all the digging for a hundred miles. The state herdsmen of each state, the county guards of each county, the city lords of each city, etc., all the officials of the Dayu family and the children of their clans were taken away.

Gritting his teeth, Haozun said gloomily, "Even if I give up this world, let them try the embarrassing taste that no one can use. I see how much background he has to manage such a large human race.

After a moment of meditation, Emperor Haozun stamped his feet and sneered, "Has the underground been arranged?"

The ministers nodded at the same time. They looked gloomy and murderous, and they returned in unison that everything had been arranged.

Three months later, after hardships and twists and turns, the Great Wu army, which suffered heavy casualties, attacked Liangzhu.

All the civil and military ministers and sons of Dayu, including the servants in the village and towns, disappeared without a trace, and the whole Dayu was completely trapped in an ungoverned situation.

Then disappeared with the countless treasures accumulated by Dayu for generations, such as the Xiongyuan. Except for the mountain 11 Heyue, which had not been moved, and other things that could be searched were cleaned up. In the words of the angry Liu Bang, Xiong Yuan has become cleaner than the rice bowl licked by a thousand evil dogs.

The senior management of Dayu moved to the sky with all civil and military officials, all well-trained soldiers, and a large number of people.

Subsequently, many saints of the Wa Emperor and the Holy League issued an edict at the same time. From today on, the sky will be completely closed. If anyone dares to invade, he will definitely be killed by Wa Huangshi and others.

It's like playing a game. Dayu, who has ruled Pangu for countless generations, disappeared overnight. At the original site of Dayu, which was almost looted into white ground, a yellow dragon flag stood up listlessly.

Standing under the dragon's banner is Liu Bang, who looks at the empty and clean Liangzhu and looks up to the sky and scolds angrily!

"You haven't left a single copper plate. You are so good at scraping the ground!"