Break through the void

Chapter 222 Deep in the mud

Chen Lai continued to run wildly, running along a tributary to the southeast, where there was a lake. Although the area was not large, it was more than enough to find a hiding place.

He doesn't believe that the master who hasn't appeared can freeze the whole lake.

gritted his teeth and flew out more than ten miles.

In more than ten miles, the old man has not yet appeared, as if he had great patience. But Chen Lai confirmed that the reason why the old man did not do it must have his unspeakable purpose.

It's close!

The small lake is close at hand!

Fly for another half a miles and you can plunge into the small lake!


With a loud noise, Chen Lai suddenly found that the river in front of him was suddenly raised, like a giant dragon rising!

Standing in front of Chen Lai, like a huge pillar!

Chen Lai's eyes widened. How much cultivation does the other party have to lift the whole river!

Seeing the vertical river over him, like the top of Mount Tai, Chen Lai hurriedly retreated and felt that the air around him suddenly became dark.

Suddenly, he heard a loud noise behind him. Chen Lai turned his head and saw that the river behind him also turned up, which was even more powerful!

Two huge columns of water merge in the direction of Chenlai! It looks like Chen Lai will be pressed into a meat pie!


Chen Lai made a knife at the water column in front of him and hit the Xuanjing seventh-order skill fast shadow knife to make it fast.


A harsh sound sounded, and Chen Lai found that there were no cracks on the water column in front of him!

How strong! The front is no longer a water column at all, but a copper wall and iron wall!

If the two copper walls and iron walls around him merge together, he will become more than a meat pie? It will turn into a pool of blood!

Chen looked up and saw that the top had merged, and then pressed down like a mountain.

It was too late to escape through the gap next to him. Chen Lai shouted and shot a knife at the bottom to kill the pipa.

At this time, he can't think much about whether his pipa skill has been successfully practiced. At this jux, he can only fight hard.

Ding Dong Ding Dong......

Chen Lai's knife gas hit the water below, like playing a pipa, making a crisp sound, which was very pleasant to the ear.

Has my Xuanjing Level 8 successful? Chen Lai couldn't believe it, but he didn't have time to think too much and carefully observe the water below.

With these sounds, a gap was made in the frozen water below.

Narrow gaps, as wide as the handle of a knife.

This is enough for Chen Lai! He jumped down, practiced bone reduction in the air, and then plunged his head down and plunged into a dark gap.

Drilling into this gap does not prove that he has escaped safely. In the process of falling, Chen Lai killed the gap below, not only to the front, but also to the gap behind him.

Killing the front is to open the way.

Killing the knife behind is to resist the huge explosion caused by the impact of two copper walls and iron walls.

The river is more than ten feet deep. When he came to the bottom, Chen Lai felt that there was mud in front of him!

As mentioned above, Chen Lai can use bone shrinkage in narrow spaces or in water, but he can't use bone shrinkage in mud, because once he enters it, it will be dark and nothing can be seen!

However, thinking of the explosive power produced by the impact of two copper walls and iron walls that could blow up everything around him, Chen Lai still clenched his teeth, closed his eyes, and plunged his head into the mud.

Suddenly, it was dark and cold around, as if it had fallen into chaos. He thought that Pangu must have experienced this kind of pain before Pangu opened the world.

The resistance in the mud is much greater, but he does not stop and keeps drilling down, drilling down like earthworms.


At this moment, there was a roar from above. Although Chen Lai had come to the ground, and although Chen Lai had been deeply immersed in the mud, he still heard the deafening explosion and felt that his ears were extremely painful. For a moment, he screamed and tinnitus. At the same time, he felt that his body was shaking violently and could not be controlled at all. He could only shake with that kind of shaking. Shake and shake.

Chen Lai felt that this was like an earthquake and a collapse. His head was dizzy and his figure swayed back and forth, as if he had fallen into a huge whirlpool.

At the same time, he felt that his body went dozens of feet deeper into this explosive force! At this time, he thought with a little vague consciousness whether he could return to the water above and survive.

The strong earthquake lasted for a long time before it stopped, and then everything returned to a kind of deathly calm. Chen Lai felt better at this time, but he felt as if he had suddenly lost all his aura. He wondered in his heart: Has my aura been destroyed?

If all the aura disappears, then you will definitely die. He hurriedly used the dragon push technique, forcibly pushed away the mud around his body, and then began to massage his abdomen to awaken his sea of air.

When he felt a sudden warmth in his abdomen, he took a breath. Fortunately, my cultivation was still there.

If he hadn't drilled deep into the water and into the mud, he would have been blown to pieces.

What kind of skill does that old man use to produce such explosive power?

Chen Lai thought that he should seize the time to break through the mysterious world and become a cloud world, so that he could compete with a cloud world master. Thinking that the master must not have left at this time, he was waiting in the mud.

At this time, there was still darkness around him. He did not open his eyelids, but also felt that there was darkness around him, swimming casually along the natural flow of mud. The main reason is that he feels that the mud around him is too cold, which is several times colder than the water in the deep dragon pool. If he is not active, he may freeze to death here.

Chen Lai didn't care about thirty-seven or twenty-one. While playing dragon pushing at his body, he walked forward freely and tried to make his body warm. When he walked out of more than ten feet, he suddenly felt that the mud around him became warm.

Is there any difference between mud?

Chen Lai is trembling with cold. Of course, if there is a warm place, he will go and swim forward along the warm mud. Suddenly, I felt a bright light in my eyes.

Although his eyes are closed, he can also feel the strong light in front of him.

Realizing that there was something shining in front of him, Chen Lai stretched out his hands to push away the mud in front of him, felt that the space was too small, and he used dragon pushing. In this way, he pushed out a space of about half an foot around his body.

At this time, Chen Lai wiped the mud on his eyelids and opened his eyes.

The eyes are full of glowing rubies, mixed with black mud, but the black mud can't stop their brilliance, shining red in the space, and there is extremely warmth in the space.

What kind of gem is this?

Chen Lai picked up one, wiped the mud above, and found that the ruby was crystal clear and beautiful, while exuding a kind of fragrant gas.

Chen Lai leaned over his nose and sniffed, and suddenly felt refreshed. The little damage he had just suffered suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Does it contain aura?

Chen Lai picked up another one, wiped it, and sniffed it again. It felt even more fragrant. At the same time, he felt that it was getting warmer and warmer in the sea of air. He believed that there was an extremely pure aura in it, and he cherished these rubies very much in his heart. He picked up one and smelled one, and smelled dozens of them for a moment. I found that there were bigger rubies next to me and walked forward.

The feet are soft. If I didn't know a little practice, I'm afraid I would have sunk to the bottom of the mud.

Suddenly found a huge ruby in front of him. Chen walked forward and reached out to pick it, just like picking fruit. At the moment he took off the ruby, he heard a roar, and a window flashing red suddenly appeared in front of him.

Chen Lai was shocked. When he took a closer look, it turned out to be a door!

Is there someone inside?

Will there be someone in it?

Chen Lai was extremely surprised and carefully came to the door and saw that there was a flat cave inside, but there were many spider webs in it. It seems that no one has come in for a long time.

This is strange. This room is deep in mud. How can there be spiders? Is this room connected to the outside world?

Chen Lai was even more curious, put down the ruby and walked in carefully.

The room is even warmer, but there is a musty smell. Chen Lai saw that there was nothing but cobwebs in the room and walked in again. At this time, he found that there was a door inside.

is a stone door, but he can see that the stone door is not strong. He pushed it gently with his hand and the stone door opened.