Steal the sky

Chapter 1142 All Roots

Nine palaces outside the Seven Holy Palace were walked around by Begging and others.

Every palace has the same choice, either a sacred artifact, or a last word. Don't beg for nothing, the nine palaces have chosen the last words left by the saints of the holy world. After all the nine palaces walked for a round, they were sent out of the nine palaces by a huge force and suspended over the nine palaces.

The nine palaces slowly relieved their bodies and disintegrated into countless fine halos in front of everyone. With the beautiful Xuanyin, the halo formed a huge curtain of light, in which a dark scene appeared. A powerful voice sounded in the void as if it had directly bombarded into the divine soul. At first, he repeated the last words left by the saints in the nine palaces, and then began to expand from these last words and began to describe the origin of the holy world and the origin of everything.

If the last words of the saints in the nine palaces are the general outline, then this voice is a complete story.

The curtain of light is dark, everything is silent, and nothing exists. The voice said slowly that before the origin of everything, I don't know how long it took for everything to be born and nothing to exist. The void where everyone is now is just an endless nothingness.

Suddenly, there were water waves flashing in the black light curtain, and there was a faint silky spiritual ripples on the water wave. The voice said that in the endless nothingness, I don't know what force pushed the birth of the most primitive sea of life, and on that ocean, the most primitive 'spirit' was born. It is similar to the soul of human beings today, similar to the soul of Begging and others today, but it is more original and pure than all souls and souls.

That kind of 'spirit' represents the original power of everything. They are ignorant, but they can do everything.

Suddenly, the sea of life was torn into two pieces, and two huge spiritual lights rose to the sky. The voice roared loudly, as if to bombard every word of him into the soul of Begg and others, which was firmly imprinted in their souls, so that they would never forget any words he said one by one in the most primitive 'spirit', breeding two great forces. One force represents breeding and reproduction, and one force represents death and annihilation.

Black and white, light and dark, life and death, yin and yang, the forces of the world are inherently opposite, and so are the two infinite forces born in the primitive spirits. They represent the two sides of this endless void. They are very opposite, and there is no possibility of peaceful coexistence.

In the dark void, a bright light flashed by, and the most primitive stardust appeared. The rolling stardust circulated rapidly, breeding large streams of nebulae, stars and planets, comets and meteorites, and countless celestial bodies. Then the most primitive life appeared on some aura-rich planets, following a familiar routine, life appeared in this boundless void and began to reproduce and evolve.

That represents the power of breeding and reproduction driving the evolution of life. Life is weak at first, and it is worse than ants. There are tens of trillions of strange and strange life. They continue to reproduce, devour other life forms to evolve, and constantly make themselves more and more powerful.

With the emergence of life and the continuous increase of the power of life in the void, that represents the power of breeding and reproduction, and the power called "mother" by many saints in the holy world is becoming more and more powerful. Those creatures live an endless life, they are never in danger of death, and they reproduce freely.' Mother created these creatures, and the development and growth of creatures also made the power of Mother stronger and stronger.

At the same time, the power that the saints call the 'end', which represents death and annihilation, is becoming more and more fragile. Because of the strength of the 'mother', the endless battle with the 'mother' has been weakened more and more since its birth, and he was almost completely destroyed by the 'mother' several times.

If the 'mother' really destroys the 'end', then this endless void will develop according to the will of the 'mother'. Life is endless, the life is endless, life is free to reproduce and develop, and the creatures will not face the threat of death.

But after a series of failures, he finally found a way to improve his strength.

Where there is life, there is death. The continuous reproduction and growth of life makes the power of the 'mother' stronger and stronger, while the death and killing of life will make the power of the 'end' stronger and stronger.

'Finally' began to spread death among living creatures and spread wars. He influenced the wisdom of the most primitive group of creatures and forced them to launch grand wars again and again.

The first batch of creatures in the endless void created by 'mother' is extremely powerful, and many of them have evolved to the end and even reached the same strength as the seven strongest in the Holy World. Such a powerful life is not one or two, but hundreds of millions! So many such strong creatures broke out wars that affected the whole race, countless lives fell, and countless lives died. Their death brought extremely powerful power to the 'end'. The 'end', which had been beaten to death by the 'mother', recovered his vitality, and he hit the 'mother' several times.

Life and death, reproduction and extinction, from then on, life has life and death, and the war between 'mother' and 'end' continues.

In the long war, the 'mother' finally realized that if she wanted to completely eliminate the 'end', she must cut off the 'end' power source. Therefore, the powerful creatures created by the 'mother' began to open up the 'world'! Such as the Holy World, such as the current Pangu world, are the specific manifestations of the 'world'.

The so-called world is a world with its own laws of heaven, its own rules, its own spatial structure, and a self-contained world. In the world and the endless void, there is a unique law shielding from each other, so that it can effectively resist the 'end' invasion.

After the birth of the 'world', the 'mother' is a secret method that can expel its own negative energy and the negative energy related to 'end' from the body. Just like the Holy World, the Holy World is harmonious and rarely disputed. Because all the negative energy in the holy world, spiritual ancestors and creation has been self-exorcised, and all negative energy such as jealousy, hatred, killing, tyranny, etc. has been completely expelled. All saints, spiritual ancestors and founders calmly create their own new race and enjoy their endless life. .

But 'Finally' has also found the best way to deal with the 'world', which is to gather all the negative energy that has been expelled, condense them into breakers, give them immortal souls, and let them destroy the realms one by one.

If a world is destroyed, the power of the 'mother' will be severely damaged, and the power of the 'final' will be greatly enhanced. Because breaking the world comes from the power of the creatures in the 'world', so they can freely enter and exit the 'world' and freely set off wars and slaughter creatures in the world. The more they kill, the stronger their strength will be. In the end, they can completely destroy a 'world'.

Looking at the infinite illusions changing in the light curtain and listening to the explanation of the voice, Don't beg and others only feel like a dream.

An extremely tall and majestic handsome man suddenly appeared in the light curtain. He stood in the boundless galaxy, and his eyes looked blankly at Begging and others.

The voice suddenly became extremely excited and told some strange words to Beqi and others.

After countless years of fighting, they were both defeated in the recent war, and both forces fell into a long dormancy. And the holy world is the last 'boundary' to survive in the endless void. In the void outside the holy world, even if there are few creatures, they are not climate, and even enough wisdom has not developed.

At the last juncture before the collapse of the Holy Realm, the strongest group of saints in the Holy Realm finally joined hands to calculate a crucial information. Because of the deep sleep of 'mother' and 'end', their control of the endless void has been weakened to the limit, which gives those countless creatures who have been controlled by two forces the best chance in countless years to become saints and transcend everything!

Although 'mother' and 'end' are powerful, although they exist like all creations, they are only the most primitive 'spirit' aggregates of the early Taichu. Although they are omnipotent, they do not have the same clear wisdom as Buqi and others. They can't think, calculate, or plan. I won't deliberately prepare anything for a certain purpose.

In the final analysis, they are just two powerful forces, similar to the law of heaven.

So, 'mother' and 'end' can be bullied! They can be cheated! Especially now is a good time for them to fall into endless hibernation. If some lucky creatures have enough luck and opportunities, he will have the opportunity to enter the saint and get rid of everything!

If they succeed, they can become equal to the 'mother' and the 'end'. From then on, they will no longer be controlled by them, and they can be free and happy as they want, and there will be no worries of life, old age, illness and death.

The figure of the middle-aged man in the light curtain gradually deteriorated, and the voice sighed. The seven strongest people in the former holy world were the closest group of people to that realm. As long as they take the last step, they can achieve equal existence as 'mother' and 'final'. Maybe their strength is not as strong as them, but they will become the same level of existence.

Among the seven people, even if only one person succeeds, the holy world will not be destroyed, and countless creatures in the holy world will live freely.

The sight of the shining sea of life appeared again in the light curtain.

The voice said loudly, "Mother and finally are the aggregates of Taichu 'spirits', but they are not the aggregates of all 'spirits'! The "spirit" of Taichu is endless, and the mother and the end account for 30% of the power respectively! Later, we have been completely annihilated, but you still have a chance!"

The light curtain suddenly exploded, and countless lights gathered together, turning into a brilliant corridor extending forward from the feet of Begging and others.

"In the Seven Holy Palace, there are some things we left behind. Maybe it's useful for you, maybe it's useless. But if you don't have enough strength, you can't get them! All those things are extremely rare, and we only leave them to those who have the most hopeful breakthrough!"

The sound dissipated and suddenly turned into a leisurely sigh, slowly hovering around the crowd.

Don't beg and stride to the corridor without saying a word.