Stealing Woman: Scheming President Non-sale

Chapter 247 Crisis

Since Du Qirui came here last time, Huo Yunxi always felt very uncomfortable and always felt a little uncomfortable. He was worried that Du Qirui would tell his child to Qi Yiyue, but he seemed to have a vague expectation in his heart.

What on earth does she think? Maybe it is difficult for her to have a definite answer.

It seems that since she became pregnant, she has become worried about gains and losses, and her heart is always up and down, and everything is less calm.

These days, I have become a little uneasy just because of a few words said by Du Qirui.

But now she finally figured out that the child in her belly is her alone and has nothing to do with Qi Yi Jue. Even if Qi Yi Jue knows what can do, the child can only follow her. No matter what the cost, she can't give the child to Qi Yi Jue.

After figured it out, she calmed down and felt that her sleep quality was much better than a few days ago.

That day, she was taking a nap on the balcony on the second floor. Suddenly, she felt someone approaching and slowly opened her eyes and found that Xizi was back.

"Why did you come back so early today?" She looked at Xizi holding a bowl of soup in her hand, which should have been given to her.

I have been raising my health at home recently, and I can see the growth of my body, which seems to have gained a lot of weight.

"Drink the soup first. I have something to discuss with you." Xizi handed the soup in his hand to Huo Yunxi and sat on the chair next to her.

She took a look at the expression on Xizi's face, which seemed to be very tired and a little nervous.

And Xizi's tone is so heavy that it seems that something has happened to the company.

She guessed in her heart, but she still calmed down, drank the soup in her hand, put the bowl on the table next to her, and then looked at Xizi.

"Say it." At the same time, I am also prepared.

Xizi looked at Huo Yunxi, looked at her mood, and then took a deep breath before slowly opening her mouth.

"Yesterday, I saw the financial statements submitted by the financial department and saw that the financial feedback of the hotels and resorts in Nancheng was not good." Xizi said it very gently. He kept looking at Huo Yunxi, afraid that she would be too excited and bad for her health.

"What does "bad mean?" She has tried her best to maintain a comparative mentality and has not thought about things in the worst place.

Xizi became silent and kept looking at her. It took him a long time to say a word.

"The financial feedback over there has caused a loss of 7 million." Xizi stared at Huo Yunxi as he spoke. When he spoke, his voice became so low that he could hardly hear the number behind him.

She sat tightly on the bed. After hearing Xizi's words, her face sank little by little, and her eyebrows were unconsciously frowned tightly.

Xizi looked at Huo Yunxi and didn't say anything, but frowned tightly and was very worried.

"Yunxi, don't worry for the time being. I have sent someone to check it. I will solve this matter. Don't worry about it. I just told you." Xizi actually knew something about this matter, but he didn't dare to tell Huo Yunxi. He was afraid that she would be too excited. If something happened at that time, it would be too troublesome.

She still didn't speak, but listened to Xizi's words quietly without saying a word.

"Hotels and resorts will not have such a big loss. Even if there is no business, the loss will not be as serious. What is the reason? You should already know?" The expression on her face did not change, but quietly analyzed it, and then looked up at Xizi.

Xizi was stared by her bright eyes, and her heart was nervous.

"No, it's still under investigation. The result should be coming soon." Xizi quickly said that he didn't know the reason, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

She didn't look at Xizi's expression, but listened to Xizi's answer so quickly and always felt that something was wrong.

"Xizi, I want to hear the truth." She turned her head and stared at Xizi with a serious face.

Xizi glanced at Huo Yunxi and felt nervous. He secretly blamed himself for being recognized every time he lied, and he was puzzled.

"Oh, okay, let me tell you. But you promise not to be angry, never angry." Xizi simply doesn't bother to hide it. If she doesn't say this now, she will still know in the future.

"Well, I promise." She said seriously, with no joke on her face, and a pair of bright eyes looked closely at Xizi.

Xizi was not in a hurry to say anything. First, he observed Huo Yunxi's expression and then sorted out his thoughts.

"I think this matter should have something to do with the last three things, or something similar. Someone should be operating behind our back and deliberately targeting our company." Xizi said slowly, and his hand clenched unconsciously.

She sat on the bed, looked at the expression on Xizi's face, listened to the words from Xizi's mouth, and began to think about this problem seriously.

Although I'm not angry, I'm still a little angry. Thinking of those last few things, my mood suddenly became very heavy.

"Have you found out who it is?" Her face did not change, but her voice was two minutes lower.

I always feel that since she was pregnant, the company always seems to have had an accident, one by one, as if deliberately targeting her.

When she thought of the two words, she immediately reacted. Last time it was Qi Yiyu. Didn't he always say that he wanted her to taste everything?

Is this still done by Qi Yijue? His body immediately tightened and his face turned white.

Xizi has been watching the change of Huo Yunxi's face from beginning to end. Compared with the company's affairs, Xizi is more afraid of her accident.

"People are still investigating, but the means are somewhat similar to those last time, so I suspect..." Xizi didn't say Qi Yiyu's name, but even if they didn't say it, they knew it very well.

After listening to Xizi's speculation, her heart seemed to be more convinced, but her heart seemed to be tightened by something.

Her hand slowly clenched, and it seemed that Qi Yiyu really wanted to crush all the Huo Group and then put it in her bag.

"I know. You should investigate. Whether it's him or not, you should pay more attention." She didn't say Qi Yiyu's name, but replaced it with him. I believe Xizi also knows who it is.

"Well, I know. Have a good rest. I will report to you if there is any progress on this matter. Don't worry too much. Your body is important. Xizi is really worried about her body. After all, it has been twice last time. If there is another time this time, I guess the child will really not be able to save it.

"Okay, you go and deal with this matter. Keep an eye on it." As long as she thought that it was done by Qi Yijue, she was angry and couldn't wait to smash Qi Yijue to pieces, but now she can only deal with this matter calmly.

Xizi nodded and looked at her a few times before slowly leaving.

After Xizi left, she also got up from the bed, walked to the computer next to her, quickly turned on the Internet and began to turn on the news.

After Xizi left, she never mentioned it again. Every time she asked, she said that she was still investigating and didn't seem to be hiding her.

She can't continue to ask anything, just enough to follow the news every day and keep in touch with several important managers of the company.

But I heard that the company has recently had a series of problems, one more difficult than the other.

She couldn't stay at home, changed into a loose suit, slightly blocked her slightly raised abdomen, and then drove to the company alone.

After arriving at the company, the atmosphere of the company seemed to become very heavy, and the overall feeling seemed to be very depressing.

I suddenly felt a little strange. When the receptionist looked at her just now, she seemed to be very scared and busy.

walked into her Xizi's office and found that she was not in the office, which was a little strange.

I went to Huo Xiao's office again and didn't find anyone. I don't know where the two persons in charge have gone.

"Where's the vice president?" She went out and went straight to the secretary and asked.

"President, the vice president has called a meeting of the board of directors." The secretary saw that she seemed to be very nervous and a little covered up.

She slowly frowned. At this time, the meeting must be a big deal.

I stepped up and walked to the board meeting room to hear what had happened.