Break through the void

Chapter 224 Cloud vs. Cloud

While Chen Lai rushed out of adversity, a small boat floated on the lake above.

On the boat, there was an old man sitting, with a black cloak, black robe and black boots, fishing with a fishing rod in his hand.

The heavy snow is falling, and it is sprinkling one after another, which is spectacular.

It is the picture of a lonely boat fishing alone in the cold river snow. Cold and lonely, but also showing a trace of loneliness.

It fell for a long time. He didn't catch half of the fish, but he was still very focused and quietly stared at the snowy water.

It looks like fishing, but in fact he is waiting for someone.

Behind him is a long knife, a delicate long knife. The scabbard is carved with exquisite patterns and red patterns, which are gorgeous and beautiful. Two small regular scripts are engraved on the handle of the knife: iron and blood.

This treasure knife is exactly the iron-blooded knife, one of the four famous knives of Tiezimen, which is powerful. Legend has it that no one who has seen this precious knife blade lives in today's world.

When pieces of snowflakes fell on the scabbard, they all turned into clouds and disappeared, making the sword always filled with white fog.

In the Hualong Empire, all practitioners know that the owner of the iron-blooded knife is Zhen Ting, who is the elder of the Iron Purple Gate. His swordsmanship is excellent and amazing, and even the head of Tianleis is defeated by his knife.

Before Chen Lai got into the river, it was Zhen Ting who was chasing Chen Lai, and it was he who was using extremely magical knives to erect the river! It was also he who collided with the river and produced a huge explosion.

However, he seems to know very well that Chen Lai is not dead!

Chen Lai is still alive!

And live well.

Therefore, he has to wait until the appearance of Chen Lai, until the appearance of "Prison Knife" and "Dragon Tips".

With his strength, he could kill Chen Lai for a long time, but he didn't. He has been testing. His only purpose is to see if this teenager is Liu Zhenying's apprentice or the legendary teenager who runs with "Dragon Tips" and babies.

Through a "fight", he concluded that this person was the teenager, the Chen Lai who had long deserved to die but would never die!

However, this time, he will not leave him any chance. He will not only kill him, but also take away "Dragon Tips" and "Prison Knife"!

Thinking of these two secrets, an incredible look flashed on Zhen Ting's pale cheeks.

Two secrets, the two most important secrets today are actually in the hands of this boy!

Is it God's will or fate?

Zhen Ting didn't care and told himself with a cold smile that this time, these two secrets would belong to an iron purple gate disciple named Zhen Ting.

These two books are so important that he still has to rely on these two books to become the head of the iron and purple gate and become the head of the thunders, so as to control the whole world.

The wind roars, the snow flutters, and the big knives continue to melt. Zhen Ting has always been very calm and has been staring at the water, as if Chen Lai is about to come out of there.

However, Zhen Ting's hand holding the fishing rod was getting closer and closer, and the heat from the knife behind him became hotter and hotter, and the wind around him suddenly roared wildly.

He suddenly realized something and slowly closed his eyes and listened to the underwater sound.


Chen Lai rushed out of the mud and rushed into the water. He suddenly felt relaxed, as if he had rushed out of a chaotic world.

It's still free in the water!

Chen Lai wanted to laugh, but he couldn't laugh in the water. He accelerated his rise and rose to the surface of the water.

When he rushed out of the water, Chen Lai began to gasp, and at the same time, he couldn't help but be stunned, "Wow! It's snowing!"

At this time, his eyes suddenly widened!

He was extremely shocked to find that the small lake around him was more than ten times larger than the small lake he saw last time, and he could no longer see the edge at a glance!

Thinking of the great power generated by the explosion of the last two water columns, he was secretly surprised that it was really powerful! That old man is really a master of Yunjing!

Thanks to my fast drilling down, otherwise I would have become a piece of fish!

Seeing that there was still mud on his body, he gently washed it to make his black clothes look clean. At the moment he turned around, he suddenly found that there was a boat not far away, with an old man fishing sitting on it.

However, because the other party was wearing a cloak, he could not see his face clearly for a while.

"This old gentleman is so elegant... Have you caught any fish?" Chen Lai smiled and took the lead in asking questions.

Zhen Ting slowly raised his head and smiled, but it was just a kind of sneer, "It's almost time. The fish in the water are about to get hooked."

Chen Lai looked around and said, "Sir, I think it's getting late. Have you changed it back?"

"It's not too late. I've been waiting here for a few days, and I have to wait for the fish I want."

Chen Lai smiled, "What kind of fish let you board for so long?"

"A big fish..."

"Sir, you should be careful not to let the fish catch you."

Zhen Ting shook his head, "How is that possible? If you want to eat fish, how can fish eat people?

Chen Lai suddenly waved his finger to his boat, "Look, there is a big fish under your boat!"

As soon as the sound fell, his dragon pushing technique had been played, and the dragon swam in the water and crashed into the boat with a bang.

He has long seen that the old man is the old man who controls the water and collides, because he has felt the murderous intention brought by the knife behind him!

The last time, he has been escaping, and this time he will take the lead in launching an attack!

Zhen Ting sat still, using his thoughts to control the aura around him, and then used the aura around him to press down to the dragon below.

He thought that as long as this aura hit, his boat would be safe and sound, but the dragon below would definitely be smashed. But the next scene was greatly beyond his expectation.

His boat was actually pushed up and raised more than two feet high at once!

Zhen was shocked!

Without the cultivation of Yunjing, he can't resist his moves at all. Has Chen Lai cultivated into Yunjing?

How is this possible?

In the mud below, it's good for him to survive. How can he still practice? Even if you practice, how can you make such a rapid breakthrough?

Zhen Ting felt incredible, and Zhen Ting was extremely shocked, but the reality in front of him had to believe that he roared, stamped down, and then grabbed the knife and soared into the air.


With Zhen Ting's anger, the boat plummeted and hit the dragon flying up.

The two collided with each other and exploded, and the huge waves and water sprays blew up the thick fog around them! The whole lake suddenly became clear, like a clear sky under the bright sun!

And when the falling snowflakes flew over the lake, they turned into clouds and smoke.

At this moment, Zhen Ting saw a treasure knife flying in the air, and the flashing knife was extremely dazzling!

Obviously, this is the knife controlled by ideas!

"Cloud! You really become a cloud!"

Zhen Ting shouted in shock and was a fierce knife at the flying knife.

No one can tell which skill he used, so it is extremely difficult to resist, but Zhen Ting also found that the sword flying from the front turned out to be the knife method of "Prison Knife Decision", which is also an amazing knife method!

Sure enough, when his knife gas was killed, he actually jumped into the air!

At the same time, a knife light suddenly came from behind him!

Zhen was shocked and hurriedly turned around and hit the knife.

When the knife gas came out, he found that it was empty again!


While rising sharply, he observed Chen Lai below. At this time, he was surprised to find that Chen Lai had disappeared for a long time!

Feeling another knife gas coming from behind, he turned around again. This time he saw clearly that it was not a knife gas at all, but the knife light reflected by his sword!

At this time, Zhen Ting suddenly realized that Chen Lai was using his own knife light to deal with him! While he was dealing with himself, he had already slipped away!


My majestic Iron Purple Gate elder was teased by a teenager!


After waiting here for a few days, he waited for a short time and was teased by the other party. Zhen was very angry and killed the lake repeatedly.

Suddenly, the explosion on the lake kept sounding, and the fish at the bottom of the water were blown to pieces.

But in the end, he had to return to Baiqi Town in frustration. Wait, I will smash you to ten thousand pieces in Baiqi Town!