Steal the sky

Chapter 1176 The Change of Heaven

Chapter 1 176 The Heaven's Frightening Change

In the west of the Sanqing sky, there is a mountain composed of white gold. The mountain stretches for 30,000 miles, the main peak is about a hundred miles high, and the mountain is surrounded by strict guards. Among the new 1.08 million star kings in the heavenly court, there are 30,000 star kings leading the headquarters star soldiers to station here. There are as many as one hundred and eighty star soldiers under each star king's command, and at least three or five people, but each star soldier is an absolute elite.

If the ordinary heavenly soldiers are compared with the star soldiers of these stars, it is the gap between the python and the heavenly dragon. If any star soldier of Xingjun's headquarters is put into the ordinary heavenly soldier team in the heavenly court, it is at least the level of a general who governs millions of troops.

In addition to the huge and elite garrison force, this nameless mountain is surrounded by countless arrays. And the core of all the large arrays is the large array of the two Taiqing gods that Zimei Daozu himself couldn't take action many years ago. In addition to this divine array that covers the whole unnamed mountain range, there are at least one hundred and eight thousand large arrays and small arrays nested around the mountain.

Unlike ordinary arrays, ordinary arrays are only not external to the outside world, but 70% of the power of all arrays here is internal, and 30% of the power is external. Moreover, Zhou Tianxing always differentiated a part of the starlight to shine here. The gravity in the mountain is more than a million times the normal gravity on the Pangu continent. Even if the Jinxian, who is specially cultivated here, he can only walk slowly like ordinary people.

There is a hall with a radius of several mu at the core of this mountain, and there are thirty-six stars in the hall at any time. In the middle of the hall is a vertical downward pit. Sen Sen Taibai's essence keeps gushing out of the pit, turning into countless shadows of swords and halberd flying and stinging in the hall, making a painful sound of bumps in both ears from time to time.

Along the big pit all the way down, a hundred miles deep into the ground, facing is a square square, a dark gate stands on the square, and there is a door plaque hanging on the dark and cold door, with the word 'Tianlug' in a big book of blood-colored font.

This is the heavenly prison, the most tightly guarded cage in the heavenly court. Since the establishment of the heavenly court, this heavenly prison has always existed, and the first thing after successive heavenly emperors ascended the throne is to strengthen the defense prohibition of the heavenly prison again. Therefore, to this day, the heavenly prison of the heavenly court has become a Jedi that is almost impossible to escape.

How many people are imprisoned in the huge heavenly prison? Even the head of the rotating prison can't answer this question. Anyway, there are cells all over here, and basically every cell is full of prisoners. Some of the prisoners here are amazing, and some are no different from mortals. Most of the time, even the jailers who guard them can't figure out why they were sent here, but anyway, they are already in heaven, and it is basically impossible to go out.

Before the emperor, Ziwei Lingying sent thousands of unlucky ghosts to the prison in a month. That period of time was just the time to kill Zhang Tengyun and send him to the list of gods. Ziwei Lingying was furious at the Heavenly Emperor for Zhang Tengyun's death. Even the fairies who made a little noise when cleaning were stuffed in, and the others were mostly the disaster of the fish pond.

No matter why the people in the prison are sent in, they basically can't get out after they come in. Since Henggu, there has never been a case of a prisoner being released from prison in the heavenly prison. The heavenly figures who sent them in will soon forget their existence, and their relatives and friends will not be able to break through the peripheral prohibitions, especially the large array arranged by Daozu himself, to save people. It is not easy for the prisoners who have been banned and suppressed to save their lives. How can they escape from here?

The whole prison is shaped like a beehive, and the prisoners on the top floors are the worst, so they are imprisoned on it. And the more down, the more amazing the prisoners are. For example, there are nearly a hundred Taiyi Jinxian-level figures in Mingdao, who are imprisoned in the penultimate 360-story prison.

As for who is being held in the celestial prison below the 340th floor, nine out of the jailers in the celestial prison are not clear. They won't inquire about these gossips, and they don't have the courage to inquire about it. Anyway, Taiyi Jinxian can only be imprisoned on the 340th floor. What kind of person is below? Just thinking about it makes people feel cold.

But few people know that the 360th floor of the heavenly prison is actually under the 360th floor.

It was a lonely cell, and the long and wide prison room was inlaid with several dragon balls. Someone deliberately extracted most of the essence of the dragon ball, and most of the remaining essence could only make the dragon ball shine very faintly, so that it would not reach out and see five fingers.

There are more than a hundred dark piles in the huge prison room, and countless ghost faces are carved on each pile. These faces twist and twitch from time to time, just like living things. The eyes of these faces flashed, and occasionally there were chirping calls from these faces. Some weird black ropes with thick thumbs protruded from the big mouth of the face, tying some hazy figures tightly to the pile.

These strange materials, and the ropes that look like human muscles are deeply penetrated into the bodies of these figures, drilled into their limbs and bones and all the key points, and then pierced out of the corresponding holes. The rope is obviously tightly tied. Sometimes you can hear the 'quack' sound when the rope is tight, and occasionally several figures make low curses. Obviously, they are still alive.

There are countless extremely dim stars flashing on the ceiling of the cell, which is the star power projection of Zhou Tian's stars shining into this cell. The maximum gravity of the cell above is only a million times the normal gravity on the Pangu continent, but the star power here is strong, and the gravity brought by the star pressure is at least 10 billion times the normal gravity. With such a terrible gravity, even the Taiyi immortal soldiers will be suppressed to move when they come here, but these imprisoned people can still speak, which shows their strength.

There are a total of 135 piles, of which 133 are tied with vague figures that can't be seen clearly.

The remaining two piles are tied with two ice-like crystals. The dense rope bound two crystals. The rope penetrated the crystal, penetrated into the bodies of the two people in the crystal, and penetrated the joints of their limbs and bones.

Shu Tu and Yang Yu, two unlucky people who were captured alive without begging were imprisoned here. They had woken up, and the two of them widened their eyes in the crystal and were looking at the surrounding environment. But this crystal is condensed by the holy text of the Seven Holy Palaces. Their bodies can't move at all. Coupled with the strange ropes, they can only stay in the two crystals obediently.

The ceiling in the corner of the cell moved away silently, and a thin figure with purple light rushed in. The sharp-billed monkey's cheeks of this life are covered with a thin layer of white hair, which looks like a white monkey. But the fairy robe he wore showed his identity, and he was one of the leaders of the twelve zodiac animals guarding the heavenly prison.

The head of the prison rotates according to the changes of the heavens and branches. This year, it is the turn of the prison head, which is nicknamed the 'monkey head'. The monkey's head jumped into the cell, ignoring the terrible gravity of tens of billions of times, and swaying to the middle of the cell. He looked around, sighed heavily, and then shouted, "Listen carefully. Although I waste time to ask you once a month, this is what the boss told me. The old monkey can only ask you again - who wants to return to the heavenly court can leave here and enjoy it!"

The imprisoned people on the 133 stakes sneered in unison. They laughed strangely at the same time. Some people began to curse, from Zimei Daozu, to the descendants of the mounts raised in the heavenly court. The monkey's head shrugged his shoulders helplessly, grunted for a while, and flew towards the entrance of the incarnation of purple clouds.

The son of a son who was imprisoned in the crystal suddenly laughed strangely. He shouted, "Hey, old monkey, listen to me. Give me a hundred beautiful fairies, all of which should be pure virgins, so that I can be comfortable and comfortable, and I will return to the heavenly court! Well, if your heavenly emperor can let me be the supervisor of all the fairies in the court, hey hey, I can be a cow and a horse for your heavenly court!"

The cell suddenly became quiet, and the purple cloud turned into the monkey's head almost hit the wall. Looking back angrily, the monkey head shouted harshly, "Fake your mother's stinky fart!" Everyone else in this cell can be obedient. Just you two dream! You can only be suppressed here in your life! Do you breakers of the world to obey the heavenly court? You are willing to, but we dare not accept it!"

Yang Yi grunted and complained. He shook his neck gently, and suddenly made a series of 'k-k' sounds all over his bones.

There was a faint red light in his eyes. He laughed in a low voice and said, "They did a good job... The more people we kill, the stronger the atmosphere of destruction between heaven and earth, and the stronger our strength will be. I feel that I have recovered a lot.

Yang Yi also laughed. He twisted his waist lightly and heard the sound of 'kaka'. Don't beg to imprison him. His crystal suddenly cracked countless cracks. With a long roar, the crystals that wrapped him in it were suddenly blown up into countless fragments scattered, and then these fragments vaporized into countless streams at the same time and disappeared into the air like fireflies.

Yang Yu squinted at the prisoners who were imprisoned on the other pillars. He suddenly laughed and said, "Yo, yo, I'm so lucky that there are 39 beautiful women imprisoned here. It's really a tyrannical thing. Beauty is brought here, used to abuse and kill, used to improve cultivation, not to be imprisoned. Have those heavenly emperors been filled with water in their minds?

Slowly straightened up, Yang Yu sneered and said, "It doesn't matter. I will slowly teach you what is the greatest pleasure of being a woman!"

The dull sound like thunder kept ringing, and the ropes that imprisoned the donkey were cracked inch by inch. The donkey roared in a low voice and slowly broke away from the pile behind him that kept spewing thick smoke and fire. The same is true of the slaughter beside him. His strength is stronger than that of Yang Yu, and his speed of separation is several times faster.

The monkey's head exclaimed, and he opened his mouth and spewed a white sword light at X Tu's neck, but X Tu completely ignored his sword light. The flying sword cut off the neck of the evildo and cut half of the evildo's neck. The black stained blood in the evildo's body spewed out, and the light of the sword quickly became dim. The monkey's head spit out a mouthful of blood, and he had completely lost contact with the flying sword.

"Damn it, how can you escape from the prisoner's stake!"

The monkey's head screamed, but soon his cry stopped abruptly, because Sha Tu punched his head into his chest.

Tonight is 2935... Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, RO