Stealing Woman: Scheming President Non-sale

Chapter 246 Meng Jiayue's Revenge

After Meng Jiayue was beaten by Qi Yiyu last time, she returned home and cried sadly for a long time. It took three days for the fingerprints on her face to slowly disappear.

When Gao Xiaolan looked at the fingerprints on Meng Jiayue's face, she was shocked and tears fell down.

she kept persuading Meng Jiayue to leave Qi Yi Jue. Qi Yi Jue is not her beloved, but how can Meng Jiayue give up now? She has given so much, and it is even more impossible to give up now. Even if she knows that Qi Yi Jue's mind is not on her at all, she still can't give up now, even if she can only be empty. In the name of Mrs. Qi, she will not let other women succeed.

So she refused Gao Xiaolan's proposal and asked her to leave this matter alone. She knew how to deal with it.

Gao Xiaolan looked at Meng Jiayue, who had gone crazy. No matter how much she persuaded her, she couldn't listen to it. She was both anxious and worried, so she had to talk to Meng Gang to see if there was anything she could do.

And Meng Jiayue has been staying at home these days and secretly planning the next plan. She doesn't believe that if Huo Yunxi dies, Qi Yiyu will stay alone for a lifetime.

And she thinks that her today is all thanks to Huo Yunxi, so Huo Yunxi is the thorn in her eye, and it is impossible not to pull it out.

After planning at home for a week, Meng Jiayue felt that she could not deal with Huo Yunxi with her ability alone. She had to use the power of the outside world and suddenly thought of a person. Maybe that man would be very happy.

took out the phone and quickly found Min Haohan's phone number and couldn't wait to dial it.

"Hey, Miss Meng, what can I do for you?" Soon there was a vast voice on the other side of the phone, and it was still the same as the image of a prodigal boy.

Meng Jiayue put away her contempt and went straight to the point.

"Do you want to get Huo Yunxi? I have a way for you to get her." Meng Jiayue didn't have any unnecessary nonsense and said her purpose directly.

Min Haohan was flirting with the new secretary in the office. Hearing Meng Jiayue's words, he pushed the secretary in his arms away, put away the wandering smile on his face, and became serious.

"What can you do? Have you always been a loser under Huo Yunxi? Although Min Haohan is very interested, he still doesn't forget to sarcise Meng Jiayue and understand the white eyes Meng Jiayue gave him a few years ago.

When Meng Jiayue heard Min Haohan's sarcasm, her face turned white, but now was not the time to get angry. She resisted the idea of hanging up the phone and took a deep breath.

"Well, if I am Huo Yunxi's subordinate, you think I can get engaged to Qi Yiyu again. If you don't want to get Huo Yunxi, forget it. Just think I haven't made this call. After saying that, Meng Jiayue made up the decision to hang up the phone. In fact, she had already figured out Min Haohan and knew that he would definitely stop her.

"Wait, let's discuss something. Let's meet for champagne in seven days. I'll wait for you there." Sure enough, as soon as Min Haohan heard that she was going to hang up the phone, he immediately stopped her.

He also directly said that he would make an appointment to meet for details, and it seemed that he very much agreed with her proposal.

"Well, that's okay." Meng Jiayue pretended to be not willing to hang up the phone, then quickly turned around and packed up, and immediately went out with her bag.

Half an hour later, Meng Jiayue came to the agreed place and found the vast Min that had arrived.

"Yo, Miss Meng has become beautiful again after a long time." Min Haohan looked at Meng Jiayue who came in and immediately got up as if he wanted to flirt with her.

Meng Jiayue shook off Min Haohan's outstretched hand and walked away with a disgusted face.

"Min Haohan, if you want to get Huo Yunxi, you can be honest, or I will leave." Meng Jiayue stood there with her bag in her mouth, looking at the unhappy Min Haohan, and immediately opened her mouth to threaten.

Min Haohan has been interested in Meng Jiayue for a long time. Just now, he was just a habitual teasing and didn't really want to touch her.

"Ha, you know, I'm very interested in Qi Yiyu's women. Of course, I'm not too difficult for others. Of course, forget it if you don't want to. The coffee has been ordered. Let's take a seat. Min Haohan put away the displeasure on his face and looked like a playboy.

Since he was rejected by Huo Yunxi last time, Min Haohan has no hope, so he continues to linger in the flowers.

Meng Jiayue was also polite. She opened the chair and sat down by herself. Seeing the coffee that had been ordered on the table, she picked it up and took a small sip.

"Say, what can you do to let me get Huo Yunxi." Min Haohan leaned on the chair and kept looking at Meng Jiayue. He always felt that her dress and dress were a little familiar.

After thinking for a long time, I suddenly realized that Meng Jiayue's dress was somewhat similar to Huo Yunxi's dress. It seemed that Meng Jiayue was imitating Huo Yunxi.

"Now Qi Yijue and Huo Yunxi broke up, but Huo Yunxi must still be unwilling, so she did not accept the pursuit of others. If you can make her give up on Qi Yijue at this time, your chance will be great." Meng Jiayue put down the coffee cup in her hand and carefully analyzed it.

Min Haohan has been listening carefully to Meng Jiayue's words, but he did not refute what she said just now and thought it was reasonable.

"And then?" Min Haohan seemed to be very interested in Meng Jiayue's words and immediately asked.

When Meng Jiayue saw that Min Haohan was hooked, she breathed a sigh of relief and a smile appeared on her face.

"Of course, if Huo Yunxi is desperate for Qi Yijue, he must have a certain lethality, and the most important thing for Huo Yunxi is Huo's Group. If Huo's Group is attacked by Qi Yijue and there is a crisis, I don't think Huo Yunxi can continue to like Qi Yijue. At that time, add a little gossip, maybe hatred will arise from this, and you will have a chance. Meng Jiayue said confidently that it seemed that this matter had been perfectly planned by her.

Min Haohan couldn't help frowning as he listened, as if there was a trace of disapproval.

"Ha ha, Meng Jiayue, you will never do the most loss-making business. Now that you have got Qi Yi Jue, why do you want to help me? And I heard that you want me to attack the Huo Group in the name of Qi Yi Jue. When you expose it in the back, it's not that I won't worth the loss. Min Hao is naturally not a fool, and he will do everything carefully.

And he really doesn't have much confidence to cooperate with Meng Jiayue. After all, Meng Jiayue can't be underestimated.

Meng Jiayue has long considered that it is impossible for Min Haohan to believe what she said so soon, and she will definitely question it, but she has already thought about countermeasures to these problems.

"Why are you afraid that I will make a move to catch the cicada and the yellow finch? However, you naturally don't have to consider this worry. Although Qi Yi Jue and I have been engaged, his heart must not be fully recovered, so I must eradicate it. The only thing that can make a man give up is that the woman married another man, and haven't you always regarded Qi Yi Jue as a thorn in his side? Now is your chance to revenge on him and marry the woman he likes. Meng Jiayue did not retain her hatred for Huo Yunxi at all and analyzed the matter objectively.

Min Haohan didn't say anything more and began to think silently. His eyebrows were sometimes wrinkled and sometimes relaxed.

"But do you think Qi Yiyu is so smart that he won't know?" Min Haohan is still worried about this problem. If Qi Yiyu finds out, it will be the same.

"Don't worry about this. When Qi Yijue knows, Huo Yunxi must have hated Qi Yijue to the bone. At that time, it was useless for Qi Yijue to explain it." Meng Jiayue didn't dare to say that Qi Yijue hated Huo Yunxi for being pregnant with other people's children. She was afraid that if Min Haohan knew to investigate the child, if something was found out, it would be finished.

Min Haohan nodded with approval, as if he was satisfied with what Meng Jiayue said, with a gloomy smile on his face.

"Okay, I know, but for the sake of safety, I think there are still some places that need the help of your Meng Group." After thinking about it, Min Haohan still felt that it would be safer to drag Meng Jiayue down, otherwise it would be difficult to guarantee that Meng Jiayue would not come behind his back.

"No problem. Anyway, I will go to work in the company in two days, and we will have a good cooperation then." Meng Jiayue agreed happily, with a succeeding smile on her face.

She smiled secretly. At that time, she took the opportunity to get rid of Huo Yunxi and put the blame on Min Haohan, and she retreated.