Break through the void

Chapter 46 Kill the enemy cleanly

Iron Purple Gate Killer!

Chen Laijian raised his eyebrows, and it was too late to hide. However, he still raised his hand and motioned to Bai Yinfan to hide.

Bai Yinfan suddenly warmed her heart. Her cultivation was much higher than Chen Lai, but Chen Lai protected her without hesitation, which made her respect Chen Lai.



Hu Tou and Raydon both strangled the reins.

The two rode two white horses all the way to Panjia Village to find their brother Chen Kui. Unexpectedly, they suddenly found a dark horse on the boundary of Huangling Mountain. It was the mount they left to Chen Kui last time. They immediately chased it and followed the dark horse into the deep mountains, which hit Chen Lai.

"Oh, I seem to have seen this boy." Hutou stretched out his hand and touched his gourd head.

Reden sneered, "Have you forgotten? Isn't it this boy who caused us to fall into the cliff with the helmsman? In Panjia Village, isn't it him that Chen Kui wants to kill?

Hu's head smiled ferociously, jumped up a hill, and quickly bypassed to Chen Lai, blocking his way, "Kid! Where to go!"

Chen Lai didn't move at all. "This strong man, we don't seem to know each other."

"Stop talking nonsense! Why are you still alive?!"

Chen Lai stretched out his arms and smiled faintly, "I have always been alive and living well!"

"What about Chen Kui in Panjia Village?"

Chen came to see that he could no longer hide it and smiled faintly. "Let's still open the window and talk openly. I'll tell you the whereabouts of the disciple of the Iron Purple Gate. How about you tell me where the child is?"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Hu Tou roared and whipped Chen Lai fiercely. The tail of the whip swept over a black bamboo and swept it into two halves.

Chen Lai reached out and grabbed it and pulled it fiercely.

"It's so strong!" Hu Tou felt that the palm of his hand was heavy, shouted, and his legs were tightly clamped to the saddle.


The white horse leaned back, and its four hoofs tilted against the ground and pushed back, but it was pulled more than ten feet away by Chen.

Hu Tou was shocked and suddenly exerted his strength, "Come here!"

With his strength, Chen Lai did not move at all, but his own mount moved forward by half a foot.

Ha ha, I didn't expect that after practicing wind and thunder, my strength would increase so much! Chen Lai smiled faintly and was deadlocked with him.

"Brother! Why don't you tell him the truth?

The green-faced man Reden sneered, "Kid, that child is now in the hands of our helmsman, and now he is sleeping soundly!" Because...hahaha...he drank our ecstasy."

If you dare to abuse my child, you will die! Chen Lai was furious when he heard the words, and his sword eyebrows stood up and suddenly let go.


Hu Tou didn't expect it, shouted and fell off the horse. Fortunately, his body was quite flexible. He turned over and fell to the ground. "Good boy, you know the skills!"

Chen Lai secretly worked hard. Before he played the wind and thunder technique, he heard a delicate shout, "Don't hurt my little brother!"

Bai Yinfan has already flown out and fell to Chen Lai's side, carrying a sword in one hand, which is very impressive.

"Sister, why did you come out?" Chen came to see her come out to help. He was worried about her danger. He was a little anxious and stared.

Little sample, I'm still worried about you! Seeing his serious appearance, Bai Yinfan was about to laugh. She had seen that these two people were not her opponents and could easily drive them away.

"Hahahaha!" Hu Tou suddenly raised his head and laughed, "Leiden, this girl is good, much better than those nursing women!"

Rayden had already noticed Bai Yinfan, his eyes glowed, stretched out his black tongue and licked his mouth, "Hu head, stripped off this little girl, how about I go first?"

Chen Lai's most impatient thing is the eyes and ugliness of this kind of pervert. He shouted and flew up, turned to Hu's head and Rayden, and hit his palms left and right. The whole process was completed in the blink of an eye.

Wind and thunder! The wind burst and the thunder rolled.

The two felt a strong wind and jumped away in a hurry. Hearing the bang, the two white horses had disappeared in the explosion and turned into a blood mist. The horse's mane was blown to pieces and fell like a light snow in the woods.

"Wow! My brother's wind and thunder skills are so powerful!" Bai Yinfan, who flashed to one side, couldn't help praising secretly.

"It's just the first level of water!" Hu Tou sneered and slapped Chen Lai, "Let you see my wind and thunder skills!"

Before he finished speaking, the crackling sounded, and he let out a scream before he did his skills.

I don't know when Chen Lai had grabbed the long whip on the ground and hit the back of his hand; a blood stain suddenly appeared on the back of his hand.

Chen Lai suddenly heard the sound of wind and found that Redden was attacking. He calmly put down his whip and pushed his palms against the flying wind, rubbing back and forth like a massage.

The wind that was galloping towards Chen Lai suddenly stopped, and then it turned into a white whirlwind. There is a long white dragon swimming outside the wind, but the color is very light, and it is difficult to find it if you don't look carefully.

Raiden was shocked.

This is the first time he has seen someone crack the wind and thunder technique like this!


With Chen Lai's order, Bai Long suddenly flew out and rushed to Rayden.

Raydon flashed.

And the white dragon suddenly split into two at the moment of flying, chasing Redden and Hutou at the same time.

Seeing this, Hutou flew down a boulder.

But the white dragon was so fast that he rushed to his side and immediately twisted their heads. Then there was a bang, and their heads exploded like watermelon.

Bai Yinfan, who hid in the dark, was shocked. For a moment, he couldn't believe that Chen Lai, who was only on the first level of the water, could kill two iron purple gate disciples in an instant! And the face does not change color!

Chen Lai walked to the two people, searched their bodies, took down the golden bows and silver arrows, and then pulled them to a mountain depression and pushed up a few huge stones to cover them up. Then he played the white dragon of "dragon push" and let it suck away the blood stains on the ground.

When he finished all this and clapped his hands and sat down to rest, Bai Yinfan came forward with a slightly frightened expression on his face, "Little brother, did you kill the disciples of Tiezimen? You killed two disciples of Iron Purple Gate?!"

Although she is usually bold and somewhat fierce, it is still the first time she encounters this kind of murder situation. She is still a little confused for a moment. When she sees blood, head and corpses, her little face changes and unconsciously snuggles up to Chen Lai's side.

"They are just disciples at the bottom. I think they are at most the second level of the water realm." Chen Lai took the opportunity to hold Bai Yinfan and comforted him, "Don't worry, if this kind of person kills one, the people will suffer fewer."

Just now, I saw that Chenlai killed people as well as cutting green onions, and Bai Yinfan still had a dream. Now he had to get to know Chen Lai again and asked doubtfully, "Brother, have you ever killed anyone before?"

Chen Lai nodded, "I've killed one."

"Aren't you afraid?"

"Afraid..." Chen Lai smiled, "I'm afraid he will kill me."

"So, are you forced?"

"I have seen this kind of people for a long time. If you don't kill them, they will kill you... What else is there to be polite?" Chen came to see Bai Yinfan and was still a little worried. He held him in his arms and said lightly.

Feeling the fragrance and warmth of Bai Yinfan's girl, he suddenly felt a pleasant feeling in his heart, which was better than getting rid of the two enemies.

"The problem is that they will take revenge... Tie Zimen disciples will take revenge." Bai Yinfan had known the power of Tie Zimen for a long time, and also knew that her master Huang Laowei did not easily offend the disciples of Tie Zimen.

"Don't worry, in the future, I will kill one of the Iron Purple Gate killers, and kill one pair when I see two." Chen Lai picked up the golden bow and silver arrow of the disciples of Tie Zimen and enjoyed it. He felt that this was the best bow and arrow he had ever seen, thinking of attacking the shield with his son's spear.

"Brother, do you have a grudge against the disciples of Tie Zimen?" Bai Yinfan asked again.

Chen Lai remembered that he escaped from the "new hall" with the baby without hesitation. "They chased pregnant women, mutilated the baby, and vowed to skin my master... Of course I have a grudge against them."

"What should I do next?" Bai Yinfan huddled in his arms like a rabbit.

"What else can I do? What should we do... They don't know that we killed it." Chen Lai pointed around and said, "This is a deep mountain forest. It's impossible for them to come here."

Seeing Bai Yinfan drilling into his arms all the time, he couldn't help but be happy. This senior sister is really interesting. She looks powerful, but she is very timid. Of course, this is also good. The feeling of beauty in the arms is really good! Feeling the warmth on her body and smelling the fragrance on her body, he couldn't help but hugged her again. After just hugged for a while, he didn't know whether to put his hand on her shoulder or her waist.

Suddenly, there was a galloping sound of horses' hoofs from afar.