Steal the sky

Chapter 1197 One Strike Life and Death

Chapter 1197 One Strike of Life and Death

There are more and more Buddhist disciples in the sky of Daluo, and they came from all parts of the Pangu world. If the cultivation is low, it will fly up from the temple Zen forest in the Pangu world. If the cultivation is high, it will fly from the stars in the outer starry sky. If the cultivation is higher, it will come out from the core of the stars and black holes in the starry sky of the Pangu world.

There are also some Buddhist practices with profound cultivation and great magic power that return to the Pangu world from the chaos. They use the Buddhist magic power to directly split the void and return, and then use the escape method to gather to the Daluotian one after another. Some Buddhist monks also ride some strange chaotic creatures, which are obviously the mounts they have subdued in chaos. The strength of some of the chaotic creatures has also reached the level of breaking the Taoist realm, and the magic power that can be exerted with the strength of those Buddha cultivation is even more amazing.

The vast Buddhist cultivation continues to rush into the Daluotian, divided according to the hundreds of Buddhism, and stand according to their strength and status.

The Taoist monks in Daluo Tiantian exclaimed from time to time. These Buddhist monks who came out of all kinds of strange retreats, some of whom were rumored to have fallen a long time ago. But now they all appear here, and their Dharma cultivation is extremely strong, which is much stronger than their peak strength in those years.

This includes more than 300 Buddhas among the Buddhas in the past dynasties. It is said that more than 300 Buddhas have fallen in the heavy disaster of heaven and earth, and their souls have long been scattered, and they have not even had the chance of reincarnation. But now more than 300 former Buddhist masters have arrived one after another, with auspicious bodies and auspicious bodies. They sit on the lotus platform with a compassionate smile on their faces, which is a little sarcastic in the eyes of the Taoist people.

Zimei Daozu suddenly sighed: "The seven Taoist friends are worried. I'm afraid that they have been planning to turn against us for a long time?"

The heart-shou's Buddha's red eyes stared at the purple-browed Taoist ancestor. He sneered and said, "We are just prepared for each other."

The two of them looked at each other like a cockfight. After a long time, Zimei Daozu nodded slowly and said, "If you and I really turn against each other, I'm afraid it will only take advantage of outsiders. Keep your heart, do you really want to go that far? You and I have been calculating each other for countless years, but we all cherish our own feathers. We have never really fought each other. Is it true that we will never die in the end?

The heart-to-heart Buddha gritted his teeth and said, "Unless we return our innate spirit, we can only die."

The Nether Buddhas have killed the Daluo sky with the vast Netherworld yin soldiers, and they have also moved the six reincarnation treasure wheel to the Daluo sky with their supreme power. Six strange lights of black and white rotated slowly, and all the heavenly soldiers swept by the strange light fell one after another. Even if they have the power of the heavenly divine position, they are still forcibly stripped from the heavenly divine throne. The divine body is cut clean by the reincarnation treasure wheel, and the Yuanling is forcibly beaten into the reincarnation.

Several Taoist ancestors looked up at the six reincarnations at the same time, including the whole Da Luotian. According to reason, the six reincarnations are only a part of the way of heaven, and it is impossible for such a strong force to wipe out the gods in the throne of heaven. However, there are seven huge golden Buddha treasure wheels lurking in the six reincarnation treasure wheel in front of you, and there is a treasure wheel in each door of reincarnation. At the hub of the six reincarnation, there is also a 40 double nested inside and outside, and the complex Buddha treasure wheel is looming.

"Speak the Holy Wheel of Heaven!" Zimei Daozu said in a ferocious voice, "This is the strongest ancient sacred weapon you got when we entered the ancient holy palace together. You actually used it to suppress the six reincarnations. You are really generous! So it seems that you have a plan for a long time?

The heart-shou BUDDHA slowly raised his arm, and the six arms formed a powerful lion's magic seal at the same time. He shouted in a low voice, "Yes, I've had a plan for a long time. You are a god, and you control the priesthood of heaven with one hand. How can I not be prepared? Acting the heavenly holy wheel cooperates with the six reincarnations, which just restrains your priesthood from the list of gods.

The Huntian array has become a mess, and the six reincarnations continue to spew out black and white strange light to sweep into the array. A large group of divine soldiers and the divine body collapsed and was forcibly beaten into reincarnation. In just a few words, hundreds of millions of peripheral magic soldiers have been swept away.

Zimei Daozu sneered repeatedly. He nod and said, "Extreme, great, it's just that your Buddhism is deliberately trying to deal with my Taoism. How can we be unprepared?"

The nine-color lotus slowly turned, and the purple-blue fairy spirit rose up, condensing into a hundred miles long Taoist charm on the top of the heads of the nine Taoist ancestors. The huge Taoist talisman contained terrible mana. With the long roar of Zimei Taoist ancestors, the nine Taoist ancestors waved their hands at the same time. The Taoist talisman flew straight into the sky and hit the edge of Daluotian fiercely.

Countless Buddhist saints are rushing to Daluotian in response to the Buddha's call, but this rune is hit out, and Daluotian is suddenly full of terrible space tides. The emptiness smashed like countless blades shooting everywhere. At least millions of Buddhas who were ordered to come were involved in the smashed space and fell to no bones. The seven Buddhas were angry and anxious. They roared angrily and released the Taoist Buddha's light to attract those disciples who were involved in the void, but what's the use?

A void just above the sky collapsed, and a clear light rolled down with the strong atmosphere of heaven and earth.

Everyone was stunned, including Begging, who had just sneaked back to Daluotian - since ancient times, there have been only 33 days in the Pangu world, but what is appearing in the sky of Daluo now? It is a huge sky with an extremely large triple area, each of which is equivalent to the total area of 33 days.

In this triple sky, there are green mountains and green water everywhere, and Taoist platforms are everywhere. At this moment, countless Taoist robes in purple Taoist robes are stepping on the auspicious clouds and floating from those Taoist platforms. Soon, they formed tens of thousands of clouds and flew down to the sky.

The phoenix circled, the cranes flew, and some superbly cultivated Taoist sat on various mounts and floated down. These Taoist people fell around the nine-color lotus flower and saluted the Taoist ancestor respectfully. All Taoist people don't say a word, and they don't need to say a word. At this moment, they appear here in this way. They are clearly the forces of Taoist sects to secretly ambush against Buddhism.

The blood in the eyes of the seven Buddhas dimmed slightly. There were still three heavens in the sky. For so many years, they never knew this secret. Even some of the pieces they planted in the Taoist gate are already the masters of the Taoist sect, and they still don't know that there are three heavens in the sky. And what kind of people are the Taoists who came out of these three days? Many of them are impressed by the Buddhas - among the successive heavenly emperors, at least three heavenly emperors are mixed among these Taoists. It is said that the Taoist Daluo Jinxian, who has fallen in the heavy disasters of heaven and earth, also has more than 10,000 people.

Zimei Daozu said indifferently, "They are all the real elites of our Taoism. There are also Hongjuntian in the sky. Except for the nine brothers of my brothers, other Taoist disciples can't go out when they enter Hongjuntian. The entrance and exit are managed by the nine of my brothers, except No one knows the existence of this triple heaven.

Zimei Daozu looked coldly at the heart-watching Buddha: "If your Buddha wants to turn against me, then try it?"

Nine spiritual lights flew from the heads of the Taoist ancestors, half of the spiritual light was hidden in their bodies, and half of the spiritual light flew in the wind above their heads. Zimei Daozu sneered and said, "Our innate spirit is here. Whoever has that ability, just take it!"

A low roar came from the Huntian array. The twelve breakers saw that there were nine innate spirits here, and they were really crazy. Everyone is attacking out of their lives and death, just to grab any innate spirit. From then on, they have no fear.

The guard-hearted Buddha turned his head and looked at the other six Buddhas.

The eyes of the six Buddhas were extremely firm. As they just calculated, the people who captured their innate spirits are likely to have fled to chaos. Even if the Taoist ancestors have nothing to do with the capture of their innate spirits, they can only forcibly plunder the innate spirits of the nine Taoist ancestors in order to enter the saints and be doomed.

There is no room for relaxation, only life and death.

For the sake of true immortality, for the sake of true persation, for the sake of true transcendence, what if all the disciples are sacrificed?

Looking up at the six reincarnations suspended overhead, the seven Buddhas flew up and sat on the six reincarnations and the middle hub of the six reincarnations respectively. The holy wheel of heaven released the Taoist Buddha's light to cover the Buddhas. The seven Buddhas recited the scriptures at the same time, and suddenly the golden flowers fell, and the strong fragrance swept the whole Pangu world.

Those Buddhas who have rushed to the Daluotian have flown into six reincarnations one after another. Those Buddhas who are rushing to the Daluotian are also rolled up by a Buddha's light out of thin air. No matter where they are in the Pangu world, they appear in the six reincarnations at the same time.

Hundreds of millions of lotus flowers bloom in the six reincarnations. Each lotus flower is a Buddha country. In each place, there are countless Buddhas in the country. There are countless Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, King Kong and other Buddhists sitting cross-legm and singing the true scriptures of Buddhism.

Countless Buddhist believers in the Pangu world were inspired by the underworld. They knelt down one after another and recited the scriptures silently, providing great faith.

The nine Taoist ancestors also sneered. Although they were surprised at what power could take away the innate spirits of the Buddhas, at present, the seven Buddhas clearly wanted to seize their own opportunities. How can this kind of thing be tolerated? Like the Buddhas, in order to prove the opportunity of the Tao, what if all the Taoist elites are sacrificed?

The Taoist door is not the Taoist door of those disciples, but the Taoist door of the nine Taoist ancestors.

If the Taoist ancestor exists, the Taoist sect exists. The Taoist ancestor has fallen. What is the meaning of that door?

With a clear roar, the nine-color lotus flowers flashed rapidly, and countless Taoist disciples also devoted themselves to the nine-color lotus flowers and stood in their respective positions.

The Buddhas sacrificed the powerful sacred artifacts they got from the Seven Holy Palace. The Taoists were unwilling to show weakness, and they also sacrificed a three-six-fold purple pagoda.

The thirty-three days where the heavenly court is located, including the Daluotian and the newly appeared triple heavens collapsed at the same time, and the thirty-six heavens turned into thirty-six huge aura and rushed into the pagoda. Zimei Daozu said loudly, "This is the end of the matter. There is no need to talk nonsense. You and I will cut off life and death." RO