Steal the sky

Chapter 1143 This is a robbery

At the end of the corridor, Bu Beg and others looked back. The corridor composed of strong light is slowly collapsing, and the light rises in the sky. Countless flames form nine huge silver light balls, and then Ran Ran sinks into the countless stars around. The plank road and pavilions that Buqi and others have spent countless hours have appeared again, which is the same as what they have seen before.

Don't beg to know that the prohibition of the nine palaces outside the Seven Holy Palace has been restored, and the road map of the Nine Palaces is also waiting for a new batch of lucky people to enter the Seven Holy Palace. If someone can walk through all the nine palace plank roads like Don't beg, abandon those powerful sacred artifacts in the Nine Palaces, and choose to listen to the last words of those saints, then Don't Beg Everything they have seen will be repeated.

This is the inheritance of the nine palaces outside the Seven Holy Palaces, which will let some people who are qualified to know certain information know what they should know, and then let them choose their future path. Maybe some of them have the so-called great opportunity and great luck. They will surpass the realm of creation, break through the spiritual ancestor, become saints, and finally reach the level of the seven strongest. Finally, they will take that step to reach the level of "mother," and "finally, to the same level.

Extraordinary and holy, so that the real immortality! At that point, fate is really in your own hands. No one can calculate you anymore, no one can plan you anymore, and your fate will no longer be invaded by external forces.

Looking at the process of the gradual recovery of the huge outer nine palace prohibition, Don't beg for a sigh, and finally walked out of the corridor. A bright light dissipated behind them. They came to the Seven Holy Palace, and the corridor from the Outer Ninth Palace to here was completely closed.

In front of you is the Seven Holy Palaces. Don't beg for the "Ancient Holy Palace" you have seen before. It's just that when he saw this palace in his previous life, he was beaten to death by the seven Buddhas and nine Taoist people as soon as he stepped on the [Guang] scene in front of the palace, and a Yuanling was almost destroyed. It was wrong that the Wanling Emperor used the Wanling tripod to protect his true spirit, and there would be

sighed gently, don't beg to tell the experience of his previous life to everyone around him. The group looked around cautiously. This is the Seven Holy Palace, which is the core of the outer nine palaces.

In the nine palaces outside, they have almost survived countless times, let alone the Seven Holy Palaces?

The [wide] field they are in is so vast, and no one can say how vast it is. Anyway, with the eyesight of don't begging for perverts, you can't see where the edge of the [wide] field is. 〖 The floor tiles on the ground of the field are carved from boulders. Each floor tile is 100 feet long and 100 feet wide. The huge floor tiles are carved with countless three-dimensional huāwen, including dragons, tigers, phoenixes, rosefinches, unicorns, and all kinds of strange creatures.

I don't know how many such floor tiles there are at a glance. Each floor tile is carved with a kind of rare birds and beasts and strange grass that people don't know or know or don't know. This is simply the open-air booth of all kinds of creatures in the holy world.

The faint spirit of the Holy Spirit, which shines like a diamond, is wrapped around everyone. The thin Holy Spirit is high and occasionally blown by a breeze, and the Holy Spirit flies several feet high, silently drifting forward like a water mist, looking extremely quiet and beautiful.

A hundred miles away from everyone is the main gate of the Seven Holy Palace. A large-scale archway stands in front of the door, which brings great pressure to everyone. The archway stands high, and the top of the archway seems to reach into the boundless chaos. No one can see where the top of the archway is. Hundreds of golden statues in heavy armor stood on the archway, and all the statues looked down, just like gods looking down on all sentient beings in the clouds.

Under the archway is a corridor several miles wide, which is different from the floor tiles around the field. The corridor is paved with translucent unknown purple crystals, which contain an amazing number of Holy Spirit. There are also small runes looming at the core of the crystal, emitting palpitating fluctuations.

The position of everyone is in the middle of the corridor, and the left, right and rear are boundless [wide] fields, which can't be seen at a glance.

The corridor goes straight into the Seven Holy Palaces. You can see the countless eaves in the palace group layer by layer, and you can't see the edge of the Seven Holy Palace at a glance. The lavender mist enveloped the whole Seven Holy Palace in silence, giving people a feeling of incomparable mystery and even a little fear.

"Didn't you say that some people came in front of us?" Ao Buzun looked around curiously and suddenly laughed, "Oh, they came in at most one day earlier than us. Is it difficult for them to run in?"

As soon as Ao Bul's words fell, there was a sad howling near the main gate of the Seven Holy Palace behind the archway in the distance. The howl should be a woman's voice, accompanied by the howl and the chilling laughter from afar.

Everyone was stunned, and then drove the light to the palace gate at the same time. Don't beg, the founder of the qualification is around, and everyone's courage is enough to wrap the sky in. They don't think that there are any creatures here that can threaten them. Don't beg is that their own strength has grown to a shocking level after so many dangers. What are they afraid of?

There are several low pavilions near the gate of the Seven Holy Palace. According to common sense, it should be the place where the guards of the garri guard palace live. At this moment, a woman with a beautiful face is struggling from a child

climbed out of the building, but there seemed to be a huge force behind her pulling her slender white and tender hands to the threshold of the small building, howling with a hoarse voice.

"Oh, with a sound, a heavy horned axe cut fiercely on the woman's right shoulder, almost removing her whole shoulder. A rough and gloomy voice came from the small building: "1 What are you running for? Hurry up and have a good night with me. Hey hey, look at your posture or virginity, I'm afraid you still don't understand the benefits of men?"

The woman was hit hard, and her hands were no longer strong. She struggled to raise her head and look at Buqi and others. She screamed "help" and was then pulled into the small building.

Ao Buchun's eyes opened angrily, and he roared angrily, "Langlang universe, in broad daylight, where did the fool dare to rob women in front of me? Well, this kind of romantic business can't be divided in half. Who dares to rob this beautiful woman with me? I will destroy his nine clans!"

Don't beg for a group of people almost spit out a mouthful of blood and said, "Lang Lang Qian Kun, in broad daylight" was very imposing and righteous. But the following passage of Ao Buzun really made people vomit blood. This guy's nature is really hard to change, and he is a complete scum.

Seeing that the beautiful woman's escape speed suddenly accelerated several times, he flew to the small

In front of the building, he chopped his foot on the half-closed door and rushed in with a wild smile. Begging and others are not much slower than him. Ao Buzun just rushed into the small building, and Begging and his party also bumped into it.

The building is very bright. Obviously, there is a wonderful space ban here. It looks small from the outside

The building is also an ordinary rule, but the room in the building is more than ten miles. The delicate woman in the clean hall was just lying on the ground and gasping. Standing beside her stood a strong wolf-headed man who was two feet tall, holding a shining horn axe in one hand and stepping heavily on the woman's back.

Ao Buzun laughed wildly and shouted loudly, "Ini, let go of that little woman! This woman is my mother. How dare you touch her hair? The woman who lay on the ground and gasped looked very strange, and even the wolf-headed man's face was extremely strange. Both of them stared at Ao Buzun in a daze. After a long time, the wolf-headed man shouted fiercely, "Where did it come from...

What are you talking about, you bastard?

Don't beg for a smile and stand behind Ao Bu Zun. He squinted at the wolf-headed man and the woman, and suddenly smiled and said, "Ao Bu Zun, there is fraud. This woman's Yuanyin has been picked for a long time. She is not a virgin at all. This wolf's words are unreliable!"

Ao Buk was stunned. He squinted at the woman lying on the ground for a while, and suddenly said angrily, "Sum, do you dare to fool your uncle Ao? This woman has indeed lost her Yuanyin. She is not a virgin. How dare you lie to your ancestors?

The wolf-headed man moved away and stepped on the back of the woman's heart and frowned and said, "Well, I met a shrewd person. Son of a bitch, with so many people, how many can you deal with?

The woman lying on the ground snorted coldly a few times, and her body below her chest suddenly swelled and quickly stretched out her long white skirt. With the harsh cracking of the joints, the woman's lower body turned into a black spider body several feet long. Shaking her head, the woman slowly straightened up her upper body. She was a half-human and half-spider.

The woman did not answer the wolf-headed man's words. She just smiled at Ao Buzun and said, "We have killed three immeable fools with this move. Hey hey, one of them was sucked by my aunt and I sucked out Yuanyang and died. Well, looking at your strong figure, you seem to have a little strength to compete with my aunt. Let's see if your Yuanyang is more abundant than the pus just now?

Ao Bu-zun laughed and grabbed his lower body indecently. He looked at the woman's beautiful face with a smile and said, "Hahaha, it's the first time that a woman dares to take the initiative to challenge me! It's wonderful. Can you have more than a dozen legs with the baby you gave birth to? Tut, it's really a rare variety!"

Don't beg for a smile. Princess Pang Le rolled her eyes and shook her head. The two of them took a few steps back at the same time. They were ashamed to be with Ao.

The wolf-headed man saw the woman around him hooking up with Ao Buzun, and he was a little in love with each other. He couldn't help but growled in anger and shouted, "Don't talk nonsense, smoke tender, don't forget your and my appointment... Listen to me, this is a robbery!"

waved the huge horn axe in his hand fiercely, and the wolf-headed man shouted angrily, "This is a robbery. Hand over all the sacred artifacts you got from the outer nine palaces!" Well, men waste their cultivation, women take off their clothes and wait for me to spoil them. You still have a way to live!"

Robbery? Don't beg for a smile, an extremely brilliant smile. How many years have you not encountered such a funny thing?

The finger pointed to the clam, and the clam happily swayed the hammer and ran to the wolf-headed man. She also shouted happily, "Robbery, rob... Auntie doesn't want any sacred artifacts from you. Just hand over your flesh and blood... Well, you can have a good meal!"

The golden horns and silver horns have been drooling for a long time. Seeing that the dragonflies took the lead, they roared at the same time, and opened their mouths and spewed two strong lights of gold and silver.