Break through the void

Chapter 19 Desolate Rain, Steep Cliff

Chen Lai was very tired, and his open limbs seemed to be loose, and he didn't move for a long time. He wanted to sleep for a while, but when he thought that the old beggar was waiting outside the cave, he had a feeling of being stuck in his throat, and his closed eyes opened again.


Only by escaping from the palm of an elderly beggar can you sleep!

Chen Lai warned himself and slowly got up. Looking at the sleeping Chen Sien, he took the Dragon Pushing Secret and observed the cave.

In addition to the passage he just climbed in, there are also two passages in the cave, one next to the spring pool and the other by a huge stone. It's so dark inside that you can't see where it leads to.

He observed for a while and judged that these two channels were exits, so he decided to check them one by one to find the safest exit.

When he grabbed the firewood knife and came to a tunnel by the spring pool, he stopped and looked back at Chen Sien.

No one can guarantee whether there will be another python in this cave. He thought it would be safer to take the child and go back to pick up Chen Si'en, who was sleeping.

Like last time, the firewood knife is placed at the front of the body, and Chen Sien is placed at the back of the body. This time, he tied a straw rope to Chen Sien's waist and tied it to his left foot.

It is most difficult to drill into the hole at the beginning, because Chen Si'en is outside the tunnel and it is not easy to pick it up with his legs. In addition, he has to make Chen Sien's face up. Chen Lai brought a stone and put it on the edge of the hole. First, he put Chen Sien on it. After he used the bone contraction skill today, he hooked the rope tied to Chen Sien's waist with his left foot.

Then, Chen Lai slowly climbed forward.

After climbing forward more than ten feet, the sound of the river suddenly came from outside!

"Aha! Chen Sien, we are going out!"

Chen Lai accelerated his crawling speed and gradually saw a desolate light outside. When he came to the mouth of the cave, he listened to the noise for a while, heard the sound of birds, stretched his neck to observe, and found that under the mouth of the cave was a rapid river!

The water surface is five feet wide. Due to the large whirlpool, you can't see the bottom of the water at all!

Look at the periphery of the cave, there are bare stone walls, and there is a lush cedar a few feet above.

The biggest possibility of climbing the stone wall is to fall into the river!

How can a child stand the cold river water when jumping directly into the river? Besides, flowing along the water, who knows where it will go?

Through this exit, you can't get out at all!

This is the best exit for the python, but it is a dead end for them!

Chen Lai sighed and had to return with his child, thinking about escaping through another channel.

Will the iron purple gate killer know that this channel can't get out? Will it be waiting at the exit of another channel?

Chen Lai slowly climbed back with Chen Sien, feeling uneasy.

Climbing out of the hole, he brought a stone to block the hole to prevent a python from coming from the river. Then he sat down and hugged Chen Sien to rest.

After taking a break from a cup of tea, Chen Lai put down his child and stood up and walked to the tunnel by the pool to observe.

The tunnel is dark and there has been no movement.

has been staring at the tunnel and waiting for a long time. Chen Lai thought that it should be late at night, and the old beggar should lie somewhere and sleep for a while. It was the most relaxed time to be vigilantly and decided to set off again.

At this time, the season is summer, but in the mountains, there is no such place as spring, summer, autumn and winter. The wind outside keeps roaring, just like the cold wind in winter. Chen Lai climbed to the mouth of the cave and couldn't help trembling.

In front of it is a dense forest, which looks extremely dark, but there is a curved mountain road, washed away by the rain, emitting a faint light. As soon as Chen Lai saw it, he thought he would leave here.

After listening to the movement for a while, he dared to stretch out his head and look left and right.

There are also forests on both sides, but the trees are low and not dense, and you can see the pale black gap between the trees and the trees sparsely.

There is no one around!

Chen Lai secretly celebrated, quietly climbed out, put on his raincoat, picked up the package, and ran to the sheep intestine path in the woods.

The cold rain was still falling. He felt like a knife on his face, but he did not dare to go back to find the cloak, and he did not dare to stay, regardless of the pain of his right foot.

After walking about a mile through the woods, he saw that the front became open, and a cliff suddenly appeared next to the path, which was extremely steep. At a glance, it made people dizzy, stunned, and still moved along the cliff.

The mountain road is getting steeper and more difficult to walk. He put one hand around the child on his chest and stretched out the other hand to maintain the balance of his body.

The cold rain rushed into his eyes and was so sour that he had to narrow his eyes to see the blue-gray light in front of him.

After walking for a while, a steep hill appeared in front of him, and the mountain road became more and more rugged. He walked forward carefully. After a few steps, he felt that it was not like walking at all, but more like climbing.

A mountain road more than ten feet away, he walked half a column of incense!

When he came to the top, his head was full of water. He didn't know whether he was sweating or being watered through by the rain, so he had to bend down to breathe.

The more and more rapid rain poured on his body, like countless drums being struck at the same time. Hearing this sound, he seemed to see the figure of the old beggar, slowly straightened up, wiped the rain off his face, and prepared to continue his journey.

But at this moment, his body suddenly stiffened!

There is a figure walking in front of you!

I saw this man with messy hair and ragged body, wearing two-eared shoes on one foot and bare feet!

It's that old beggar again!

He seemed to have guessed that Chen Lai would walk this mountain road, walked steadily and slowly on the edge of the cliff, and walked slower and slower, and finally stood down.

Chen Lai was depressed and angry, and couldn't help cursing, "You are too stubborn! I abducted your whole family! If you follow me in a haunted way, I will abduct your ancestors for eight generations!"

Waving a firewood knife and paying attention to the elderly beggar, he looked back. At this time, he gave up the idea of running away, because the road was too steep, and it was more difficult to go down than climbing up, and he would fall off the cliff if he was not careful!

"You can go back..." The old beggar turned around, observed the other for a while, and made a very polite gesture of invitation.

"Don't come here!"

The old beggar never stopped walking, "You seem to be very excited..."

Chen Lai stretched his mouth, untied the package on his chest, held it in one hand, and slowly turned his arm to reach out to the edge of the cliff. "Don't come here, I'll say it again, don't come over! Otherwise, I will throw the child on the cliff... None of us can get him!"

"Isn't he your child? Do you have the heart to throw your child into the cliff?

The old beggar walked slowly and observed Chen Lai's irritable reaction with a sneer, "So, he is not your child, but the child you are entrusted to send away... In this way, you won't throw the child down the cliff, will you?"

"Don't come here!"

Chen Lai waved the firewood knife of his left hand and shouted loudly. At the same time, he squatted down and shook down with the package in his right hand. "If you dare to go further, I will leave the child!"

"If you can leave your child, you won't bring the child here..."

The elderly beggar still continued to walk forward and gestured to the cliff as he walked, "I would rather believe that you jumped down alone than you left your child..."

"Don't test my bottom line!"

Chen Lai roared like crazy, and his body was shaking in the wind, "I will definitely be beyond your imagination!"

The elderly beggar sneered, and the pace under his feet still did not stop. "You can put down the child, put down the Dragon Tips, and then jump off the cliff alone... For you, this is probably the best choice."