Steal the sky

Chapter 1173 Give you benefits

Chapter 1173 Give you benefits

The seven Buddhas and nine paths in the Daoyuan Palace took out the innate spirit that had been hidden for countless years and sighed. Don't beggar suddenly trembled all over when he was hooking into the sky with Yanjun's big horn. The thief's qi, which had been perfectly integrated with him, suddenly trembled violently, as if the greedy cat smelled the smell of salted fish. Don't beg begging all over his body. He almost couldn't control his body and turned his head to look in the direction of Da Luotian.

In that direction, there are things that make the thief particularly excited and impulsive. Don't beg to vaguely feel that as long as he can get those things, he will definitely get great benefits. There are a total of sixteen different breaths, and these sixteen breaths are also divided into two kinds, one is unpredictable like a flying scar on the snow, and the other is solemn and magnificent like an ancient clock.

There are nine ethereal breaths like idle clouds and wild cranes, and there are seven solemn and grandiful breaths that give people great pressure. Don't take a breath of cold air instinctively. There are seven Buddhas and nine paths. They are all in Daoyuan Palace, and they have good things in them that they can't hold back.

The fault is that the current situation does not allow him not to beg for that. Now he almost killed the Daoyuan Palace directly with his sword and snatched all the sixteen breaths. He faintly realized that the sixteen breaths were the same as the thief's breath that he merged with him, and they were of the same origin.

Take a deep breath, don't beg to forcibly twist your head, pat Yanjun's big horn on the shoulder and smile, "How was my refining tripod just now?"

Don't beg, the question made Wa Huangshi and others roll their eyes. They all saw that Don't beg, the ten thousand-footed refining tripod just now, did not deliberately transform it into such a big, but the power of the refining tripod became too strong. Don't beg to control him, which was a little powerless

The original spiritual treasure that can't be controlled by the strength of Don't beg. This is a joke. How can there be a chaotic demon god who can't control his own spiritual treasure? This thing is something that was produced at the same time when the chaotic demon god was born. It is basically a part of your body, just like the fingers on the arm, which should be able to control freely at birth.

But the Tianding of Don't Beg has indeed undergone such a strange change, which can only prove one thing - Don't beg has got some incredible adventure, and the power of Liantianding has been greatly enhanced, so strong that he can't control him well with his own strength.

The terrible power that had just burst out of the Tianding made the group of people a little shocked. The milky white and quiet Yuanling Zhenyan in the Tianding contained a terrible high temperature. Wa Huangshi and others sensed that it was a flame that could threaten their lives. Even if the original spirit of these saints in the Taoist realm has coincided with the laws of heaven in the Pangu world, and if the heavenly path is not destroyed, the spirit will not be destroyed, this white flame can absolutely destroy their bodies and souls, leaving them with only a life spirit to survive.

With such a terrible power, how did Don't Beg do it?

But because Don't beg showed such a terrible ability, Don't beg was treated very differently from the previous two times. Wa Huangshi is not that kind of power, but she is indeed very polite to don't beg this time. Don't beg is already strong enough to be compared with herself, and the strong should be respected.

A group of people sat in the main hall of the Wa Palace. The Wa Emperor sat in the middle, one from left to right were Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor and Yan Emperor Shennong. The six holy emperors sat next to the three people in a row. On the left hand side of the King's family was Don't beg, and on the right hand side was the 18-ranking realm of the Holy League.

The maid of the Wara Palace sent the best fragrant tea, and there were countless fairy fruits. Under the courteous advice of the Waro family, they did not beg for three cups of tea and ate a few pieces of green lotus root, and then everyone's faces became serious. It should be said that it is a serious matter. At the point of their cultivation, they really have to use some false words to pave the way.

"Old friend Yuanling, what are you doing here?" The king looked at Beggar with a smile, curled his lips slightly, and pointed to the entrance of the sky casually: "How can an old friend hit the door? You should know the ban in front of the door, but it took us months to put it together, and it was all destroyed.

Yanjun's big horn nodded repeatedly. He stamped his feet and pointed to Don't beggar and shouted, "You old monster is so rude. For the sake of the prohibition, I have sweated several times!" Well, I don't know those profound prohibitions, so I'm only responsible for providing mana. For this prohibition, I have been vacated several times!"

Don't beg, you can't help rolling your eyes, the saint of the Taoist realm, the magic power comes with the thought, the aura of heaven and earth is endless, the magic power is endless, basically the mana power is replenished at any time. In this way, Zi Yanjun's big horns have been emptied several times. It can be seen that the ban has really consumed too much of everyone here. However, don't beg to directly attack the strongest and most vulnerable place of the prohibition with the secret method enlightened by the Seven Holy Palace, and use the power of the most fundamental rune text source to break the prohibition. Even if it is the prohibition jointly laid by everyone, that is, it will be broken with an axe.

Wah Huangshi looked at Don't beg with a smile, slowly nod his head and said, "It seems that Yuanling's old friend should have an adventure, otherwise how could Liantianding become like that? And with the original strength of Yuanling's old friend... Ha ha ha, the old friend of Yuanling hasn't been in line yet, has he?

Don't beg to nod and smile, "It's true that it's not the right way. But Emperor Wasing should know that this road is thousands of avenues, and Hedao is not the only choice.

Everyone was silent for a while at the same time. The Empress Dowa smiled and said, "So, the old friend of Yuanling has not seen him for many years. Did he go to the ancient holy palace?"

Don't squint his eyes. He smiled and said, "That place was originally called the Seven Holy Palace."

The hall was suddenly silent like death. The Empress Wah squinted thoughtfully and said, "So the ancient holy palace is called the Seven Holy Palace?" The seven saints, the seven saints, must be the palace left by the seven strongest saints in the holy world? In those years, Pangu ventured in and only got a few treasures and a few volumes of classics, but he had not even heard of the real name of the Seven Holy Palace.

The meaning of the Wasi Emperor is very clear. When Pangu entered the Seven Holy Palace, he only got a little outside his body, and as a result, he opened up the world of Pangu. Don't beg to go in, and also learned the real name of the Seven Holy Palace. Obviously, the benefits he got in it were not a little bit, at least much more than Pangu got. There is no intention to ask in the words of the king's family - don't beg to get so many benefits, why do you come to the palace?

He sighed with his fingers around him. Don't beg for a frown and said, "Yuan Ling understands the meaning of Emperor Wako. According to common sense, Yuanling has gained such great benefits that he should take his relatives, friends and disciples away, at least to avoid the disaster of the breakers.

Take a deep breath, don't beg to shake your head and say, "But Yuanling's previous life was muddle-headed in chaos, and there is nothing unforgettable. Only in this life, I have realized the taste of kindness, resentment and hatred. I really can't let go. I can't let

He casually pointed out of the hall and said in a low voice, "When the scourge of those who break the world is eliminated, I want to coercise the seven Buddhas and nine ways to turn the world into anvil world, and all the people of all races should live in Pangu mainland with dignity, instead of being like pigs and

Wah Huangshi's eyes lit up, and she nodded repeatedly with a smile. Don't beg to say. If she was strong enough, she would do the same.

After a while of meditation, Don't beg at the six holy emperors sitting behind the Washen family. He smiled a little embarrassedly. The 90,000 daughters of the six kingdoms were all his wives and concubines, and the six holy emperors were all his father-in-law in a sense. No wonder he could be embarrassed.

After a few strange smiles, Don't beg for a smile at the Empress Dowa and said, "On that day, in the battle in front of the Wara Palace, Yuanling also hid aside and watched. The six holy emperors were all reincarnated as old friends in chaos, right?

Wah Huangshi smiled and said, "That's right. It's not just the six of them, but also..."

Don't beg and waved his hand. He shook his head and smiled, "I don't care how many people are reincarnated. I only care about one. The six holy emperors are exactly against the six great emperors of heaven. Their subordinates also correspond to the righteous gods and important immortal officials of the heavenly court. Emperor Wow, I want to borrow six holy emperors and their subordinates. Well, there are six heavenly emperors in the heavenly court and other gods and immortal kings. You can lend them to me.

Wa Huangshi was slightly stunned. Don't beg to borrow someone from her. She originally thought that Don't beg was going to fight with the heavenly court. But looking at the number of people he prepared, it seems to be more than that. She suddenly found that she couldn't see through Don't Beg. Whether it was cultivation or other aspects, she couldn't understand what Don't begging was going to do.

For a moment of meditation, Wa Huangshi didn't say anything.

Don't beg for a while. He shook his head with a smile and said, "Don't worry, I won't turn against the heavenly court. I'm just borrowing something from them. Well, to put it bluntly, I want..." Don't beg didn't say anything, but directly told to the Empress Wenshi with the voice of divine consciousness.

The beautiful eyes of the Empress were shining, and the light in her eyes was getting more and more prosperous. In the end, she suddenly laughed and smiled happily. She nodded repeatedly and smiled, "Are you fully sure?"

Don't beg, just squint your eyes and smile, smiling without saying anything.

Wah Huangshi looked back and smiled at Yan Dan and said, "You son-in-law, our Yuanling old friend, deliberately came to the door to send benefits. Well, you order your subordinates to go with him. You have received a lot of benefits this time, but some people are so angry that they have to vomit blood. If it really happens... Ha ha!"

The eyes of the Hua Huangshi narrowed into a curved moon shape, and she smiled extremely happily. She looked at the direction of Da Luotian thoughtfully, and the flowers kept smiling like trembling. Yanjun Dajiao and others were full of confusion, and they didn't know what they had said to the king's family. But don't beg to tell this matter only to the king of the wah with divine consciousness. It is clear that he doesn't want others to know. Even Yanjun's big horn is so curious that he is like countless little mice, but he can't help it.

Now, don't beg is unpredictable. Even if Yanjun's big horn wants to torture him with his fist, he is not an opponent of don't begging.

With little time, the monarchs of the six countries led a group of literary ministers and generals, and took a large number of soldiers out of the sky. The honor guard of the six countries was placed, and the huge army marched in a stream, stretching nearly ten thousand miles in the void.

Don't beg to lead the brigade to the heavenly court. When he had to enter the Nantianmen, he stared at Luotian fiercely.

Those sixteen breaths must be made. Every cell of Don't beg is trembling violently, and he can't help swallowing the sixteen breaths. RO