Steal the sky

Chapter 1202 Opening up three days

In the chaos, Pangu was laughing wildly, waving a big axe and slowly chasing the thirteen breakers.

It's just that sometimes Pangu will chase the slaughter indiscriminately. When the armor of the slaughter is shattered, he will immediately turn around to chop and devour the evil. When the scourge is bleak and wailing, he will chase and kill with great interest.

Thirteen breakers had no intention of entangling with Pangu, and everyone had the idea of escaping from the ban as soon as possible. They are also thinking about the innate spirit in the nine Taoist ancestors, only to take away a innate spirit to achieve real immortality. How can they be willing to waste time here?

But the ban released by Pangu is extremely powerful, and no matter how hard they try, they will not be able to break the ban and escape. Pangu scattered the attack to them fairly again. Poor thirteen warless breakers were entangled by him, crying and complaining one by one.

Pangu's attack was not fast. He just slowly split down with a simple axe.

But each of his axes really hit the target, and every blow can weaken the vitality of the breaker a little. With the passage of time, the breakers were gradually weakened by Pangu. When they suddenly woke up, Pangu had weakened their strength to the peak of the Taoist realm.

"You!" In the end, he roared angrily, "A bunch of fools are unconsciously slandered. He can only [town] press four. Why do we all end up in the same way? Kill him first, or we will all be in trouble!"

Those who break the world were born by adhering to the evil thoughts of the holy world, but they were not stupid. Although for a while, they only cared about their own escape, but after the final reminder and contact with what happened to them, they finally woke up.

Thirteen breakers roared together and launched an attack on Pangu at the same time.

Pangu "Ha ha, laughing, he led the leader and said, "Well, I wanted to save some strength, but now that you are sober, you can only die a little." With laughter, Pangu's body suddenly swelled to a thousand feet high, and a spiritual light rose to the sky above his head, which fell like a rainstorm, in which an extremely strong hazy figure appeared.

"See Fang, who has seen someone's initial understanding, the spirit of heaven " King Kong, magic power!" Pan Gu smiled strangely and said, "This is the real King Kong, not the group of little bald people in Buddhism!" The scorching breath spread from Pangu's body. He punched out with one punch. Sha Tu, who claimed to have cut down everything with a sword, was punched away by him. His long sword was broken inch by inch, and a large number of fragments plunged into his body, so that Sha Tu couldn't help shouting bitterly. The magic secret method of the other twelve breakers fell on Pangu at the same time, but there were a few ripples around Pangu, which did not hurt his body at all.

Waving a heavy axe, Pangu said in a low voice, "If you were to destroy the holy world, someone would really be a little afraid. But now that you, hey hey, since you have learned your roots and your context, how can you take advantage of it?

Finally, with a long roar, he shouted harshly, "Do you really want to be suppressed by [Zhenzhen] for countless years and wait for countless years of rebirth to regroup your real body? Are you really not peeping at the innate spirit at all? Fight with him! I know you all still have the means to come out!"

With the long roar, the breath of the final annihillation suddenly soared, and countless sad howls gushed out of the black gas of the final annihilation head. Pangu's body couldn't help shaking and looked at the final annihilation in surprise. Countless men, women and children's faces gradually appeared around his body, saying harshly, "Pangu?

Are you the Pangu who opened up that world? Now that you have initially integrated a spirit of innate, you can give it to me!"

The body exploded into a black fog and rushed to Pangu, and finally made an extremely painful and sad cry.

Not only the final annihisis, but the other twelve breakers roared at the same time. Their bodies exploded and turned into a mass of black gas wrapped in a squirming ugly rune, and flew into Pangu.

Pangu raised his heavy axe and looked at the black gas from the thirteen regiments flying towards him with a serious look.

He doesn't know what it is, but he knows that it's definitely not a good thing.

He slept in the Pangu world for countless years and practiced his dream magic power. From those fragments of memory, he saw that many great power in the Holy World died at the hand of this kind of black gas in the decisive battle with the breakers.

This seems to be a desperate means for the breakers to press the bottom of the box, which is a unique trick that activates the life mark that stays in their [body]. There is no doubt that this unique move is extremely lethal, but the damage to the breakers is also extremely heavy.

Seeing that Pangu was about to collide with the unique move of the breaker, an inspiration appeared beside Pangu out of thin air. Don't stride out of the inspiration. Seeing the sharp roar of the thirteenth regiment, and the black gas of countless evil gas spewed up quickly, I couldn't help but be scared.

It seemed that he was over-frightened. Don't beg for a shiver in his right hand, and a spiritual light shot out of his sleeve.

Don't beg and exclaimed, "Oh, I easily killed the innate spirit taken by the old way!"

As soon as Pangu's eyes lit up, he immediately turned the defense into an attack, and all the forces gathered on the heavy axe in his hand.

The thirteen groups of black gas were originally to pounce on Pangu, but don't beg to "lost... Let a light spirit escape, and the broken world made a sharp laugh of surprise at the same time, and rushed to the innate spirit at the same time. After all, the breakers are the gathering body of all evil thoughts in the Holy World. They are full of greed, betrayal and evil. They are completely beasts who obey instinct. In the face of the innate spirit, a rare thing that can arouse their most fanatical desires, it is strange that they do not sacrifice their lives to fight for it.

Don't beg and Pangu laughed. The two looked at each other. Pangu split a thousand heads with an axe, and Don't beg also shook his hand and hit a holy text to him. The two joined hands to break up Qianshou' body and forcibly imprisoned Qianshou, who were seriously injured in vitality.

The other breakers did not pay attention to the thousands of people besieged by the two, and all their attention was on the innate spirit. They attacked each other crazily and attacked each other with their strongest strength. The evil destructive forces surged in the void. The twelve groups of black gas devoured and rubbed each other. Their vitality rapidly weakened, and gradually their strength became weaker and weaker.

Don't beg and Pangu joined hands to break them one by one, and completely imprisoned the thirteen breakers.

Waiting for the end, he was also banned in a holy text. Don't beg to laugh at Pangu and said, "In the future, I will always live in Pangu World. Don't blame me for occupying your territory!"

Pangu's bold and unusual palm slapped Don't beg's shoulder. He smiled so much that his eyes narrowed into a line: "Just pay me some rent. Hey, hey, hey, how about that fruit wine, 100,000 catties a year? Don't beg, his face changed, and he immediately flew up and kicked Pangu.

Pangu dodged the flying kick of Begging and laughed happily. He laughed loudly and said, "You are much more interesting than the seven Buddhas and nine paths. Although I opened up the Pangu world, it is not my own world. I, Pangu, never wanted to monopolize him, and I never thought so. I just want to understand the road at ease. I just want to indulge in wine and sing songs, and I just want to live happily.

Looking at Don't begging seriously, Pangu said in a low voice, "It's just that if something happens in Pangu's world in the future, you can't sit aside and watch."

Don't raise your hand with a smile and slap Pangu fiercely.

Thirty years later, in the depths of chaos, two spiritual lights in front of the magic palace, which hid the immortal soul of the breaker, suddenly flashed. Buqi and Pangu finally came here, which led to the collapse of the Holy Realm, and eventually led to the source of evil in the Pangu world.

The two most powerful spirit gods in the endless void, the mother, and in the end, are still sleeping. As long as the immortal demon soul in the magic palace is destroyed, the Pangu world will have no worries for a long time. Wait for Don't Beg and Pangu to have enough strength. Even if "mother, and" finally wake up again, they are not afraid of any threat.

In the face of the heavy prohibition outside the magic palace, Pangu raised his big axe to smash him head-on.

But Don't beg to stop Pangu's violent action. He smiled and put his hands on the prohibition. The power of the thief quietly launched, and the huge prohibition rippled like water waves. Begging's body gradually became hazy, and countless small whirlpools gushed out of him, adsorbing on the forbidden surface and gradually swallowing its power.

Looking at the situation where Don't beg to swallow and absorb the whole prohibition into his own, Pangu couldn't help grinning and looked at the heavy axe in his hand helplessly.

After a full number of years, Bemao finally swallowed up the prohibition outside the magic palace. He and Pangu looked at each other and strode into the magic palace.

Thirteen coffins are placed in the middle of the hall, and the crazy curse of the true spirit of the breaker is coming from the flames in the lamp on the coffin. Buqi and Pangu actually found the place where their immortal soul seal is located. As long as their soul seal is destroyed, the breakers will no longer exist.

In the face of the crazy curse of breaking the world, Pangu laughed and spit out a hurricane to put out all the lights on the lamp.

The noise in the hall stopped abruptly, and countless thunder faintly gathered here in the void. It seemed that the ruins of the holy world of the chaotic world were also spiritual, and they were about to gather forces to completely raze the sinful place that led to the collapse of the holy world.

Before the outbreak of thunder gathered in the chaotic world, Buqi and Pangu hurriedly escaped and happily fled to the Pangu world.

Decades later, three groups of colorful light spewed out at the same time in the sky of Pangu World.

Pangu raised a big axe, attracted a huge amount of chaos from the chaos, and began to carefully design a primitive sky to build a Taoist temple in the future.

Wah Huang's head is the Wanling tripod, releasing thousands of auspicious light, which also absorbs a huge amount of chaos,

Prepare to re-open the Taoist field for yourself.

Another strong light is that Don't Beg, Princess Dule and Qixia have joined hands to remove the infinite chaos from the chaos, and also tried their best to design the heaven where their relatives and friends will live in the future.

As for the name of this heavy realm of heaven, don't beg for future cultivation...

Because of the disagreement between Princess Dule and Qixia, the name has not been determined.

The loud noise brought by the opening up of heaven echoes in the Pangu world, and the auspicious light shines on the whole growing and expanding world.