The evil of the rebirth of the net king

Chapter 14 Tennis Department

Liu Sheng still took care of me as usual. I hesitated to go out, and he has been waiting outside the house. Even if I'm thick-skinned, I can't help blushing. As a mature adult, I'm angry with a teenager.

Liu Sheng walked in front of me and had three steps away from me, as if he had eyes behind him. He could match my rhythm no matter how I walked.

When I arrived at school, he first took me to the door of the classroom, then took away the bento in my hand and said, "I'll come back to you at noon. Don't run around. The school is very big. You don't remember anything. It's dangerous to get lost.

If you are like this, where else can I run?" What my brother said, I know."

Although it will be very difficult to grab things, I have this image. What else is there to worry about? But even if you rob me, you can't succeed, and you still don't do useless work.

There are very few people in the classroom, and it seems that I came quite early. Just as I was wondering which seat to sit in, a thin figure rushed over directly, "Xiaotong, you're back!" Full of surprises.

I have long known that this person must be Natsumi Sanada, but as an amnesiac, I can only ask you who you are ignorantly.

Fortunately, she didn't care about these and told me a lot. Most of them complained that I had been hospitalized for too long, and Kanagawa didn't come to see me after a while. I'm sorry that she didn't come to the hospital. She also said that her brother was domineering and always took care of her... Mr. Lin Lin said everything.

I also said something about the school, but she didn't know what happened to me.

I have no hope, so naturally I won't be disappointed.

I have been listening to her. I seldom interrupt. She seems to be very close to Liu Shengtong, but I don't plan to be good friends with her. She may be the last person in the world to remember Liu Shengtong. I'm not going to let her accept me. So compared with her enthusiasm, I am indifferent.

She complained to me, "I know you have lost your memory, but Xiaotong, how can you even forget me?"

I just smiled distantly and didn't answer. I don't know how to answer.

The morning class was so vague that I couldn't figure out what the teacher was talking about. However, when those teachers saw me coming back, they all said that if I had fallen behind, I would like to go to them. Very enthusiastic teachers.

And the people in the class looked at me with sympathy and concern, stopping me from asking questions, but there was no such feeling of contempt and disgust as I imagined.

This situation gives me confidence. Liu Shengtong is not so annoying. At least I'm sure that being hated like that in the tennis department is mostly fueled.

At noon, everyone has a tacit understanding in packing up. There are not many classes in the afternoon, and it is mostly time for community activities. There is no need to come back to the classroom, so everyone will clean up more thoroughly.

Soon people are almost gone.

Xia Shi jumped and said, "Xiao Tong, do you want to go to my housekeeping club? It's fun!" Such a cunning appearance is like a strange millet abducting children, with no sugar in his hand.

One morning conversation, I already knew that the child hated housekeeping. It was no problem for her to play in the martial arts competition, but it was simply her life to deal with the pots and pans in the kitchen.

I refused.

She listened and frowned her sharp eyebrows, and the expression on her face changed again and again. Then she said, "Xiaotong, don't go. Don't care about people like Yi Tian. Marui and the others don't have to take what they said seriously. His brain is too simple. He still thinks he is defending justice when he is used as a gun. Anyway, just don't fight with them. If there is anything, I'll talk about it later.

"No, you still have a housekeeping class, so you don't have to rush over. I know what to do. It's not the Longtan Tiger Cave. It's not that dangerous. Besides, isn't your brother there?"

She was anxious, "Oh! Anyway, just listen to me. My brother's heartless man always helps Yi Tian, otherwise how can I let them bully you so blatantly? Beat her down sooner or later." She clenched her fist and wrinkled her face viciously, very fierce, quite a bit like Genichiro Sanada.

A serious teenager with a baseball cap that day. It can be seen that he is steady and mature, but he is also a person who loves his sister. Perhaps because they are more mature than Liu Sheng, or maybe Xia Shi doesn't go to the tennis department very much. The relationship between their brother and sister is very close.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Xia Shi is much more sensible than Liu Shengtong.

Liu Sheng came over quickly than Lu Shi. Without talking nonsense, he directly pulled me away.

provoked Xia Shi to stare at him several times. He turned a blind eye directly and left.

I originally thought that due to my bad relationship with the people in the tennis department, Liu Sheng would find a quiet place where there would be no one, and I could see them playing tennis without causing obstacles to others.

However, seeing the door of the tennis department unfold in front of me, a huge track and field field, surrounded by this iron net tennis court, which is quite a good training ground. It is said that there will also be a tennis court and a special training base indoors.

Standing at the gate, I hesitated again and really didn't want to go in. "Brother, I'd better go home."

Liu Sheng was not better than Lu Shi at all. Listening to what I was saying, he was very arbitrary and said, "Let's go in."

"I forgot everything now. Why did I come to the tennis department?"

"Xiaotong, do you know why I brought you to the tennis department? You don't believe us. You'd rather escape than come back. I brought you here and gave me a chance to find the answer and evidence by yourself to convince us and tell me that I was wrong!"

Liu Sheng's back is always so straight and quite beautiful. I have to say that the good genes of the Liu Sheng family have been fully reflected in him. If there is no such thing, I will be very happy to have such an excellent brother.

When entering, everyone was sitting in the lounge, Yi Tian, and the regular candidates of the tennis department. They either stand or sit, talk or laugh, laugh and play, which is very lively.

At the moment when Liu Sheng pushed the door and entered, they saw me next to Liu Sheng. The joy stopped abruptly, and everyone looked at me quietly. There were so many people that I couldn't tell what kind of eyes they looked at me for a moment.

Liu Sheng found a seat for me, and he sat down next to him. On the other side of me is a man with a thin face with a watermelon head. He closed his eyes without preventing him from accurately capturing my position. He even raised the corners of his mouth slightly at me. I can't see whether it's good or sarcastic.

I also smiled back.

Open the bento box.

It contains Japanese food prepared by Liu Sheng's mother, and I have no appetite. In full view of the public, even if it is forced, it has to be eaten. If I were a normal person, I would have obeyed my heart and would never touch it if I didn't want to. But now I feel guilty. Even if I know that it doesn't matter if I don't eat one or two meals, I'm afraid just in case!

I took a small bite and ate quietly, and the whole room only heard the sound of chewing in my mouth.

After a few bites, I completely lost interest. Shen Lanxun said that my body could no longer produce new blood, and everything remained in the state that night. The body temperature has never even changed. Life seems to be at that moment.

He also wondered how I could absorb strength from food.

When he said this, his eyes were shining. I could see his desire, and he couldn't wait to dissect me immediately.

I couldn't eat any more. I closed the lid, wiped my mouth, and cleaned up a little. When I made room, I saw that everyone had a tacit understanding. I talked and laughed with the people next to me, as if I didn't see me. I know that this should be the result of Liu Sheng's compromise with them, and it is not surprising.

Since it doesn't make sense to stay here, I don't want to stay any longer. I have to pack up my things and go out.

Liu Sheng grabbed me, "Xiao Tong, take a break. In the afternoon, your mother is not at home. You are also alone when you go home. Why don't you stay here? Those eyes covered my eyes, and I actually saw watery waves flashing in his eyes.

The ghost almost left his head and stayed.

They were all practicing one afternoon.

At first, it was a warm-up exercise. A group of people ran more than a dozen times around the huge playground. No one gasped. Some people sweated slightly, but most of them were absolutely refreshing. The next step is for training. People with poor endurance continue to run and do various muscle training after running; then do swing practice to strive to achieve the optimal swing path.

Among them, the curly hair cut, his basic training is almost two to three times that of the ordinary one. After doing it, I thought he was going to collapse to the ground. As a result, he drank a little water, rested for a while, and then looked lively again, and was completely unaffected.

It's incredible.

You should know that human beings have limits, especially for developing children. Once they reach the critical point, there is no harm in extra training, but obviously, this person has completely broken this rule, just like his limit has been infinitely expanded.

The watermelon-headed teenager who smiled at me saw the training, and the gap also took out Yitian's on-site record. After adjusting the training menu of each department member, he returned it to the department member. Only then did I find that there was no coach in their tennis department. Almost all the watermelon head is making the menu, and everyone is practicing according to it. Like Sanada Liusheng, they use their own training menu and fight after finishing it. As for others, they have to practice according to the menu he made.

In addition to this person, I also found that Sanada, the deputy minister, is actually the center of the whole tennis department. Although he is not in charge of the training menu like the watermelon head, he soon finished his training. After completing the fast batting, he guided the training of the members, and the rest of the time was spent on cleaning up the hair. The rolled teenager.

Interestingly, after the teenager finished the training menu, he obviously exhausted it and collapsed to the ground completely. His limbs were large, and his breath was uneven, but he only heard the watermelon head say, "Well done. The basic exercises have been completed. Cut the original. Today you can Sanada practiced.

Before he finished speaking, he saw the child jump three feet high and dance excitedly with a tennis racket, "Haha! I must defeat that monster today!"

Then an iron��tou smashed over, and the child immediately jumped out shamelessly and slapped, "Wait!" Then he ran to the tennis court.

Sanada, who was standing there, wearing a hat, and his face seemed to be darker.

Looking at this situation, I knew that Cheyuan must be uncomfortable, but I didn't expect him to die so miserably. Sanada's ball fell next to him without seeing it. He stood there stiffly, with an unbelievable face but immediately recovered, all high.

I, an outsider, didn't see how Sanada serviced at all.

"Sanada's ball has always been extremely fast. It's normal that you can't see it." Yi Tian didn't know when he would come over, just like she was serving.

"Oh." I answered casually. I didn't rest assured of her words.

Because I have been attracted by Chehara, after the boy was abused N balls, his eyes suddenly turned red, and I seemed to see the devil behind him. Unbelievable! Suddenly, I understand why this monster can complete two times as much training as a normal person.

"This is not the right place for you to stay. You'd better leave as soon as possible." Ida Road.

I looked at her distressedly, "Senior, you have to say this to your brother. I heard that I listen to you very much, or you can talk about it? Maybe he will agree."

"You see, no one in the whole tennis department welcomes you. It's not good for you to die here."

"I know that." I said this very flatly, as if I was very distressed, but I was completely showing off. These days, I have been grinded out of my temper by Liu Sheng's soft methods. I have a punching bag. Have I let it go for nothing?

She was very unhappy and said, "You have lost your memory and don't like the minister as before. Take a step back and say that if the minister is not here, it's a waste of time for you to stay here and make everyone unhappy."

I frowned and went back, "The senior said something wrong. I didn't come here for everyone's happiness.

"I'll say all about this, you, take care of yourself."

Looking at her back when she left, I didn't reassure her words at all. What I hate most is this. The signboard for your own good is actually to achieve the purpose. Isn't it good for everyone to say it openly? Do you think you are the only smart person in the world?

On the whole training ground, those department members are training for a moment, and Yitian shuttles through various training sites, cooperating with watermelon heads to record data, clean up and check equipment, and even take care of the needs of no one right choice. Although several people help, she is undoubtedly the core of these people.

I kind of understand where her arrogance comes from.

He is talented and capable, and has good communication skills. He doesn't seem to have done a bad thing. He is a kind person. Most people will choose to defend her.

It doesn't matter what a person has done. The important thing is that after she does it, she can still be accepted and liked by everyone. This is her ability.

Apart from her posture, I admire her a little.

After staying for a long time, I began to hang out. I don't know the rules of tennis. At present, I'm still in the stage of two chasing a ball. On the contrary, Liu Sheng's tennis style surprised me. His grip is not like playing tennis, but playing golf. The whole tennis department's promotion is new. Everyone is different. There are all kinds of things, which is an eye-opener.

It's just that the dazzling playing style makes me more and more boring. When I'm tired, I'm sleepy. When I'm sleepy, I want to sleep. When I want to sleep, I fall asleep.

When they finished training, I didn't know how many hours had passed. I also sleep so much that I don't know what to do tonight. Xia Shi didn't come at all. She was probably tripped by the housekeeping class. Her cheerful girl, who was not informal, also practiced samuraiism since she was a child. It was normal to have no way to do these miscellaneous things. Of course, I may also be hurt by my attitude today.

When he woke up, he lay on Liu Sheng's back, and Liu Sheng's tennis bag was carried by a white-haired teenager with braids, and even walked side by side, talking about the experience of today's training.

Since I woke up, there is no reason to take advantage of others. "Brother, I'll go by myself."

Liu Sheng put me down, and I walked obediently on the other side of Liu Sheng. When they spoke, I was distracted and my mind was like paste, and I didn't even know what I was thinking.

"-Be careful!"