Break through the void

Chapter 18 Warm spring water at hand

Chen Lai couldn't help but be shocked, hurriedly retreating, and subconsciously waved a steel knife.


The python suddenly shouted and struggled to retreat.

Chen saw that the python seemed to be very frightened. He looked and judged that there seemed to be some monster pulling the python back in the depths of the tunnel. In a short time, it retreated more than ten feet, and the python struggled harder and harder, hitting the tunnel banging.

Chen Lai carefully climbed forward and climbed a distance of more than two feet in a row. He turned a corner and saw a fire at the end!

Look carefully, a round hole was dug at the end of the python hole. The firelight shone through the round hole, and the man was grabbing the tail of the python and dragging it out!



After two sounds, the python's struggle stopped.

Chen Lai felt that the sound just now was like the sound of cutting open the belly of the python. Hearing it harshly, he climbed forward again. When he saw the man pulling the python out of the cave and exposed his head, he was stunned!

That man is none other than that, but the old beggar!

The eyes of the two met in the dark cave. Chen Lai couldn't help but tighten his body, pulled the child, and climbed into the round hole beside him with bone shrinking.

"You can't run away! Hand over the child and the Dragon Pushing Secret, maybe I can leave you a way to live!"

The hoarse voice of the elderly beggar echoed in the tunnel.

Then, there was a bang. He blocked the mouth of the cave with a boulder.

Chen Lai accelerated his crawling speed and climbed a few feet away in a row. With the help of the light of "Dragon Pushing Tips", he suddenly found that the tunnel in front of him suddenly became wider. I climbed a few feet forward and found that I could walk inside.

He picked up the child who was still crying and sat down to rest for a while.

Watching the child cry, he hugged him in his arms and patted him gently; because the child cried for a long time, his voice was hoarse.

Chen Lai felt very sorry for the child and kept apologizing, "Chen Sien, I really can't help it. I had to pull you as my tail just now... Chen Sien, I really can't help it. I had to pull you as my tail just now..."

The pain in his right foot once again spread all over his body. He had to take off his boots, untie the blood-soaked bag, and examine the wound.

The foot of the right foot was penetrated, revealing the skin and blood.

Chen Lai held back the pain, took out some herbs from the package and applied it, tore off a bag and wrapped it, and then wrapped it around the feet. It's better to grin and kick the boots.

Chen Sien is still crying!

Adults are hungry and thirsty, not to mention children? Chen Lai thought that he must first find a hot spring to feed the children.

Walking forward, he suddenly heard a thud sound, like the ticking sound of a spring. Chen Lai couldn't help but speed up his pace and saw a cave suddenly appear in front of him, enough to accommodate ten people!

Look again, there is a spring in a corner, which is flowing down into a spring pool!

"Chen Sien! Look! There is water! Aha, there is water!"

Chen Lai trotted all the way to the spring and excitedly reached out to pick up the spring. As soon as he touched the spring, his heart was half cold!

The spring water is cold! It's like ice water!

If you feed the child with such spring water, the child must have a bad stomach! What should this be done?

Chen Lai stretched out his right hand and rubbed his earlobe, staring at the spring.

How to turn cold spring water into warm spring water?

The best way is to find an iron pot to burn it with fire, but there are only stones in the cave, and there is nothing else. How to burn it?

Chen Lai thought about it and thought about it. He felt that there was nothing he could do. He scratched his ears and cheeks and walked around the cave. Chen Sien's crying made him even more irritable and kicked a stone at his feet away.


The stone hit the wall, bounced back, and rotated like a top.

Seeing the rotating stone, Chen Lai was stunned and said to himself: My qigong of massage can rotate the water surface. I don't know if it can warm the temperature of the water. Master said that the action will produce true knowledge. I might as well give it a try.

Found that there was a round pit next to it, and there was no water in it. Chen Lai put the child on a dry stone and walked forward.


Just two steps, Chen Sien cried again.

Chen Lai sighed, turned around and said patiently, "Chen Sien, I won't leave you alone. I just want to find a way to get some milk for you to drink."

Chen Sien cried a lot.

Chen Lai shook his head, squatted by the spring pool to wash his hands, and then put his two fingers together to make a water ladle and pour water into the round pit. Rinse both sides first, rinse them clean, and then fill them with spring water.

Chen Lai stretched out his hands on the surface of the water, as if to massage the water, and began to work on the surface of the water. After a while, the white dragon swam and the water began to rotate.

When he saw the fog rising on the surface of the water, he couldn't help sighing. Brother Pan taught me bone shrinking skills and bone shrinking fists, which seemed to be really useful. My skills had improved a lot, otherwise such a thick gas would not have emerged from the water at all!

After a while, Chen Lai stroked the spring and felt that the spring was no longer cold.

Aha! Really useful! It seems that Brother Pan is right. It is useful to learn kung fu. It seems that art is really not oppressing!

Chen Lai's heart was in full bloom and massaged to the surface of the water again. After a while, he felt that the temperature of the hot air was getting higher and higher. He put his hand into it and felt that the spring was very warm.

Aha! There is a warm spring!

Hearing that Chen Sien was still crying, Chen Lai turned his head and smiled, "Chen Sien, how do I feel like you are congratulating me..."


Chen Sien's crying suddenly became sharp.

Chen Lai sighed, and the movement of massage in his hand has not stopped. "I'm just coaxing you. Why are you angry again?"

He put his hand in again and felt a little hot. Then he stood up, took out the milk pot Pan Lang made for them from the small package on his chest, put two milk pills in it, and then filled it with warm and clear spring water.

There are several traces drawn by Mrs. Pan Lang on the milk pot. She told him that as the child grows up, the "food volume" will become larger and larger, and the traces of milking will become higher and higher. Chen Lai poured it to a place where a more-month-old child drank, and then shook it.

"Chen Sien, let's start eating."

Chen Lai smiled, picked up Chen Sien, and put the mouth of the milk pot into Chen Sien's mouth. His little lips sucked quickly, as if they were grabbing time. Because he was too hungry and because the pacifier was made of a thin bamboo tube and had a large amount of water, Chen Sien choked. However, he didn't care and drank it.

A pot of milk was drunk all in a short time, and then Chen Si'en looked at Chen Lai quietly with wide eyes. He stopped crying and didn't make any noise. He was very quiet and didn't blink for a long time.

After a while, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Chen Lai shook for a while and saw that the child's sleeping appearance was very cute. He kissed his forehead, put him on a dry stone next to him, and covered him with a thin layer of cotton-padded clothes. Then he rushed to the spring pool like crazy, knelt down on the ground, and submerged his whole face in the pool, not at all. The coldness of the spring water began to drink.

Then he sat by a stone, leaning on the stone wall and stretching his legs to breathe, with a smile on his face, as if he was still immersed in the pleasure of drinking water just now. The cold drops on his face flowed down his chin to his neck and to his chest, but he didn't realize it.