Steal the sky

Chapter 1112 Broken Scene

Chapter 1112 Broken Scene

Liangzhu City is as clean as a mirror. A flagpole up to a hundred feet stood upright in high spirits, with a listless and soft yellow dragon flag floating on it. Liu Bang, dressed in a Kowloon robe, stood under the flagpole and looked around blankly.

Clean, very clean, as clean as a rice bowl that has been licked by a thousand vicious dogs as Liu Bang described. The clean Liangzhu couldn't even find a piece of sand, and no blade of grass was left. The city wall is gone; the building is gone; the garden is gone; there are no pots and pans. Even the riverbeds of the rivers flowing from the edge of Liangzhu City have been dug deep for a hundred miles, and the precious pearls and jades in the river have been dug up.

There were many mountains around Liangzhu, and there were many mines in the mountains, and there were countless rare minerals. In the vein, there are countless rare trees. For practitioners, these rare trees can be refined into the best elixir with a bowl of sap. Under the trees, countless elixirs have grown naturally, and the whole bear field is a big treasure house.

But now with Liangzhu as the core, in addition to the south of Liangzhu, you can also see some mountains and rivers, and all the mountains in the east, north and west directions have been pulled up and taken away with great magic. Of course, there are no mineral veins left in the mountain, and even the veins under the edges of the mountain have been dug deep for a hundred miles. Those auras are full of aura and have been refined by the sun and moon for countless years, and the soil that has become the best spiritual soil has been dug up.

The whole Xiongyuan is deep in a hundred miles. In addition to Liangzhu City, it still maintains its original horizontal height, and the whole Xiongyuan is deep in a hundred miles. Of course, the soil under a hundred miles is also particularly fat and nourished by aura, but it has not been illuminated by the light of the sun, moon and stars. These soils contain a trace of coldness in the depths of the ground, but everything has been a bad harvest for thousands of years.

Liu Bang stood under the flagpole with his hands behind his back and sighed with emotion, "This means of scraping the land... In those years, I reincarnated countless generations in the world of the world of the world of the world, and established hundreds of dynasties. There were also those who were good at scraping the land and the handsome men who searched for the people's wealth, but three feet of scraping the ground was the limit. This is a hundred miles away from the ground. Does his grandmother still have the law of the king of heaven?

He was so angry that there was a foam on the corners of his mouth. Liu Bang looked up to the sky and roared in the direction of the sky and roared, "Why don't you pack the Pangu mainland and take it away?"

The sky was cold, and no one responded to Liu Bang's words. The Empress Wen has put the ugly words in front of her, and the sky is completely closed. Who dares to come to the door to make trouble? She is going to destroy her door with thunderous means and lend Liu Bang ten dogs, and he does not dare to go to the sky to find trouble.

If you want to cry without tears, Liu Bang really wants to cry without tears. This is completely inconsistent with the rules. To establish a new imperial dynasty in the world of the world, the treasury of the old dynasty will definitely be received by the new dynasty. Most of the officials of the old dynasty will also be reactivated by the new dynasty. The soldiers of the old dynasty will also be incorporated into the new army to continue to serve the country, and If there is the beauty of the country, it will continue to be enjoyed by the dignitaries of the new dynasty.

"His grandma's, how have I ever seen such a shameless person?" Liu Bang stamped his feet in anger. Well, the seven Buddhas and nine paths are furious. We must carry out the great plan of sealing gods. You can't stop the big plan of Buddha and Taoist ancestors, so you run away? Since you have given up the throne of the human emperor, why did you take those things away?

He didn't give him any copper coins left, a book left for him, and a useful literary minister and general was not left for him. Damn it, how big is your territory, how many big prefectures, how many counties, how many people do you collect taxes every year, how many taxes you can collect, how many soldiers you can feed, and you always have to leave some information about the national government and people's livelihood?

"Clean, clean!" Liu Bang drooled and roared, "Shameless, it's really shameless. Did they just leave like this? They scraped away everything that could be scraped away, leaving this mess for me?

Zhang Liang, Han Xin, Xiao He and Fan Yu stood beside Liu Bang without saying a word. They also rolled their eyes and looked at the direction of the sky, which was really a little ridiculous. They have followed Liu Bang for many years and have seen countless changes in the world. But when the dynasty was changed, they scraped the ground for a hundred miles, and there was not even a piece of turf left. It was really the first time they met it.

In the past, they could make a fortune by changing the dynasty, but now let alone make a fortune, I'm afraid they have to pay their own pocket to subsidize the people's livelihood. Zhang Liang and others looked at each other and sighed deeply at the same time!

At the thought of what they were going to do next, several people only felt that their minds were rising and their heads seemed to explode. They need to quickly survey the territory of Dayu, redelimit the administrative districts of Dayu, appoint officials from all states, counties, cities, villages and towns, send soldiers to military sites in Dayu, and quickly integrate power.

But... Thinking of the national policy formulated by Dayu for so many years, Zhang Liang can't wait to look up to the sky and scold his mother like Liu Bang!

In Dayu, except for the children of those families who can receive all kinds of education, ordinary people can't even write big characters. They will only follow the guidance of officials and priests of the Sitian Temple in various places, according to the four-season envoys or sowing, or harvesting, weaving, or breeding livestock and so on. Now Haozun Emperor has taken all the children of Dayu's family and run away from the sky. Now in the land of Dayu, he can't find a few people who want to be literate.

There are no literate people. How do you teach them to govern the place? They don't have that ability at all!

Originally, Buddhism supported the Jing Dynasty, and Taoism supported the Ling Dynasty, but the two great powers had enough reserve bureaucrats. However, in the war between the two countries, the officials and generals from the top to the bottom were basically killed and injured. When Liu Bang got up, he only relied on the officials of Wu.

But how much is Da Wu's family foundation? Originally, Da Wu was a small country in the outer world, but don't beg to use tricks in it to make him grow bigger. Those officials of Dawu are more than enough to govern three or five prefectures in Dayu, but the number of states in Dayu alone is more than 10,000, and other big states are more than a million? How many officials do you need?

I want to cry without tears. Zhang Liang is the first person in administration and logistics around Liu Bang, but when Zhang Liang thought that he took over such a mess, he had the impulse to kill himself by simply by wiping his neck. According to Zhang Liang's calculation, it is impossible to cultivate enough bureaucrats to take charge of the whole Dayu without three or five hundred years and relying on the national strength of the Great Wu.

It will take three to five hundred years to cultivate the most basic bureaucratic system? Thinking of this, Zhang Liang felt that his throat was full of blood. He had seen bullying, and had never seen Dayu bullying like this!

The wind 'snoring' blew past the crowd. Liu Bang looked up to the sky and sighed for a while, and his eyes suddenly became extremely steady and resolute. He looked up to the sky and smiled and said, "It's good to invite heaven, but I, Dawu, really replace Da Yu!" The road ahead is quite difficult and dangerous, but as long as I, Da Wu, will definitely be able to enrich the country and the people, so that the people can enjoy happiness.

Liu Bang applauded hard and shouted harshly, "Come on, today is a happy day. Prepare the banquet quickly, and I will have fun with all the immortals!"

With a snap, several huge leaves were swept up by the strong wind and patted on Liu Bang's body. These leaves are dry and yellow, and there is no aura left in them. I think it is because of this that they are left on the bear field. These leaves were smashed on Liu Bang's body and turned into many small leaves fluttering with the strong wind.

Everyone was speechless and stared at the scattered leaves and couldn't speak. How lonely this scene is. With Liangzhu City, which is clean and shining like a mirror, it is not like a national capital city that has changed the dynasty. It is obviously a place for countless beggars to gather.

Shoushu Shangren clicked his mouth, and his hand shook the dust. He smiled dryly and said, "Drinking and so on, stop for a while. Haha, hahaha, drink and celebrate... Hahaha, the old man is weak and cold, so he'd better find a place to shelter from the wind and rain.

shook his head, and the clumsy master took the disciples behind him and countless attached immortals to the sky and went straight to the south. In the south of Liangzhu City, because the Dawu army attacked from there, there are still some mountains and rivers left, and some clean and repaired mansions can still be opened up in it.

The clumsy master left, and the Venerable Dayi also shook his bald head with a smile. He laughed strangely and said, "The cow's nose is always pretentious. Hey, hey hey, Buddha, I'm a rough man. Your Majesty, Buddha said it directly! Your capital is so dilapidated that there is no room in it, and it's his mother's happy day. What do you like? What's the joy? What to celebrate? Celebrate that you got such a rotten tile kiln-like open space?

Shaking his head, the Great B sighed: "Damn it, eat wind and drink dew here. Buddha doesn't have that appetite. Children, go to the south with the Buddha, grab a few good mountains and rivers to build a mountain gate quickly. Don't be monopolized by that cow's nose!"

The Buddha cultivation of the many Dalong Zen Temple behind the Great Yi Venerable and the scattered cultivation of the immortals attached to him, as well as the many demons and monsters he recruited, roared at the same time, and the golden light and auspicious clouds and evil spirits rose one after another, and rolled up all the way to the south.

Liu Bang was so popular that he was about to vomit blood. He stared at the bright Liangzhu City around him with wide eyes. His two hands were like chicken feet. It seemed that he couldn't wait to draw a knife to kill people.

Many Buddhist masters and Taoist sects who accompanied the army to attack here all the way were sitting on the lotus platform and cloud clusters, looking at the nose and heart one by one, as if they didn't hear the complaints of the Shushu Shangren and the Dayi Zun. They are also very dissatisfied with Liu Bang's disposal. Are they preparing for the banquet? You, Liu Bang, have the face to celebrate the victory in this damn place. These top power of Buddhism and Taoism have no face to accompany you crazy.

Great Venerable B said it well. This is like a broken tile kiln. Liu Bang also dares to invite these high-respecting lords and masters to eat meat and drink in such a place? Are you sending the begoers? It's not that Liu Bang is the emperor's choice chosen by Daozu. These World Honored Ones and Patriarchs have long been shown to him.

Liu Bang looked at the World Honored One and the Master who did not respond to his proposal without saying a word, and lowered his head helplessly.

"Estab and camp, rebuild Liangzhu first from tomorrow, and then choose a good day to sacrifice to the ancestors, and celebrate our replacement of Dayu!" RO