Steal the sky


It has been many years since the self-destruction battle between Buddhism and Taoism. Many, many years have passed!

The existence of Buddhism and Taoism has become an extremely long-standing legend, so that for the people of Dayu, it is a myth that is many times older than the legend. Next to the fire pit, at the wine table, the old man who likes to talk about the ancient times will mention these myths of half a claw after drinking. Legend has it that a long time ago, there were so many people... 1096434

As for the middle and three worlds of the nine realms, there are not a few people who cultivate immortals. They are free and happy in their own world. No matter what disturbances they have, they can't affect the mortals of the upper three worlds.

The demons and monsters in the lower three worlds live happily, which is a place that pays complete attention to the law of the jungle. Without the practitioners of Buddhism and Taoism who have been calculating to defeat demons and exorcism all day long, these mountain spirit and water ghosts are much more leisurely.

The upper, middle and lower worlds occasionally have some intersections, and each time it will trigger a wonderful legend, but these stories are not humane enough.

When it comes to the reincarnation of the lofty court of heaven, it has something to do with the divine map of heaven formulated in those years. He has made a mess of the lofty lofty way of heaven. Now the nine heavens are nine-way melee. The noble immortals, Buddhas, demons and monsters fight happily. Basically In a big bloody battle, there will be a war of blood and bones in 30,000 to 50,000 years.

The heroes of the six countries, Liu Bang, the emperor, plus Ao Bu Zun, the scourge of fearing that the world will not be chaotic, as well as a group of restless people such as Xiang Yu, Hu Hai, Lv Buwei, etc., the fight in the nine heavens continues and has never been interrupted.

From time to time, there will be people who fall, so that the heavenly emperor like Liu Bang has fallen several times. Every time they are reincarnated, they are reincarnated. After gritting their teeth and rebuilding dozens of yuan meetings in the world, they kill back to the heavenly court to regain their position, and then give their enemies a tragic lesson.

It has been like this for many years. New hatred and old hatred are entangled with each other. Anyway, it is already a confused account. The people of the nine heavens are very happy to fight. They have no psychological care about the world's affairs at all, so the nine heavens in the world are constantly very stable.

Those who cultivate immortals in the world, from time to time, there will be those immortals who are particularly strong and not very law-abiding, who are recruited by the heavenly court to the heavenly court as officials, which is the legendary Zhao'an. Those immortals who have been recruited will always enjoy a period of glory and wealth in the heavenly court, and then fall silently in a certain war, so that there are many souls scattered. In the year-long war of the heavenly court, the fallen immortals are like rain. Therefore, although there are still some inheritances of Taoist sects and Buddhist sects in the Pangu world, these practitioners are not in the climate. They can't affect the development of the Pangu world, which is like a mass of cancer cells. Before they can develop, they will be cut off with a knife. The Pangu world continues to maintain a perfect balance. Without too many practitioners to stir up trouble, naturally there will be no so-called disaster, so the development of the Pangu world has been very good over the years.

Don't beg for the entangled nine heavens of kindness and resentment, which is the best place to be angry. This is also like the gas valve on the high-pressure boiler, which excretes the gas in different intervals, and naturally it will not cause a major natural disaster.

With the support behind Pangu and Wahuangshi, the struggle between the nine heavens will not stop, and they are bound to make more and better contributions to the balanced development of the Pangu world.

On this day, the dull sound of war drums resounded through the sky. Seventy Yuan was assassinated by assassins sent by Jing Ke before the meeting. Ying Zheng, who had worked hard to repair dozens of yuan in the world, gritted his teeth and led the army to launch an attack on Yandan. When Ying Zheng moved, the others moved when they heard the wind, and the nine-fold heavenly court saw that another big war was coming.

Of course, none of this can affect the peace and tranquility of the nameless days in the three supreme heavens of the Pangu world.

The nameless heaven is the heaven where you don't beg to live with a group of relatives, friends and disciples. The reason why this heaven is nameless is that Princess Yule and Qixia have not yet decided what the name of the heaven is!

In the nameless days of peace and peace, a small conflict is bursting out. A young man in a dragon robe was born with majestic and majesty. He fought with a brick and 360,000 teenagers lined up into a phalanx of 10,000 people.

The lonely teenager was spotless all over, but among the 360,000 teenagers, thousands of them were bruised and covered with gray.

The lonely teenager raised his hand and raised a brick and looked up to the sky and laughed: "If I had said earlier, don't look at you being born so many years earlier than my brother, but when it comes to it, my brother and I are pregnant earlier than you! It's just that my brother is so talented that I stayed in my mother's womb for a few more years before I came out. You want to be the eldest brother... If you can fight alone, any of you can beat me, it's my big brother!"

Those blue-faced and swollen teenagers looked at each other and shouted loudly at the same time, forming a mysterious array of ** Huiyuan. The lonely teenager did not dare to neglect. He immediately sacrificed the refining tripod to his head and released a ball of fire to protect himself. Then countless swords and treasures poured in from all directions, wrapping him in a ball.

On a peak in the distance, Don't be careful to play with some extremely rare materials collected over the years, and carefully melt them into two human figures. From time to time, he looked up at the other side of the bursting war and muttered in a low voice, "I don't care about fighting, fighting, death or injury at all. If there is only one baby, I will be very precious. These hundreds of thousands of children... Tut, how many people are killed or injured?

With a cold snort, don't beg for the nose, not the nose, not the face, the face, the face, the face, the face, the face, the face, the face, the face, the face, the face, the face, the face, the face, the face, the face, the face, the face, the

After rolling his eyes, don't beg to stand up, move your hands quietly, and suddenly a square tripod of silk fluorescence came out.

Countless soul particles appeared in front of Don't beg. He carefully added them together with the sacred liquid of the condensed soul, and gradually re-condensed into two hazy figures. He nodded slowly and said with a smile, "Since the soul particles are immortal, then... Master, Xiaobai, you are just broken. After so many years of hard work, you have finally found all your soul particles. Why don't you wake up?

A breath of aura blows out, don't beg to push the two figures into the two bodies on the ground.

Don't squint and smile. He put his hands behind his back and looked at the place where his 360,000 children were fighting hotly. He sighed softly, "The road is like a dream. It seems to be a real illusion. Only if we pick the sky with one hand, we will be free!"