Steal the sky

Chapter 1177 The chaos of heaven

On the boundless ocean, the six heavenly emperors are still drinking with the masters of the Later Jin Dynasty. They are really happy and happy. They only feel that everything in the world is under control. Nothing can be hidden from them and can get rid of their calculation and wisdom.

The core power of the heavenly court is in hand, the top combat power of the door is in hand, and the overall situation is in their hands.

As for those who break the world, don't beg this hard-working guy to work hard, which has nothing to do with several heavenly emperors. Shatu and Yang Can have been imprisoned in the heavenly prison, and the thirteen breakers have disintegrated one-sixth of their combat strength. As long as they [town] imprison a few breakers, when the Taoist ancestors go out of the customs, they may be rewarded for this achievement.

What the patriarchs want is very simple. If they can get the inheritance of Taoist ancestors, they can be able to do the Tao.

What the emperors of heaven want is simpler. The position of the emperor of heaven is good. If he can take off the divine body, restore his immortal body, and then sit on the throne of the emperor of heaven, there is nothing more perfect in the world. If you can become the emperor of heaven in the Taoist realm, then the blessing of freedom is better than retreating in the deep mountains.

Since the condensation of the divine body, the seven emotions and six desires have returned to the six heavenly emperors. They also attach great importance to women. They have also enjoyed some beauty over the years. Looking back on the taste of ecstasy, even if they get the golden body of immortals again in the future, they will have to admit beautiful women

Once busy with monasticism, they didn't feel that when they became the emperor of heaven, they found that there were so many good enjoyments in the world. Even the six emperors were surprised. Why did they ignore so many things before? Good wine! Delicious food! Beauty! There is also a supreme power that can determine the fate of life, all of which make them so fascinated. The Heavenly Emperor in Hedao makes people's hearts flutter when they think of it.

Thinking of pride, the Emperor of Heaven and the masters became more and more **-shaped, and then it was almost like a dragon. Several heavenly emperors began to tamper with the beautiful fairies around them. The masters knew that they had lost their previous state of mind after condensing into the divine body, and they all looked at the excitement with a smile. My own brother, even if it's once or twice, what's it? Anyway, there are no outsiders here!

In the secret hall, don't beg for sweat, and promote the operation of the sky-stealing array with the assistance of Princess Pangle.

There is a trace of white air rising in the sky above the large array, and there is a very small lotus flower on the top of each trace of white air. Among the six largest lotus huā in the middle, the six emperors including Yingzheng were sitting cross-legged, emitting a majestic golden halo. The so-called largest six lotus huā are actually only one-tenth of the size of sesame seeds, but the fluctuation of divine power emitted is extremely amazing.

Near the six regiments of lotus huā, Lu Chengfeng is closing his eyes and mediting in a more owed lotus huā. This group of lotus huā corresponds to the Tianyuan star at the head of the 1,800 star king in the heavenly court. The power of Tianyuan star and the divine power of Tianyuan Xingjun are being pumped by the sky array with supreme magic power, constantly integrating into Lu Chengfeng [body].

Now Lu Chengfeng, like the six emperors, is gradually familiar with the breath of this divine power and trying to mobilize and operate this brand-new power.

Bai Qi, Lian Po, Meng Tian, Wang Jian, Li Mu, Le Yi... The literary ministers and generals of the six kingdoms have been sent to the heaven-stealing array by Buqi. They have occupied the corresponding positions of many important gods in the heavenly court, and are familiar with the divine power breath of these divine positions with the help of Buqi. For example, Bai Qi was pushed to the star position of the sky killing star king. Bai Qi's skills and heart are inexparable to the power of this star position. At this moment, behind Bai Qi, there is a pile of white mountains composed of human skulls looming, and the amazing murderous intention is fluctuating around him.

In addition to these princes and ministers of the six kingdoms who occupy important divine positions, other small and medium-sized clergy in the heavenly court are also occupied by the elites of the six kingdoms. Tens of millions of soldiers and horses of six countries cooperated with some of the elite soldiers and generals under the command of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor and Emperor Yan Shennong. Everyone was sent to the sky-stealing array. The huge formation has begun to operate officially, and the rolling heavenly magic power in the Tiandao divine array map is constantly pouring into the array.

As long as the array is proficient in acting, don't beg for an order, and everyone will work together to take the control of the whole heavenly court from the six heavenly emperors and other gods. The throne of the heavenly court is the most powerful part of the priesthood of the three worlds. If you master this part of the throne, don't beg can affect the operation of heaven in the whole Pangu world.

The seven Buddhas and nine paths have worked hard for countless years to become gods, and it was easy to achieve great success. But don't beg to steal most of the benefits from them without saying a word. If you let the seven Buddhas and nine paths that are in retreat know, they will definitely make them faint.

If it's not wrong, don't beg [body] There is that mysterious and infinite thief spirit in it, and if you don't beg, you can't do such a thing against the sky. But the thieves have an unfathomable mystery. As long as there are things in heaven and earth, there is nothing it can't touch. Even the illusory thing such as the position of heaven and the power of heaven can be forcibly inserted into a bar with its power.

The mana needed to promote the operation of the whole stealing array is too powerful. Don't beg for one's strength, and Princess Powle also added it. Princess Pangle's five elements of true spirits communicate with heaven and earth, but the recovery speed of mana is not as good as begging. Princess Le assisted in not begging to swallow the spirit of the Holy Spirit and turned into a holy force to promote the large array. The husband and wife worked together to barely maintain the benign operation of the large array.

Waiting for all the "gods, return to their positions, and all the important eyes in the whole array were filled. Buqi finally breathed a sigh of relief and took a few steps back with a cold sweat. Although those low-level divine positions, such as the countless heavenly soldiers and generals, have not been filled, those low-level heavenly generals have little impact on the large array. The current stolen array has at least 90% of the power of the whole heavenly god position.

"Just wait for them to get familiar with their magic power, and when the time comes, many people will look good!" Look at the sky with your hands behind your back. Don't beg and laugh happily. He said slowly, "First take down the throne of heaven, and then slowly design the throne of the world and the underworld.

When all the divine positions in the three worlds are obtained, then... After mediting for a while, Don't beg to hold Princess Lule in his arms, and the two of them were silent for a while. Everything you do is just to let yourself, let your relatives and friends live in peace.

Don't beg to tell yourself in your heart that if it is possible, when everything is done, he will go to the earth to open up a Taoist field, and he will live there for a long time.

There are some things there that he can't forget and can't be forgotten. Especially for the lonely don't beggar in his previous life, that's his most precious thing.

Princess Le put her hands around Begging's waist, and her little face rubbed Begging's chest. The two were about to say something soft and honey, and the brupt Sanqingtian trembled violently. A loud noise came from the west, and the murderous atmosphere gushed out from somewhere in the west, quickly surging all over the heavenly court.

Don't be surprised. He hurriedly hit a few runes on the sky-stealing array, and sent a message to Yan Dan and others to ask them to practice the array at ease and ignore what happened outside. Then he grabbed Princess Le's hand, and the two flew straight out of the secret hall. Qixia has flown into the sky with Ao Bujiun and others, and is using God to look to the west.

A void in the far distance in the west was twisting and cracking. With a loud noise, the void on that side was blown to pieces, and a mountain with a main peak of more than 30,000 miles high appeared out of thin air. That is the heavenly prison of the heavenly court. This nameless mountain is completely covered up by the forbidden law by the great magicians. Now someone is strongly attacking the prohibitions in the mountains. The forbidden law on the periphery that hides the existence of the mountains is the most vulnerable and is the first to be violently destroyed.

The whole mountain range is spewing out a terrible white essence, and the white and golden breath visible to the naked eye turned into countless sharp swords flying around. Some close immortals were rushing to there. As a result, the Taibai Jingqi, which broke out like a tsunami, rushed them into a mess. At least thousands of immortals with poor cultivation were stabbed by the sword turned into the white spirit and fell from the sky.

The clumsy man soared up in the air with his hands behind his back. He looked over there and laughed, "That's the direction of the heavenly prison. It seems that an important prisoner in the prison has escaped. But this movement, the prisoner should still be inside the prison. I don't know if the guards there can be suppressed!" The god's consciousness swept over there, and the god like water into the whole mountain range, and all the movements of the whole prison were displayed in front of him in an instant. Don't beg sneered and said, "What did you say when the six wastes escaped from the six wastes? If the sky is as strong as gold soup, there will never be any accident. Now they have come out of trouble and are slaughtering the prisoners in the prison to absorb their blood!" There is already a bloody storm in the prison. How can the prisoners who are suppressed by the prison escape the poison of the slaughter and the penis? From the 360th floor of the prison to the 341st floor, although there are only more than 300 prisoners, they are all cultivated. And looking at the appearance of some of them, it is clearly the identity of the chaotic demon god, and I don't know how many years these unlucky ghosts have been imprisoned, but now they have become the food of the slaughter and the penis.

The two have killed the jailer on the bottom ten floors, destroyed all the prohibitions inside, and devoured all the prisoners inside. Now they are moving up to the prison. If the two people can really devour all the prisoners in the whole prison, don't beg to calculate it yourself. The mana they have is enough to be comparable to the seven Buddhas and nine paths, or even more than them.

After all, there are too many prisoners in the prison, and there are many top masters among them. Since the establishment of the heavenly court, the number of prisoners in the heavenly prison has been increasing. The heavenly court has gone through more than a thousand generations of heavenly emperors. Each generation of heavenly emperors has more than a hundred and less than fifteen or sixteen disasters. What a long time it is. Even if there are only three or five more prisoners in prison every year, the number of prisoners in prison today is really an astronomical figure.

"Wow, this is very interesting. If they really devoured all the prisoners, they themselves are immortal, plus the same magic power as Taoist Buddha, hahaha, this battle is fun!" Don't beg suddenly gloated. He shouted loudly, "The five gods of gold, wood, water, fire and earth listen to the order, quickly mobilize the magic soldiers of the headquarters, protect the Tongming Hall and the surrounding halls, and never be broken through the core of the heavenly court by demons!" Don't beg for this order, the whole heavenly court is in chaos. The five elements of the gods went to protect the Tongming Hall. Who went to [Town] to suppress the prisoners in the prison?

I saw that the Thunder Department, the Cloud Department and other departments were rushing to the West with their subordinates. All the stars were also in a mess, and the busy incarnations were running to the West one by one.

The heavenly court is completely in chaos!

What a big deal it is to have a fugitive in the prison!