Steal the sky

Chapter 1123 Entering the Relics


"Kill me nm"

The sad and long howls were earth-shaking, but no one paid attention to it. The dying witch often lay feebly on a white cloud, and his straight eyes looked at an unknown point in the distance without focus. Some parts of his body seemed to have been scorched by lightning, some places with thin ice slices seemed to have been frozen by ice and snow, some parts of flesh and blood seemed to have been eaten by beasts, and some places were even more fragmented and sticky, as if they had been smashed and glued with glue.

Although it is an immortal body, every time the body recovers, it will lose part of the essence. If the essence is consumed, Wu Chang must wash the aura of the outside world to replenish his own consumption. But at this moment, Wu Chang is in chaos, and there are violent chaotic aura everywhere. Among the people present, only Buqi and Ao Buzun, Princess Po Le and Qixia can absorb and use this breath. Others absorb the chaotic aura and take the huge poison, which is to kill themselves.

Wu Chang not only can't absorb chaotic aura to restore vitality, but also constantly consume vitality to isolate chaotic aura from the body. He had already suffered a serious loss, and at this moment he was constantly losing his vitality. He only felt that there were bursts of blackness in front of him, and he could not support it.

But don't beg, but you are not in the mood to help witches heal. For don't beg, a half-dead witch is more reliable than an energetic witch. All the way, he relied on Wu Chang to explore the way, but Wu Chang also tried several times to escape. Once he even escaped a part of his blood for millions of miles. Fortunately, he didn't be alert." Then he was captured alive.

Since that time, Don't beg has been using Wu Chang more and more carefully, and more and more careful to get him all the way here. Seeing that there is only the last and most complicated ban left in front of him, Don't beg is racking his brains to crack this ban.

There are a total of thirteen prohibitions outside this relic that is slowly collapsing. The most periphery one is the prohibition consisting of six runes that make people suffer a lot. Through Wu Chang's "deedious and exploration, after the mystery of the six runes is fully mastered by Don't begging, Don't beg uses the ancient runes in the ancient book to build a complex forbidden magic array, and completely breaks the prohibition that has been consumed almost exhausted.

After that, eleven prohibitions appeared one after another, and each rune is more complicated than the previous one"

It is also more powerful. However, with the experience of cracking the first ban, coupled with Wu Chang, today's first pathfinder, it took a lot of time and energy to finally crack all the eleven prohibitions, and now it is the last time to crack down.

There are a total of 360 different runes in the first twelve prohibitions. Each rune has the magical effect of capturing heaven and earth. Each of these runes is more extensive, profound and powerful than the ancient book. For example, one of the runes controls the power of thunder. When you don't beg to master it completely, just take it. A thunder strike is actually more powerful than the Lei Wen array formed by the combination of hundreds of ancient divine texts related to thunder and electric light in the ancient divine book.

The last ban in front of us is a combination of 360 different runes, including the power of all natural celestial phenomena such as pool water, fire, wind, thunder, water and electricity. All the natural forces are integrated into a heavy, heavy and sticky light fog covering all directions. If someone strays into it, he will be lost in the light fog, and heavy will be crushed and strangled by the light fog. It is really an extremely powerful forbidden arrangement.

But Don't beg has understood the mystery of 360 runes in the previous twelve prohibitions. The combination of these runes is just more change. Using Wu Chang to explore the way dozens of times, he explored all the layout points of the runes one by one. Don't beg finally untied the last ban, and suddenly lit up in front of him. The disintegrating relic immediately appeared clearly in front of everyone.

As soon as the ban was lifted, everyone was watching this huge-scale relic up close, and they heard a loud roar, and a fierce strong light rushed up along the spiral black crack. On the way, countless wreckage was hit by the strong light. Before the begging group of people came to their senses, the strong light had roared and hit the bottom of the ruins.

A muffled sound" The ruins trembled violently, and some stones of different sizes at the bottom of the ruins were shattered by the bright light, and countless stones were suddenly accelerated to an unimaginable point. "Flying around with a faint black flame. Don't beg people happened to be suspended above the ruins, so the stones only went around and shot, but none of them shot at Don't beg and others.

"Is this the origin of the stone?" Don't beg finally understand the mysterious stone that killed the Green Sparrow God and injured Ao Bu-zun a few days ago. The light roaring up along the spiral trajectory is very strange. Presumably there are other mysteries under the dark crack, but now the huge ruins are in front of us. Let's wait until later. The most urgent thing is to explore the ruins.

Grab the dying witch, don't beg to throw him heavily at the ruins.

With a muffled sound, Wu Chang hit a stone pillar about ten feet high and a thousand feet high on the edge of the ruins. The whole body was blue-green, as if countless huā grass roads were carved on the translucent glazed stone pillars. Wu Chang just hit a long string of fine grass. The grass was small and exquisite with a large number of When he came out, Wu Chang bumped into the grass and was just hooked by a protruding grass leaf.

1 sneer... Wu Chang suddenly made a strange breathing sound. He breathed deeply, and there was a strong aura visible to the naked eye around his body. As soon as the white fog-like aura was sucked by him, there was a huge whirlpool, and a large amount of aura kept pouring into his body. In the blink of an eye, Wu Chang, who had just looked ugly and was injured all over, suddenly turned red. His wounds quickly healed, and even his dry skin quickly turned red and round.

When Wu Chang's injury healed and his energy recovered, the aura around his body suddenly disappeared, as if the aura just now was an illusion.

The group of people were stunned for a long time and stared at Wu Chang dozens of miles apart. Wu Chang, who was also confused, looked at Don't beg in a daze. After a long time, he muttered to himself, "Don't ask me, why is this? Those aura, Yuecai thought that I needed a lot of aura, and it appeared out of thin air. When my injury heals, I don't need Reiki, and they will be gone.

Ao Buchun was stunned for a while, and he muttered to himself, "Is there really such a good thing?"

His head shook, and Ao Bul's incarnation of a mysterious light fell on the top of the huge stone pillar. He closed his eyes and muttered, "The old man of Reiki doesn't need a beautiful woman with long legs and big breasts for the time being, a beautiful woman with long legs and big breasts, and no need any clothes. Beautiful virgin with long legs and big breasts, come out quickly, come out quickly!"

Begging's eyes almost jumped out of his eyes. He looked at Ao Buzum in horror beside Ao Buzum, and beautiful women with long legs and big breasts kept coming out. All women are different in length, fat and thin, and their appearance is not similar, but all women are so charming and beautiful. All women exude a strong spring feeling, just like a female cat who eats more drugs that should not be taken on spring night.

Ao Bu-respect, who was talking, slowly opened his eyes. He was dull for a while, and then grabbed the huge chest of a red-haired beauty on his chest. He carefully rubbed the woman's chest, and then he looked up to the sky and roared, "Good Buddha, this is a man's paradise, our real man's paradise!" Ao Buzun looked up to the sky and laughed so much that his saliva spewed out of his mouth.

The eyes of the golden horn and the silver horn lit up at the same time. They flew down and sat on a big pillar on the verge of Ao Buzun. The brothers muttered, "Meat, a lot of meat, a lot of dragon meat, a lot of living dragons, lying on the ground and let us eat!"

That is, in the blink of an eye, two dragons with a body length of ten miles and a fat body appeared around the two brothers. The two dragon scales were beautiful and bright light gold, and the extremely bloody dragon lay on the ground with huge dragon eyes staring at the golden and silver horns, ** his most fragile abdomen, and put on the posture of tasting by his brother Ren Jun.

, "Hahahaha, auntie likes it here!" Seeing the dream of golden horn and silver horn, it really appeared beside him, and a large amount of saliva spewed out of the clam's mouth and rushed to the door of a broken hall. The clam shouted sharply, "Meat, delicious flesh and blood, no matter what race it is, as long as it is flesh and blood! Auntie is not picky about food! Haha, haha, hahaha!"

The dragonfly's strong appetite stimulated her spirit. Her two eyes turned into a terrible green, and pieces of delicious bloody monster flesh kept coming out of her. The dragonfly sighed with satisfaction and grabbed a piece of meat of an unknown monster weighing more than a thousand catties,

stuffed this huge piece of meat into his mouth with an indescribable emotion.

Don't beg and Princess Po Le have been stunned. What the hell is this relic? Why is there a terrible power to achieve what you want when you get here? The beautiful women around Ao Buzun, the two giant dragons around the golden horns and silver horns, and the flesh and blood around the clams, don't beg to explore with divine knowledge. They are all living beings, real entities, not phantoms.

Two streamer flashed, and the sisters Jinyu and Yinyu also rushed to the golden horn and silver horn. The two sisters squinted and muttered silently for a while, and two light silver dragons also appeared beside them. The two sisters did not become the original shape at all. They opened their mouths and bit off the necks of the two dragons, and swallowed the flesh and blood of the two dragons with one bite.

On the top of another stone pillar, Ao Buzun couldn't wait to cover all kinds of ear-covering prohibitions around him. He couldn't wait to hug these beautiful women's war that were completely in line with his aesthetic views for 30,000 rounds!

Don't swallow a mouthful of spit. He meditated for a moment, and 1 divination fell into the ruins.

Squinting and imagining something in his memory, Don't beg to stretch out your hand and mutter in a low voice, "Pangu World's original spiritual treasure Wanling Ding, Wanling Ding, Wanling Ding, come out, come out...


With the muttering sound of the well, a square tripod slowly appeared in front of him.

But when the tripod was about to take shape, "A crisp sound, the tripod suddenly dissipated.

Everyone else wants everything to do, but don't beg for the fantasy of Wanlingding to fail.