Steal the sky

Chapter 1198 Moving the Huntian Shift

It is not a win or defeat with one blow, but a life and death with one blow.

Zimei Daozu's words were extremely straightforward, and even since he conceived in chaos, he had never spoken so bluntly. Not to mention that he spoke to the seven Buddhas of Buddhism. He had never even said anything sincere to these seven old enemies.

But at present, the sentence "one blow to cut off life and death" is definitely the most sincere sentence that Zimei Daozu has ever said in his life.

One blow, cut off life and death.

If the seven Buddhas are defeated, the Buddhism will also be defeated. The nine Taoist ancestors will not give the seven Buddhas any chance to turn over. They will directly suppress the yuan spirit of the seven Buddhas. When they understand the mystery of the innate spirit and become immortal saints, their strength exceeds the level of the heavenly law of the Pangu world, they will definitely follow the true spirit of the seven Buddhas. Recorded in the heavenly way of the ancient world and completely destroyed them.

Similarly, if the nine Taoist ancestors are defeated, the seven Buddhas will definitely destroy their immortal bodies and suppress their original spirit [town]. After they plunder the innate spirit of the nine Taoist ancestors, the nine Taoist ancestors will face the disaster of extinction.

One blow to cut off life and death. After one blow, no matter who loses, then the real and complete loss, there is no chance to turn over.

In particular, the twelve breakers have been trapped by the Huntian array. With the current strength of the breakers, they can't pose any threat to today's Buddha or Taoist ancestors. As long as these breakers are suppressed together, the victors between Buddhism and Taoism will really have no worries.

The nine-color lotus flower and the seven golden wheels emit a strong light that shines on the whole world at the same time. The elites of Buddhism and Taoism are all gathered inside, and both sides use their ultimate strength to prepare for a higher life and death.

The heaven and earth of the Pangu world are constantly pouring into the big Luotian, and the big Luotian has become like a black hole, devouring everything around crazily.

Don't beggar, who was carried in the hand of the clumsy man, suddenly twitched his body, and his body has returned and reintegrated with the split. He slowly stood up, looked at the huge nine-colored lotus flowers and seven golden wheels above his head, and waved his long sleeves without saying a word to take everyone up and fly.

The triple heaven above the sky that collapsed in 33 days is also collapsing rapidly. The collapse of the sky not only brought about the shock of heaven and earth, but also tore all the void around. The violent and chaotic gas rushed out of the huge cracks and turned into wind, hail, thunder, strange stars and other things kept flying down, and bombarded the Pangu mainland in a mess.

Countless immortals in the heavenly court fell one after another. When the heaven collapsed, a small half of the immortals were shocked to death. When the heaven turned into a huge amount of aura and poured into the thirty-six-fold pagoda, another small half of the immortals were crushed. Finally, the violent energy spewed out of the crack More than 90% of the immortals have fallen.

Only a golden light shines in the three clear sky, and the sky array is releasing a shining golden light to cover the four responsibilities. Meng Xiaobai, Rock enemy, Nie Yao Nv and other people who do not beg for one side are gathering in the golden light to look at the void that is almost turned into a pot of porridge. The six holy emperors at the core of the array are struggling to mobilize the divine power of heaven to maintain the operation of the array, but with the impact of the energy frenzy around them, the golden light of the array is faintly shaken and there is a sense of precarious.

Pangu condenses the real body, and the law of heaven in the Pangu world has been greatly improved and supplemented. Don't beg to steal the sky array has poor control over the law of heaven in the new Pangu world, and can only reluctantly mobilize a small part of the power of heaven. In the face of this almost extinct natural disaster, there is not enough self-protection, let alone protect Nie Yao and others?

Seeing that the big array was about to collapse, the nose beggar took everyone to the edge of the big array. He opened his mouth and spewed out the thirty-six regiments of golden light turned into runes to fix the earth, water, fire and wind around him, and then pushed the stolen array to the Pangu continent.

Looking up at the mess, there are cracks everywhere in the void. Don't beg and shout in a low voice, "Emperor, your job is coming! My people will help you protect the Pangu mainland, and you can quickly find a way to make up for this hole! Damn it, aren't these thirty-three days the original thing of the Pangu world? Princess Pole, Qixia and others entered the sky array without saying a word. At present, if there is a little carelessness, it will be out of control. The void collapses. Except for the opening of the ancient continent, the void of the whole Pangu world is full of messy cracks. No one dares to waste time. The most important thing is to

Don't beg, a flash of light suddenly flashed around him, and Pangu and Tuo Huangshi moved to him at the same time.

The king of the wares looked at the countless void cracks above his head with a gloomy face, and the water wave flashed in his eyes as if tears were about to drip down. She sighed in a low voice, "Wowa has indeed done the matter of mending the sky. But in the past, even if the heavens and the earth were severely beaten, it would be three or five heavenly scars. At present, it is more than three or five hundred and fifty billion? Those who are old and immortal are really abominable.

Pangu's face was also gloomy and ugly. He squinted at three words and said, "The Great Vulture Mountain in the thirty-three days is all manifested by the magic power of the seven Buddhas and nine paths, which has nothing to do with the world. Hey hey hey, it's such a scourge if you don't check these thirty-three days!" Don't beg also found out that these thirty-three days are really a big scourge.

I don't know what the pagoda of the nine Taoist ancestors is, but it is obviously a powerful sacred weapon left by all walks of life. The Taoist ancestors scattered the power of this pagoda and turned it into thirty-six heavens as the station of the heavenly court and the secret place of Taoism to raise soldiers. These thirty-six heavens have gradually invaded the void of the Pangu world, gradually integrated with this void, and are constantly extracting the power of the void to supplement themselves.

It's like thirty-six groups of cancer cells grow in a healthy person's [body]. Now the Taoist ancestors sacrificed the pagoda, and the thirty-six heavens have collapsed, returning to the pagoda with the original power of the Pangu world they have extracted for countless years. The pagoda has certainly become infinitely On the verge of collapse.

The Buddhist sect collects the power of the faith of the people and turns it into its own strength, and the Taoist sect has done it more outrageously. They directly extract the power of the origin of the Pangu world and turn it into their own use. Whether it is Buddhism or Taoism, it now seems to be a parasite of this ancient world, which is nothing more than a different subject of parasitism.

Don't beg and look at Pangu: "This is your territory. You didn't even notice their movements!"

Pangu's face was embarrassed. He gritted his teeth and said, "Someone has been sleeping for so many years and has only woken up for more than a hundred years. He only cares about refining the true spirit. How can he have time to fight with them?" Staring at Bu Begging fiercely, Pangu took out three innate spirits of purple gas rising from his sleeve. He snorted coldly, "Help me stabilize the void and clear this world. I will send you three innate spirits!" Don't beg's eyes suddenly stared at the boss. No wonder he has such confidence to let the seven Buddhas and nine ways do things in the world he opened up. Does he have such a card in his feelings? If you can take out three innate spirits and give them to others, Pangu himself must not lack this thing, and the Wanhuang family will definitely get the benefits.

After grabbing three innate spirits into your mouth, don't beg and laugh and say, "I am alone, my wife and two, and the three innate spirits are indeed a heavy gift!"

Pangu smiled and was about to open his mouth, but he heard Don't beg and said with a shameless smile, "But poor, in addition to my two wives, I also have a concubine of 90,000!" The King Wah coughed violently a few times, 90,000 concubines, this is a good thing done by the monarchs and ministers of the six countries!

Pangu's face turned black and purple, purple and red. He took out a big axe without saying a word and cut it down.

Don't beg for a strange smile and incarnate thousands of fires to rise to the sky, and a few moves returned to the original position of Daluotian.

Pangu was so angry that he gritted his teeth and whispered, "Ninety thousand concubines, can you pick up this innate spirit as a pimple in the ground? In those years, a nine-year-old life-long case was solved, and it was easy to get thirteen from the chaos. It's already a great favor to give you three!"

Pangu, who was angry, complained to Emperor Wen, "It's wrong to keep the strength to shovel the nest of those who break the world. Someone has to hit him with an axe today! It's not those who break the world. Where does someone ask him to deal with the seven Buddhas and nine ghosts?

The Empress Wah sighed with a sad face. Wanlingding spewed out from the top of her head, and a yellow pimple with a nose and fist spewed out from the Wanlingding. She smiled bitterly and said, "Brother, protect the law for Nuwa. This void is broken. If it is not made up as soon as possible, even if the Pangu mainland is safe and sound, the people of the outer void will be killed and injured. I'm afraid that the lives will be killed and injured too much, and the strength of those who break the world will rise!" Pangu snorted softly. He held the axe tightly and turned into a virtual shadow and went into the shadow of the Hua Huangshi. The matter is urgent, but it is also a great opportunity. It is said that we can solve all the troubles once and for all. Pangu muttered angrily. The urn grunted.

In the void, the Buddhist and Taoist elites confront each other from afar. Millions of miles away, the Huntian array has been compressed into a ball with a diameter of 100,000 miles under the action of Taoist charms, and the group is wrapped in twelve breakers and attacking fiercely.

Suddenly, a clear roar and a Buddha's call shocked the void around them, and the nine-color lotus flowers and the seven golden wheels rolled up and rolled up the chaotic atmosphere and touched the opposite side. There were no clever moves, no magical power changes, and all the elites of Buddhism and Taoism gathered all their strength and turned them into two destructive energy floods to the other party.

Just when the two sides were still hundreds of thousands of miles away, Don't beg to go to the sky. He waved his hands and spewed out ten wave-like rune torrents on his ten fingers, turning into a colorful glow and wrapping the sky array firmly.

Nine consecutive streams of life blood were spewed out. Don't beg to use the strength to breastfeed, and reluctantly moved the huge array a little in the direction.

Gathered all the divine soldiers and generals in the heavenly court, except for the five elements of the true gods, suddenly appeared at the center of the collision between Buddhism and Taoism.

The six heavenly emperors roared in despair at the same time, and countless divine soldiers stared at the torrent of destruction roaring on both sides, and closed their eyes in despair.

Even the twelve breakers trapped in the Huntian array were stunned. They looked up to the sky and sighed helplessly, as if they were going to be crushed by [Zhen] again.

Two torrents hit the muddy array fiercely, and the dazzling flames enveloped the whole Pangu world.