Break through the void

Chapter 270 Being a thief for the first time

Chen Lai lay in ** and waited attentively for Qian Yeye. However, after lying down for a while, he found that he could not rest at all, because the whole sea of air seemed to be burned, and the whole lower abdomen was in pain! Finally, the heart of the right foot is also burning, burning with the sea of gas!

He understood that after practicing just now, the moist aura in the sea of Qi was used by him to practice. Now the sea of Qi is a little dry and needs to be moistened.

Hey, whose aura are you going to steal now?

The disciples above the master of the hall gathered at the guardian, and he thought that he had to find the disciples of the guardian. He has the confidence that he can complete the treatment of his disciples.

At this time, he took out the jade card to check. The font above indicates that he is still a disciple of the guardian of Baiqijing. The score has reached 6,000 points, and another 10,000 points can be upgraded to a fairyland. He understands that this 10,000 points will be a big challenge.

Fortunately, this is Jingshan, and there is no need to do anything else with this score. However, after stealing the cloud successfully, he didn't know if he still needed to do something.

In Dijingshan, this is the first time to be a thief. Who will be the first lucky person? Chen Lai thought about it and decided to start with Zhen Xiangyu, the elder of the North District. Who let her do things so gloomy?


"Every disciple should concentrate!"

"There can be no mistake in being on duty at night!"

"20 orchids have been lost in the North District. If you lose any items, you should be careful of your heads!"

A loud guard leader flew over the North District compound with a group of disciples and shouted at the disciples on duty below.

When the disciples saw that they were protecting the Dharma during the day, they all cheered up, held the waist knife and walked around.

Where there are disciples and important items, Li will take a group of disciples to fly there during the day to inspect every disciple on duty there. He is a celebrity under Zhen Xiangyu, who manages all the guard disciples of the whole north district, not just a guardian. He is so domineering that he doesn't even dare to provoke the hall owner. Twenty orchids were lost at night, and he was more or less responsible. He was waiting for Zhen Xiangyu's hair. Now he was very angry. He had already inspected it, but now he inspected it again, thinking of making up for his achievements.

To the left of the center of the North District is the warehouse of the North District. It stores office gold and silver and some important materials in the North District, which can be said to be an important place in the North District. During the day, Li came to the sky and inspected it again. He saw his disciples guarding them with shock and flying south. While flying, he still knocked on the mountain and shouted like a tiger.

When he came to the southernmost clerical room, he suddenly found that there were no disciples on duty at the door during the daytime. He was furious and fell down and shouted.

The disciples on duty standing outside saw this and knelt down. They realized that a stormy force was gathering around them and dared not look up.

For a while, a disciple bent down and trotted out of the hut with his belt, "Lord Guardian, I'm here! Lord Dharma, I'm here!" He fastened his belt and waved his hand to the day, with a panicked face.

During the day, Li had already pulled out a soft whip from his waist and threw it away with a few steps forward. The sound is crisp and loud, like a firecracker.

The disciple fell to the ground and rolled on the ground with his bloody face in his arms.

During the day, Li crackled with more than a dozen whips, beat the disciple to the skin and flesh, and then gave the steel whip to a disciple beside him, "Beat me, beat him to death!"

The disciples beside him took the whip and beat him hard. After watching Li fly away during the day, he stopped. Seeing this, the other disciples hurried forward to help the injured disciple who was already ragged and bloody.

Ten miles in front of the warehouse, there is a large yard, which is used by the North District to entertain other foreign disciples. During the day, Li flew in a straight line and headed for this yard. He didn't know that there was a shuttle-shaped white shadow following him along the stream in the stream below him, as fast and smooth as a long white fish.

When it fell to the corner of a yard during the day, the white shadow of the stream quietly rose to the surface of the water. He first took out a white jade pendant and searched for the guards around him, came to the shore, removed the air mask, and then staggered to follow.

Chen Lai came to the North District for a walk to find his target. Unexpectedly, he met this daytime profit. Seeing that he was domineering and ruthless, that was him. First, he stole his aura to solve the urgent need.

When he climbed over the wall and came to the back of a bamboo building, he heard the conversation inside. One is daytime, and the other is more familiar to him!

This person turned out to be Liu Jiao, a disciple of the Black Criminal Hall from Baiqijing!

This bald Liu Jiao has been bought by Zhen Xiangyu. What do you want to do in Jingshan now? Is it to inform Zhen Xiangyu, or is there any major task?

Chen Lai thought about it and felt that the problem was a little serious. He came to the back window and quietly put the fragrant medicine brought from Qian Yeye by the window. He had touched some doorways of this fragrant medicine. I don't know if it could play its proper role. Looking at the faint breath slowly dispersing, he waited behind the window. Feeling that the fire in the sea of gas was getting stronger and stronger, he gritted his teeth and persisted.

After a while, he heard the sound of someone falling down. When he heard the second person tilting, he turned over the window and entered and saw two people crooked on the floor in the room. One was Day Li and the other was bald Liu Jiao!

First, he came to the side of Bian Li, who was lying on the ground, turned him over with one foot. Chen Lai worked hard and pointed his hands at the sea of Qi on Bian Li's lower abdomen. Suddenly, two air waves rushed out of his palm and stabbed directly into the sea of air during the day. This method is to steal directly, which will cause some waste. If the other party doesn't steal well when practicing, but Chen Lai really can't wait.

After a while, two white gas began to rise from the sea of air during the day to the palm of Chen Lai's hand. He suddenly felt a chill, like a cold bath on a hot day! It was foggy around him, which was wasted aura.

It's just that this taste stopped with only half a bag of cigarettes. Chen Lai knew that he had absorbed it and kicked him on the back of Baili's head, making him unconscious forever. He took out his jade card, and when he saw the score, it turned into zero points! It's really all drained!

Seeing that Liu Jiao was on one side, he wanted to come together and scratched Liu Jiao's aura clean. Suddenly, the whole room was foggy.

He took out an orchid and let Liu Jiao smell it. Chen Lai grabbed a steel knife and sat on the bamboo chair next to him waiting for him to get up.

Chen Lai happened to want to know the news of Baiqijing, especially the news of Hei Jiaoyun, but this time he was captured.

After a while, Liu Jiaoyou woke up and narrowed his eyes and looked around. The fog around him had not completely dispersed, and he scratched his bald head and felt even more strange.


Chen Lai pulled out the steel knife and deliberately beat it next to him.

Liu Jiao then looked over and saw that it was Chen Lai. He was shocked, "Chen Hufa..."

Chen Lai did not look at him, but looked at the day when he lay on the ground and fainted, and stabbed him with a knife.

With a soft sound, the tip of the steel knife was in the middle of the back of the head during the day, and no drop of blood flowed out. But as if waking up Li, his body suddenly moved and waved his hands to the back of his head, but he stretched out that he could not reach the steel knife standing on his head, and his body only moved within a certain range and did not leave the place at all.

Liu Jiao had already collapsed to the ground and kowtowed for mercy, "Chen Hufa, I was also forced to be helpless. I had to get along with Liu Fenghe and Zhen Xiangyu..." A pool of hot yellow water spread out under his crotch.

Chen Lai stared into his eyes, "Why did you come to Jingshan?"

Liu Jiao was stunned and replied, "It seems that the leader of the Black and Green Sheep has not had many good days. Hei Rong, Heigu and Hei Fei are discussing who will be the leader of the Black Criminal Hall and recommending a person to be handed over to Jingshan to let Tianleimen decide. It seems that the recommendation is Hei Jiaoyun... Yan Wu died, but the matter of the sentinel , and the pursuit of Li Shuya and Wu Dianying has not stopped, and Tianleimen has been suspecting the evidence that the Black Penal Hall interrogated Yan Wu... It is also true that those evidences were set up by me and several incense owners to frame Yan Wu... I thought it was urgent, so I hurried to ask Zhen Xiangyu what to do next... Chen Hufa , I just came here, and I didn't expect to bump into you..."

Looking at Chen Lai standing up, he quickly lay down and dared not look up.

"When Yan Wu was interrogated, there were three kinds of evidence, the same as Li Shuya's letter to Wu Sheng, Wu Dianying's handkerchief, and the same as the sentry's knife. Where are these three kinds of evidence now?

"It hasn't been long since they were all sent to Dijingshan. It was taken over by Tianleimen. I heard that the sources of these three evidence will be traced again."

"So, is it Tianleimen who suspects these things?"

"Tianleimen has always thought that the black and green sheep are incompetent and doubt her ability... Besides, in order to be foolproof, they may also pursue it..."

Chen Lai asked some other questions and was convinced that Heigu, Hei Jiaoyun and Heifei were not only safe and worry-free, but also asked Liu Jiao to stand up after cultivating their forces.

Liu Jiao thought he was killing him and dared not stand up. He kowtowed, cried and begged for mercy. A murderous disciple of the Black Penal Hall is also so afraid of death and pitiful in the face of death.

Chen Lai asked him to go out with his body behind his back, but Liu Jiao was stunned and agreed.

With Liu Jiao, Chen Lai quietly came to the edge of a cliff, and then drove them down and fell in front of a cave. He asked Liu Jiao to carry the torch and carry Day Li in. After a few turns, they went deep inside and walked into a dead end.

Chen Lai thought that this was their burial place and asked Liu Jiao to stop.

Liu Jiao realized something, put down the torch of the day, and knelt down crying again, "Chen Hufa, spare your life... spare your life... As long as you don't kill me, you will be my own parents in the future. I will definitely be loyal to you in the future and die! Don't hesitate! Don't hesitate to die!"

He kowtowed with blood on his face. Because there was a layer of loess on the ground, his face seemed to be covered with blood mud. In the light of the torch, his face looks like a blood-red clay figurine.

Chen Lai walked slowly to Bian Li with a blank face, stepped on his neck, and pulled out the steel knife from the back of his head. Suddenly, blood and brain gushed out from the back of the head. Daytime Li was not dead, and his hands were still waving, as if they were looking for something, but his fingers were getting stiffer and stiffer and twisted together.

"Liu Jiao, do you believe that Yan Wu is your good brother?" Chen Lai put the steel knife on the back of the day and wiped it. The knife light became brighter and brighter, and as his wrists reversed, a bright light swayed around the wall of the cave.

Liu Jiao kowtowed to show his disbelief.

Chen Lai shook his head and said gently and slowly as if he were sentenced, "What I want to tell you is that Yan Wu is your good brother, and you misunderstood him... At the night banquet, it was Zheng Monkey, not Yan Wu who played with your woman... You were tricked, so you maliciously revenge, framed Yan Wu, and finally in prison. He was killed... I heard that you still play with and mutilated his woman... How can I believe you when you treat your good brother like this?

With that, he threw the steel knife in his hand with a bang. The steel knife rotated several times and firmly inserted in front of Liu Jiao.