Break through the void

Chapter 223 Retraining Prison Knife

Through the introduction of the letter, Chen Lai gradually understood the origin of the old man. It turned out that he was a master and the bodyguard of the Empress Zhenggong. Because she was dedicated to protecting the Empress of the palace, she was framed and was beaten into the dungeon.

The old man did not give up, leaving the secrets of "Prison Knife Decision" in a very short time, and then instilled his whole body into "Prison Knife Decision", and then died quietly, and then waited for the predestined person to come.

It's really a strange fate to meet this old man! It's incredible!

Chen Lai sighed secretly, bowed to the old man, and then began to study and practice according to the "Prison Knife Decision" left by the old man.

At this time, he felt like a tiger adding wings. According to the instructions of Prison Knife, he waved a black-headed knife and kept flying in the room.

While practicing, he felt that the aura contained in "Prison Knife" was slowly transported to his sea of qi, and he felt that his body was extremely light, and at the same time, it was extremely easy to control the black-headed knife.

With the help of Prison Knife, Chen Lai began to practice the ninth-level skills of Xuanjing.

The ninth level of Xuanjing is Xuanxin swordsmanship, which is an extremely superb swordsmanship, but Prison Knife has improved it and transformed it into a sword method to make its explosive power and offensive power stronger.

Chen Lai waved the knife method again according to the experience in "Prison Knife".

The knife flashed again in the room, and the knife roared.

After practicing for several hours, Chen Lai stopped, and then studied the experience of "Prison Knife" again and understood all its essence.

Through the Prison Knife Decision, he knew that the sign of success in breaking through the ninth level of the mysterious realm is to use his mind to control the treasure knife, so that the treasure knife can fly freely in the air, so that the treasure knife can attack the enemy at any time.

He tried, but failed.

He has been dreaming of quickly completing Xuanjing skills, so as to break through and become a cloud. He is very excited, but when he fails, he feels extremely frustrated.

Now there are two "Prison Knife Decision" around him, with the advice of a master, and a black-headed knife. He feels that he has occupied the right time, place and people. If he does not succeed, he can only prove that he is a useless person!

He won't give up!

So far, Chen Lai has never thought of himself as an invalid!

The reason why I didn't succeed is that my method is wrong, or my thinking is wrong!

In that case, look for it! Keep looking for it!

In the Leilong Empire, the practice of skills is divided into five realms, namely, water mirror, gas, mystery, cloud and fairyland. The central link is the mysterious realm, which is extremely difficult to practice and break through. Many practitioners have stopped abruptly here, some are not moving forward, and some are rapidly regressing. Only the elites among the practitioners and the genius elites can break through the mysterious world.

This pressure can be imagined for Chen Lai, but Chen Lai has experienced a painful process of practice and gradually has some experience. When he encounters a bottleneck, he should not panic, but calm down, and then distract himself from other ideas and perspectives.

Thinking like this, Chen Lai calmed himself down, and then studied "Prison Knife" and its experience again. After thinking about it, I always feel that I have some experience, but I can't catch that experience, and I can't apply that experience to my own cultivation.

At this critical time, Chen Lai once again thought of his dragon pushing technique.

Dragon pushing can not only invade, but also recuperate. Another point is to make your mood an extremely calm calm.

With the help of dragon pushing, a white dragon began to circle around Chen Lai's body, and the atmosphere blew away the Prison Knife, which was displayed page by page in front of Chen Lai.

In the process of the rapid flash of "Prison Knife", Chen Lai suddenly found something, remembered the small lake and clouds in "Dragon Pushing Tips", and then practiced according to a dreamy situation inside.

Reiki is rotating.

The white dragon is spinning.

The knife is rotating.

Chen Lai's body is spinning.

As the rotation, the room was whirling, and the old man still closed his eyes and sat idle, as if teaching his apprentice skills, looking serene and quiet.

Unconsciously, a few hours have passed. However, Chen Lai was unaware of it and still focused all his energy on practicing dragon pushing and knife skills. For a while, he sat quietly reading a book, and then he suddenly flew up and waved a knife to rotate in the space.

Then, a day passed, two days passed...

When Chen Lai felt as light as clouds and smoke, he opened his eyes. At this time, he felt that his heart was extremely calm and quiet, like a huge lake.

At the same time, a huge force was brewing in his sea of gas, making him feel as if he had reached the peak he wanted.

Did I really succeed?

Chen Lai was a little happy and worried, and slowly looked at the knife in front of him.

Come on! Do it again! Try to see if you have succeeded in practicing! Try to see if you have made a breakthrough!

In the past, you also needed to control the treasure knife, but it mainly depends on aura, which has little to do with the control of the soul, but this time you must rely on a strong heart. Once you control it successfully, it means a breakthrough! That means it has become a cloud!

Thinking like this, Chen Lai put his palms together, secretly combined the sea of air with the soul, and began to touch the sea of his heart.

Chen Lai suddenly gave an order, which was very light but clear and powerful.

With this command, the tip of the knife suddenly jumped up.

Chen Lai looked at it and was so happy that he couldn't help leaning forward.


The tip of the knife fell in place again.

Chen Lai thought that he was too excited just now and cut off the power of his mind. Once again, he held his breath and completely calmed down again so as not to move his heart.

Chen Lai shouted softly again.

The tip of the knife suddenly jumped up again, and with Chen Lai's secret exertion, the handle of the knife suddenly jumped! In this way, the whole knife has come to him.

Chen Lai suddenly felt sinking in his heart and knew that this was the power of his mind. Once again, he secretly exerted his strength and went!

The knife begins to rotate and floats in space, but the speed is very slow.

According to the guidance on "Prison Knife", Chen Lai continued to recite the formula and continue to control his own sea of air. At this time, he found that if he wanted to master the treasure knife skillfully, he needed not only the soul, but also the help of Qihai!

Then come on!

Chen Lai made another secret force. This time, the knife slowly rotated in the space. Although the speed was not fast, it was much faster than it.

At this time, Chen Lai has been controlling his thoughts, not making himself excited or happy, and keeping himself always maintaining a kind of original calm. Then make the sea of air and the soul cleverly connected, making your driving effort easier.

Sure enough, with Chen Lai's exertion, the knife flying in the air rotates faster and faster, and floats in the air at will with Chen Lai's willingness, floating and sinking, which seems to be very casual.

Seeing that the knife had become a free bird in the air, Chen Lai finally believed that he had succeeded and couldn't help laughing.

Laughing at him, the knife fell to the ground with a bang.

With Chen Lai's secret cry and his sudden movement of his heart, the knife lying on the ground jumped up again, flew high into the air, and then flew to him according to Chen Lai's wishes.

Finally broke through! I have become a cloud!

At this time, Chen Lai felt as if he was sitting on the top of the peak and was overlooking everything below! A strong feeling arises spontaneously.

Okay, even if I meet the mysterious master above, I can fight with him!

Thinking that Chu Tao didn't have any news, Chen Lai was very concerned and thought that he had made a breakthrough and couldn't wait any longer. He had to go out to see them.

Chen Lai put away the knife, put away the "Prison Knife" and "The Dragon Tips", and then said goodbye to the white-haired old man sitting. In order to give some comfort to the old man, he said that the simple book "Prison Knife" stayed with the old man, and then turned around and left.

In order to prevent the mud outside from rushing into the room and destroying the old man's body, Chen Lai used slates to block the door of the house and blocked two ways in a row. Then he plunged into the bright red mud.

After wandering for a while, Chen Lai sighed that it was indeed fate to meet this old man here!

Senior, please rest assured that the disciple will definitely fulfill your last wish!