Steal the sky

Chapter 1172 Congenital Spirit

Chapter 1172 The Spirit of Congenital

Don't beg to break the prohibition of all the saints in the sky. The powerful shock made the whole Pangu world shake.

Naturally, the Daluo Tiandao Yuan Palace was not spared. The Daluotian, which was not far from the sky, was hit for the first time. The huge palace trembled violently several times, the tiles crackled for a long time, and many Taoist disciples in the palace lay on the ground almost at the same time.

Whether it is a builder who does laundry and cooking, or a high-level master, everyone feels a terrible force that cannot be resisted from this wave of shock. It's like a baby facing the threat of a dragon, which is a kind of trembling and fear gushing out of the depths of the soul. The people who shocked the whole Pangu world with this blow are the existence that these great power of Taoism can't fight against.

In the innermost hall of Daoyuan Palace, the seven Buddhas and nine paths sitting cross-legged opened their eyes at the same time. Their bodies are also constantly swaying, but after all, they are not as humiliated as the doormen of the Taoist gate. At least they stabilized their bodies and did not fall to the ground. Sixteen people in the Taoist realm swallowed a breath at the same time, and suddenly there was a strong wind in the hall, and the wind blew out through the cracks in the door and window lattice. Where the wind passed, the constantly shaking Daoyuan Palace quickly calmed down, and even the faintly trembling sky returned to calm.

The purple-browed Taoist sitting on a lotus platform sighed leisurely: "The movement of the sky, is it possible that someone goes one step ahead of us?"

The whole body was shrouded in the spirit of Xuanhuang, and the guardian Buddha smiled coldly: "How can they have such a great creation? Do you really think that the holy thing we get is the ground that anyone can get? They don't have that chance. How can they be one step ahead of us?

Zimei Taoist frowned and said, "Continue to work hard. After so many years of planning, we have finally completed the layout and finally controlled the heavenly way of this ancient world in our hands. If we can't understand it thoroughly with the help of this massive virtues and the luck of the human race, as well as the power of heaven in the whole Pangu world, we are bound to be like those in the holy world, and we can't get rid of the hands of those who break the world!"

The seven Buddhas and nine paths sighed at the same time. They closed their eyes at the same time and fell into a state of meditation again. There was a faint light in their eyebrows, shining all over them, as if their skin was a thin lantern cover, and there was a light source in their bodies reflected through their skin. Countless extremely fine light spots gathered from all directions and constantly put into their bodies. With the passage of time, the light in their eyebrows became brighter and brighter.

The seven Buddhas claimed that they were closed to practice in Dalingjiu Mountain, but in fact, they had already come to Daoyuan Palace and nine Taoist ancestors joined hands to close their customs.

The mysterious yellow atmosphere that enveloped them is the massive merit they got after reintegrating countless foreign realms and Pangu continents. Hundreds of millions of foreign realms have returned to Pangu, and the return of each outer realm has brought a huge amount of power of merit, and after all the realms have been reintegrated into the Pangu continent, the power of merit can be regarded as inexhaustible.

Now all the merits and virtues are divided into sixteen parts, and each Buddha and Taoist ancestor has received a very even share. The power of merit wraps around them. With the blessing of the power of merit, their spiritual knowledge is a million times stronger and sharper than usual. If they can only think about a problem in a flash, now they can deal with millions of equally complex problems in the same time.

The power of merit is fuel, which supports the full operation of the seven Buddhas and nine huge souls.

On the top of everyone's head, a huge purple three-dimensional array is emitting a faint light. This array is exactly the array seen in the heavenly court, that is, the giant magic array of Taoism and Buddhism to control the heavenly path of the Pangu world. This array is constantly leaking a trace of invisible mysterious breath, which is constantly integrated into the soul of the seven Buddhas and nine paths.

These mysterious breaths are the laws of heaven in the Pangu world, and all kinds of laws are constantly being inhaled by the seven Buddhas and nine paths. They are powerful and sensitive to millions of spiritual knowledge, and are doing their best to analyze these heavenly ways.

Even if the seven Buddhas and nine paths are already the power of the Taoist realm, what they really master and completely master is only a very small part of the boundless road in the Pangu world. If the law of heaven held by ordinary cactus is a drop of water, they have reached the level of a big lake, but the heaven of the whole Pangu world is an endless sea. There are also things that the seven Buddhas and nine paths don't understand, and there are many things that they don't understand. They are using the power of the priesthood of heaven to mobilize the power of heaven and send the mystery of heaven into the soul for them to analyze.

The laws of heaven were originally entangled in chaos, and even the power of the Taoist realm could not clearly decompose them. However, with the divine throne of the three worlds in hand, the huge magic array built with the power of the divine position of heaven is like a sieve that decomposes the law of heaven clearly, and the laws of heaven are disorderly integrated into the souls of the seven Buddhas and nine paths. It is much easier for them to decompose and analyze.

They sat cross-legged on the lotus platform, but the lotus platform was not a Hongmeng treasure, nor a spiritual treasure or anything like that. The lotus platform is completely condensed by the fortune of the human race. The purple-gold power of the human fortune is the core force of the Pangu world. The human race is the protagonist of the Pangu world. It is condensed into a lotus platform with the luck of the human race, which is like a fixed sea needle to stabilize the souls of the seven Buddhas With the difficult laws of heaven, their souls will not be eaten by the opposite of heaven.

The infinite merits have enhanced their spiritual consciousness by a million times, the divine position of the heavenly way allows them to easily control the heavenly way, and the luck of the human race allows them to reverse the heavenly way. The layout of the seven Buddhas and nine paths has been planned for countless years, and what I want is just such a little benefit.

The mysterious breath continued to spread from the body of the seven Buddhas and nine paths, and the Shouyi Buddha suddenly sighed softly: "It's wonderful... What is hidden in this land is actually such a mystery. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, no wonder Pangu can open up the world. He actually got such a foreign object from the ancient holy palace.

The white-browed Taoist also sighed softly: "Wanlingding, the focus is on the Wanlingding. How much difference is there between the power of Pangu and what we can master in chaos? We are waiting to join hands, but we can easily beat him. But the Pangu world he opened up actually has countless mysterious secrets. This Wanling tripod is really indispensable.

The purple-browed Taoist nodded slowly. He opened his eyes slightly and sighed, "That's true. We have been closed for nearly a hundred years, and we can see the strength of Pangu in the tube. Why did he get so many benefits from the Ancient Holy Palace? If this infinite machine is thoroughly understood, should we be able to go further?

The heart-shou Buddha's hands formed a lotus seal on his chest, and a piece of water wave gently spread, and countless spiritual lights could be faintly seen in the water wave. Above the water wave, countless light and fluttering lights like fireflies slowly converged, and finally converged into a strange light as long as hair.

This spiritual light is gloomy and weak, but it is full of indescribable flexibility and vitality. In the aura, it seems to contain countless colors and countless worlds. If you stare at it for a long time, you will have the illusion that you will be sucked in with your whole body. The heart-shouting Buddha looked at this spiritual light and muttered in a low voice, "When we penetrate the heavenly secrets of the Pangu world, all the secrets of Pangu obtained from the ancient holy palace will be known to us. I'll have some hope when I integrate this innate spirit, right?

Several other Buddhas looked at the light in the palm of the Buddha's palm, and their eyes flashed at the same time.

The nine Taoist ancestors raised their sword fingers at the same time. A water wave also spread in their fingertips, and a thin aura flashed and beat on the water wave. The other six Buddhas did the same. They formed a lotus seal to protect their chests, a piece of water light scattered in the palms, and six thin spiritual lights floated and danced on the water waves. For a moment, the hall was full of subtle light emitted by these sixteen spiritual lights.

When these sixteen spiritual lights appeared, the empty hall was suddenly full of infinite vitality and infinite mystery. Even a random pattern seemed to contain infinite mysteries of heaven. The eyes of the seven Buddhas flashed, and he suddenly sighed at the same time.

"Un luckily, we actually found the remnants of the ancient spiritual sea from the chaos, in which 16 innate spirits were just bred." Shouyi Buddha sighed: "As long as we can understand the mystery and integrate it, we are really immortal, truly extraordinary and holy, and no longer subject to any restrictions. Even the battle of 'mother' and 'end' can no longer affect us."

Just like the information obtained in the Seven Holy Palace, in ancient times, the endless void first bred a primitive spirituality. The first 'spirits' of ancient times were born on the water, among which the derived spirits called 'mother' by people in the holy world and the spirit of death and destruction called 'end'.

These spirits are truly immortal. As long as any creation born in the future merges with them, it can transcend everything and become the true and most original life. From then on, they will never be immortal. Even the 'mother' and 'end' extinction war cannot affect the existence of this original life.

Seven Buddhas and nine paths. They once had hundreds of chaotic demons and their best friends in the chaos. They went to the ancient holy palace together, but they were forbidden to throw away some ancient ruins in the chaos. From them, they found the remnants of an ancient spiritual sea, which actually bred 16 'spirits' that had not yet been formed! After a fight, the seven Buddhas and nine paths became the final winners, and these sixteen 'spirits' were divided up!

The breath contained in the sixteen spirits is divided into two categories. One is that there are nine free and free, which has contributed to nine Taoist ancestors; the other is that there are seven grand and majestic close to the soul, which has created seven Buddhas. This is the fundamental source of the seven Buddhas and nine paths. They were originally close friends, but because of the natural closeness and rejection of the 'spirit' they gained, they were divided into two factions.

The light of the spirit flashed in the hall, and the seven Buddhas and nine paths withdrew the spirit from the body almost at the same time.

Zimei Daozu said indifferently, "Tianch your best to understand, success is in front of you. While the breakers of the world have not recovered, while the throne of heaven can still contain them, while Pangu's old thing can't hide... We will succeed!"

The seven Buddhas and nine paths praised in unison. After countless years of hard planning, even the disciples of their confidants have sacrificed countless times, and finally achieved the battle of the gods. How can they not succeed?

Once they are successfully integrated with the spirit, they will no longer be afraid! RO