Break through the void

Chapter 271 Breathing

Under the leadership of Bai Ruyao, the leader of Tianleimen, a group of people in Tianleimen flew to the compound of the guardians. Fast and familiar, they arrived at their destination quickly. In the sky, many people stood densely in the small square from afar. There were 600 or 700 disciples in the moonlight. They hurriedly fell down and stood at the position belonging to Tianleimen.

The positions of the disciples are in accordance with the regulations. The elder disciples stand in the front, with the disciples of the hall in the back, and more than a dozen rows or even dozens of rows of disciples standing behind the disciples of the hall master. They are all arranged in the form of pyramids. Their shadows are even neat.

It can be seen at a glance that there are five elder disciples in front of them, which are divided into East, South, West, North and Tianleimen. The five elder disciples all looked ahead and waited for the arrival of their superiors. However, there is only one disciple sitting in the seat, that is Zhen Xiangyu, the elder of the North District. She lowered her head with a painful expression. Her fat chin was lowered in front of her chest, and her swollen eyes were always narrowed. Indeed, the knife of Chen Lai's sneak attack traumatized her internal organs, and her sea of air was also greatly affected.

Suddenly, a disciple screamed, "Lord Dharma is coming!"

I only saw a tall figure with thin breasts. The flat woman came step by step. She has a round guardian's hair crown on her head, like a white table tennis racket.

The shadows of the disciples moved, and then they knelt down together and shouted, "See you, Elder!"

They have seen many such rituals and are very skilled in doing them. They are also accustomed to hearing their respective shouts. However, I still dare not be sloppy at all.

Zhen Xiangyu also knelt down with the help of his disciples, and the slogan on his mouth was not necessarily smaller than others.

Seeing this, Bai Danting, the guardian, hurried forward to help and smiled, "My elder, my eldest sister, please avoid etiquette." He also arranged for the disciples behind him to bring a cushion and asked Zhen Xiangyu to sit down.

Zhen Xiangyu is very grateful. This is an opportunity to enjoy respect. Of course, she will not miss it. She watched the cushion come over and sit down slowly and moan so softly.

All the disciples knew that Zhen Xiangyu and Bai Danting had a close relationship, and this time they saw it with their own eyes. Some are envious, jealous, and some secretly shake their heads; Zhen Xiangyu has been working in this position as an elder for more than 20 years. They think she is relying on the old and selling old, and now she is playing sympathy cards.

Bai Danting said a few more greetings, turned back to a high position in the south, faced the disciples, and asked them to stand up and habitually press their hands in front of their lower abdomen.

Seeing this, the disciples straightened their backs and looked at her quietly, with awe, expectation and fear in their eyes.

Bai Danting looked around for a week and said seriously, "Disciples, two major events happened in our Jingshan this night! One is that all the 20 precious orchids cultivated by Elder Zhen Xiangyu for many years were stolen, and the second is that Elder Zhen Xiangyu was attacked by a killer in the process of catching thieves, causing serious injuries! ...We need to investigate this matter strictly!"

The small square is quiet, with only her thunderous voice.

Suddenly, she raised her left hand.

A group of disciples standing outside the small square immediately escorted 50 disciples into the small square. These 50 people were Zhen Xiangyu's guard disciples who protected the orchids, so they were investigated and waiting to be released. One by one, they knelt on the ground and were so scared that they had dispersed.

All the disciples held their breath at first sight.

"These 50 guards were seriously negligent. They didn't take good care of the orchids and protected Elder Zhen Xiangyu. They should be punished!" Bai Danting still pressed her hands on her lower abdomen and looked at Bai Ruyao, the leader of Tianleimen. "Leader, I have given them all to you to see if there are any traitors among them!" Investigate the identity of the thief!"

Bai Ruyao's spirit was refreshed and immediately took the order and asked Bai Danting's guard disciples to escort these 50 disciples into the Tianlei Gate prison first.

Bai Danting promised. Fifty disciples were taken away immediately.

"Lord Protector!" Zhen Xiangyu saluted with his fist, "I'm worried that the thief is among the disciples around us!"

With that, he knelt down with the help of his disciples, "Lord Dharma, I have no intention to doubt our disciples in Jingshan, but I'm afraid that there are disciples who collude with traitors and rebels. If such people develop and grow in Jingshan, they will be harmful but useless! Please observe it clearly!"

After saying that, she coughed a few times and looked at the palms of her hands, as if to tell everyone standing that she vomited blood again, which was working with illness.

She insisted that Bai Danting hold this rally in order to catch the two thieves through this rally.

Bai Danting motioned her to sit down and nodded, "That's reasonable. We have got the exact information that Zheng Tiehui, a repeat offender of Tianleimen, and her daughter have come to the jurisdiction of our Jingshan. I'm afraid that some of our Jingshan disciples will get in touch with them. If so, our capital will become a place of right and wrong! This is what Bai Danting will never allow!"

After saying that, he frowned faintly and looked at Zhen Xiangyu, " Elder Zhen, now our disciples above the head of the hall are all here. What can we do to find those two thieves?"

Zhen Xiangyu held his fist and said, "The thief went to my study to steal. He was found and then fought with her. Through her reach out, he judged that she was also the lowest disciple of the hall. In addition, she was slapped by me and had been seriously injured. As long as the seriously injured disciple was investigated, he could be listed as the object of review."

With that, he glanced at Bai Ruyao, the leader of Tianleimen in the distance with the afterglow of his eyes.

Bai Ruyao sneered as if it had been found for a long time. The green apple's face was full of disdain.

When the disciples heard this, they suddenly talked about it.

Bai Ruyao took two steps forward and hugged Bai Danting and said, "Lord Guardian, if we have five injured disciples here, is it true that there are five thieves? ...What if there are ten injured disciples?"

The disciples of Tianleimen behind her sneered as soon as they heard it.

When all the disciples heard this, they all cheered up. Because Bai Ruyao and Zhen Xiangyu are recognized as a pair of opposites on Dijing Mountain, they think there should be another good show.

Bai Danting signaled Bai Ruyao not to be excited and took out a Qihai mirror to check the Qihai from her waist. "Dear disciples, we can use the Qihai mirror to find out whether the Qihai of our disciples has just been seriously damaged. I don't believe that five of our disciples will be severely damaged this night."

All the disciples nodded.

There are air sea mirrors on the five elders, and they are all handed over to Bai Danting's entourage disciples. Bai Danting also asked the disciples around her to go to the treasure room to get some air sea mirrors. In this way, dozens of gas mirrors were investigated at the same time.

They start with the elders, then the hall master, and then the hall master. Using the air sea mirror to check the air sea is very simple. As long as there are red signs in the air sea, it means that the air sea bleeds, is damaged, and is seriously injured.

It only took half a column of incense to check the whole process of all the disciples. Finally, the inspection disciples reported to Bai Danting that no disciple had been seriously injured this night.

When the disciples heard this, there was an uproar. Most of them are accusing Zhen Xiangyu of creating a tense atmosphere and destroying the stable and united environment in Jingshan. Especially the disciples of Tianleimen, who have been criticized one after another. Qian Yeye also commented on it, scolding Zhen Xiangyu for being narrow-minded and self-righteous.

Bai Danting was also in trouble. She could only look at Zhen Xiangyu, " Elder Zhen, no disciple has been seriously injured tonight. It seems that our disciples are reliable..."

Zhen Xiangyu suddenly stood up, thought of something, and then stood firmly with the help of the disciples around him. "Lord Guardian, please don't forget that the thief stole 20 orchids. Those orchids are more precious than Qianlong elixir. As long as you take the next one, you can cure internal injuries. What if it's 20?"

When all the disciples heard this, they all looked at her.

Bai Danting frowned at Zhen Xiangyu, "What do you mean?"

Zhen Xiangyu held his fist and replied, "This disciple who steals orchids will breathe a fragrant breath, which can open a flower bone!" We can use this method to check!"

With that, he took a flower branch from the hands of the disciples around him. It's like an unopening rose with a few green leaves on it. Lord Hufa, this is a kind of rose flower, which is in the garden next to the orchids I cultivated. This flower only blooms in the aroma of orchids! Now every disciple breathes into such a rose. If the rose does not bloom, it means that he has not eaten the orchid. If the rose blooms, it means that the disciple stole the orchid... Then it must be her!"

When the disciples heard this, they all felt very fresh and talked about it again. When Qian Yeye heard this, his heart tightened and grasped the skirt on his chest tightly with his hand.

Suddenly, a disciple laughed. Everyone saw that it was Bai Ruyao, the leader of Tianleimen, who said, "It's the first time I've heard of such an inspection method!" When orchids enter the stomach, they will be digested by gastric juice. How can they have the aroma of orchids?

Everyone looked at Zhen Xiangyu and listened to her explanation.

Zhen Xiangyu sneered and said, "White leader, this shows that this orchid is different!" To be honest, as long as I take the next orchid, this person's breath will exhale like an orchid within a year! If you don't believe it, you can ask the guardian!"

Bai Danting nodded, "As Elder Zhen said, I took such a flower many years ago, and I still remember it vividly! This method is completely fine!"

Hearing this, Bai Ruyao stopped arguing, but couldn't help sneering.

Bai Dante's entourage immediately became busy again. He walked to the disciples with a budding rose flower and asked them to breathe into the rose flower. This is faster and usually won't open, one after another, and a large area will be checked in a moment.

Qian Yeye saw that the disciple of the examination was getting closer and closer to him, and his heart was pounding, and he couldn't help thinking: Chen Lai, now you hurt me... Chen Lai, now you hurt me...

Once it is found out, the consequences are unimaginable! She didn't dare to think about it and closed her eyes.

"I'm next to you." A female disciple came to Qian Yeye, looked at her stunned and reminded her.

Qian Yeye said oh and put his little mouth forward, but he didn't dare to breathe.

"Hurry up!" The female disciple saw her hesitate and urged her.

Qian Yeye nodded and opened his mouth, but still did not dare to blow.

"What the hell is going on with you?" The female disciple was a red man beside Bai Danting. She didn't look down on a master disciple at all. She looked at Qian Yeye grinding and stared and shouted.

When all the disciples heard this, they all looked at Qian Yeye.

Qian Yeye was even more nervous. Under the gaze of everyone, he gently blew on the branches of the rose flowers. A burst of fragrance hit the flower branches, and the flower branches did not move.

A strange scene suddenly happened! The rose flowers bloomed in an instant and unfolded a big red flower, like a bright flame in the moonlight, delicate and fragrant.