Steal the sky

Chapter 1122 Undead Cannon Fodder

With a sad roar, Wu Chang was thrown hundreds of thousands of miles by Beggar.

After being imprisoned for so many days in the refining tripod, Wu Chang has been dizzy, but after all, he is also an extraordinary person. After being caught from the refining tripod, he immediately found himself in chaos. He knows the danger of the chaotic world. After all, he was once the head of the priest in the period of the League of Human Tribes. Naturally, he knew a lot of things handed down from ancient times.

Don't beg to catch yourself, then throw it out, and ban all your cultivation. No matter what you want to do, you are roaring out like a stone marble!

Cold sweat spewed out from every pore of Wu Chang, and he was thrown out as a stone marble in the chaos? What's in front? Is it the nest of those ferocious and fierce chaotic creatures? Is it a terrible natural danger enough to kill Daluo Jinxian in an instant? Or what else is the horrible Jedi that he will never be able to get out of?

The fear of ignorance made Wu Chang hiss and roar. His cry was so unpleasant that he couldn't help covering his ears.

, "Didn't this guy claim to be immortal?" Don't squint your eyes, cover your ears and smile proudly, "What else is more suitable than him as a tool for exploring the way? Anyway, you can't die, so there is no risk, and you can suffer a little at most. Even if you die accidentally... Er, if you die, you will die, right? What is it worth?"

Don't beg the people around you to nod repeatedly. The man with an immortal body, you don't do the sacrifice of exploring the way, so who will go? The group did not have the slightest sense of pity. They looked at the witch with a smile and screamed through the void, and soon arrived at the place where the Qingqi that had just been sacrificed from the Tianding was bounced back.

A very thin and faint halo flashed in the void, and six twisted runes flashed slightly in the halo. Wu Chang's body suddenly condensed, and then he quickly shot at Don't beg. If the speed at which Wuchang is thrown out is one, then the speed at which Wuchang is rebounded is one hundred, even to the level of one thousand or even ten thousand.

The terrible speed brings terrible power. Wu Chang's body was still intact at first, but in a moment of ten thousand, when he was less than a hundred miles away from Begging, his body could no longer withstand the terrible anti-shock force, and his whole body collapsed and turned into a piece of fine pieces. The blood mist of meat sauce sprayed on Buqi and others.

Don't beg hurriedly sacrificed the mixed-yuan flag to cover the sky. A large area of black fog enveloped the crowd, and the continuous black fog overlapped into a strong barrier in front of Wu Chang's broken flesh and blood.

I only heard a series of explosions like thunder, and the flesh and blood kept exploding and breaking, and gradually broke into very small particles that could not even be distinguished by divine consciousness. Most of the black fog melted by the Humbled-covering Sky Banner was also smashed, almost hurting the body of the Humbled-covering Sky Banner.

The group of people were amazed at the same time. What a terrible anti-seismic force. The power contained in every drop of Wu Chang's flesh and blood is not weaker than the ordinary power of breaking the Taoist realm, which is a terrible power that is enough to completely annihilate the star domain of the Pangu world. Everyone finally knew what a terrible anti-seismic force Don't begging had just now, that is, the body of Don't begging has reached an outrageous level, otherwise Don't begging would have been beaten like today's Wuchang.

Fortunately, the mixed-sky flag blocked Wuchang's broken plasma, and the viscous plasma moved crazily in the void. Gradually, the plasma gathered together and condensed into a huge blood cell. The sad roar kept coming from the blood cells. Before long, the blood cells began to move violently, that is, a quarter of an hour, the pale-faced witch reappeared in front of the crowd.

Countless dirty words have reached Wu Chang's mouth, but don't beg for him to curse"

directly grabbed Wu Chang's throat. Don't beg for a smile and said to Wu Chang, "The immortal body really lives up to its reputation. Well, there is a senior who has to go again. The six runes just now are very mysterious, and 1 Buzi hasn't written them all down yet. Well, what's the function of that rune? You have to rely on your predecessors to try a few more times!"

"I nm" Wu often roared bitterly, but Don't beg has thrown him out"

This time, Don't beg to use a little powerful magic power in the Purgatory Book. He has more power to throw Wu Chang out, and his speed is more than twice as fast as before.

In the blink of an eye, Wu Chang howled and was bounced back by that light curtain. The speed of this nose witch's frequent departure has doubled, and the anti-shock power has doubled. As soon as Wu Chang was ejected, his body turned into a large piece of flesh and blood meat sauce and sprayed out. Don't beg to sacrifice the mixed-sky flag and another evil door treasure "white bone ghost shield" two Hongmeng treasures to protect everyone at the same time, which resisted the flesh and blood reflected by Wu Chang.

The mixed-yuan shielding flag is still intact. After all, this is the Hongmeng treasure that has been sacrificed with painstaking efforts and soul. However, the white bone ghost shield, the most precious treasure of the evil sect in the hands of the Taoist ancestors, has suffered a little damage. At least 3,000 white bones on the shield composed of tens of thousands of small spiritual bones were shattered by Wu Chang's flesh and blood. After all, don't beg not to seriously sacrifice the treasures of these evil sects. Just take them out temporarily and use them. Naturally, the power is not as powerful as the mixed-covering flag.

Looking at the damaged white bone ghost shield, everyone couldn't help but be surprised at the same time. The prohibition in front of him was really mysterious. Unexpectedly, it could bring the terrible power of the anti-shock flesh and blood enough to destroy Hongmeng's treasure. At the same time, they were also surprised by the strong vitality of Wu Chang. This In a quarter of an hour, he condensed into a human form again.

Without waiting for begging to grab his neck this time, Wu Chang shouted and scolded loudly: "Bitch, scoundrel, how dare you bully me so much? Wait, you..."

Ao Bizun grabbed Wu Chang's neck with both hands, so that he couldn't say a word anymore. Ao Bu respected the extremely simple and begging to ask, "The six runes of feelings are really mysterious. Uncle, I just read it twice and wrote down the appearance of the two runes. It seems that I have to throw this one out a few more times... Hey hey, let's take a look at my tricks this time!"

Don't beg for a smile and nodded at the end, and then took out two evil treasures to be ready.

Ao Buzun picked up Wu Chang's neck and quickly rotated dozens of times like throwing a ball. It was not until he pulled Wu Chang's neck about three feet long, and then he said, "Hey, throw Wu Chang out with a sound. The poor witch often let out a sharp and long roar again, and his body was uncontrollable and thrown to the forbidden place hundreds of miles away.

The light flashed, and the six runes flashed again. This time, Beggar and others were condensing to remember the appearance of the six runes and the trajectory of the flashing light in the six runes. Wu Chang howled. This time, as soon as he touched the prohibition, it turned into a pool of blood. Then with a loud noise, a large amount of blood roared and flew to the crowd. Every drop of blood that Wu Chang's body was broken up like thunder, roaring and tore the void and rushed to the people.

This time, the two evil gate treasures of the main defense, the ghost skin green spirit flag, and the poisonous black light mask, were smashed by the reflected plasma, and even the black fog spewed out by the mixed-sky flag was smashed by 70%, almost hurting the body of the mixed-sky flag.

But everyone also found that the more powerful it is to throw the witch out, the longer the ban will appear, and the longer the six runes will naturally appear, and everyone can remember the shape of the six runes and the energy trend in it more clearly.

Wait for Wu Chang to re-condensulate his body again. Don't beg to discuss with everyone, and the group of people stood with a strange gossip map. This time, no one threw Wu Chang, but all the mana of everyone was gathered in the array. After the transformation of the array, everyone's mana turned into a huge force wrapped in Wu Chang and shot out.

This time, Wu Chang's strength is at least a hundred times greater than that of Buqi and Ao Buzun, who threw him out alone, and the speed is much faster. The thin prohibition flashed violently, and the prohibition lasted for a long time in the void before slowly dissipating.

Wu Chang was not reflected back this time" because his body exploded crazily in the prohibition, and it broke into a wisp of bloody smoke in the blink of an eye. Even the wisp of smoke was rapidly cut and shattered in the rapidly flashing light of the prohibition, and all the power of the prohibition was used to deal with Wu Chang,

There is no trace of power to vent it out to eat others.

After a breathing time, I saw a wisp of bloody smoke converging in the void, and then slowly turned into a sticky blood cell, and soon the ugly-looking witch often condensed again. This time, Don't beg, you can't help but clench your hands and praise: "Sure enough, it's an immortal body, and it's really powerful.

Well, Wu Chang, you are really the best cannon fodder in the world!"

Wu often knelt down feebly in the void. He looked at Begging and others shiveringly, and suddenly screamed heartbreakingly: "Kill me, please kill me... What damn ban is this? Why, why..."

Wu Chang's face twitched and turned white, and there was sticky foam in his mouth constantly spewing out. It seemed that there were signs of mental disorder.

Don't beg, you can't help but be curious. Did the ban really make Wu Chang suffer so much? Why does he seem to have been tossed around for countless years in eighteen hells, and his whole body is about to collapse? It's strange that he has been imprisoned in the heavenly court for so many years. Hasn't he always been very energetic?

Shake your head and roll up Wu Chang back with the Sun Banner." Don't beggar and said to Wu Chang with a smile, "If we can kill you, we will definitely give you a pleasure, but you see, now we can't kill you. You are the immortal body!"

Ao Bu Zun gently patted Wu Chang's cheek," he said with a smile, "Okay, okay, what does it mean for the old men to cry? At this point, you can accept your fate...

Isn't it just for you to test other people's forbidden ambush? It's like a dead mother. Is it so miserable?"

After a few strange smiles, Ao Buzun grabbed Wu Chang and asked with a smile, "Who is interested in throwing him away again?"

The Holy Spirit took Wu Chang over with a smile on his face. He smiled and said to Bu Qi, "The immortal body, this is simply a supreme product. With such a pathfinder, what kind of array is rare for us? This is a baby!" Everyone laughed, and Wu Chang was thrown out again.