Break through the void

Chapter 47 Protection Practice

Chen Lai immediately jumped high and looked at it. From a distance, he saw more than a dozen Tiezimen disciples rushing up the mountain aggressively.

Thinking that the two disciples just now were just pioneers, he asked Bai Yinfan to hide, jump down high, and run to the place where the two Iron Purple Gate disciples were buried.

"Little brother, what are you going to do?" Bai Yinfan asked urgently.

"Sister, you hide first, and I'll be there later." When he came to the burial site, Chen Lai lifted the boulder and massaged the abdomen of the two bodies. This time, he launched two "white dragons". Although the two Iron Purple Gate disciples are dead, there is still aura in their sea of air. He wants to suck out the aura and combine it with the white dragon he fought.

Then he pushed the boulder up and pressed two white dragons and two bodies. In order to let the disciples of the Iron Purple Gate find the body, he deliberately threw a coat by the stone.

"Brother, what have you done?"

Seeing Chen Lai come and squat down, Bai Yinfan asked.

"Wait a minute, and you will know." Chen Lai smiled and made a close relationship with her.



A dozen tall horses flew to the hills.

"Ryden and Hutou just came here!" A disciple shouted.

"Search!" One of them was obviously the little leader, shouting loudly.

The crowd immediately dispersed.

Suddenly, one of them shouted, "There is blood here!"

Everyone gathered around. Another person shouted, "There seems to be something under the stone!"

Everyone disaped and surrounded the stone.

"Sister, plug your ears quickly." Chen Lai blocked his ears and reminded him softly.

Bai Yinfan didn't know what he had done. He blocked his ear door in surprise and held his breath to stare at the disciples of Tiezimen not far away.

A disciple pushed the boulder away and shouted, "They are dead..."

Before the sound fell, the body exploded with a bang. More than a dozen men in black next to him were blown up. Blood and fog immediately spread everywhere.

Bai Yinfan was shocked and couldn't help leaning on Chen Lai. "Brother, what did you do?"

Chen Lai smiled faintly, "They deserve it."

Just now, he used the "dragon push technique" to do his hands and feet. This type is called "explosive dragon", which is to absorb aura and store it in his white dragon body. Because the two kinds of auras are different, they will restrain each other when they are put together, and will heat up to a certain extent. Once they are touched, they will explode. The spirit of the two dead Tiezimen disciples is not sufficient and their energy is not large. If they are masters of Xuanjing or Yunjing, the power of the explosion is enough to destroy a mountain.

These were taught to him by Liu Zhenying before, but he was asked not to use this move unless he had to.



More than a dozen iron purple gate disciples who were blown off made screams and rolled and struggled on the ground. Finally, six stood up, two sat up, and the other four, either lying on their stomachs or lying, motionless as if they were dead. Several living people were bleeding and were stunned by the explosion. They looked at a large hole in front of them, as if they were thinking about the same question: Why did the body explode?

At first sight, Bai Yinfan's face was full of victory. He couldn't help clenching his fist and pounding Chen Lai's chest.

Chen Lai originally wanted to catch them all. He saw that there were still six of them, two of whom may still be disciples of the fourth level of the water. Then he picked up a stone and drew a line of small words on the stone beside him, "Qingling Mountain, see when it's ugly."

Qingling Mountain is the peak of Huang Laowei's retreat. Bai Yinfan was shocked and said in a low voice, "Why did you write this?"

Chen Lai didn't explain and pulled Bai Yinfan away quietly.

Two people walked to a valley with their waists. Bai Yinfan whispered, "They will find the bodies of the two dead people and find out that it is us. What should they do?"

"They can't find out."

"You wrote Qingling Mountain. That's the place where the old monsters practice in isolation."

Suddenly found that Chen Lai was carrying the gold bow and silver arrows of Tie Zimen disciples on his back. Bai Yinfan stared and pulled him, "Why did you take this on? This is the evidence to kill them."

Chen Lai covered her mouth, "It doesn't matter. Just put it away."

Bai Yinfan opened his hand, "Bah, pooh! Touching the dead man's hand, it's dirty..."

Two people got into a thick grass.

Bai Yinfan laughed again, "Little brother, didn't you say that you would kill one when you saw one? Why didn't you kill the rest?"

Chen Lai looked at her pale face and said seriously, "Yes, I saw one kill one and a pair, but they are * one, neither one nor a pair!"

"You are really a little Laizi!" Bai Yinfan was amused by him. Thinking of being touched by him just now, I felt that I had suffered a great loss and stared at him.


Five miles north of the real monastery, there is a small green mountain called Qingling Mountain. There is an extremely hidden cave in the mountain, where the yellow old monster is closed for cultivation.

The last time he helped Chen Lai ventilated the sea of air. His aura was damaged and the sea of qi was injured. He had to carry out closed practice to repair the sea of aura and qi.

For a practitioner, closed practice is a major event in life. Before practicing, he will purify his body, calm down, and be extremely pious, as if he wants to meet the god in his mind. When they are closed, they are distracted, concentrate, devote themselves to martial arts, repair the wounds of the body, practice the essence of martial arts, cultivate the soul of their hearts, and carry out the triple sublimation of body, martial arts and spirit.

A practitioner will often reach a new realm after retreating practice, and even thousands of miles a day, just like divine help, that's why. However, when they practice, they can't be disturbed or even need to be protected. It is necessary to prevent not only the invasion of beasts, but also the sneak attack of the enemy.

Because Mr. Huang explained before entering the customs that on the fourth day of his retreat, there must be someone outside.

Chen Lai and Bai Yinfan are not far away. On the one hand, it cultivates the second-order skill "Thunder Fist" in the water world, and on the other hand, it provides protection for the yellow monster.


When night came, Chen Lai asked Bai Yinfan to go to a cave room to rest, and a man sat cross-legged on a stone to guard.

The moonlight shines on the earth, and the woods are deep. With the help of the moonlight, Chen Lai opened the Dragon Tips page by page.

During the lift, he found that the lake inside had changed, and an old man was practicing on the lake, like the figure of an old yellow monster.

Is this strange? Why does Elder Huang appear in this picture?

Chen Lai couldn't figure out and began to practice with the figure inside. And the skills practiced by the old man in it are the "Thunder Fist" of the second order of the water.

He was extremely serious about one move, and at the same time, he suddenly felt that he had a lot of understanding. This surprised him.

Because there are many things that I don't understand when practicing "Thunderbolt Fist" with Bai Yinfan during the day, but Bai Yinfan can't say why, but now he can understand it all of a sudden.

In fact, he didn't know that there was an aura connecting the Dragon Tip and the yellow monster in the cave.

When the practice was completed, Chen Lai played the dragon pushing technique again, thinking of combining the dragon pushing technique with thunder fist.

With his strength, a white dragon began to spin around him, swimming on the lake in the moonlight like water... For a while, it was extremely vivid and light.